Lambda Wars
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Lambda Wars is a roleplaying game that is set in the universe of Half-Life 2.
A brief summary:
Lambda Wars is a screenshot-based roleplaying game. Players create a faction and use resources such as Garry's Mod or Source Film Maker to make scenes that portray a faction's actions.
This project can be seen as a beta. This means that rules are subject to change, and it might mean that you could be dealing with changes to your faction. The gamemanagers will try their best to help you out if this change affects your faction.
1) Roleplay accordingly to the Half-Life universe. Games/literature that are allowed include:
- Half-Life
- Half-Life: Opposing Forces
- Half-Life: Blue Shift
- Half-Life 2
- Half-Life 2: Episode 1
- Half-Life 2: Episode 2
- Half-Life 2 Leak & Beta
- Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar
2) It's not allowed to involve any characters from the actual Half-Life games in your factions or roleplay. We do this to give the roleplayers more creative freedom and have our own events.
3) Put effort in your screenshots.
4) Though it is not hugely expected, please take some time to make your faction unique, skinning your models would suffice. If you need help, feel free to ask a fellow member.
5) It's not allowed to permanently destroy someone's faction without their consent.
Resistance/Independent faction rules:
1) A Resistance/indepentent faction is not allowed to have any advanced military equipment from the start. These include: military vehicles (tanks, jets, trucks, APC's and so on) and a large amount of weapons.
2) The faction is not allowed to have a large amount of members from the start. Members have to be recruited on the go.
3) In the current time of events, the Combine is at the top of the foodchain. This means that your faction will have to roleplay accordingly to this fact.
How do I join?:
In order to join, you need to make a post that is an introduction to your faction. Post it here. Use the following format:
1) Faction name:
2) Faction allegiance: (Civil Protection, Overwatch Military, Independent, Resistance)
3) Short history on your faction:
4) Screenshots of your faction performing actions:
5) (Optional) Area of operating:
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