• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

➜What is your full name?

”Ooo, full names. Aren’t we thorough? Travis Levi Chartier.”

➜How old are you?

”Eighteen, love. I’ve got to be somewhere soon. How formal are we talkin' bout here?”

➜When is your birthday?

”Pretty fucking formal then. February Twenty-eighth. Does this mean you’re getting me a present?”

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

”I’m literally sitting right in front of you. How would you describe me?




Travis stands at a whopping six foot-four, his lean muscular build littered with tattoos. At first glance many think Travis is an upstanding individual, with his gentle features and innocent demeanor, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

➜Describe your life (biography)

“Ha ha. No.”

Travis was born as a product of a famous American businessman and a French model. Though neither of his parents particularly gave a shit about him, he had no complaints about his life, perfectly content with simply existing as a "typical" teenager in the suburban streets of California. Where typical was days spent with tutors grooming him in languages and music, with little time for friends and oppressive loneliness. However, the day his father left their massive mansion for a supposed business trip, his contentment was shattered. Travis' father was gone for an entire year, and despite mercilessly questioning his hardworking mother, who had stepped up and became a parent,Travis couldn’t figure out where his father had disappeared to. One day his old man randomly returned, strolling back into their lives as if nothing had happened. His mother accepted his absence, all of Travis’s questions met with, “It was an extensive business venture, Trav. Don’t worry. Your father’s back now. That’s all that matters.”

He never accepted his mother’s excuses, part of him feeling as if he was crazy, upset by something that didn't matter to anyone else but himself. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Travis began investigating his father’s whereabouts, hiring a private detective with the money he managed to scrape together from his minimum wage job. Eventually the news was delivered to him; his father had engaged in an illicit affair with an underage girl and fathered a child, abandoning her before she could give birth. Travis was more than furious, his fist connecting with his father’s face as he reigned blow after blow upon him. His mother’s interference was the only thing that stayed his hand, and Travis was sure he'd have killed his father, if she wouldn't have been there. After spending the night in prison for assault and contemplating his father’s betrayal, Travis figured the best way to get back at him was to blackmail him for everything he was worth. The hardworking boy vanished and was replaced with the indifferent Travis you see today, deciding not to put his trust in anything, especially after his father’s betrayal. He desperately wanted to make amends with the girl his father had abandoned, hoping they could find solace together, and his dream was soon realized when his father applied for a transfer to Kingdom Chrest. He wasn’t surprised at their sudden move, especially with Travis’s blackmailing, but the girl, Carmen, wasn’t too happy seeing Travis and his father, refusing to believe any of the sincerities he attempted to make. He assumed the role of her protector from the shadows, managing to see his only sibling with false promises and empty threats. Though Carmen absolutely despises him, he sees her as the only positive decision his father made, their child and his only sibling, holding one of the few soft spots his heart contains.

➜What are you like? (personality)

”I’m your wildest dreams and worst fears all rolled into one irresistible package. Bask in my glory. I don’t mind.”

Travis can best be described as a sardonic, apathetic, and excessively charming. For whatever reason, his refusal to take anything too seriously and his snarky jabs at practically everyone and everything force people to migrate to him. His journey through Kingdom Chrest’s hallways is always met with playful “hellos” and sultry winks, and Travis loves the attention. His teachers, however, tire of his apathy, and have pulled him aside many times in the hopes of setting his straight. He meets their guidance with the same response every time, "Fuck Off." He’s by no means stupid, but he feels as though being in class is complete waste of time, especially when he shows up for the exams and aces them with ease.

There are few things that make Travis angry, and it requires an extreme amount of dedication at the antagonist’s expense. Any mention of his father or a threat to his sibling will send him over the edge, his fist flying before he’s even had a chance to consider the person's words. He feels as though Cecilia, his sister, is the only good thing that his father has ever produced and is fiercely protective of her. His poor choices, however, have left Travis with bad anxiety and a tendency to keep people at an arm's distance. He is a friend to many, but considers few in his inner circle. Deep down, Travis hates who is he, so he's created this larger than life personality, no longer able to determine who he was before his descent into drugs and blackmailing.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

” Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. You think I’m joking, love. I’m not.”

It’s just as Travis says. He has a proclivity for beautiful women and uses his natural good looks and effortless charm to bewitch even the frostiest of babes. Though he doesn’t engage in hard drugs any longer, he still smokes the occasional blunt and can typically found with a cigarette in his mouth.

When he’s not engaging in all manner of debauchery, Travis can be quite the cultured gentleman, having surprising intelligence. He has a love of ancient cultures, not to mention his impressive skill with the piano. Growing up in a rich household, with the promise of inheriting his father's political dynasty has helped with this greatly.

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

”To just do whatever the fuck I want with no consequences. That would be incredible.”

Travis truly desires to be a famous piano player, but if that doesn’t work he’d want to attend med school and become a pediatrician. He’s got a huge soft spot for kids. And if all else fails, well...there's always politics.

➜Any Enemies?

”Eh, nobody worth mentioning.”

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

”I'm the leader of the badasses, baby.”


➜What Community to do you live in?

”Princeton Park. If you want to swing by sometime, I’m not completely opposed.”

➜Where do you hang out at?

”Wherever there is entertainment, darling.

Pretty much everywhere, but his favorites are the bar , café, and local museum.

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

”School. Really? How fucking boring.”

French IV

Fine Art

Creative Writing

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

”Don’t have time. Well I suppose that’s a lie. I do, but it’s used for more entertaining purposes.”

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

”Don’t make me laugh.”

-On a business trip his father met his fellow classmate resulting in the adorable little toddler. His mother has no idea, and Travis blackmails his father every chance he gets. Occasionally he’ll go and visit his little half-sister, much to Carmen’s chagrin, but he swears it’s only out of the goodness of his heart. This is one of the few instances where he’s genuine in his intentions.

-He used to have a severe drug addiction, but after landing himself in the hospital, he’s since quit. However that doesn’t prevent him from purchasing the occasional blunt from Issiah whenever it strikes his fancy.

-He’s secretly a skilled piano player, which is why he and Jessi are so mysteriously close, besides, of course, their shared home state. Occasionally he’ll play accompaniment for her, but he keeps his talent a secret, fearful that “his girly shit” will ruin his overall detached demeanor.

-He extorts his father for money and has been participating in underground fights on the side.

-He's got some local cops on retainer, lining their pockets with his father's money. Never know when you might want somebody arrested.

➜Anything else?

As much as I’d love to keep talking about meaningless shit. I’m going to call it a day. Toodles, love.

Travis is covered in tattoos, both of his muscular arms containing full sleeves. He also loves to bum cigarettes, claiming they possesses the perfect brand when in fact he’s just too lazy to buy his own.

He also changed his last name to his mother's maiden one, attempting to shed any part of his father's influence on his life.

He speaks French fluently.


KH Rules

➜What is your full name?

”Faye Lily Archer. What’s yours?

➜How old are you?

”I’m seventeen.”

➜When is your birthday?

”March 16th. I’m a spring baby. Isn’t that lovely?”

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

”I dunno. I’m just me, yeah?”



➜Describe your life

”Pretty standard. My older brother and I live with my parents. Middle class. We’re a happy little unit, though we moved here recently from California. It’s nice.”

Faye was born to a middle class family. Her mother was an elementary school teacher for inner city kids, while her father worked a standard desk job for a computer company. As a show of good faith, Faye was also enrolled in the school, and that was where she became fast friends with Jessi. They kept into close contact even after Jessi left, and Faye still kept in contact with her bothers, who introduced her into the realm of drugs and crime that flowed through the streets of Compton. Where as Faye's older brother, Anthony flourished, she found little interest in her studies, and her grades slipped. She disappeared for several months, after falling in love with one of the executives at her father's company. He was subsequently fired when she returned after the relationship went sour. Her family was understandably upset and forced to relocate to Kingdom Chrest. The new community didn't hold Faye's transgressions against her father and they settled back into their old ways. However, despite having two loving parents, there is still some hidden resentment that lurks beneath the surface, and it's difficult for them to allow Faye to exist as her own person. The trust they once had was shattered.

➜What are you like?

”Well my mom tells me I’ve always got my head in the clouds. But the sky is so beautiful, how could I not help but stare at it?”

Faye is the quintessential dreamer. She's always inside her own head and looks at the world with a far off expression, as though she's there but not present. She's an easygoing spirit, who doesn't take anything too seriously, and is always willing to lend an ear to those who desire advice. However, she has a tendency to zone out in the middle of conversations and has a terrible memory. If you ask her about music, composers, art, or animals, she can rattle off the most obscure facts and figures, but ask her about what she did earlier in the day? She's at a loss. Unfortunately, because of her absentmindedness, she's also a bit naive about the world but has a knack for reading people.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

”Music, guitar, and my puppy, King. Oh and friends. Friends are nice.”

Faye plays a variety of instruments, though her favorite is the guitar. She also loves to sing and be heard humming almost constantly. Besides music, she dabbles in art and has a notebook of ink drawings of some of her classmates.

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

”I’d like to sing and write songs. I don’t know about fame, but I love music. It’s what I want to spend the rest of my life doing.”

➜Any Enemies?

”No..? Yes..? I don’t remember…I’m going to say no.”

➜Desired clique to be in.

”I’m a musician.”

➜What Community to do you live in?

”Knight Drive. Nothing too fancy.”

➜Where do you hang out at?

"Well Jessi and I are good friends, so with her? I play gigs at the cafe and the bar whenever I can."

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

”World History, German IV, Music Comprehension. Nothing too bad.”

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

”Hmm, I really only do choir and dance club. I work and I’m bad at remembering things.”

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

”What? I don’t have any of those. I’m so bad at keeping secrets, everyone would know if I had something to hide.”

-Faye worked as a drug peddler when she lived in California. When she left, some very powerful people lost a valuable asset and they are still looking to recoup some of the money she cost them.

-Carried on an affair with an older man for some time. It's part of the reason her family doesn't trust her. They feel as though she makes bad decisions.

-She accidentally killed another smuggler shortly before she left. Jessi helped her bury the body and she hasn't looked back since.

➜Anything else?

”Uh, no?”

-She plays the guitar, flute, harp, ukulele, and cello.

-She's got a great singing voice and writes all of her own music.

-She speaks German semi-fluently, after taking the class throughout high school.

-She is horrible at anything academic. The teachers have started taking pity on her, allowing her to sneak by. She just can't understand tests or test taking in general.


Her brother

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What is your full name?

Alexandria Morgan Smith

How old are you?


When is your birthday?


Describe yourself


Describe your life

She was born before her brother which makes her the oldest. She and her brother are close how can they not be, they are twins after all. Alex and her brother are best friends that is up until high school. They grew apart and aren't as close at they used to be. She knows he doesn't mean to intentionally leave her out it's just he is more popular and cooler than her and she well Alex Smith the girl who brought a snake to school. Now she is a weirdo and alone. Well that is just life.

What are you like?

Alex is an odd girl to say the least. She is very quiet and wont talk that much. She thinks outside the box and is very smart but she doesn't hang around the Guru's because they don't like the fact she A) Brought a snake to school and B) Her brother is a Harlot. She is also really smart and has good grades.

What are you all about?

She Like snakes cause they look cool, It's not just snakes but other outdoor animals like Deer, Birds, Bobcats, (ETC.). She like Occult things as well and hopes to one day make an Occult club if the School *Cough*Beloved*Cough* will let her. She likes to draw in her sketch book most of the art is about animals and other things.

What are your dreams and aspirations

She wants to one day study at MIT and become a Genetic Engineer or a wildlife biologist, which ever she has the prerequsites for.

Any Enemies

Not any she knows of but at lot of people thinks she weird

Desired clique to be in.

Misfits seem like they are fun...

What Community to do you live in?

Princeton Park since Mom and dad are lawyers


Where do you hang out at?

Gymnasium, Sip and Sigh Cafe, and Mall Food Plaza are all places where I like to think I also sneak into the forest side of Kingdom Heights to see the cute deer there.

What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

Creative Writing, Pre-Calculus and Biology are the classes I'm currently taking.

Extra Curricular

Science Club I am in love with science so Yeah...

Prom Committee Only cause no one else wanted too .

Art Club I like to paint there.

What's your dirty little secret

She slept with a college kid in middle school and got pregnant. She got an abortion soon after that.

Anything else

She has a Cat named Duke


What is your full name?

Xavier Nolan Smith

How old are you?


When is your birthday?


Describe yourself


your life

He is the youngest twin so he is often patronized by his sister. They used to be close but he got friends to hang out with and ended up spending a lot of time with them. He is a Man whore but he doesn't care about that he only does it for the pleasure anyways recently he has been avoiding his sister after the snake incident.

What are you like?

He is a Man Whore who is very out there and cool. He is an enjoyable person who knows how to hold a decent conversation. He can be very flirty when he wants to do you. Unlike his sister he isn't that smart.

What are you all about?

He is all about Sex for one thing. He loves the feeling of it. Other than sex Xavier enjoys swimming and football and being outside.

What are your dreams and aspirations

He hopes to oneday become a profesional swimmer and go to the olimpics.

Any Enemies

The Beloved don't like him because he is a Harlot.

Desired clique to be in.

He sleeps around a lot and isn't into any sport so I guess he is a Harlot.

What Community to do you live in?

Knight Drive

Where do you hang out at?

Sip and Sigh Cafe, Swimming Pool, and Football & Track are where he goes to hangout.

What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

Creative Writing, Geometry , and Chemistry are the classes he is in.

Extra Curricular

Swimming, Football, and Prom Committee. He only joined Prom Committee to help his sister out a bit.

What's your dirty little secret

He has Gonorrhea he is taking Medicine for it but he keeps getting it he doesn't know who has it and it is really annoying.

Anything else

Cat named Duke

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➜What is your full name?

Camila "Mila" Natalie Bennett

➜How old are you?


➜When is your birthday?

April 3rd

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

I'm 5 ft 8 with tan golden brown skin from my unknown heritage. My eyes are bronze with thick black lashes framing them, and my hair is a samiliar color. My body is pretty fit from years of dancing and running. But it doesn't really have such an ahtletic built.

➜Describe your life (biography)

I was born in a hospital room in New Jersey to a fucked up mother who didn’t want me. She didn’t bother to even look at me before she ordered the nurses to take me away from her and never see me again. So I was basically doomed for fostercare. But fortuneatly the couple in the other room, who had just been told about yet another miscarriage, heard about the woman who was handing over her child and took me in. They raised me as their own in a wealthy home where all my wishes were fulfilled. I was everything to them, and I still am. I knew from the start that they weren’t my biological parents, but it didn’t matter to me. She didn’t matter to me. Yet my parents would always mention her. They couldn’t wrap their head around my mother’s logic and would always wonder what had been wrong with her. But I could. I understood. I guess that was one of the fucked up traits I had gotten from her.

➜What are you like? (personality)

I have a hard time caring for people. Basically I’m a coldhearted bitch. But my intentions are never to hurt people, I’m just not aware of what can hurt them. I feel as if everyone is so fucking fragile and butthurt because I couldn’t care less if those things happen to me. It’s clearly negative on my part. It took me fifteen years before I told my parents I love them, and even after that I still do things to prove that point wrong. I bet this was what my biological mother had struggled with when she threw me away. The inability to feel. Pushing that aside, I’m a pretty ambitious person and I work hard for what I want instead of just sitting on my ass, hoping. This is why I do so well in school. But academics aren’t my top priority. Dancing is. And because of how much I trust myself - I'm sure I'll succeed. I can be stubborn, but that's not how I see it. I see it as strength. The strength to not back down.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

- Dancing

- Music (Piano)

- Running

- Partying

- Going out of my comfortzone

- Reading

- Yoga

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

Becoming a proffesional ballet dancer.

➜Any Enemies?

I don't have the time for them. They're negative energy that I dont need in my life.

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

Misfit. Seeing as I come from a wealthy family myself, I'm often assiocated with the beloveds (they annoy the crap out of me most times but I'm fake too so it's okay). The gurus are people I click with too because of my devotion to academics and the student body. When it's talk about a party, Harlots are the people I choose to fill me in. And the musicians and I click on a spiritual level when it comes to music. So I can fit in at most places. But most of the time I like consentrating on myself and don't work well in groups.

➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Kingdom Heights.

➜Where do you hang out at?

The dance studio, the library, the woods and the nearby coffeeshop.

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

Creative writing, biology and world history.

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

Track, Student Government Body and Dance club.

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

I've been taking several drugs throughout the years in hope to feel something.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bbcd6dae65b1457c5782f43fb526750d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bbcd6dae65b1457c5782f43fb526750d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?What is your full name?

"You can call Cat if you want !"

Catarina Janelle Santos

?How old are you?

"I'm a minor if that's why you wanna know "


?When is your birthday?

"May the fourth be with you "

May 4th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"I'm okay looking"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2d05d5460761a8fd502b4e11b596c0df.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138058" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2d05d5460761a8fd502b4e11b596c0df.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.744f9c34c8c9010ff65b23a004b5793c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.744f9c34c8c9010ff65b23a004b5793c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.65265676985d0776ddf3bcbf18886926.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.65265676985d0776ddf3bcbf18886926.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

?Describe your life (biography)

"Don't even get me started.."

Cat was born in Fortaleza, Brazil to extremely young and poor parents. She was the result of a one night stand but after it was discovered her mother was pregnant, they decided to get married and live together. All three of them lived in a small apartment in a destitute, crime filled area but at the moment, it seemed like paradise. The two young lovers were infatuated with each other but anyone could see this relationship wouldn't last a year especially since there was a child. Her father turned to alcohol and her mother took every opportunity to degrade and belittle her husband. Clearly, nothing but mutual love for little Catarina kept them together. They were only nineteen after all.

Her father was handyman and her mother worked as a waitress at an restaurant near a hotel. That restaurant was where her mom met the man who would ruin Cat's life-her stepfather. He was a visiting American businessman in his mid fifties who immediately became charmed with her mother, the 35 year old women clearing his table. He'd flirt and flaunt his money while Cat's mother ate it al up. Not even a year later, she divorced her husband, married the businessman and dragged fourteen year old Catarina to the U.S to come life in her stepfather's mansion in Kingdom Heights.

All was well until Cat turned fifteen. He divorced her mother and sent her packing all the way to the slums of the city just because he felt like they were "moving too fast" even though he demanded they move up here. Now her mom works as a maid for some rich family and her and Cat are back where they started-destitute.

?What are you like? (personality)

"I'm interesting enough"

Catarina really isn't anything special. At least, she doesn't think so. She's quiet and tries to be unassuming though her striking appearance doesn't help. Cat is a bit clueless about most things but tries her best to help by demurely suggesting answers to the problem. Outwardly, she seems to be easily influenced yet retains her views wholeheartedly on the inside. Cat's good with children and you can tell from her constantly calm demeanor, endless patience, agreeable personality and hatred of fights. As far as romance goes, the young woman is definitely not going to face her feelings head on instead acting coy and waiting for the other person to approach her

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

I don't really have time for anything"

Cooking, sleeping and sketching take up most of Cat's free time

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Not to be in debt"

Cat has always had a small dream to be an actress but she knows it's likely never to come true. She'd also love to work on a movie set as a makeup artist but that's not going to happen either. Really, she just doesn't want to be in debt her whole life.

?Any Enemies?

"Not that I think"

*I'd love a plot where Catarina's mom works as a maid in someone's house, they find out that she is really poor and we can plan from there. PM me if you're interested ?*

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"Do I seem like a Beloved to you ?"


?What Community to do you live in?

"How 'bout that weather ?"

Pauper Court

?Where do you hang out at?

"...that's not creepy at all"

She works at the Tincan Bar and spends most of her time there.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Best ones in the whole school"

Geography and World Cultures, Creative Writing and German IV

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Anything that gets me outta the house"

Art Club and Choir

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Are you implying something ?"

??Catarina is desperately trying to hide the fact that she lives in Pauper Court from everyone.

??Cat steals. It's usually small things like makeup and jewelry but she's stole money when she has the chance.

?Anything else?

"KH rules !"

??Catarina is of Afro-Brazilian and Creole descent

?? She speaks Portuguese and French Creole

??Cat is pansexual

??Genderwise, she's just confused

??Cat makes
perfect French Toast

??Her stepfather is currently married to some unlucky woman but insists he's still in love with her mother. He constantly tries to buy her and Cat's affection but never sends enough money that they can become financially independent



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?What is your full name?

"I just go by Evie."

Genevieve Nadeem

?How old are you?

"How old do I look?"


?When is your birthday?

"It's in late February."

February 23rd

?Describe yourself

"Pretty slender. Dark brown hair that takes too much time to groom. Big brown eyes and full lips. No! I do not have injections, my lips are naturally full!"



?Describe your life

"I just want to be normal. For one day. Being the kid of celebrities suck, and I know it sounds like I'm not grateful, but I just want to breathe without someone constantly scrutinizing me and my family."

Genevieve was born with a platinum spoon, fork, knife, hell the entire platter in her mouth. Her mother, Liana Maye, or better known for her stage name as Ruby Stone, is an award winning American singer and song writer, while her father Lucas Nadeem, born Nadeem Malik, an Golden Globe awarding winning actor and producer. Before there was Beyonce and Jay-Z as the power couple, Ruby Stone and Lucas Nadeem ruled Hollywood with their early love, starting at the young age of 18 and 24. Wanting to get the most of out their careers and jump to the top of the A-List, both decided that children would be out of the pictures. One decade later, their minds changed and the couple decided it was time to start a family after successful and fulfilling lives in Hollywood.

And thus came Genevieve, swept up into the life of luxury, security guards 24/7, sold out concerts before she was even able to walk, and movie premieres before she could even understand what a "movie" actually was. Life was always good and everything was at her little fingertips. Naturally, the young girl took interest in both of her parent's career, however being a daddy's girl she accompanied him to sets, spend days and sometimes weeks away from her mother to watch the actor/producer create masterpieces. As the years passed and little Genevieve was at the age where children were bouncing off to school, her parents hired her private instructors who were paid top dollar per hour to make sure their little ray of sunshine had everything she needed. Genevieve didn't complain, in fact she was always quite grateful for her parent's well being in making sure that she had the proper education.

Just as the power couple was settling in the concept of having more children, Genevieve hit her teenager years--hard. With the round the clock protection, the young girl felt pent up, unable to
breathe without someone standing there to catch it. Just like many rambunctious teenagers, Genevieve began to rebel. Late night parties with Lindsey, twerk videos with Miley, popping bottles with Rihanna. Genevieve was finally in the fast lane and there were no breaks or parents to stop her. Unfortunately for her, every moment she had was captured and broadcast for the world to see. Video after video was plastered online, the headlines bashing her parents for their,well...parenting. Horrified at the terrible media outlet, Genevieve finally had a sit down with her more than busy parents and explained she just wanted a normal life of a teenager. She wanted to attend a normal school, in a normal town, with normal people. Liana and Lucas must have interpreted their daughter wrong because before she knew it, Evie was being placed in a $17 million dollar home in Kingdom Heights. Sure her parents lived there and it was their home, but both were always busy with tours and filming, leaving Genevieve behind to live a "normal" life all on her own.

?What are you like?

"I kind of have a hard time saying no, and a hard time taking no for an answer. Is that weird?"

Mild-tempered. Full of laughs. A bit headstrong with an independent streak. Not a wild child, but Evie appears at every party. The constant lifestyle of traveling from one place to another and never having a grounded home has turned Evie into an antsy person who can not sit still more than ten minutes, making it hard for her to concentrate in class which places her in the ranks of the C- Minus students. Even so, sitting in many closing deals of contracts and signing new artists has taught Evie to have an eye of business, she reads through whatever is given to her with a fine tooth comb, this includes people who approach her for friendship or any type of contact. While she is a fairly nice person with no qualms with making friends, she keeps a watchful eye and keeps everyone at arm's length to make sure she can keep her privacy. Her concealed wariness makes it hard for her to keep lasting friendships, some ending before they even begin, and others just falling to pieces because of her lack of effort to keep them in tact. Evie doesn't know what a real friend is, just a party buddy but the hormonal teenage girl is desperate to learn what it means to be have a best friend who she shares all her secrets with without having to question their motives.

Learning from her mother to speak easily and confidently, Genevieve has a natural gift of gab. The young teen could make anyone believe in each word she said, which isn't always the best thing because the little superstar can spit lies faster than she can think them up. It's a reflex really to keep her parent's business out of the ear of the public, most of the time it's unintentional and just consist of white lies, but Evie has an amazing poker face and plays by one rule even when a lie she has been caught in comes up: deny, deny, deny. All of this of course is the personality she had to accumulate in the vicious world of glitz and glamor. Genevieve is truly just a lonely teenager with a gullible concept of the big bad world and can be easily molded if she's not careful with the crowd she hangs around, somehow easily adapting to fit in her surroundings without missing a beat, all while losing her sense of self.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"Hobbies...like writing or whatever?"

? Writing short stories

? Tennis

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Well, I know my mother wants me to follow in her footsteps, but I'm not really into the business of creating music."

As stupid as it sounds, Genevieve wants to be an author for children's books. If that doesn't work out for her, or if it does, she plans to pursue a career as a director.

?Any Enemies?

"Sometimes my parents enemies become mine. Does that count?"


?Desired clique to be in.

"I don't think I would fit in one, honestly."

Potential Beloved

?What Community to do you live in?

"It's a nice place, I mean. Living in Dubai and our private island was much better./."

Kingdom Height

?Where do you hang out at?

"My parents don't think it's wise for me to give out my locations."

You can find her mostly at the tennis court or library when she's at school, but usually she's at the mall doing what she does best.

?What classes are you taking?

"I had to take at least one math."

I. American Literature

II. Pre-Calculus

III. Creative Writing

?Extra Curricular?

"Gotta stay busy, right?"


?Drama Club and Stage Crew (To appease her father)

?Choir (To appease her mother)

?What's your dirty little secret(s)?


?She's in an arranged marriage with a guy overseas. She's met him three times in her life and she is not interested in the man, no matter how successful and rich he is. Genevieve told a little white lie that her suitor was trying to force himself on her to squirm out of the arrangement for the time being.

?The real reason her parents bought her to Kingdom Heights? There are no casinos for miles away. That's right, little miss celebrity has a gambling problem. Just last year alone, she gambled over six million dollars in two casinos. Needless to say her father was no pleased and took away her access to her bank account. Unable to quick her habit, she began to sell her mother's belongings on eBay. Her mother fired an entire staff when her items with missing, Genevieve still feels guilty.

?Anything else?

"This isn't going in any magazine...right?"

?When her parents are away, her grandmother flies in to stay with her.

?Afro-Indian descent.

?She always accessorizes with large bangles and earrings.

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?What is your full name?

My name's Orpheus Vega, it's a pleasure to meet you, really!"

Orpheus Vega

?How old are you?

I just recently turned 18. . I feel old. It's weird."


?When is your birthday?

I'm not entirely sure, let me just call my mom. ----Oh! She said it's the First of July, stupid. I mean, I'm the stupid one, not you."

1st of July

?Describe yourself.

Here's the latest photo I took. . Wow, I'm smiling too much."


Here's me sulking for a change."


?Describe your life.

Sure you want to hear it?"

Orpheus has been living the life. Quite literally. His father owns an energy company which the country relies on for supply of oil and natural gas, while his mother owns a fine dining Italian restaurant. As a result, when Orpheus was a child, he was given anything he wanted. His parents didn't neglect him either; though they were very busy, they liked to spare time for their one and only child. When they're not there, though, a nanny called Max looked after him. Even as a nanny, she was the coolest nanny around-- she has more Hermes designer bags than you will ever have!

When Orpheus had grown up a little, his parents taught him business skills as early as in the age of 8. It was his habit then to make a choice only when it profits him, and leave anything that doesn't give him any profit. He learned from his parents that there was no such thing as friendship or loyalty, it was a matter of whether people needed you or not. Whether the world has any use of you or not. Making this his life motto, Orpheus had no choice but to excel in his academic studies, even going as far as to place third out of the entire school when he was still in Elementary. His business and diplomatic skills grew as he aged, it was as if they had become a living and evolving part of him. It was normal for a rich family's successor to be forced in taking a lot of diverse courses. Orpheus knew that these courses would later on benefit him in the future, so he had no choice but to comply to his parent's wishes. He believed that no parent would want their children to fuck themselves up-- even if in the process, the parents themselves might screw up first. As a result of the diverse courses that he's had over the past ten years, he's now able to speak French and German, as well as Bahasa Indonesia quite fluently.

Music, though, is something that Orpheus could never get around. He'd tried playing the Piano, Violin, even the Saxophone before and failed miserably, even with a professional teacher present. Orpheus is actually note deaf. He can't differentiate a note with the other. It's like the arts just wasn't meant for him. However, that being said, Orpheus' athletic ability is in a league of his own. He excels at every sport he tries, even fencing.

By the time of middle school, Orpheus had friends that he really treasured, but even so, he couldn't trust them a 100%. His parents told him not to, after all-- and for a reason. Right when High School started, someone had created the website called Letthekingdomburnbook.com, filled with secrets that weren't even secrets to begin with, it was filled with hoax to put one and another down. At one point in time someone even wrote that her father had an affair with Max, but it surely was a lie. Max was a 63 year old grandma-- she was more fit to be his mother more than his girlfriend. The outrageous conduct of the website continued, and the friendship between the clique leaders started to break.

?What are you like? (personality)

I'm okay, I guess. There's way more people worse than me out there, but then again, there's also people better than me."

Orpheus is one of those guys who you would be comfortable with as a big brother. He lets you confide in him and is a good listener, and he gives wise enough advice to get the problem done. Though he rarely confides in you, that's just how he is-- He's unaware of his own problems, as he prioritizes yours over his in the relationship. It depends on who you are to him, of course. He isn't going to act all goody-goody to a person that completely made up such a horrible lie in the Burn Book. In a sense, he's insensitive, thus thinks of any romantic advances as merely jokes. He doesn't believe anything until he sees it with his own two eyes, and he does not believe that something cannot be done until it has been attempted at least once. If the first attempt fails, then he will attempt a second one. Until he finally succeeds, even if it costs him his life. Simply put, he's stupid.

Orpheus' bad habit is that he spends money as if it's water. It's almost impossible for him not to buy a new car at least twice within a week, but he's trying to keep his desires at bay and really analyze his priorities. He has a very outgoing personality that lets him befriend anyone, though he doesn't really trust them until he feels like they have done something worthy to be called a true friend. His face is almost always cheerful, a facade that he maintains in order to have a good reputation. Orpheus' ego is a bit too big, and he won't let anyone triumph over him, if possible. He's a very competitive person, however he only likes competition only when he's winning, a childish personality that eighteen year olds really shouldn't have.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

I'm all about spending money and sports. I'm pretty good at languages too, and I know a lot about the world and its happenings."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

To succeed both her father and mother's businesses."

?Any Enemies?


?Desired clique to be in.


?What Community to do you live in?

Kingdom Heights

?Where do you hang out at?

Literally anywhere. Depends on the mood."

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

Geography & World Cultures



?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

Student Body

Future Business Leader (FBLA)


?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

Once, when I was a child, I imitated my mom and dad licking each other's mouth-- I licked my dad when he was asleep. My mom, too. I love both of them, it's just I don't know what I was thinking when I was a child. ."

-more to be added, out of ideas atm

?Anything else?

KH Rules.

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?What is your full name?

Jake Fyrio

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

June 9

?Describe yourself (appearance)



?Describe your life (biography)

He is the third child of 3 siblings, so he has often been ignored and over shadowed by his older sister and brother throughout his life. He has never been noticed for anything. Through out school and most life he has been a shadow in life. Though he seemingly gets average grades and miss school every once in awhile he is very good with computers and technology. He been messing with electronics since he was ten and is very good at programming. Though his knowledge on computers is completely unknown.

?What are you like? (personality)

Normally quite and keeps to himself with the occasional interaction with other people around him. Wont talk to you unless he has a reason to.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

Information, computers, and food. You want to know something weather it be unreleased info on the newest things to come, simple sales that have yet to be announced, or how to acquire some 'products' you want to keep on the down low ? This dude is your guy, but only if your a Badass or fellow Misfit. (which are he only two cliques that even know his 'Info Broker' business and none them are willing to tell anyone outside the Badasses and Misfits)

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

To be a computer programmer

?Any Enemies?

None that he knows of

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Princeton Park (Wealthy)

?Where do you hang out at?

Sip and Sigh Cafe

Tincan Bar

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)



German IV

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

Book Club


Drama Club and Stage Crew (Works stage crew

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

He is a computer genius and very good at 'computer programing'.

He is actually smarter than his grades reflect

He 'accidentally' crashed a part of the stock market when he was younger.

?Anything else?

KH Rules
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?What is your full name?

Miles Henry Castellano.

?How old are you?

17 years old.

?When is your birthday?

May 5th.

?Describe yourself (appearance)


?Describe your life (biography)

Miles life has never been exactly easy,and it doesn't seem like this is going to change anytime soon.

His childhood was marked by the violence and alcoholism of his father. The beatings were constant,but Miles did his best to endure it. As long he could protect his younger sister,he would be able to take it. School wasn't much better. Miles was small and nerdy as a kid,and that made him an easy target for bullying.

Everything took a turn to the worse when his mother died.

His father became even more aggressive,up to the point that he started to target Miles' sister as well. The situation soon became unbearable,and Miles' only option was fleeing from his home.

His aunt was his only family left. While she didn't have much money,she was willing to help. Miles took several different jobs to be able to help on the bills of their house.

Back at school,Miles finally snapped. He learned how to fight and got into constant trouble until he was kicked out at 15 years old.

His past experiences with his father and people in general made him a mostly quiet person,but he seemed to open up once he met Alicia. His girlfriend was a fun and open person,and he felt like he finally belonged somewhere.

Until she cheated on him,destroying any kind of trust that Miles had on people. He closed into himself,becoming the lonely person of nowadays.

?What are you like? (personality)

Miles Castellano is a mostly quiet type of person. He won't share his life or secrets easily,preferring to keep things close to his heart. It always takes him a long time to open up.

Still,when he does find a friendship he will work hard to keep it. Miles will prove to be extremely loyal.

He can be kind and a fun person to be around,as long as you care enough to learn about him. It may take time,but ultimately he has a good person inside of her.

Miles is afraid of commitment,mostly because his last relationship ended in the cheating of his girlfriend.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

Miles likes travelling and independence,although he won't deny himself some quiet time at home.

He has a weird obsession with musicals,often buying tickets to see them. It's a secret though,so don't tell anyone. The part of his love of music that isn't embarrassed to show is his ability with the piano.

He loves animals more than people,which is why he wants to be a veterinarian.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Most of Miles' dreams are quite simple,but a pressing matter in his mind is his young sister. He currently can't raise her on his own,but he dreams about the day when he will be able to do that.

?Any Enemies?

The "friend" who he caught in bed with his girlfriend,the kids at his old school.

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Knight Drive.

?Where do you hang out at?

Miles likes to go to the park,mostly because it's close to nature and quieter than the rest of the city.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

x World History

x Spanish I-IV

x Literature Analysis And Compositions

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

x Swimming

x Book Club

x Drama Club

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

Miles has a drinking problem and is completely terrified about it. He fears becoming exactly like his father,a violent alcoholic.

?Anything else?

- Miles is bisexual.

?What is your full name?

"Why? So you can trace me? No thanks, you can call me Raven."

Raven Cortana Morningstar

?How old are you?

"Not old enough. But that never really stops me."

She is 17 years old.

?When is your birthday?

"The late 1800's"

August 13th 1998

?Describe yourself (appearance)


She has hair that looks a bit like this, but black and red. She usually wears all black makeup.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/samiorenelda-frohawk.png.10e4ab4249063d79e8d1ebf0d2928198.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/samiorenelda-frohawk.png.10e4ab4249063d79e8d1ebf0d2928198.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?Describe your life (biography)

"Do you really want me to do that? Because this isn't gonna be a cute story. Its gonna be dirty and angry and full of hate. This is your last chance to turn back because im nothin' more than another tale of a girl who had to grow up too fast.

This is just another one of those stories, single mom, deadbeat dad. I had to watch my mom get beat up by her boyfriend, I had to go get her drugs when she was too hungover to get up. I had to sleep on a concrete floor with no blanket in the dead of winter. I had to sell drugs along with other things to feed myself and my mother. One day her boyfriend hit my mom so hard that she blacked out on impact. I usually hid when these things happened, but that day I grabbed the bat that I kept in the corner of my room and hit him. Over. And Over. And over. Until he stopped moving, until he stopped breathing, until his heart stopped beating. Yea, I killed a man. I cleaned off my bat, cleaned up the fingerprints, and hid the body in several pieces across the city. The police never found out, the neighbors kept quiet because they knew. They knew what went down in that house. I made enough money to move my mom and I out of that house and into an apartment in King Acres. Soon I got a job in addition to selling drugs and I was able to pay the rent and have enough food to eat. I keep my grades in the A's because if I don't get a full ride im gonna have to stay where I am and I can't do that. I can't stay here. I can't live like this."

?What are you like? (personality)

"I'm not afraid to do what I need to do to get what I want. I'm not afraid of much of anything in the first place. I can't afford to be afraid.

"Lots of people say I have anger management issues, but I just don't take peoples crap."

"I say whats on my mind all the time. Sometimes its something rude or downright mean, but I believe in brute honesty."

"Sarcasm. I have lots of it."

"My humor is a little on the dark side, which means obviously that I have really really dark humor."

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"I like guitars, rock, punk and black. I actually enjoy reading and acting, but don't tell anyone about the reading part."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Acting. I've wanted to be an actress since I was a kid."

?Any Enemies?

" I don't see these guys as enemies, more like people who piss me off."

"The Beloved. I swear, they might look nice but they are like cancer. Everyone is in love with them, no one can get their heads out of their butts long enough to realize how sickly sweet they all are."

"I don't have much to say about the Harlots. They like what they like, im not here to stop them from that."

"I might play a sport but I am in no way an Athlete. They are extremists. I'm not ready to give up popcorn and junk food yet. Besides that, we're cool."

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"Cliques are for people who are desperate to belong. I am not one of those people."


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"I live in King Acres, I just moved from Pauper Court."

?Where do you hang out at?

"I hang out at the skate park or in my house. The skate park has a lot of people I can talk to without wanting to hit."

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Probability and Statistics, Creative Writing and Spanish IV"

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Softball,Debate Club and Drama Club"

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Its called a secret because no one else knows."

(She's killed someone. She sold her body to make rent. She plans to be a stripper to get through college.)

?Anything else?

"If you want a picture of me here you go...Even though you're right here. Maybe just for later references."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/amandla-stenberg-bisexual_ezy6cz.jpg.0c071fd3e0847d9bbc458218847d4977.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/amandla-stenberg-bisexual_ezy6cz.jpg.0c071fd3e0847d9bbc458218847d4977.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"This is generally my style."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_mlq7nbvhGK1rjuitro1_500.jpg.9366cd197214fac58f7351f5b1dbda2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_mlq7nbvhGK1rjuitro1_500.jpg.9366cd197214fac58f7351f5b1dbda2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/gettyimages-506807668.jpg.7294714cea57b9f2e262b5db274de524.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/gettyimages-506807668.jpg.7294714cea57b9f2e262b5db274de524.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alex Nevarro

?What is your full name?

"Alexander "Alex" Nevarro"

?How old are you?

"I'm 18, finally legal"

?When is your birthday?

"A few days before the twins, 1th of June"

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"Well, I am quite long, 6''2 to be exact, I have beautiful dirty blonde hair, and I have a quite muscular body"

?Describe your life

"Well, do you want to long or short version? I was born a few days before the famous twins. Our fathers are brothers. However, we didn't got the luxury like the twins had. My mom died a few days after I was born. Because of that my dad worked all day when I went to school, which was paid by my uncle. School was quite fun, together with Rufus and Sef I had a happy childhood, until The Day. My father returned from work with a new girlfriend, his eyes were red and I could see he was high. This new girlfriend was involved heavily in the drugs circuit. I was too young to realize it. When I laid in my bed, I could hear them shouted to each other. My house turned into a drug plant. One day I founded my Father and his girlfriend in their bedroom, both not moving. I went to school, but when it ended, I was picked up by my uncle and went to their house. Their were murdered by a gang I heard a few days after it. My heart was broken. I moved on and passed primary and secondary with good grades. I came out the closet as Bi-sexual when I was sixteen. Since then I had some steamy nights with boys and girls for some money. When I was eighteen I moved out, I bought a small appartement, and live there now,"

?What are you like?

"I am open to everyone, I have no secrets. I care about people, but when they do drugs, it depends really. Well, I like to be myself and ignore peoples stupid comments about me"

?What are you all about?

"Parties, Sex, Starting business"

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I want to start a modeling business or become a model myself"

?Any Enemies?

"Well, I am a born Harlot, So yeah, the Beloved"

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"Harlots, simply"

?What Community to do you live in?

"King acres, In a lovely appartement "

?Where do you hang out at?

"The Gym, My appartement"

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Le language d'Amour quatre, Earth science, U.S & Global Economics "

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Personal Finance, Future Business Leader, International Club"

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Well, I once vomited while yeah, deepthroating "

?Anything else?

"If you go to make this public, here are some pictures"







?What is your full name?

Shouhei Ohmori

?How old are you?

Legal! Well, not entirely legal but... Legal enough.


?When is your birthday?

December 13th

?Describe yourself

I'm a chink with long hair.

Shouhei has very desirable features, making him quite popular around school for his exotic attractiveness. Fair skin and slanted eyes. His hair is long, silky and flowing, as he puts much care into it, it begins to curl at the ends. His body is long and slender, he stands at 6'4, towering over most.

?Describe your life

Eeto, I used to live in a little village in Okinawa. I have six siblings, two brothers, four sisters, and I am, like, in the middle. My mother, she was an animator, and we moved to America when she got a business offer here. I was fourteen when we moved away.

?What are you like?

That would be so difficult, to describe myself, I am sorry.

Shouhei can come of as many things like cool, quirky, annoying, reckless, or weird. These all have a form of truth to them. Shouhei is basically just a fun lover. When around people he's very witty and enthusiastic. The Japanese boy loves to try new things and do the out of the ordinary. He doesn't have regard for many things, his own safety and others' opinions of him in particular. Due to this, he'll come off as reckless and sarcastic, but in all actuality he's just dense. He doesn't have much regard for himself, harboring a tendency to submit to others ideas without taking his needs into account. Underneath this cool exterior lies a boy who's very humble and kind. He loves his title as misfit leader because of how cool it sounds, it amazes him how he couldve achieved such an awesome sounding title just by being himself. He's a good leader, he knows how to keep his friends smiling with his funny behavior and make sure they're having fun by introducing them to many new experiences.

Shouhei isn't actually very close to the others of his clique, due to the differences in their personalities. The other misfits are all quiet and reserved, but Shouhei is friendly and playful. He usually finds company with the badasses and harlots. They share his enthusiasm for thrill and new experiences respectively.

?What are you all about?

Wha-what I like? Ah, I like to skate! To... Draw! I like to draw. I like video games, I like soccer! Soccer is fun. I like... Seafood, and miruku tea! Anime and American cartoons. Oh! And cute girls. Hobby, now? I don't know... Skating? Watching my mother animate? Playing soccer? I don't really know when I think about it.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Eeto... I want to become like my mother, she is such a great animator, but I am unsure if I could do it... I don't know what I want to be besides like my mother, and its bad, I think, since I'm already so close to finishing highschool.

?Any Enemies?

Enemies...? ... No.

?Desired clique to be in.

I'm the leader of the misfits! How cool is that? What an awesome title.

?What Community to do you live in?

Eeto... Kingu Acres... Right? ...No?

?Where do you hang out at?

The tennis court, that's fun. The cafe, the bar...

?What classes are you taking?

Geography and World Cultures, Chemistry, Forensic Science.

?Extra Curricular?

Tennis and soccer.

?What's your dirty little secret?

Dirty little secret? Why would I say?

Shouhei and his older siblings were born to a man who was abusive toward his mother. He hates to speak of him. Shouhei behaves as if he doesn't have a father, not that he's dead, but that he never had one in the first place.

?Anything else?

People always talk about my accent. My friends make fun of how I say really! They go "Wiwi! Wiwi!" and laugh. They say, "he's Asian and can't even say chopsticks, he says shopsticks! What's a shop stick?" Or "he loves sakah! Let's play sakah!"

Shouhei has lots of giant plush toys. He'll accidentally speak in Japanese sometimes, when he's too surprised or excited to take the time to translate in his mind, or when he's got a headache or is just too tired. He plays with his own hair and braids it most of the time when he's bored. He's bisexual. Has two pet Shiba Inus and a crested gecko. His mother has a girlfriend now. Always says um in Japanese. Has a weakness for rescuing stray animals. Uses redundant terms(pin number/ATM machine/hot water heater). Still bows to greet/say goodbye/apologize. Ambidextrous. Speaks malapropisms a lot(accidentally saying an incorrect word that sounds like the one he's trying to say).


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➜What is your full name?

"I'm Barbie K. Vanderbilt."

Barbie Kathrine Vanderbilt.

➜How old are you?



➜When is your birthday?

"June 2nd."

2nd June.

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

"Look at me. I'm hot, I'm everything!"


Barbie has long beach blonde hair, she stands 5'7 with fair skin with dark eyes.

➜Describe your life (biography)

"The wild life, honestly. Money everywhere and I love it. I'm such a socialite."

Born in California with a rich often-chaotic family with mild drama and a busy wealthy lifestyle. Barbie was homeschooled until the age of 16 until she decided to try an actual school with actual people, hoping to fit in. Her family is complete and the stereotypical generic rich American family who live in a rich waterfront mansion in Kingdom Heights.

➜What are you like? (personality)


Barbie is materialistic just like her parents and aspire to be like them. Barbie is very reserved, peace minded and doesn't hesistate to speak her mind on many subjects, them being politics or just money in general. She loves to talk and communicate to others about many different subjects to build relationships and bonds.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"Money, men, fortune, cars, friends, makeup."

Barbie knows what she likes. Money, men, fortune, cars, friends, makeup.

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I dream of laying on the beach with hot men to greet me with a milkshake while I sunbathe and them all to rub me down with oils and massage me."

Barbie dreams of having her ancestor fortune of over 200 million aswell as being a successful businesswoman.

➜Any Enemies?

"I don't understand the question so I will not respond to it.

Barbie keeps neutral with everyone.

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


Harlots // Beloveds

➜What Community to do you live in?

"Kingdom Heights, duh!"

Kingdom Heights.

➜Where do you hang out at?

"The Lounge, exclusive."

The Lounge.

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)​



•Public Speaking

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

•Prom Committee



➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

Barbie has a diary where she rubbishes people by writing foul and dirty false rumors about people.

Barbie is a virgin despite her acting as if she's promiscuous.

Barbie loves herself and it shows.

Barbie's mind is full of racist and homophobic thoughts.

➜Anything else?

Barbie favours hot weather over cold weather.

KH rules!

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➜What is your full name?

Alison Daniels

➜How old are you?


➜When is your birthday?

December 25th

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

Long red hair, normally wears a white jacket, keeps hair up in a bow(color varies), 5'4 height in feet and inches, light red eyes, pale skin

➜Describe your life (biography)

My Father was never really around when I was growing up, I mean he was there but he didn't care, he was to worried about how he was gonna keep his 3 affairs a secret from my Mom, and because of his extravagant lifestyle we never really had money for thing's like birthdays or Christmas, or even 4th of July, I never did understand why my Mom never left him and every time I would ask, she just smiled and said keep that smile on your face ok sweetie? so I did for a while, but one night he came home in a drunken stupor shouting at the top of his lungs "WHERE'S MY FU***NG BOOZE BI**H!" I remember being so scared that I hid under the bed and passed out, after a while I woke up in my grandparents house not having any clue about what happened, but I don't really like to talk about it and try to keep that part of my life locked away, and do like my Mom told me, keep on smiling.

➜What are you like? (personality)

always smiling and chipper, but can be serious and menacing when i need to be

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

likes:techno music and music in general

hobbies: playing the piano, dry sketching, and cooking

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

to be accepted into the world and to be loved by at least one person

➜Any Enemies?


➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

musicians or misfits

➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

pauper court

➜Where do you hang out at? the piano shop or guitar center

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

geometry/american literature/world history

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

fine art/music comprehension/psychology

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

I keep my parents deaths a secret/i have a birthmark on my lower back that looks like a tramp stamp and a kid in middle school called me a whore because of it, despite being a virgin

➜Anything else?

i get scared easily
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