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Realistic or Modern La Lune Bleue


"Of course I will see it, is it going to be one of those films that are coming out with sound? I always heard they were trying to make them, so they didnt have to have people in the back of the theater saying their lines. That use to always annoy me for some reason" As I rattled on I started to talk with my hands and almost lost Lizas hand around my arm a couple of times. As I noticed I curtly nodded "Sorry I couldn't help myself from going on a small tangent"
Jolie laughed softly, setting her drink on the counter. She threw a quick, bewitching smile in his direction.

"Why thank you...I like it too," she grinned, tapping her fingers to the tune of the music. "And ask nicely? Hmm..well, we'll just have to see about that,"

She winked quickly. If Jolie enjoyed something, it was a playing these little games.
His cheeks had a reddish tan to them after the smile. He coughed a little to make it go away but it was a futile attempt.

Micheal could see that this was now a competition and the one to submit first would lose. He took a sip from his now filled wine as looked towards the table of the politician and smiled. " It seems the deal is done " he mumbled in a extremely low tone. " Well Jolie I am a fan of your work, so is this the place where you steal your inspiration from ? " he asked as he turned back at her.
Jolie sat upon a barstool, crossing her legs as she spoke. She took a sip of her Julep, and glanced at Micheal with a satisfied smile, seeing his face redden slightly. When he mentioned her work, she smiled quickly.

"Always a pleasure to hear that someone likes my writing," she said, looking out at the crowd. "And to answer your question...that's what I'm hoping. I haven't been here enough to truly dig up a story. But I should hope that would change. Good things, of course. I would never want to hurt Mr. LaBeau's business. I enjoy this play much too greatly for that,"
" Yes, truly this place is a bliss, there are not many places one might find alcohol and such comfort. The music is even melodious jazz jut as i like it. " he commented about the speakeasy. There was a hint of a smile on his face, Micheal did enjoy coming to the speakeasy, it was always enjoying to do so.

" Oh well i submit " he began to speak, " I think I might give away my innocence, and gift you a interview " he added. He was always curious to what might it be like, maybe it might be fun. To Micheal it was a new realm of its own that he had never explored and finally his curiosity had forced him to accept the offer that Jolie had proposed. The only thought that worried him was what if something vile came about Micheal on the news. It might start a uprising that can only be stopped by someone's death, someone Micheal felt keen to keep alive for now at least.
Liza smiled warmly at Gerald, appreciating the enthusiasm as she was wont to do. Enthusiasm excited her - striking her as a beautiful occurrence.

Taking his arm tighter into her grip, Liza spoke, leaning into him so that he could hear her as the band started up a slightly louder song.

"One of the first with sound, made with sound-on-disk technology. Silent movies are, indeed, on their way out, my dear Gerald.. And I hope to run a monopoly on their exeunt."

She usually took my slight rants quite well considering, upon hearing her future plans it seemed as if Liza had a possible solid plan for the foreseeable future "That is quite an undertaking" I said as we came to a table in the back corner of the room. "Many others have started to come out with their own methods, you'll have to make a huge splash in order to get the attention you need" Her plan was ambitious and risky, but it was a plan better then most people even dreamed of, and let alone had the opportunity to act upon. I pulled out a chair for her to sit and once I sat down I awaited her response. I lost myself in her eyes for a moment, once in a while it would dawn over me how beautiful she was, her eyes would pull you into her, loosing all sight of what was happening around you. Breaking out of her mesmerizing eyes I glanced over the scene to make sure Louis was still safe.

The song had finished, and he sat back on his Pianist stool, Stella had put her arm on his shoulder, it seemed like a habit of hers when he cried during a set, but he appreciated it so very much. he looked at her put his hand on hers caressed it, forced a smile, and jerked his head in the direction of the man in the white suit (Egon Klimt), then showed a little teeth in his smile winked and let go of her hand so she could go and mingle or what have you. As their little moment finished, the band was calling him over to play the drums, another one of his talents and he smiled, closed the keys up and sat at that drummers stool. As he banged and beat at the drums the quick paced "Fun" jazz got everyone jumpin and movin, and he loved to see people enjoy his talents. Although he often did worry of Ms. Sawyer, she needed a good hearted man to listen to her and take care of her. If only he could tell her she had a friend to talk to if ever she needed one.


"Topps, my good friend. How are you this evening? The liqour treating you alright?" Louis said, "Sorry for the wait I've been a rather busy man tonight."

Topps looked at him as he said that and said "Mate, sit down please, lets talk, you want a pint? maybe a shoeshine? Barkeep get him somten to fuckin drink! Listen I know, we've discussed this a few times, but I have something for you tonight. Its special but only if you agree to talk to me for what fuckin ten minutes, sound good?" gulped down the last of his shoeshine, and tapped on the bartop for another. he slapped Louis' arm and looked him in the eyes, waiting for hes response or the movement to sit down.
Sitting down, Liza studied her companion for a while. It had struck her once before that Gerald was a gorgeous man, equipped with a extraordinary mind - but she had enough respect for him to keep those facts to herself.

"I've got quite a hold on the Sound Industry, thankfully. I've already talked the owner out of taking on another three film contracts - told him it would be over ambitious, if you'll believe that. He ate it up."

A bit of truth was in the matter. If the Vitophone failed on all three films, the loss would be much higher than if he failed just on Liza's.

"Hopefully, The Jazz Singer - for that is what I will call it - will be the first film with sound. They're calling them 'talkie' films."

"Then it would seem that you have everything neatly squared away" as I spoke I finished off the last of what I had. "After that what would be your next exploit?" I asked her curious as to what end is the means. Things around the room were looking like anyother night as it were, so I decided to pay a little less attention to the scene. This corner had become a usual place where the two would sit down and talk for hours at a time, drinking all the while.

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"My next exploit.. Gods, have I thought that far?" Liza laughed, but the joke was short-lived. Of course she had. She's been thinking about it all her life.

She took a last sip of her Bellini and set it down.

Playing with the length of the glass, she struggled to suppress her smile; "I'll be moving to France."

France huh, that was a huge step form the U.S. that and I wouldn't have Liza to talk to. I sat there for a quick minute, thinking. "Well France is quite nice" I said as I faked a smile. "Paris is all the rage these days"

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Liza recognized the fake smile, and thought for a moment to reach out and take his hand. She resisted, and sought quickly to change the subject.

"Should I get you something more to drink?"

Before coming back to La Lune Bleue, moving to France had seemed exciting. New faces, new opportunities, new sets. Seated now in front of what had come to be her closest friend, the words tasted bitter in the back of her throat.

I stood up at that moment to go to the bar. "No I will go get it" with that I took a short trip to the bar. Gerald you are a fool, I though to myself. You know how and who she is, especially wth men. It wouldn't work out in the long run. Then a little voice from the back said, when will you telll her you love her. I paused there for a moment drinks in hand at the bar. When will you tell her what she means to you. I pushed thoughts like those from my head and walked back to the table. Sitting down I started up once again. "You know, after the war we were stationed in paris for a time" I had brought back a few drinks for the both of us. "It was a beautiful place beck then, fireworks, cheering crowds, it was a massive celebration that lasted a few days. Then when it all came to the end the second infantry was disbanded, and I came here"

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Louis went ahead and sat down, taking up the offer for the drink. "Alright I"ll bite, but just this time Topps." He said taking a sip of the drink that had been handed to him. He figured he'd indulge in drunken friend for once. Who knew maybe Topps had come up with a deal worth considering this time.

Stella walked over to Egon once she was finished with her performance. "So, where were?" She said sitting back down at a table and lighting up another cigarette.
Harry took his rum and paid for it and watched the band for a while. When there was a pause between numbers he made his way over to the cool cat on drums. He pulled a dollar from his pocket and laid it on the snare.

"Say fella, any chance of you guys playin' "Ain't Misbehavin"?"

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
Liza closed her eyes as the scene played out before her.

"That's beautiful. I think I might write a picture about you, Gerald."

She said, opening her eyes only after she'd finished speaking. Taking one of her drinks and leaning back in her chair, she thought for a moment as she took a sip.

"Hmm.. Fireworks. Soldiers. Lost love. France.." she let her voice trail off.

"Of course, you'd have the lead role." she teased him.
Gracie drank while her husband attended to his duties as the owner of this speakyeasy. Usually she didn't like being alone for very long and she'd join him, she noticed that he was with Topps. Typically she didn't mind Topps and her presence kept that man in a less aggressive mood but she didn't feel like being around that tonight. She would've asked Gerald to dance or talk, but he was with Liza, whom Gracie wasn't fond of but didn't necessarily hate either. She let out a sigh and lit a cigarette as she realized she'd be alone for a bit longer.

I thought about it for a minute, what did she mean about lost love? interesting, I thought to myself. I looked to her "my story is a bit dull, unless you find war interesting" with that I took another drink and leaning back in the chair such as she was. I decided to give something a whirl. "Liza would you mind a dance?" I said as I stood from my chair, I wasnt too good at dancing in the typical flapper style, but with the right person I was willing to give it a try. I offered my hand to her and my green eyes meet her light brown eyes, it seemed almost angelic just to have her set her gaze upon you.
She was taken aback by the request, but placed her hand in his.

"I'm afraid I'm not a very good dancer." she mumbled, feeling almost shy.

She stole a glance around the room. Gracie sat alone. Louis, with a man she had seen here before but not met, and everyone else seemed grouped about. The dancefloor was packed - nobody would notice her fumbling dancemoves.

She stood, taking his hand tighter.

"Dont worry too much, i'm not that good either" I took her to the dance floor and immediately regretted it. I didnt have any faith in my ability to dance at all, so I moved us deeper into the crowd and we both started to dance the night away. Seeing the person who I have had the most serious conversations with now dance like a flapper it was mildly amusing to say the least. We laughed at each other as we danced on and on. Eventually it seemed like after a short while we were both tiring out, or at least I was. took her hand in mine and held her close, there were people all around us and I didnt want her to get lost in the crowd, yet I held her slightly tighter then I needed to, I took a glance over at her for a moment and smiled... this was a night to remember, my first time dancing like that in my entire life.
Liza laughed, allowing Gerald to take hold of her around her waist. She laid her head on his shoulder, smiling.

Caught up in the moment, she closed her eyes. As she opened them again, she caught sight of a man in the crowd - a man she'd been with just a few weeks ago.

Reality hit Liza squarely in the chest. This was Gerald. And she would not exert on him the same she had on others. She couldn't.

Letting go of him, Liza turned quickly and escaped through the crowd. She broke through the swarms of people and to the closest corner, where she stood with her back against the wall.

Perhaps it was time to leave..

I suddenly felt Liza pulled away from me in an instant. I looked around to see a few people moving out of the way of something. what would make her just run like that? i asked myself. following the disturbance I came to the clearing and saw Liza in the corner. I made my way to her and leaned against the wall right nest to her. "hey there," I said noticing that something was wrong.
"You need to stay away from me, Gerald." Liza said, keeping her gaze on the floor, on the surroundings - anywhere but on him.

Suddenly realizing that her plea sounded weak - a trait that Liza detested - she took a drink off of a passing waiter's tray and sipped it vigorously.

"If you keep hanging around me, I'll end up going home alone."

She felt horrible for saying it, but had to defend herself somehow. Liza had opened herself up to him too much to invite him into her world of deceit and one-night stands.

I raised my hand to her chin and gently raised her gaze to mine. "I already know our reputation, I hear everything that happens here." she tried to avert her gaze again and I again gently as possible raised her gaze to mine. "I don't care about that, your my friend, my best friend. I don't have to pretend to be anything other then me when i'm around you. I don't judge you on what you have done to most others, you have been kind and caring towards me for as long as we have known each other. We joke and have fun, we talk about the world time and again, all the while I knew what was going on. I never said anything because it didn't matter" I didn't know if this was the right moment or not, it might be the drink telling me to do it. I paused for a moment to think. "your friendship means more to me then you know Liza"

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