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Realistic or Modern L I F E (Open)






Age: 18




Significant Other:




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Madeline Amber Williams


? Maddie ? Lyn ? Addy ? Mads ? Ambs ? Amy ?




The Nice Girl


Heterosexual; straight

Significant Other:

PM me or OOC tag me ??\(//?//)\??


PM me or OOC tag me ??\(//?//)\??

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.9d384fe7f56fe674bb39f18334178394.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.9d384fe7f56fe674bb39f18334178394.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


? Sweet ? Caring; kind ? Selfless ? Bubbly ? Down-to-Earth
Maddie--like everyone else on the planet--loves to receive gifts, but also loves to give them. First priorities of Maddie usually include others, then herself. It's one of her habits; thinking of the wellness of others before considering what is best for her.

Like a mother, she constantly looks after her friends the way she would look after her younger sibling or possibly child. Running around wiping tears, brushing hair, cleaning rooms--it's all quite common for her to do for her friends. Really, even if they didn't ask, she can't help but wipe that extra crumb off their cheeks, or remind them to put sunscreen on.

Slightly quiet, Maddie isn't ever particularly extravagant or flashy. Instead, she prefers to smile and laugh amongst her friends, keeping a down low in new, social settings. With her friends, she's willing to sacrifice anything to keep them happy, even if it means her own happiness.


Growing up with a single mother, Maddie had to learn to take care of herself. Her mom was constantly working night shifts, leaving the young adolescent to fend for herself. Night after night, dinner would either be cup noodles, or a frozen microwaveable pizza. Not exactly the healthiest, I know. Then came the day, when her mother announced that she was pregnant, though Maddie wouldn't be receiving a step-father. A few months later, out popped baby Amethyst, crying and pink. Again, their mother would leave the two home alone, expecting Maddie to care of the newborn infant. She didn't want this life--not for her new baby sister. And so, as they grew up, Maddie learned not only to do housework, but also how to take care of Amethyst. She would go to the grocery store by herself, cook fresh food, and surprise even her mother. Eventually, these habits leaked into her social life, as she would care for her friends the same way she would for Amethyst.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.3d3337b306f3f2d889abcc4b9922fa1b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.3d3337b306f3f2d889abcc4b9922fa1b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Age: 16

Role: Good Girl

Personality: Kind, Socially Awkward, Smart, Stubborn

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Significant Other:none, currently

Crush: None, currently

Biography: Max has always followed the rules. She is focused on her future and doesn't want to jeopardize it in any way. She is raised by her father, her mother is out of the picture. Max has no memory of her mother except for the annual card she receives on her birthday. She is focused on getting an academic scholarship for college .
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V E R D I E R, A L E S S A N D R A



Alessandra Margo Verdier






The Cool Girl


Funny. Ales always knows what to say, always knows when to say it.

Nice. She's always there for you no matter how she feels herself.

Loving and Loved. Ales has a great number of friends, but no one she actually loves like that.

Sarcastic. You'd better watch out. Her sarcastic voice is her normal voice. Never take her seriously.


Laid back. She's about as antsy as a sloth. Almost nothing bothers her and she's very flexible.



Significant Other:



Will Develop



She grew up in a very strict but loving household and her back became as straight as a ruler, while she remained kind and caring. Alessandra grew up in Albuquerque, NM and lived there until she was ten. She knows the Spanish language well and is part Mexican herself. Her father is the chief of police, so she has a strong sense of justice and knows the difference between right and wrong. I guess you could say she's a pretty normal girl. She's just a bit better off than most as her father makes 70k a year and as an engineer, her mother makes 120k a year. Ales doesn't have any siblings but wants some. Love has never really been a big part of her life, but she's willing to try.









? Jerks

? Idiots

? Old Music

? Old Movies

? Vain Girls


M I Z O U, K A I T O



Kaito Jamie Mizao






The Nice Boy


Kind. He'll bend over backwards for a complete stranger.

Silly. You're sad? Now he's making a complete fool of himself just to make you laugh. Oops.

Doormat. It's hard for him to say no and this can be a serious problem at times.

Funny. Like being silly, he loves making people happy.

Loyal. He is honest and loyal. His trust in people is unconditional and he will never let you down.


Questioning Bisexual

Significant Other:



Will Develop



Kaito grew up in a very laid-back household. Everyone did what they want and nobody gave a crap. He taught himself how to drive and make meals and play board games by himself. Though he doesn't hate his family, he doesn't love them. If he tries to speak with them they shoo him away or pretend to listen. That's just the way they are and he understands that, but feels that he should've had a more fulfilling childhood instead of the isolated one he got. Besides that, his kindness probably came from being so happy whenever someone did something nice for him. So he became The Nice Boy.



?Good People




?Pop Music


? Pressure

? Cussing

? Exercise

? Mean People


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Name: Alex Dorame Fowler

Nickname/s: Aleex/emo girl

Age: 17

Role: The sad girl

Personality: quiet, shy, sad, occasionally outgoing around people she trusts and likes (p.s. she plays the piano as a hobby)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Significant Other: None

Crush: None (for now)

Biography: Has one little sister named Sarah, Parents split up and her dad is in prison.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/superthumb.jpg.2c594d71d7d96cb9374b2cc8698ae4ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/superthumb.jpg.2c594d71d7d96cb9374b2cc8698ae4ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jack

Nickname/s: Big J, J.D.F

Age: 17

Role: The Delinquent

Personality: He has been a fighter since birth, He does not like to be disturbed when eating, He skips class, He slacks and goofs off, He has a three best friends, He never does homework.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Significant Other: He does not have one.

Crush: He used to crush on a girl a year ago and finally worked up the nerves to ask her out but she smashed and crushed his heart coldly. He now does not trust anyone with his heart but that could change.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_1-1-46.jpeg.7d513c4622c25a5e4d5670fc17a0f6eb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_1-1-46.jpeg.7d513c4622c25a5e4d5670fc17a0f6eb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (His old crush)

Biography: He was born into a family of arguments, swearing and a lot of hand-to-hand combat from his parents. They were always at each others throats and payed no attention to him as a child. At the age of five he and his brother was sent to an orphanage due to none of their parents wanting them. The entire family split apart. He spent his time alone in younger years of school and pushed people away when they tried to get close to him. Until someone came down on him like a million punches. Literally. That was his first fight and the first time he met Lochlan one of his best friends. After the fight they oddly exchanged names and then became friends. What a way to become friends. Lochlan brought Jack into his friendship circle which included his second and third best friend David and Luis. They spent their years together at school but David and Luis moved away which confused him and Lochlan. They found them selfs in a lot of fights together taking out people of all ages. High school rolled around the block and guess who was back? David and Luis. They all were exited to see each other and decided to form a rule amongst each other that no one will ever leave the group ever again. During high school he saw his first crush. He never got to talk to her only admire her from afar. This lasted for around a year. Until he finally asked her out. She explained to him how he would "Never get a chance to be with a girl like me." She broke his heart which send him into a pit of loneliness and depression. If it had not been for his friends he would have never climbed out of that pit. But now he does not crush on anyone due to his experience in the past.

This is David. He is an otaku who loves to read manga and watch anime. He cannot stop talking about it and will tell his friends about it all the time. He loves animes like Fairy Tail. He has even got Jack watching anime like this over time. David attends classes more then the other two but he still slacks off sometimes with the group.

This is Luis. He is calm and collective. when his friends need his help he is the kind of person to stop what ever he is doing and come to the rescue. He is also a delinquent like Jack, Lochlan and David.

Finally this is Lochlan. He is Jack's first best friend that has stuck by him for all these years. They never argued with each other maybe over stupid stuff like who gets a turn on the play station but other then that they have been great friends. He is a comedy guy. He is not one to take seriously for how stupid he can be. He slacks off the most out of all of them and never goes to class. He hates people talking bad about his friends and does what ever he wants.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_1-1-31.jpeg.5074454ee850471709a918908e1566be.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_1-1-31.jpeg.5074454ee850471709a918908e1566be.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Casi Milo Briggs

Nickname ~

"You can call me Cass or Milo. I'd prefer my title though. Princess.

Age ~

"Just turned 18. Freedom at last, bitches."

Role ~

"I like to say I'm a Pastel Princess. Cause it's true."

Personality ~

?Confident? ?Seductive? ?Submissive? ?Realist? ?Sweet?

Sexuality ~

"Love is love. Get unique with it. I'm a panny"

Significant Other ~

"I'm not dating anyone at the moment. So, yeah."

Crush ~

"If you're interested, do come see me."

Biography ~


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.56f4e5f8a545ddca2421e6dccc859db2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.56f4e5f8a545ddca2421e6dccc859db2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tony Everglades

Age: 18

"I'm perfectly legal, honey."

Role: The Flirty Boy

"It's the way I am baby."

Gender: Cisgender male

"I have the proof if you want to see."

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

"Sorry ladies, just kidding, I'm just not into it."


Sassy: "I like to be honest, and to be honest... You're nothing special."

Open-minded: "If you're into it, I'm more than willing to try baby."

Tease: "What can I say? I'm just that sexy."

Playful: "I love to tickle, though I find I'm usually the one to be tickled. Not complaining. Heh."

Cuddly: "I might be a total flirt, but that doesn't mean I don't love some quality loving."

Charming: "I just know all the right moves, what else can I say?"

Impulsive: "If I want to do something, I'll do it, whether it be good or bad."

Selfish: "Pay attention to me, and only me."

Possessive: "Once you're mine, you're always mine."

Submissive: "Whatever you say, my love."

Crush: Will be developed

Significant other: Will be developed

Biography: Tony has never had the best life, his mother was a whore and his father was drunk. He taught himself everything he knows. How to cook, how to pay bills, how to clean. Everything. He never went to school, nobody really cared since he was never enrolled in the first place. But, at the age of thirteen he had enough. He called his grandparents and they came, taking him away. They were in a state of shock when they saw the run-down, disgusting apartment. There was only so much Tony could do to make it clean... And Tony himself. His piercings were self-done so he had a nasty infection going on, surprised that he lived in such an environment, after taking him to the hospital they began the process of adoption. Now at the age of eighteen Tony can finally say that he lives in a happy home... And though he would never admit it, he loves his grandparents to the moon and back.

"I had a pretty rough childhood, but now I'm a happy bitch!"



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Work in progress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.e30f94725562260cd204d1aa63e27429.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.e30f94725562260cd204d1aa63e27429.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kayden Lionel Williams


Kay | Lion | Kaidy

"Hey, fuck you. Who the fuck put down Kaidy?"

Age: 18

"Babe, I'm legal, so stop acting like you've got a stick up your ass, and fuck me."


The Rude Boy.

"What the fuck, is that what people are calling me? Fucking assholes..."


Rude | Dirty-mouthed | Sarcastic | Wild | Hot-headed

Annoyed easily | Rebellious | Flirtatious​

With a mix of a bad-boy, flirt, and rude, Kayden is just the perfect thing to bring to your parents!--not. He's the type of boy to take your heart, and break it into a million pieces. Not only is his mouth incredibly dirty, he has no sensitivity and speaks with a cruel straight-forwardness. His replies are rarely serious, and almost always laced with a bit of sarcasm. To him, life should just be a never-ending party--it shouldn't be taken very seriously.



"Twice the fun, right?"

Significant Other:

PM me, but I'm not looking for a girlfriend nor boyfriend at the moment. A crush may be nice. ( • ◡ • ;)


I'm not sure, I'll decide later.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.1001f16cf00f5d003eb48d7d7bdef7c8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95099" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.1001f16cf00f5d003eb48d7d7bdef7c8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Please don't make me finish this. Please, please, please?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.ee3e9298623c5dfbb9be0acd2b8090ac.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.ee3e9298623c5dfbb9be0acd2b8090ac.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kayla Jade Brookes


Kay - Kaylie - Kales

"It's not that damn hard to say my name, guys. Just say my name instead."



"Finally. Freedom. Should we celebrate with some shots?"


The careless one

"Uh, I'm not careless. I'm just living free unlike you guys."


Careless | Wild | Never regrets anything | Confident | Seductive | Friendly



"Why decide when you can have both?"

Significant Other:

None at the moment.

"Currently none. But hey... if you're interested..."


None at the moment.

"I'll decide sooner or later... Just wait."


She was born in almost the perfect family. Almost. Months after her birth, her mother had busted her father making out with another lady. She spent most of life outside of the house, trying out new adventurous activities as her mother worked hard as a successful lawyer. However, at the age of 6 her oldest sister, Jenna who was 8 and her mother died due to a car crash. She became severely depressed. She ended up living with her aunt who was a successful doctor and has been living with her ever since. After overcoming depression, she decided to enroll into dance at the age of 13. She travel with her dance team to different places and tried many things with them as well. So far, she is focusing on becoming a dancer as her career.


Name: Jared Sharp

Nickname/s: Sharpie

Age: 17

Role: Funny Boy

Personality: Jared is generally a kind person . . . if you don't know him. If you are good friends with him, he is more playful and sometimes even rude (he never means it). He also has a sexual nature, he makes lots of dirty comments (if that's allowed in the RP).

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Significant Other: None (PM me if you want)

Crush: (PM me if you want)

Biography: Jared grew up with no parents. His mom died in child birth and his dad died from a drug overdose. Jared lived his life on the streets and found a girl around the same age as him (around fourteen now). They became lovers and stayed a couple until he was sixteen. Two guys kept "talking" to the girl, she told Jared. Jared went to the guys and knocked them both out. The girl found out she dumped him a month later. He's eighteen now.
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@Dee No worries. Make a character here using this:




Age: 18




Significant Other:





The Role Options are in the Overview

Name: Harper Wright

Nickname/s: Harp, Shortie

Age: 18

Role: The Outcast

Personality: Loves food, Outcasted from school and family, candy crazy, silent at times, shy sometimes, Hilarious once you get him out of his shell

Sexuality: Gay

Significant Other: Unknown

Crush: (PM?)


Harper was picked on due to him having a girls name and looking like a girl. That type of bullying started when he was in middle school. The teasing never stopped so he slipped into depression. His parents were strict and didn't like him because of his style, which made matters worse.

Name: Aemiliana Viktoria Elizabeth von Salien

Nickname/s: Emma

Age: 18

Role: The Popular Girl

Personality: Emma is quiet, sassy, and generally keeps to herself. Emma typically spends a lot of time outside, reading and writing, or occasionally playing video games despite the stereotypes associated with a female gamer.

Sexuality: Straight

Significant Other: Yet to be determined

Crush: Yet to be determined


Biography: Emma was born in Sigmaringen, Southern Germany, on December 24th. Born into an Uradel family (old nobility) Emma lived most of her early years on her family estate. Becoming an avid hunter via the influence of her father and used to having animals about the home. Her mother worked in the financial industry and often away on business trips abroad. Perhaps the only real remark her mother left was a sense for adventure, and the want to travel. After a few years of begging her father, Emma was allowed to travel to be a foreign transfer student and spend a year abroad. Arrangements were made for the young Von Salien to attend Rock Hill High School. Her traveling companions being her lovable dog Ollie and her loyal butler Felix. Felix having been sent to make sure Emma attended school comfortably, the Von Salien family purchasing a nice cabin style home several miles away from the school itself in nice woodland country.






"It's a mouthful."

Zavier Taylor Roderick


"Just Z is okay."

Z, Zero


"Old enough."



"I, uh, I'm not really sure."

The Quiet Guy


"I'm pretty okay."

Soft spoken | Protective | Anxious | Gentle | Caring | Dominant | Civil | Witty | Occasionally flirtatious

Z is quiet, reserved, with almost no presence whatsoever. He prefers to stay quiet rather than speak and get hurt. Even when he's being picked on, he refuses to raise his voice or stand up for himself. He becomes extremely anxious in social situations, although with the right people he can be quite caring and sometimes even talkative. Usually, though, he just prefers to sit back and observe rather than jump into the conversation himself.


"What's a kinder way to say 'gay as all hell'?"


Significant Other:

"Nobody, yet."

None yet


"Uh, who's he? I-I don't know what you're talking about."



"It's all okay."

Born in Munich, Germany, Z had a bit of a difficult childhood. Although his father was a wonderful figure in his childhood, Z's mother was incredibly toxic and abusive to the family. He grew up learning to shut his mouth rather than dare to speak his mind, and that if he were to raise his voice, he would get a slap in the face, or worse. He grew to be very angsty inside because of this, and it took several years of therapy to get over. Now, he finds himself to be content with his home life now that his mother is out of the picture and he's learned to advocate for himself without necessarily speaking up about it.​
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Name: Adam James West

Nickname/s: N/A

Age: 18

Role: The Varsity Guy

Personality:Tough, strong, compassionate, and hotheaded.


Significant Other:None



Biography:An average homeboy, Adam has always been the one to try to be centre of attention. He isn't the star player, but he most certainly is the one person who can be counted on to steal the show. He enjoys playing soccer, but is a bit of the stereotypical athlete. He isn't even the most popular kid at the school, but he has friends. He doesn't much like the foreign kids.


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