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Fantasy Lakoria High School - Q&A

sitanomoto said:
Sorry I was gone yesterday. Mind catching me up to speed on what's going on?
You can still reply to me, but they're also doing an event - they're gonna be better at informing you about that though x_x
Quick question, how exactly would someone get into the school? Are they invited because they have special abilities or is it just convenience that they all end up at the same school?
Another one, are there certain characters in the roleplay who aren't aware of the whole 'fantasy' thing going on? Or does everyone in the school know of their existence?
[QUOTE="Omega Type]Another one, are there certain characters in the roleplay who aren't aware of the whole 'fantasy' thing going on? Or does everyone in the school know of their existence?

What do you mean? Do you mean are there humans that don't know about all the fantasy creatures and might think they're still myths?
[QUOTE="Omega Type]Another one, are there certain characters in the roleplay who aren't aware of the whole 'fantasy' thing going on? Or does everyone in the school know of their existence?

Also do you mean NPC's or other peoples characters?
GingerBread said:
What do you mean? Do you mean are there humans that don't know about all the fantasy creatures and might think they're still myths?
Yeah, that's right.

GingerBread said:
Also do you mean NPC's or other peoples characters?
Both I guess, since I'm not entirely sure.

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