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Realistic or Modern La Harpe University

Raven backed away from the reunion down the hall. She waned to scout the welcome desk more in case she missed something.. " I'll uh... See you all later.." She chuckled, backing up, and accidentally into someone farther down the hall. She turned around quickly to see a black haired male, quite a bit taller than her.

" I'm sorry.. i wasn't looking, my apologies." She said quickly, combing her fingers through her haiir to make sure she didnt mess anything up, she got very picky about the way her hair laid so if it got messed up she was sure to correct it.

@Kai Ghoul

Gavin left his confortable seat downstairs in the lobby, seeing something dangling from the wall. He sauntered over to check it out and low and behold it was the one place his sister didnt look. The Registry. It ha all the names of the new kids, and transfers and what rooms they would be in. But it didnt say anything about who was rooming with who. He shrugged. " Well as long as it isnt with some lowlife skank i'll be jut fine." He said softly to himself,

" Hey Doll... you're in foom.." He trailed off, sliding his finger down the list. " 402." He looked over to her ad smiled.

Dread washed over her as she turned her head to the side . " With you and Raven right?" She hesitated moving from her spot infront of a portrait of the founder of the school.

" I have no idea, we'll have to wait till we get up there to see what all that ruckus was about." He smied waling over to her " You'll be fine Doll, i promise.
Butch looked at the antsy woman and smiled a little.

" It's all good... You new here too? "

His voice was a little raspy, even two years after having his throat curb stomped in a barfight he shouldn't have even been a part of. He thought she was pretty cute, she obviously had style too. He admired women who had a punk style, yet took care of herself. Even though he looked beat up himself.
Raven chuckled. " Unfortunately, i'm trying to find where my room is, there's next to nobody downstairs.. She tilted her head a bit at the stranger " You feelin alright? your voice is kinda..." Trailing off, she put a hand up to her throat, rubbing her jugular.. He deffinately did tower over her w bit but for some reason she respected taller guys ore than usual, Her father was a tall guy, thats where Gavin got his height from but then again their mother was tall, however she was a kid so everyone was tall to her.

Gavin scrolled the list forr his sister and himself '' " I'm in 403. Hey Doll i'll be right next door to you." He smiled assuringy, wrapping his arms around her into an embracefull hug.
Butch was a little surprised, not a lot of people usually asked why his voice was raspy.

" It's just allergies... "

He continued on; he didn't like people knowing he got his ass beat at one point. It didn't happen often anymore, but he still had pride. He wondered who his roommate would be over here.

" You didn't get a text...? Just give it a few more minutes and you should. I found my key inside the room; with the door unlocked. "

It was all he could do not to roll his eyes at his poor luck. He hated being right sometimes.

"Yeah," he said, "I'm from Dublin." On the bright side, he thought, at least she wasn't a cockney.

"I haven't really met many people yet. Everyone's just now getting here."
Her brows furrowed. " At Text?" She repeated his words.. " Hmm.. i didnt get any texts." She took out her phone, and pressed the lock button, checking her messages ." Noo.. i dont have one.." She sighed.. " Maybe they have the wrong number.. ." Little did Rave kknow that on tthe transfer sheet she had received, via mail, she neve checked the box to get Text messages from the school. " I guess.. i'll go see if they have a physical copy for room assignmments.
" Well... I may as well go with you. I kinda want to find out who my roommate is anyway. "

Butch started walking. It was weird these dorms were co-ed, but he definitely didn't mind. It would probably get a little weird though.
Raven nodded lightly. " Sure, i'd like to get my stuff up here, the quicker the better." She smirked. " Soo uh... I don't think i got your name, I'm Raven." She extended her hand before they made their way down the stairs. er nails were french tipped, clear and pristine. Yea she had an edgier style about her but she knew how to take care of herself.

( would you like Butch and Raven to be roomies?
(( Sure ))

" Butch... Good to meet you. "

Butch shook her hand and they made their way downstairs. He honestly loved the school so far; it was incredibly chill, a hell of a lot more chill than his high school was. Even his home life when he was younger. Even though everything pretty much topped that experience.
Evelyn decided to go out into the hallway where she heard some people talking. She saw room 402's door open a little bit and decided to see who had moved in. She knocked politely on the frame and stood at the door. In she saw a young girl and Oliver.

"Hey! I'm in room 404! We're neighbors." She let out a small laugh and looked at the new girl. She had a great since of fashion and hair. Evelyn could see them being friends.

She extended her hand out to the girl with a smile, "Hi, I'm Evelyn."

(@Valor Green @KhaleesiYadah )
" Nice to meet you Butch." Raven smiled, walking down stairs with him. " what did you come here for?" She turned her head to him as they walked together, not wanting the silence to consume the both of them. " I'm here for music.mostly." All she wanted to do,, once she un pakced that is, was find the music room, Her guitar was still in her brothers car now that she thought about it, she was too hyper to check in she forgot about it.
@Valor Green

"Oh cool! I've never been to Dublin; you stay there? Or you're based here? I haven't been ti my hometown in 3years! Just imagine!" I giggle, throwing myself on the bed.

"Ah, feels good to be back in school."
"I'm just from there," Oliver replied almost absentmindedly as he rummaged through his belongings. He plugged a pair of large over-the-ear headphones into his phone and draped them around his neck.

"Well, I'm off to the quad, uh... Selena, was it?"
Butch came for multiple reasons, one being; Boston was the highlight of most strong arm robbery's, and he wanted to get in on the action. He would just tell her the common reason though.

" Just wanted to get the hell out of Oakland... Shit was getting stupid up there. "

And that wasn't a lie either. Doing 'jobs' over there was incredibly difficult because of all the gang activity, most of his old crew took to joining them out of desperation. As Butch and Raven walked downstairs, they saw a organized roster that should have had all the names posted. There were also two other people looking at it, but Butch ignored them at first.

" Well look at that... Guess we are in the same room. "

Butch felt that was convenient, this Raven chick didn't put out any negative vibes, he wouldn't mind sharing a space with her.
" Oakland... was it a busy town oorr.." She didnt want to continue her sentence in hopes nothing bad happened there that made him want to get away. She cleared her that as a small smile laid across her lips. " Well... Roomie... i guess i should get my stuff" She smiled and turned, motioning Gavin over.

Gavin came over, his arm wrapped around Felicity's shoulder, tossing the keys to his sister.

" You wanna come out to get my stuff with me it'll give us more t ie to,,,," Bond" as it were" She chuckled, with t the quot on quite Bonding

( i have to get to work now you guys,, i;l reply when i return<333)
Bond? Butch didn't really 'bond' really well with anyone, but he guessed he would take her to breakfast. He was starving at this point. He chose to ignore her Oakland comment.

" Alright... We should get breakfast afterword though, I'm hungry as shit. "

Butch ended up helping her with her bags. Wasn't really his style, but he figured it wouldn't hurt being 'nice' to the person he was sharing a room with. A room where he would probably keep some 'hot' stuff hidden much less.
@Valor Green

Selena nodded at Oliver, oblivious to the fact that he skipped her question. "Alright then, is there a way I can reach you in case I'd have to leave the room later?"

She was fond of going out to explore and didn't want to keep her new roommate in the dark if she had to leave.

That was improper, like her parents would say.
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Raven was ahead of him, walking to the stairs, carrying her Gavin's keys in her teeth. He pulled them from her careful not to hurt her sensetive enamel. " Hey we;re gonna head to breakfast.. or lunch.. " She shrugged ." Either way we get food." She chucked

Gavin arched his brow. " you two..going to get food,, isnt it a bit early too..." His gaze looked fro the two quickly, a light whistle leaving his lips.

Raven rolled her eyes, hoisting her guitar over her shoulder, the strap to her case was a bit worn from its constant usage " Relax big brother... not a date.. we're paying our own way.

Felicity came to join her brother.. "Hello.." She said in an almost whisper to the unknown male. She stood behind Gavin a bit, almost to conceal herself behind his towering height almost like she was hiding.
" Hey there... "

Butch thought this whole thing was awkward. Getting breakfast usually meant you were hungry, not a date. At least in his eyes anyway. They finally made it to the room with their bags, Butch even more hungry than he was before.

" Okay.. We gotta go. I've been on the road all night, and I need some serious chow... I'll drive. "
Raven chuckled. " Maybe you shoulda gotten some food on the way." She joked lightly placing her things on her side of the room., placing her room key in her back pocket, exiting the room before him. She pulled her hair up into a loose pony tail, getting her bangs from er eyes so she could see without interference. " Where you wanna go?" Se asked incase he didnt know the cafeteria,,somewhere in this place.. probably had some descent food
" I'm gonna need some real food... IHOP maybe. C'mon, you can use my helmet. "

Butch was too hungry to sign up for a meal card at the college, he needed nourishment ASAP. He started walking out of the room, already tying his bandana around his head to keep his hair from getting in his eyes as he rode his motorcycle.

" You comin? "
Raven chuckled..." Uhm shouldn't you use your helmet?" She asked him, walking behind him on my he stairs. She didn't have a lunch card for the school either but it's not like she could take her brothers car whenever she wanted to either. " I just don't want you to get hurt.. That's all" she finished her sentence sheepishly, assuming he was the kind of guy that lived dangerously.
As Butch and Raven made it to the bike, he threw her his helmet to wear.

" Common curtesy... I know I can ride, but you don't. "

Butch sat on the bike, sprawling out a little to get comfortable. He looked back toward Raven.

" Might wanna hold on, unless you wanna fall off. "
Gavin and felicity watched as Raven straddled the bike with her room-mate. He was growing more protective over her than he had ever been. Raven wasn't the kind of girl that would go off with guys without notice. she had hardly been on any dates because her school work was too important to her. She felt if she had a boyfriend she would loose concentration on her music, Music was in her blood it was her life force,,essentially.

Raven sat behind him, pulling the helmet onto her head, fastening the straps. Her arms linked under his arms, around his waist and laced her fingers together, giving him a reverse hug. This was her first time on a motorcycle and she hoped the experience would be pleasant but for some reason, she felt he was a speed demon., She rested her cheek on his back waiting for the wind too pick up in her hair. " Soo uhm... i'm not gonna like swallow any bugs am i?" She asked, opening one eye.
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Having discovered a vending machine up against the western side of the dormitories, Hadrian felt a pang of personal triumph, selecting a Crunch Bar as requested and some plain chips. With that, he decided he'd made enough effort for one day and was ready to stare at the ceiling or write.

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