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Realistic or Modern Lakeside

Cam shook his head and chuckled when she said that no one likes her. Ha, that's impossible. "You just need to please yourself, that's what matters." Wow...That sounded really inappropriate... He had just pulled out of the parking lot when she suddenly asked him a question he was in no way prepared for. How can she ask that so calmly? He shifted himself to get a moment to think about how to answer, "What do I look for?... Well... I don't know..." He shrugged sadly and took a minute to think, "I guess really what's important to me is that she's caring, sweet, funny..." Then a few less generic things popped into his head, "I'd love if she worked out with me or shared my love of sports, I want her to want to be with me as much as I'd want to be with her but I don't want us to be overly dependent on each other.... if that makes sense. Ultimately I want to have a happy family." He was actually pretty happy that he was able to get those thoughts out but felt bad that it seemed like so much. "I told you I don't lie, silly. Though...please don't hate me." His face turned a slight red and quickly said, "I'd date you." Then he tried to change topic, "What about you? What do you look for in a guy and who would you date?"
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Indie stiffled a chuckle at him. "Oh gosh." She pinched her nose, grinning slightly, as she attempted to hold in her laughter. "Nope! Just nope!" she told herself, trying to regain some dignity. "Ok, no, I understand what you mean." She hid her mood, before pulling on her seatbelt. She slipped on her aviators, purple tinted lenses, as the Sun shone down the road. "Yeah, I know." she nodded, looking out of the window as she listened. "Yeah, yeah... I mean, my perfect guy would be someone who'd be gentlemanly, a bit crazy, not afraid to show some emotion. But then not too clingy. As you say, we'd have to share interests." she explained. "But he'd trust me enough to give me some space. He'd invest in me - give me his time." she added, spacing out slightly as she thought about it. "Sorry, um... what was that last question? Oh yeah... who would I date?" Indie shrugged. "Yeah, probably you. I mean, we both like sports... so we have the most in common." she shrugged, trying to remain casually. Despite the fact her knees weakened and she gripped the hand hold in anticipation.
Skygge felt a slight stab through his heart as their fingers untangled. He watched Caroline struggle with her words for a moment, with slightly colloured cheek. Cute, just as before. "He is indeed very inspiring and he awaits you all" He backed up her words. After that he walked over to the kitchen, taking the winecooler to keep one of the bottles cold. Both of them were still slightly cooled as he had taken them with the little cooling bag around them to keep them in the same temperature all drive. Nobody wanted to drink warm champagne, right? He busied himself with opening the first bottle, as he wanted to keep the second one for when Cam and Indie would have returned, from where ever they went. He had heard them leave, but he had not heard the reason why. "Tell me who wants some bubbles?" He cheered towards the living room as the first cork shot through the kitchen.

(@Stew, @Haruhi Suzumiya if you guys are still in?)

Beck finally got everything set up in his room, he walks outside onto the steps of the stairs and carefully walks down them, holding onto the arm rail with a firm grip. Once he gets to the kitchen he was met with a cork to the face, it hits him with a solid THUD and falls to the floor,

"Ah, fuck!" He exclaims before rubbing the spot where the cork hit just above his left eye,

"I guess everyone is destined to get hurt here, one way or another!" Beck says followed by a chuckle and a shake of the head. Beck continues to rub the spot as he walks into the kitchen.

Indie had been too occupied with watching the scenery pass by through the window to hear much of what Cam said. That was a bit painful for him but he wouldn't repeat himself. He answered her and if she wasn't interested then he wouldn't force her to listen. "Sounds like a great kind of guy, really. I hope you find him one day." Yeah I don't fit her wants or needs at all. She'll make some other dude happy beyond all means. She seemed to have mentioned him so casually, like she didn't even give it thought or care, but she still picked him. He barely believed that she actually considered him and his heart skipped a beat as he gripped onto the steering wheel to try and remain calm. " What?... I mean, that's true, we are the most similar but the question is if you think you'd enjoy dating me or not. I know I'd be the happiest guy in the world if I had the chance to say I was your boyfriend." He did his best to keep his voice normal, but inside his heart was racing and he was nervous beyond compare. He tried to take a silent deep breath to calm himself.
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Indie shrugged half heartedly. "I guess." As she gazed out at the passing town, she strained to listen to his every word. Waiting on edge to see what he'd say next. "Hmm... I don't know. I mean, it has been years. You could've changed beyond recognition." she explained. "I hardly know you." she added, trying to keep her voice steady. But as soon as she'd spoken, she felt a pool of guilt in her stomach. "Not that I don't trust you. It's just we've been here less than a day and discussing what it'd be like to date one another. I mean, I do trust you." she looked across at him, offering a small smile. "Ha! No you wouldn't. Even I wouldn't date myself and I'm probably on the brink of desperation and loneliness." she finished.
"Am I really unrecognizable? I don't think I look or act too different from how I used to but I guess you're right, maybe I have changed and I can't tell. Hopefully if I have, it's for the better." He shrugged it off, she had a point. The comment of hardly knowing him really hit hard. They were best friends for most of their lives, she knows a lot about him. Maybe they haven't spoken for awhile, none of them had, but she still should know unless she had forgotten everything. His voice was quiet as he tried to stop it from sounding obviously hurt, ". I hope you trust me because I trust you too. We were best friends for most of our lives after all. But again, you're right. We really should catch up more before discussing this.... I guess." Her instant tone change caught him off guard but he was happy to know she could still smile. He chuckled, "I think I would, but you think what you want. How are you lonely? I'm sure you have every guy begging you to be their girlfriend." They were pulling up the road to the driveway of the lake house by the time he asked his question. He put the car in park and waited for an answer before getting out and grabbing the bags.
Right the moment he had releashed the cork, Skygge heard someone opening the door, followed by a 'fuck'. He tried his hardest to keep the grin from his face as he turned around. "I am so sorry" He said, before hearing Becks comment. He chuckled for a moment. "Actually I am not, this house indeed tends to want to hurt us..." He said, giving his voice the dramatic twists like earlier. The foam that came from the bottle was not much, gratefully. Quickly he went on the search for glasses as he heard a car stopping. Seems like we are complete once again. He filled the first two glasses, handing them over to Beck and Cara. "Here you go" He said, before filling the rest and letting them stand on the bar. "Everyone who want, the bubbles are over here" He said in general, before taking one glass for himself.
"Because they can't stand me and my alter egos." Indie explained simply, before grabbing her satchel and leaping out the car. She grabbed her pillow, and collected a few shopping bags, before trudging onwards and into the house. She smiled at the people gathering in the hall. Placing the bags on the counter, she joined Beck, Sky and Cara. "Ohh, I'd love a little glass please." She smiled at them all, before raising her drink. "Too, the gang." she giggled, toasting to the reunited group of friends.

[Writers block, ever so sorry :) ]

"Because they can't stand me and my alter egos." Indie explained simply, before grabbing her satchel and leaping out the car. She grabbed her pillow, and collected a few shopping bags, before trudging onwards and into the house. She smiled at the people gathering in the hall. Placing the bags on the counter, she joined Beck, Sky and Cara. "Ohh, I'd love a little glass please." She smiled at them all, before raising her drink. "Too, the gang." she giggled, toasting to the reunited group of friends.

[Writers block, ever so sorry :) ]
Cara's face contorted in concern as the cork shot into Beck's face, but when he hadn't seemed too injured by it, she chuckled. Curling her fingers around her glass, she beamed a grin at Indie, raising her drink in toast. "Huzzah," she murmured, then sipped at champagne through still smiling lips. Honestly, it felt so good to have the crew back together. Caroline loved every one of these people, and she wouldn't rather spend this moment with anyone else. She threw a glance at Indie. "Hey, Indie, where'd you head off to?"
Alter egos? Alrighty then. Cam stepped out of the car as Indie had made her way inside. She left a majority of the bags for him because she had other things to carry. He grabbed each and every bag left in the car, slipping his hand through the multiple handles so he could hold more in his arms. Using his foot to close the door, he made his way inside to join the group just as Indie made her toast, dropping the bags off on the floor. He mimicked Cara, "Yeah, huzzah. It's good to see you all again." After he stood up, he replied to Cara's question. "We went to the store to grab some snacks and food for tonight."
Skygge smiled when Cam and Indie entered, just like he had expected. With his free hand he offered the both of them glasses champagne. "Huzzah for all of us being able to be here" He cheered. He watched curious to all the groceries that were brouaght in. They had quite a lot, but then again there were eight of them. "You know what we should do to quickly catch up with the last few years. Play some truth and Dare like we used to do or Never have I ever" He suggested. It had always been fun playing those game. He walked over to the living room and let himself fall down on the couch. "So who is gonna cook tonight?" He asked curiously. He didn't mind cooking himself and he had been told he was quit a good cook also, but he wasn't gonna brag about that.

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