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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Hey- oh hi, Moki!" Jay waved at the boy with his good arm, then quickly turned to Nyx. "Go on without me. I'll ask him what happened." He ran over to the boy, a smile on his face. "Yo! It's good to see you alive after that battle." He noticed the bandages around Miko's arm. "Yresh. Those look bad. Want me to get that for you?"

@GingerBread @Leone
When he heard a yelp Columbus turned his head over as best he could to see someone fall into a curtain, he wanted to go over and help, but he was unable to sit up. He gritted his teeth and got up slowly, tears in his eyes through the small bit of pain he caused himself. After he got upright he sniffled a bit and slowly put his feet on the ground, he slowly walked over to the heap, focusing on not collapsing on the way.

He gave in when he neared the heap and tore off the sheet of cloth, he looked at the girl underneath and knew something about her felt familiar, but when he thought about it, it hurt. So instead he settled for a, "Hey, are you okay? You looked like you took a nasty spill."

Shutting her eyes and shielding them with one hand when the curtian was pulled from on to of her, Leah was just able to make out a few words asking if she was alright. And, based on her situation and the bit of blood seeping through the bandages around her head, she wasn't.

'Yeah...' She nodded slowly, but a nurse had taken notice and walked by.

'She is most certainly not!' This nurse seemed to have a constant air of exasperation about her.

'This one has quite a concussion. I'd be curious as to how she go it, too.' The nurse punctuated this with a quick glare around the company in the room before hurrying a confused and reluctant Leah back to the bed behind the curtain.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny @metalcity @Leone
Upon hearing the nurse Nyx turned around to see who they were on about, Nyx saw that it was the girl he had almost killed, he then saw her get put back into a bed with the curtains drawn around it. Ignoring the nurses, Nyx walked through the curtains before sitting on The end of the girl's bed "So how are you feeling? Because if you're not feeling okay i don't have a problem putting you out of your misery" Nyx said, grinning maliciously

Maria woke up in something soft. She identified as a bed pretty soon. Her head was aching like a skyscraper fell on it recently. She had no clue where she was. Or why she was there. Or what even happened. When she opened her eyes, she found herself laying in an infirmary. She saw a someone walking to a bed protected by curtains nearby and decided to ask that guy. "Hey. Hey you. The guy who walked through that curtain!", she tried called for him.

Nyx heard someone shouting at him, walking to where the voice came from he saw another girl "What do you want?" Nyx asked, his tone hostile.

@Ami the breadling
Maria heard his hostile tone and got a little angry. She pressed on herself to stay polite and asked: "Could you kindly tell me where I am?"
"The infirmary" Nyx answered "Is everyone in this school an idiot?" Nyx asked no one, glaring at the girl

@Ami the breadling
At what seemed to be a threat, Leah dragged the thin bedding over her head. All of the sounds were melting onto one another, so the words of the other girl that approached only proved to disorient her further.

"I know I am at an infirmary. I just don't remember where that infirmary is and how the hell I got here...", Maria answered, seeming even more confused. The confusion made her head hurt even more so she grimaced painfully.

"You're in Lakoria High School, so i would've assumed you've enrolled here" Nyx said as if it was obvious before walking over and rapping his knuckles on the girls head "How did you manage to lose that many brain cells?" Nyx asked maliciously

@Ami the breadling
"Did someone ever tell you that you really know, how ladies should be treated? No? I think I know why. Anyway, thank you. May I ask for your name?", Maria said, fighting a fight she could not win against anger and pain.

"I Treat women like the scum they are" Nyx said, a hint of annoyance in his voice "And why should i tell you my name?"

@Ami the breadling

(The views Nyx holds on women are in no way my own :P )
Columbus sighed at Nyx and the new girl, he got back up and stumbled back to the girl behind the curtain, he shook her and asked, "Um...Hey, I know you probably don't feel the best right now, but if I may ask, why do you look so familiar?"

"I see. I don't think I want to take that discussion any further. Still, thank you, even if a little impolite, you still helped me out.", Maria whispered angrily. After that, she tried to stand up, resulting in immediately seeing everything fade to black and fall back into the bed. "That did not work out as I planned it...", she said trying again for the same outcome. "Dammit!", she cried frustrated and gave up her plan to leave the infirmary.

Nyx smirked as he saw the girl fail twice "You shouldn't strain yourself, Your weak body won't be able to handle it" Nyx said, his voice filled with malice "Or keep on doing that and end up killing yourself, i don't really care"

@Ami the breadling
Leah shook off the person who was trying to ask her something, simply muttering 'no idea,' before carefully holding her pillow over her bruised head. Despite her initial curiosity, the light and noise was resonating in her head, causing her headache to worsen.

Columbus sighed in annoyance, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose and attempted to think back again, but he instead once again thought of the girl's injury. He looked around and saw a cup of water with ice in it. He grabbed the cup and took a breath, he opened his other palm and gritted his teeth as a burning sensation filled his core, signaling he was pushing his small limits. But still he pressed on, and a moment later in his other hand a small ice pack began to form.

Eventually it finished, he panted in exhaustion and set down the cup shakily, he put the ice pack on the girl's head, "Hope that helps..." He stumbled away as cold sweats rolled down his forehead.

Enki started to wake slightly, the same sound of his window crashing played out through his dream and his head as he came to. His eyes darted around the room, confused where he is. All he could hear was talking, his mind was weak unable to do a lot of understanding. Enki started to grown as his weak body started to move slightly. He tried to speak but even that was a bit to much "Wh.......m........i" was all he could manage, full sentences didn't flow with his tongue.

@Ami the breadling
"I know I'm facing a feeble girl, who can't even get out of bed" Nyx responded, annoyed at the girls tone

@Ami the breadling
Getting fired up by his words, Maria tried to stand up again. This time, she managed to keep herself standing, even though her head felt like it was bursting any second. "I am NOT feeble. I just had to get my full consciousness back.", she said, controlling her anger again and using it to keep herself on her feet

Nyx started clapping sarcastically "Well done, you can stand up. But most Babies can do that, so you're at the same level as a baby right now, Well done" Nyx said his voice filled with sarcasm

@Ami the breadling

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