Lady and the Tramp (Always Accepting)

It's fine, I made Yvette and Shaded liked it so I guess she's accepted! We can start when you're ready!
Sorry if any of my posts are short! I am currently trying to regulate my own rp, and all that and rawr...
Okay I am a horrible person! I keep telling you that I'll be back but I never even come back... (:'() Sorry! The reason I was gone for two weeks was because I had exams. Now that those are over, I'll be more active.

@Shimakage Thunder

Guys, I am so so sorry for the inconvenience of letting this roleplay die out...I truly hope that you guys will return and forgive me! I want this roleplay to continue moving, it's still young after all!


Nymph said:
Need new character?
If you are interested at all, it'd be awesome to have you join!

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