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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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LokiofSP said:
The most the school might face at a time is a homicidal vampire fighting somebody, but that's always taken care of when his totally-not-Bella-from-Twilight-boyfriend kisses him
He isn't Bella until a werewolf chases him too ;)

shimmer00 said:
I will only kill if all other options are exhausted
So would any other student. However, the fact remains that you character literally has "assassin" in his skillset. He looks born to kill, straight out of Assassin's Creed! There's nothing to prove.
shimmer00 said:
I will only kill if all other options are exhausted
The point my fellow admins are trying to make is this: the power shouldn't JUST be about killing. There needs to be pratical uses that make sense beyond that, making it so that your character can straight up murder anybody isn't fair, and doesn't match up with an RP where combat might happen every other IRL week
shimmer00 said:
I would not being killing just to kill I must a just cause
Thats not the point! The ability/power has to make sense outside killing/combat, take Lotusy's character, he can heal people right? But it's not used JUST for combat. If a character trips and busts their head open, his guy is there to heal their wounds.

Beyond that, because the power is killing, its unfair to other RPers who just want to have fun. Say their character goes crazy and you kill them, you would not only be killing any plans they had, you'd be killing without premmision
shimmer00 said:
just cus I can kill doesn't mean I will
Well, you see, that above, that whole conversation, is your answer. There wasn't enough description in your CS, therefore, we wouldn't have known that. We can't see into your mind, so you need more detail.
the combat for assassins last resrort we would rather hide then fight to under stand the assassin side of my character I guess u would have to play the game but I see no reason to re do whole cs jus re do powers
shimmer00 said:
the combat for assassins last resrort we would rather hide then fight to under stand the assassin side of my character I guess u would have to play the game but I see no reason to re do whole cs jus re do powers
Look we've tried to show you why it isn't a good idea to have a character like yours and it seems like you're unwilling to listen. So i think it might be best if you find a different rp, one that suits your character better
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shimmer00 said:
I cnt see why re doo whole cs but I can I just dnt see poit re doo whole thing
Excuse me? Sorry, usually I don't ask people to have better grammar, since I know that English may not be their first language, but in this case, I'm going to need you to be more clear, as this is a communication issue, not preference.
Name: Shimmer

Age: 15

sexual oreantion: straight


looks:an average build for an athleate of 15 lean and toned a light tan complexon which becomes a deep bronze in the sun light of summer he stands at 5 foot 9 inches with dark smoldering almond shaped eyes long ebony hair pulled back into a rouge knot his dress was just average blue jeans thight fitting tee shirt either white or blk and pair of black chuck taylors he keeps clean shaven on his left arm a blak dragon tat with red eyes and a chain wallet humg on his right hip a long with key ring

powers: he is an extreamly god a sports manily track lacross and base ball and soccor he has masterd the transmutation forms of wolf and hawk his knowlde of anatomy made him a good healer and his knoldge of drugs he knew what would hurt and what would help certin alements he has arcane abitys and they very but they only manifst during times of emense emotional stessers

Back story:his past is a mystry even to him he woke from a coma 2 years a go he only clues are the tattoo on his arm a locket he cant open and the name of this school wrktten in green ink on a scrap of reed parchment he doesn't know why but there is an enrgy about this school that fills him with a peaceful feeling
shimmer00 said:
is that better
Alright, @shimmer00. Here's the deal. Yes, you're accepted, and you're free to go. We'll watch you for about a week. However, if someone, by which I mean one of our players, finds your character's lack of detail confusing, it's either out or back to the drawing board for you.

How do we feel about the drug taking place if filled with anger? Such as the foot shrinks and due to it, it gives a power buff? Will you call bullshit @Ami the breadling @GingerBread
metalcity said:
How do we feel about the drug taking place if filled with anger? Such as the foot shrinks and due to it, it gives a power buff? Will you call bullshit @Ami the breadling @GingerBread
that's right. may have been a small disfunction. the cigarette could even enhance the drug
metalcity said:
How do we feel about the drug taking place if filled with anger? Such as the foot shrinks and due to it, it gives a power buff? Will you call bullshit @Ami the breadling @GingerBread
I mean it depends how powerful you become, cause bear in mind you would be insinuating that Kat is normally weak if you have him gain massive amounts of power before fighting Nyx
Ami the breadling]that's right. may have been a small disfunction. the cigarette could even enhance the drug [/QUOTE] I think that may anger [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/ said:
@GingerBread[/URL] if I made it to broken.

GingerBread said:
I mean it depends how powerful you become, cause bear in mind you would be insinuating that Kat is normally weak if you have him gain massive amounts of power before fighting Nyx
Yea I thought of that and I'm not sure how to write the power with out it becoming a bullshit mess where we hate each other more. I'm thinking it just makes him angry more, how do you feel about it making him have more endurance? So he doesn't feel as much pain instead.
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metalcity said:
I think that may anger @GingerBread if I made it to broken.
Yea I thought of that and I'm not sure how to write the power with out it becoming a bullshit mess where we hate each other more. I'm thinking it just makes him angry more, how do you feel about it making him have more endurance? So he doesn't feel as much pain instead.
The thought of it was to shorten reaction time and strengthen senses amd endurance.

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