lan arts n' shit, inc is proud to present
K N I G H T M O N T H : D A Y 6
can't | draw | digital | art | because | i'm | a | pussy
POPPY, Cock of the Walk
"Y'all hooligans better get off my property!"
A grouchy old lady who's convinced that she still has what it takes to be a knight, despite being literal decades past her prime. Her Reverse Peacock Cloak and Razor Feathers can cut through any armor in a flurry of flechettes, and it's said that her pointer finger has magical repelling properties. After all, whoever she points at immediately gets out of her way.
Told y'all it'd be a late one today, but it's not as late as Day 4. In between getting an AO3 account and studying eulogies and medieval helms, I managed to bang out this request for Daisie .
I wanted to try for even more exaggerated proportions and expressive poses for Poppy; after all, peacocks are very expressive. Drawing her was very rewarding for me, because after all this time, I finally drew a good frog-mouth helm (which is my favorite style of medieval helmet). I'm also very happy with how her feathery bits turned out. I think I went a bit overboard with all the different shades of blue and teal, though.
reminder | that | knight | month | spots | are | still | open
N E X T W E E K : P A P E R L A N T E R N K N I G H T
K N I G H T M O N T H : D A Y 6
can't | draw | digital | art | because | i'm | a | pussy
POPPY, Cock of the Walk
"Y'all hooligans better get off my property!"
A grouchy old lady who's convinced that she still has what it takes to be a knight, despite being literal decades past her prime. Her Reverse Peacock Cloak and Razor Feathers can cut through any armor in a flurry of flechettes, and it's said that her pointer finger has magical repelling properties. After all, whoever she points at immediately gets out of her way.
Told y'all it'd be a late one today, but it's not as late as Day 4. In between getting an AO3 account and studying eulogies and medieval helms, I managed to bang out this request for Daisie .
I wanted to try for even more exaggerated proportions and expressive poses for Poppy; after all, peacocks are very expressive. Drawing her was very rewarding for me, because after all this time, I finally drew a good frog-mouth helm (which is my favorite style of medieval helmet). I'm also very happy with how her feathery bits turned out. I think I went a bit overboard with all the different shades of blue and teal, though.
reminder | that | knight | month | spots | are | still | open
N E X T W E E K : P A P E R L A N T E R N K N I G H T