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Realistic or Modern Lakeside

Caroline debated on whether or not to haul her bags up the stairs, but with coffee calling her name, she decided against it. Gingerly, she set her bags on the ground and started off towards the coffee maker with maybe a bit too much eagerness, sorting through the cabinets for ground coffee beans and digging through the fridge for cream. She hadn't skipped a beat in starting the pot of coffee. Cara was searching through the cabinets for a cup when she heard Beck's voice to her side.

"They've been... interesting. Busy," she said, flashing him a smile before her gaze redirected to the cabinet. "How about you?"
(First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone ^.^ I hope you all have a great day!)

Cam followed up right after Sky, "This is definitely the right fancy house!" He laughed a little at the comment, it felt great to act like that again. The gang's almost back together! That knowledge was exciting for him and the best part was that they were still able to speak freely and act normally like they used to. When Indie accepted his offer for help and he saw that small smile of hers, his heart skipped a beat and he happily grabbed the heavier of the cases. Before he could take the other from her, Sky sparked up the conversation that they had ended earlier. He wasn't mad, it was nice to know that he wanted to catch up too. Besides, they could move and talk, both boys were helping bring the girls' things upstairs anyway. "Life's been pretty good. I'm doing really well in my college sports and my coaches say I may have a chance at going pro. What about you?" Cam felt bad that he couldn't grab all of Indie's bags, especially since she was dragging one that should have been relatively light for her, he knew she was strong. Following behind her when he replied to Sky, he hoped that Sky would understand that he wasn't trying to be rude but they had both just promised to help and it would be wrong not to do so. "Don't even think about it, I told you I'd help and I'm go-Indie!" She fell and he couldn't help but worry and rush to her. "Are you okay? You should sit in a chair for a minute. Do you need anything?" Calm down, you're going to freak her out. He wanted to pick her up but thought it would be... too much. Instead he pulled her up slowly and supported her when she stood.

Beck smiles and shrugs, he really didn't know how things have been going, he had a good job working as a therapist, but he's really just been going through the motions,

"Well, things have been going, I guess." Beck refuses to admit it, but another goldfish that he bought had died as well a couple of days before he came out here,

"To be honest, it's great to see you. Oh hey, I brought my acoustic guitar, I'm planning to host a small concert, despite the fact that I can't sing for shit!" Beck jokes and chuckles,

"If you want, I could take a couple of requests." Beck looks at Cara with a sincere look.​
Indie groaned, watching her bag fall back down the stairs. Her tail bone ached at the base of her back. "I'm good." She muttered, standing sturdy, but leaning heavily against Cam. "Don't worry, I'm fine." She touched the aching area lightly, and winced. "Shit..." she muttered, climbing back down the stairs tentatively. She returned to her bag, bending to stand it properly, with another groan of fustration and pain, before gripping it again. She climbed up again, four steps at a time before taking a quick breather. "Don't worry, Cam. I'm good." she explained, smiling at him. "I should take these boots off anyway." she chuckled warily, before carrying on her ascent.
Caroline set her newly-found coffee cup on the counter and turned to face Beck, one hand supporting her weight as she leaned against the counter. "That'd be great, thank you," she said with a grin. "I was thinking something along the lines of 'Beck does Beyonce', but I don't think you'd appreciate that." A small chuckle escaped from her, and she pursed her lips together, vigilantly turning to face the coffee maker and pouring herself a cup. After mixing in all that she found necessary to be in coffee, she took a swig. And regretted it. She swallowed the scalding liquid, trying her best to keep the pain from showing on her face, before sliding the cup back onto the counter -- and as far from her reach as possible. "But, um... I think Johnny Cash's version of 'Hurt' would be a good one," Cara said to Beck, then hurriedly added, "If that's okay."
Cam was completely focused on her holding her up when she put her weight against him and seeing the pain in her face when she winced. He couldn't take the sight, it was killing him to see her in pain like this. "You know that's not possible, Indie." He descended down the stairs to meet her. Looking at her in a stern yet worried way, he took the bag from her and set it on the step above them. "Then let's get them off." He said with a small smile before kneeling down on the step and lifting her feet to pull the boots off. He placed the boots onto the bag and held them in one hand while wrapping his other arm around her to support her again. "If you let me bring your bag up, I'll come back and carry you. Please don't push yourself and risk getting more hurt." He wouldn't forgive himself if she got more hurt and he could do something about it.
Rick sat at the intersection that he would always race at when he was younger, top down music blaring over the loud powerful engine, He took in a breath of the air and smiled as he smelt the aroma of fresh bread from the bakery "Im home" he said to himself as the light turned green and he floored the gas the Shelby lifted up on its back wheels as he powered down the road and past the small police station where he frequently "Slept over" for misdemeanour's. He smiled as Sweet cherry pie blared on the speakers in the back of his car over the engine, as the front two wheels touched down again he made it onto the long country road that would take him to where he was going.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-27_22-56-3.jpeg.f1fca924e1318efbfca386fb104e4425.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-27_22-56-3.jpeg.f1fca924e1318efbfca386fb104e4425.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Skygge smiled softly as Cam told about sports, of course he was going pro. "That is nice to hear. I dropped out of La-" He wanted to say more as the second person fell victim to the stairs. He quickly turned around as he had reached the top, but once again someone else had been quicker. He frowned as he saw Indie in quite a lot of pain. "Maybe Beck was right, maybe this stairs are mad we stayed away for so long" He tried to lift the spirit a bit. However it didn't seem that Indigo was just a bit sore and he rushed down the stairs as Cam started taking over her boots. "Should I get some ice or water?" He asked, only waiting a little bit before rushing off to the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee greeted him as he quickly grabbed one of the glasses from the cabinet that was still standing open. "Indigo also fell down the stairs" He mentioned to the other two in the kitchen.
Indie shook her head, but hardly protested as he slipped her boots from her feet. She sighed, this time shaking her head firmly. "I should be able to do this. I'm not weak." She explained through gritted teeth. She took a breath, reset her shaking hands and continued her gradual climb up the stairs. At the top, Indie halted and felt her knees go weak. She sat down - careful of her back and let her head drop. She still had two more bags to bring up. Her face was flushed pink with embarasment at her weakness and foolishness. No one would take her seriously now. Indie shook out her shoulders, deciding to out of there and find somewhere to release her pain. She wheeled her bag into the closest untaken bedroom, and collapsed on the bed. Her tailbone ached, her muscles were sore and she fought to keep back the pain with every step.
"I know you aren't weak Indie, we all do." His words didn't seem to be helping or be getting through to her. He let out a sigh in the small defeat and worry. Of course she would be stubborn about this, it's in her nature and he would do the same if it were him. He watched her slowly make her way up the stairs and into a bedroom. He was moreso making sure she didn't fall again but the pain was obvious. He went downstairs to get her other bags, looking into the kitchen to make eye contact with Sky. Their attempts to catch up have been interrupted by accidents twice now and he felt bad. He gave Sky a head nod directing him that he would be upstairs and mouthed the words, "Water please." So Indie didn't hear him. He put her bags in her room and stood next to her bed for a minute then tried to make her smile. "You conquered the stairs, your strength is unmatched."
Indie sighed, her eyes slightly hazy with tears. "I might just crawl into my bed." She let her shoulders slump and covered her face as she felt the tears hot on her cheeks. "I don't want them to think I am nothing. That I am a no one. And I just fell over on stupid steps." She explained, her words slightly muffled by the wollen sleeve of her jumper. She felt so weak. "I mean, look at you. Your scholarship. It just... I mean.... I was nothing compared to you and probably not much in your eyes. I was just the girl who got credit for trying hard." she shrugged helplessly. "And now my bloody back is killing me." she added, her face red with embarrassment.
Cam's heart became heavy seeing her eyes fill with tears and as they spilled down her beautiful face through her sleeves. She looked so defeated for a reason that he didn't understand. He always saw her so highly and valued her more than she knew. How could she not know that? "Indie... We all love you and no one is going to think you're nothing. The stairs tripped up Beck too you know. You've always been strong and sometimes things happen. Plus, I've tripped flat on my face before, you've been a witness to that on more than one occasion. What about my scholarship? You were the best and nicest cheerleader and even got your own scholarship for it! " He was going to wait longer to do this but it seemed now was the time, she needed to know. His voice hesitated and become quietly shy, "In my eyes, Indie, you're amazing, beautiful, and perfect. Don't ever think anything different. You worked hard and succeeded because of it. We're gonna take care of your back."
Indie gritted her teeth. She was never going to fix things crying. Instead, she sat up while Cam spoke again. She froze. He thought she was beautiful? Nah, not me. She thought. She must've misheard. The girl felt heat pool into her cheeks. "Um... I'm not great with compliments." She chuckled awkwardly. "So let's pretend I took that gracefully." The cheerleader smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank you Cam." She whispered, her face turned into his neck. She shifted, causing a spark of pain in her back and yelped. The pain soon turned into her signature goofy giggle. "Damn. I have a really good moment with someone then I just go and ruin it with my laugh."
His front tires lifted up again as he shifted into 5th, as he was a mile away from the drive way he let off the gas and pressed on the breaks to slow him down. as he made it to the driveway he slowly drove up, the sound of the engine filling the empty forests around them and could faintly be heard from inside the house. He turned off the radio and flipped the switch to put the top up, when he made it to the end he shut off the engine, grabbing his jacket and stepping out.
Cara smiled softly as Sky approached, but the expression dissolved as he spoke. "Is she hurt?" she questioned, taking an accusatory glance in the staircase's direction and brainstorming ideas to end the stair's 'reign of terror', only to come up empty-handed. The distant roar of an engine yanked Caroline's attention to the kitchen window. Peering through, she could see Rick exiting his car with his jacket in hand, and she stole a look at both Beck and Sky, hitching her thumb towards the window. "Rick's here."

Beck nods and shrugs, he really enjoyed Cara's great music taste. Beck takes another sip of Sprite before speaking,

"Sure, I could play some JC, it would be a true honor to do so. I'm just not sure why I didn't think of it." Beck chuckles and beams a smile over towards the door where Rick was just now arriving,

"Jesus, I need to have a talk with those stairs, I just hope they don't legitimately piss me off." Beck says before shaking his head,

"Anyways, hey Cara, if you want, I could give you a sample of one of the songs I'll play. If you want, that is." Beck blushes slightly, he was wanting her to say yes, but Beck expected otherwise.

(Sorry for taking so long, I was a tad bit away for today.)​
He instinctively held his hand out when she sat up, ready to help her just in case she needed it. "I won't have to pretend." He said with a quick smile before she hugged him. He didn't expect it, it was so sudden, but there was nothing to complain about. He could feel his face instantly heat up when she thanked him. He had to try to play it cool, "Uh.. Yo-..I mean- Any time." He got caught up on his words, he couldn't think straight. He could feel the warmth of her breath against his neck and he loved it. Then, the piercing yelp that turned into a giggle snapped him back into reality. Shaking his head with a smirk, he replied "What are you talking about? I think that just made the moment better. You really should lay back down, Indie, please?" He pleaded slightly, he was still worried but was thankful for the moment they shared.
Indie shrugged. "I'm fine. If I stay still, it'll probably be worse." she explained. "If I keep moving, i won't stiffen up. And besides," she stood, glancing out of the window. "Rick is here." she turned back to him, smiling lightly before turning to head out of the room. "Come on! I have plans for tonight that I need to run by you." she explained, heading out. "If I head to the shops, I was thinking I could get some marshmallows and roast them all together tonight." the girl suggested. As she came into the hallway, Rick was just getting through the door. She waved. "Hey!" before turning back to the kitchen and smiling at Beck and Cara while she got a drink.
Skygge smiled softly at Caroline. "I think she will be alright, yet she looks in pain" He answered before taking the water upstairs as Cam had requested. However halfway on the stair he noticed how the atmosphere had changed, silently he turned around, deciding to leave the two alone. He walked back to the kitchen hearing Beck say something about JC music. "She seems to be in good hands" He said as his eyes locked on Cara for a moment. His attention however was quickly taken by the sound of an engine. "A Shelby..." He muttered. He loved the car and he wondered if Rick would be willing to do a switch of cars for once, but he doubted it. He watched how everybody got excited over Ricks arrival and softly moved closer to Cara. "Would you still be alright with taking the double room?" He asked almost in a whisper. This wasn't really something that needed much attention from everyone else than them.
Cam let out a small chuckle, "Fine fine, you're still as stubborn as ever." Following her out the door, he listened intently while watching to see if she was in pain. She seemed fine for now, so maybe she was right about moving around. "That sounds awesome! It would be perfect for the first day of getting everyone back together." Seeing Rick at the same time that Indie did, Cam broke off when she went into the kitchen. He made his way over to Rick excited to see another of his old friends, "What's up dude, how have you been?"
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(Whoops sorry about this I was gone for the past three days)

Chloe Olivia Kerr

"Ohmygod." Chloe rolled her eyes as she spoke into her phone. "What. A. Bitch." The blonde girl was steering her white Jeep with one hand, while she held her phone in the other. "God, Tara, you can't just let her do things like that to you. She'll just keep doing it if you don't stop her." As the long dirt road that led to the house came into her sight, Chloe smiled, moving the sunglasses resting on her face to the top of her head, so that they acted as a headband. "Talk to ya later Tara, love you." She ended the call, giddy with anticipation.

She was excited--it'd been a long time since she had seen this particular group of people. Far too long, in her opinion. Chloe arrived at the lakehouse, cursing to herself as she saw that everyone had gotten there before her. As usual. She jumped out of the driver's seat, eager to meet up with her old friends. Humming to herself, Chloe grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag, as well as the two boxes of donuts that she had picked up at the Dunkin's in down, trying to balance everything as she made her way to the front door.
A toothy grin smacked itself on Caroline's face as Beck spoke about Johnny Cash, both relieved and glad he liked her suggestion. She turned her face to Sky as he approached. Gnawing at the inside of her lip and dropping her eyes to the ground, she mulled over his question for a moment before her head bobbed with an overly vigorous nod. "Yeah, yeah, that'd be fine," she answered as her gaze shot back up to Sky, then shifted over to Beck. The reddish tint to his cheeks wasn't something she expected. "All right, yeah, I'd love to hear it," Cara replied to Beck, smiling. Sudden remembrance brightened her features, and she hastened over to her bags. "Oh, I've gotta unpack." Caroline grabbed her bags and gave them all an exiting smile, shuffling out of the kitchen, starting her way up the stairs, and trailing to her room.
Skygge could feel his heart beat painful for a moment as he was sure she was gonna reject him. The silence, even though just a few seconds, seemed to last ages before she looked back up with a nod. He let out a breathe he had not noticed he was holding when she agreed to take the double room. Maybe it was indeed not lost, maybe they could even pick up where they had been that time ago. "Wonderful" He grinned as she pratically ran out of the kitchen. Her words reminding him of the fact that he had been busy with carrying up so many bags for others he had not unpack his own stuff. Besides unpacking side by side wouldn't that be the perfect oppertunity for them to talk about everything? "So do I" He muttered to no one in specific, since well he wasn't exactly speaking to any of them. He stormed up the stairs, noticing how Cara just went into her room as he picked his bags from the ground again. For a moment he stood in the doorway, simply watching her as she moved, with a smile on his face. She was so close by and yet so far away at the same time. He sighed as he dropped his bag on the huge bed. "It all just seems to be the same as back in the years, doesn't it?" He asked to start a conversation.
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Flicking his shades down and revealing the bottle of liquor from under his jacket he smiled as he spread his arms out "Wassup!" He said as he placed the bottle on the counter along with his jacket and sliding his keys into his pocket as he greeted all those around him, not having seen them since he had left the small town a few years ago. He took of his sunglasses and smiled as he walked around the house saying hello to everyone who had since arrived
Letting out a breath, Caroline knelt in front of the dresser, unzipping her bags and stuffing her clothes in the drawers absent-mindedly. The thud behind her tensed her up. Twisting, she half-turned, and, seeing it was Sky, she relaxed, giving a half-snort half-sigh at her own skittishness. "Things haven't changed a bit here," she agreed, allowing her eyes to venture over the room, then turned back to her bag. She began lifting a shirt into one of the drawers, but halted halfway, her shoulders sagging as her hands came to rest limp in her lap. Cara turned back to Sky. "I'm... I'm sorry, Sky," she said. Her thumbs traced the stitching of the shirt. "For leaving. I'm sorry."

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