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Realistic or Modern Lakeside

As most were gathered downstairs, Indie decided to voice her suggestion. She cleared her throat. "Hey, um, seeing as everyone is here, I was hoping tonight we could get the old campfire going. You know, roast marshmallows and catch up. Play some dares." She explained, shooting everyone a cheesy smile. She really hoped to bring the group together. "I'll go to the shop if you guys want to set up the fire. Anyone can come with me or stay here." She added, flicking her black plait from her shoulder with a small smile. Sh glanced at Cam, worried he'd be the only one to think it was a good idea.
Entering the house, Chloe announced her arrival with an excited, "Hey guys!" Spotting Rick with a bottle of alcohol in his hand, the blonde girl gave him a big hug. At least he, the self-proclaimed bad-boy, thought in the same way that she did. Drinks made everything better. She walked further into the lake house just in time to hear Indie's campfire proposition. Brightening up at the prospect of marshmallows and drinking, Chloe squealed in delight. "Yeah, that's a great idea." Chloe gave Indie a smile as she placed the boxes of donuts down on the kitchen counter. "I think I'll stay here though, since I just arrived and still need to get everything settled."
Skygge noticed the slight tention in her body as his bag landed on the bed. Someone else might not have noticed, but even after all these years he knew her body as well as he knew his own body. He frowned softly, before it flattened out in a smile when she looked back at him. He pulled open the zipper of his bag, to reveal some clothes, mostly pants, though most of his bag was filled with sketchbooks, noteblock and art supplies. Just as he wanted to walk over to the drawers she started to apologize. For a moment he seemed to have frozen in place, he had been angry at her in the beginning. He had felt betrayed the very least by her sudden departure. But now that he heard those genuine little words all he felt was the sadness, the loneliness. A lone heart that was reaching out to be filled again and so he did. He kneeled down beside her, taking her hands softly in his as he searched for her eyes. "I never knew why, Cara..." He said as he swallowed. "I thought we could always tell each other everything and all of a sudden you were gone... Just like that.."

Beck was delighted to see even more people arriving, he then walks over to the stairs, making sure to grip the stairwell with a firm hand as he carefully moves up the steps and into his room on the top floor. Beck grabs the guitar case and opens it up, pulling out a decalled guitar and walking back downstairs. He sits on the couch in the living room and proceeds to tune his guitar, after doing so he gets up and proceeds to head up into which room he presumed Cara was in.

Well, it turns out Cara was in a different room. Beck walks around the house and checks two more rooms before walking up to the double room, Beck knocks and calls out,

"Is everyone decent?!" He asks into the door.​
(Sorry, my last post was supposed to be directed at Rick but I wrote Beck by accident x.x)

Cam smiled as the last of the group, Chloe, made her entrance into the house. Finally! He was excited to have the group back together and hopefully fully comfortable again. Hearing Indie voice her idea, he caught her looking at him. She was self-conscious about the idea and he knew it, so he was happy that Chloe had agreed that it was a great plan. This was sort of the perfect opportunity for him, the guys could start the fire easily without him, he was sure Rick probably carried a lighter with him at all times, and he could go to the store with Indie. He walked to the main room where they seemed to all be and mentioned out loud, "I'll go with Indie since I said I would grab whatever bedroom was left over and she claimed hers already. I'm fully confident that you guys will be able to start an awesome fire."
Cara pursed her lips as he took a hold of her hands, eyes unable to meet with his as they drifted down her lap. "I'm sorry, Sky," she repeated, "I... I wish I had a better explanation of why I left, but... I just thought that maybe things would change for me if I left. Maybe I'd find a purpose." Her head bowed down a bit more and she sighed. "It probably sounds cheesy, but really." Hesitant, she lifted her gaze to look at Sky. "I'm really sorry. Hurting you was the last thing I intended to do, but I did it anyhow."

Beck's voice kicked Caroline to her feet, and she attempted to fix her expression into something akin to contentment, making her way over to the door to open it. Outside the door stood Beck, guitar in hand, and she motioned for him to enter. "Yeah, come in, come in," she said, smiling, before standing aside.
Skygge nodded in silence. He had no idea how to react as this in fact only raised more questions. Or awoken more of his lingering questions he had pushed to the back of his mind over the years. He tried his best as smiling as she looked up to him, but he knew he would never be able to pull it of in a convincing way towards her. "I know... but you haven't been the first-" He didn't get to answer that sentence as there was suddenly a knock on the door.

Almost synced with Caroline, he gotten up. He ran an hand through his hair as he slightly turned away from the door. He bit his lip as Cara asked the other boy in, but didn't protest. He simply took another pile of pants and moved back over to the drawer. He gave the other boy a small smile, while his mind was absent. It was pondering over the little information he had gotten from Cara and how that fit into the situation as he saw it.

Beck walks inside with a smile planted upon his face, he sits on the bed before making sure his fingers were in the right places,

"Alright, first up, we have; Girl, by Beck." Beck chuckles, he was referring to an actual artist who makes actual songs and not just himself. Beck starts to strum and begins to sing,

"I saw her, yeah I saw her with the black tongue tied, round the roses..." Beck continues to play and sing the song with glee, unaware of what happened just before he entered the room.


Cara followed after Beck, plopping down cross-legged in front of the bed he'd chosen to sit on. She cracked a smile as he laughed and fiddled with her fingers just as he began to sing, raising a brow. 'I can't sing for shit', my ass. Shoulders bobbing slightly from side to side as if they had a mind of their own, she watched his fingers move along the strings and strum while she listened to the music. It was a good song, she had to admit, and couldn't help but praise Beck in her mind for having a good taste in music. She smiled small.

Beck finishes playing the song and lets out a small laugh at the end and takes in a deep breath,

"Well, that was fun. If you want, I could play you another song I have lined up for tonight, if you want that is." Beck says, he then pauses and shakes his head,

"I should probably get my stuff unpacked, I'll talk to you later tonight." Beck stands and walks over to the door before turning around,

"And if you could, do you mind telling everyone that I'm going to be playing a 'concert' in the theatre room? If you can, that'd be great." Beck beams a smile at Cara before leaving the room and returning to his room where he proceeds to unpack his items.

(Sorry it took so long, dreading school and watching videos.)​
As Beck started his song Skygge took out one of the sketchbooks. As always music inspired him the most. He sank down on the floor, his back against the wall and the book on his upperlegs. He tapped the pencil against his lips for a moment before he started to sketch.

Every now and then he glanced up not really aware of what he was sketching roughly. As the music ended the rough draw of the picture was done. Though fantasy themed it was unmistaken Cara that he had sketched. Dressed with a gothic styled corset dress, sitting on top of some kind of tombe or grave. He swallowed as there was suddenly movement in the room again.

Quickly he put his pencil between the pages before he closed the sketchbook. This was certainly something he wanted to work on further at some point. He didn't say a word as Beck left the room. He doubted if the other male had even noticed him with all the attention he had for Cara.
(Sorry, I've been very busy!)

Indie nodded to Cam. "Ok, shall we get going, if you're unpacked or whatever?" She suggested lightly, with a slight shrug of the shoulders. "We can grab some drinks, as well, or some crisps." she added, grabbing her car keys. "You don't mind me driving?" She asked, grabbing a pillow that would cushion her sore back. "I call shotgun on it anyway!" She chuckled, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder. "Is there anything you wanted? I'll pay, if you want, so I'm happy to get anything." She addressed the rest of the group as they bustled about, unpacking. She smiled at Chloe, giving her a quick hug before she exited the door. "Hey, got to go now, but we'll catch up later, yeah?" The two were always some of the closest.
(No need to be sorry! Do what you need to ^.^)

Cam poked her forehead playfully with a chuckle, "I said I would unpack in the last room, remember? I'd love to grab some snacks while we're there but it'll be my treat." He stole the keys out of her hand with a laugh, "If you call shotgun then I'm driving!" He led in front of her to hold the door open for her as she asked everyone what they wanted. He looked at her car, the same mini she had when they all hung out. Uh oh, I hope I'm not too tall for that thing now. The thought crossed his mind, it was a legitimate worry. He clicked the unlock button on the car and watched the lights flash.
Indie stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah, but I called shotgun on driving." She giggled, closing the front door behind her. She readjusted the pillow under her arm, striding confidently to the small mini. As she opened the passenger door, she suddenly had a genuine worry. "If it is too small, we can go in your car." She explained. "I only offered to be polite," she added diplomatically, "so I have no real preference." Indie looked down at her feet. A sudden thought that Cam was really speaking to her made her cheeks flush lightly. But she couldn't let him see. Instead, she pretended to fuss over her shoe laces while he made up his mind. Finally, they got into the chosen car, and Indie decided to make a bit of conversation. "So how's things?" she asked, propping the pillow up behind her.
Laughing again, he playfully said, "Oh well, I'm driving now. You can enjoy the ride." He walked beside her as they were making their way to her car, then broke off to walk around to the driver's side when she mentioned the chance to switch cars. He thought for a moment, he was worried about being too tall for the car now, but he could probably squeeze in if he moved the seat and the steering wheel. He looked at her with some guilt, "I just... I don't want to change the placement of the seat and steering wheel on you. Thank you for the offer though." He walked past her car to his own, unlocking it on the way. He didn't notice her blush because of it and waited in the driver seat of his car until she got in. Once she was settled and they both put on their seat-belts, he started the engine and they started on their way to the store. He was truly happy to talk to her and have this time, they were talking without any kind of hindrance and it was amazing. "Things are going pretty well for me, I have a shot at going pro if I can continue doing well. But I've really missed you." Ending there, he panicked a bit and quickly added, "And everyone else too, of course. What about you?"
Getting comfortable, Indie realised how eager she was to get to talk to him; without distractions or... Well stairs to fall over. The girl still blushed at that memory. But anyway - she thought - he's speaking so I best listen. She nodded, "That's amazing!" She smiled at his last comment, hiding her face. 'And everyone else, of course' Indie shrugged. She never got her hopes up much. "Oh, yeah, it's going great. College has given me great experience and my coach wants me to go pro... But..." She paused, "I think I'll stick to coaching. And... I missed you too." She smiledsmiled
He could feel his cheeks instantly heat up when he heard her last comment. She really missed me? Maybe she feels the same too? He was so happy to hear that he could cry, and now he was stuck smiling like an idiot because of it. He kind of hoped that she saw his blush, his smile, just so she would know how he felt but he was worried that maybe she didn't like him like that anymore. "Well I'm glad college has gone well for you too. You should definitely go pro! We could go pro togeth-" What are you saying? Yeah that would be the dream, go pro with her and live happily ever after but c'mon Cam don't ruin this! His face got even more red at his thoughts, "Why stick to coaching? ... You know, I've missed you a lot, Indie. You have no idea." He reasoned that he had to take the small chance.
"So," Chloe appeared in front of Rick, sipping a glass of water. "How have you been? It's been so long since we've last seen each other." She smiled, looking around the lake house. Everyone seemed to have disappeared off into their own little corners of he house, but it still felt like home. "Miss me?" Chloe winked, giggling as she took another sip of her drink. She had missed all of her old friends, but Chloe had always felt that she was able to connect the most with Rick. (@TheIceKiller)
(Hey, sorry. School's a pain, hah.)

Cara pat her hands together in a light applaud after he finished, grinning. She debated for a moment on his next words, but the thoughts scattered as he began to walk to the door and spoke once more. "Will do," she replied with a nod, eyes trailing after Beck as he exited the room, the door clicking shut behind him. Guilt settled over Caroline as she came to realize she was alone with Sky once more. A beat of silence passed before she opened her mouth to speak, only to shut it once the words died in her throat. Don't. You've bothered him enough, haven't you? You made him upset. Tucking a clump of hair behind her ear, she knelt down back by the dresser and continued to stuff in her clothes.
(No problem. It can happen)

In just as much silence Skygge watched Cara unpack. After a while he gotten up and started to take out the art supplies. "Well, did you find it?" He asked all of a sudden. He put down his inkt as he looked up from behind the desk at the girl that somehow still held the strings to his heart. "Your purpose I mean" he added to make himself more clear on what he meant. He didn't exactly knew what kind of anwer he expected from her. He casted his eyes to the ground as he shook his head softly. "It is none of my bussines. You are here now and I am happy for that" he said with a poor attempt to smile once he looked back up.
Indie glanced across to him, barely noticing his blush. Instead she looked out the window as the town built up around them. Little shacks, grew into houses, then grew into shops. "I would go pro, I just..." she paused with a light sigh. "I want to settle down, get married, get a nice house and work for a living. Maybe even have a kid, if I find the right person." she explained, twirling her hair idly. "But yeah, I won't find anyone so I'll probably just go live in my garden shed for the rest of my life." She laughed. "Thanks." She didn't know what else to say to Cam's last comment.
Cam pulled the car into the parking lot of the store as he listened to her answers and they hit him deeply. She was opening up to him and he valued that more than anything. He looked down at his hands and admitted in a low, innocent voice. "I can sympathize with that. That's only a dream for me though, I'll never be good enough for anyone." He shot up, realizing that he just said that out loud. Unlocking the doors, he pulled the handle to open his. "You could have anyone you wanted though, whoever you pick would be the luckiest person in the world, Indie." He stepped out and leaned down to look into the car at her, laughing at her comment and joked, "If that's what you want to do, I at least want visitation rights!" He closed the door and waited for her to walk with him into the store.
Indie shrugged, leaping out the car. It sent a jolt up her spine - reminding her of her injury. She winced, eventually traipsing round the front of the car. "Ahaha, nope. You're only trying to make me feel good 'cause I haven't seen you in ages." she shook her head at her first mention. "Well, maybe you and I, we could be in the Forever Alone club." she chuckled, strolling across the car park. As she entered the store, she was hit by a gust of warm wind from the air vent. "I love that. Just getting in the warmth and getting hit by that gust." She chuckled, blushing. "Sorry, I'm so weird."
Cam could see the pain that Indie was in, and watched as she pushed through it to make it seem like she was okay then shook his head. She's going to make me worry to death. He chuckled, "Hey, I've never lied to you before and there's no way I'd start now. But I call at least being vice president of the club!" Walking next to her into the store with his hands in his pockets, he felt the same warm wind hit him in the face. It was refreshing after being outside in the somewhat chilled air. "Nothing to be sorry for, weird is good. It's what makes us, us. It feels so good to get that burst of warm air. I can't tolerate the cold too well." He grabbed the shopping cart and pushed it over to her, waiting to follow. He had no idea what she planned to get.

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