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Tony smiled, "Thanks dear, but I'm gay." He announced rather proudly, smirking to see the look on Kayla's face. He grabbed her wrist and took the pencil, eyes landing on Kaito. "Let me get that for you." He offered, not waiting for a response he stood and walked to the pencil sharpener. Quickly inserting the pencil in and cranking the handle until it was sharpened. He spun on his heal, the rubber of his converse squeaking as he began to walk back.

He stopped next to Kaito and grinned, "Hi lovely, I'm Tony. And you are?" He asked in interest, placing a small hand on Kaito's shoulder as to give him a hint to his intentions. "I couldn't help but notice you, I think you're gorgeous." Tony purred, letting a small giggle fill the air between the two of them.
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Ales sighed happily as she received a few messages about the party. She thought about what to wear and decided on a flower fairy vixen costume that her mom outgrew and passed down to her. She tried it on and found it a bit loose, but it looked nice anyways. Cursing silently, she decided to keep it, even though she couldn't sit down while wearing it. The shoes killed her, so she paced to get used to walking in them.

Kaito looked up at the clock in relief. Just ten more minutes, he reminded himself as he continued working. He heard a voice beside him and looked up, trying to grasp what the peer said. Not wanting to be rude, he awkwardly said, "Well... thanks. You too." He cringed at those words, saying them out of habit.


Tony giggled, "You're all flushed, it's quite cute." He announced, spinning the pencil around his fingers slowly. "So, I take you're going to the party. Everybody is... Do you think I would look better as a nurse or a fire fighter?" He asked, moving so that he sat on the table.

"Oh wait... You never answered my question dear. What's your name?" Tony repeated, tilting Kaito's chin up to look at him. Tony new he had a way with words and actions, it was just natural for him. He slowly traced Kaito's chin and giggled once more, this one more airy and light. "I think we can be good friends, I saw you during PE. You looked rather nice..." Tony whispered, eyes half lidded as he shifted slightly closer to Kaito on the table. Tony knew he Kaito was probably straight judging by how he responded... But it was still fun to flirt. Especially when the other responded like this.
✿Madeline Amber Moreau・The Nice Girl✿
Maddie texted Alessandra, a nervous smile stretching from ear to ear. Alessandra was quite nice, though her cool factor intimidated Maddie a tad. Maddie had yet to attend a party hosted at Alessandra's, though she knew that if the party would be as rad as Ales' fashion statements, she was in for one hell of a ride.

[Maddie: Hey Ales(: What're you going to be for Halloween? Any chance you could lend me a costume... I have no idea what I plan on being.]

Ales was about to change out when she got a text. She quickly took a picture and sent it over.

[Ales: Hi! Most of my costumes may be a bit revealing, but you can come over later and look at some of my options. Sorry I couldn't be at school today. [Attached Image of Costume]]

He bit his lip, glancing at the clock again before looking at the pencil. Kaito heard that Tony was known for this, but hadn't experienced it firsthand. "Kaito, and I don't have a preference. You do you." Not wanting to lead him on, he said quickly, "Sorry, I don't really swing that way." His chin tingled and he cleared his throat as if putting all that behind him.

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Max checks her phone when it rings and sees the information about the party. She turns her phone off and puts it away. She thinks about the possibility of going to this party. It was friday so she didn't have to be up early the next day. She did have time to get her her homework done before monday. She thinks about the possibilities and decides that she might be able to handle one party.

Tony smiled, shrugging as he stood back up. "Oh well, your loss." He whispered, he winked at Kaito and let a small giggle fall from his lips once more. "If you ever change my mind, come see me Kaito." He whispered, kissing his cheek before walking back to his seat, making sure to move his hips just the slightest. He rolled the pencil to Kayla and giggled. "There you go, dear." He whispered and patted her hand gently.

"Ah well, look at the time." Tony giggled, beginning to pack up his half finished art and notebook. "I'll see you around, Kay?" He called before walking out of the art room and to his locker to start packing up and putting away his supplies.
"'Kay." Kaito said, confused. He really didn't want to go and really didn't want to dress up, but he knew it was expected of him so it had to happen. He would just go for an hour or two in normal clothes. Hearing the bell ring, he quickly went to his locker and got all his books and homework to take home.

Tony »

Tony walked down the hall, he had to buy a costume. The only thing was, he had no idea what he was going to be. He knew it was going to be revealing, what else would he wear to get attention? Walking through the big glass doors that served as the enterance and exit to the school. He strolled down the sidewalk, knowing that their was a costume shop open somewhere down the street. He saw the flashing orange neon lights indicating that the costume store was open from a mile away.

Walking in he was met by a man clad with skull make up and a skeleton bodysuit screaming. "Wow, so spooky." He muttered sarcastically, patting the man's shoulder and walking deeper into the store to the adult section. "Why are they only for females?" Tony asked himself, getting weird looks from the teenage girls surrounding him.
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Casi took her time fixing her space-buns and applying more concealer to her face, putting her makeup bag back in her bright purple duffel bag and began her way out of the girls locker room. She began walking to her locker, her neon yellow Vans tapping against the marble school floors. She spun in her combination and pushed her bag in her locker, taking out her binder for her next class.

Casi's classes went by smoothly. When she arrived late for her last class, she simply told the teacher that she was having cramps and had to recover, getting a pass. As soon as the bell rang, she stood to her feet and began her way to her locker once more. She took out her bag and shut her locker, taking her keys and phone out of it.

Kaito walked home, living rather close to school. He decided to dress up as a hockey player. Though the costume was too big, he really liked how real it looked. He even had one of those weird sticks. It was too early to put it on, but he did so anyway. It fit him, like the year before and the year before that.


[[ Hey guys. Do you want to meet up? ]] Jack sent out a text to the group chat that he had created a while back. He was about to put his phone back into his pocket when he got a text back from one of them. He pulled his phone back to his face and read the text [[ I can. Where do you wanna go? ]] It was Luis. [[ Just my place. Where are the other two? ]] he asked and waited for him to text back. [[ Lochlan said that he would be going home early. He was pissed for some reason. ]] [[ Really? I'll ask him whats up later. See you soon. ]] he replied and put his phone back into his pocket. He had already read about the party that was going on later but he dislikes social events like that.

When the bell finally rang he snuck out of the boys bathroom that he was holed up in since third period. He ended up in there while on the run from a teacher for skipping out. When he turned the corner to get to his locker he saw a group of three around someone pushing and shoving them. "Is that.." he thought to himself and squinted his eyes. "David? Shit." He began to run down the hall dropping his bag and pushing past the crowds of people "Bastards!" He said and socked the middle guy straight in the cheek which sent him to the ground. One of the three held him by the arms but he used that leverage to kick the other guy in the stomach with both his feet. He then backwards head-butted the one behind him while a crowd gathered around them. Once he was out of his grip he turned around and smashed the guy right in the nose to leave all three a on the floor in with bloody faces. He shook his wrist from the pain he received but shrugged it off. "Lets go David." He said and walked through the crowd with him to get his bag. He then walked out of the building with his hood up to disguise his identity to teachers.

"Tell me when you're getting bullied next time. I'll help you thats what our group is for." He explained to David and he replied with a small "Ok." He then walked out of the gates from the school and down his normal route to his apartment a few of blocks away from the school.
Max packs up her things and heads out of class. She walks down the hallway staring at her feet on her way to her locker. Her mind wandering over the homework she had to do this weekend. When she got to her locker she quickly packed up the items she needed and locked it back up her. When she had everything she needed she headed home.

Tony had no clue about what to wear, even after walking up and down the aisle five, maybe six times. Growing impatient he sighed, walking out of the store with a defeated expression. As Tony walked home he tried to think of something to wear, sighing in defeat, he settled on not wearing a costume and just going in his normal clothes. If he night gets too "steamy" he'll take off his shirt.

"Brilliant!" Tony gasped, causing him to get exceedingly awkward looks from the other people walking past him. His skin tingled at the thought of how appealing it would be to him if a stunning guy took his shir off.

He walked inside of the apartment building, going a few flights of stairs. Tomy never quite understood why there wasn't an elevator, especially since a bunch of old people lived in the complex. Not wanting to fry his brain he walked into his grandparents' apartment, greeting them with a wid smile before walking to his bedroom.
Kayla Jade Brookes

Kayla left the class and walked into the hallway. It was slightly crowded. As she opened her locker, unlocking her purple and silver lock she thought about what costume that she would wear this year. She knew she had plenty of costumes to choose from at home but she still wanted to go to a store. She grabbed her bag and her binder and quickly closed the locker behind her, snapping the lock in place. Her ankle boots made a "clack" sound as she walked out of the school. She got into her car and drove to a Halloween store. There were blown-up ghosts as decorations. She walked into an aisle full of female costumes. She saw a pirate costume. She walked into a changing room and tried it on. As she looked into a mirror, she admired how the costume was slightly revealing, but not too much. She headed to the cashier and bought it.
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Max started working on her homework as soon as she got home. If she was going to go to the party she wanted to get a head start. She snacked on some grapes as she finished up her math and moved on to her history essay.

Alessandra changed into her normal clothes, deciding to put the costume on hold until it was time. She got into her car to smoke, lighting a cigarette and opening the window. She wasn't old enough, one more year would make her, but it relieved her stress and seemed to make her more acceptable.

He put it down on his bed and flopped down beside the costume, shifting into fetal position. He set the alarm clock for five and let sleep consume him.

(Assuming everyone in the RP is invited to the party, if not disregard this post.)

Sharpie had left the gym and was told about a Halloween party. Dammit, got no costume ideas...
As soon as Casi got home, she threw down her stuff and jumped into the shower, singing out to her favorite song, The Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machines. She dried herself off and put on the clothes she was gonna wear under her costume before putting on half her Sailor Moon costume and brushing her damp hair out to beach waves. "I'll do my hair later."

(Typing from my phone so sorry if the reply is short.)
Max finishes her Essay and saves it. She then goes to her closet and pulls out a grey dress and black tights. She then digs through her old costumes to find a black eye mask. She decides to go as a bandit. She puts on the outfit and then adds her old boots and some fingerless gloves to finish of the outfit. She examines herself in the mirror and is satisfied with her outfit.
Sharpie sat on his couch, thinking of what to wear for the party. He looked through his ideas and found something while searching through YouTube, a Zombie! He put on his costume and admires as it stares at it in the mirror. Not bad . . .
Aemiliana, The Popular Girl, Driving

Aemiliana lounged, her Ipod on and setting the volume to low so she could hear the world around her as she listened to Evanescence, in her hands rested a black cased Iphone 5. The bored look on her face matched by the gradual scrolling of social media. Messages from boys and girls, mainly old friends left in Germany, popped up idly before vanishing into a red number icon. Most where to wish her well in this journey. Some where tinged with ulterior motives in their texting as evidenced by one boy wishing for her to, 'hurry back.'

"Ugh, we were never friends." Pressing the delete button Aemiliana erased the message without a second thought. Looking out the window she heard a familiar voice from the front. "Pardon mam?"

"Nothing Felix, just responding to a message I got." Felix's eyes flicked back and forth from his charge to the road. He nodded in understanding. Felix had been a constant companion during the entire trip and had been in the employ of her father for years. Ex-GSG-9 and KSK Felix was both protector, butler, and friend. Though, his grasp on teenage girls and young women was lacking in the extreme.

"You know if you wanted to stop at that 'dunks' place we could have. You don't start school until tomorrow." Again Felix eyes went back and forth. Aemiliana just frowned briefly before replying, "It's alright, this cheap American coffee makes you fat, plus it's the evening."

"Ah, shall I get the kettle heated up for you then when we reach your new residence?" Felix navigated the intersection gracefully, mumbling, "Would it kill you to put the blinker on..." Aemiliana laughed as she caught his utterance, Felix smiled as he moved the black BMW SUV down the dirt road. "Tea would be lovely. Any Earl Grey?"

Felix signed before replying, "I'm afraid if we had anymore there wouldn't be room in the pantry for anything else." Aemiliana shook her head with a chuckle. Lifting her phone back up she resumed the task of scrolling, idly finding people who went to the school she was going to attend tomorrow, and hitting the submit friend request to a girl named Ales and others. By now gossip would probably be circulating that the school would be getting a foreign student. Hopefully she could make at least one friend.

The car lurched as Felix took it around some curves in the road, dodging pot holes, and feeling the bump of gravel. There it was, perched on a small hill, her new home.

He dropped David off at home so that he did not run into any more trouble that he had gotten into earlier. "Be safe." He turned around and waved to him at his door from behind him before setting off home. When he finally arrived home he noticed that Luis was on his door step just outside of the apartment he was staying in. "Sorry. David ran into some trouble at school so I dropped him off home." he explained why he was late whilst unlocking the door to his apartment. He walked into the open area and decided to sit down onto the sofa. "I still don't know how you afford this." "Well my brother helps me with paying for the place. Even though he is young he is working his way to being a co-owner of a great company that earns him a lot of money. He offered me a bigger place but I did not want to hassle him for money all the time." he then turned on the T.V with the remote control that was on the side. "Are you going to that party tonight?" Luis asked and sat down on the other side of the sofa. "No. It's not my thing. Parties are more you and Lochlan." "Yea but he is not here. And I don't want to go if no one else from our group is going." he sighed and watched the T.V screen with him. "Where does your brother live anyway?" "The apartment across the hall." "Really?" "Yea." They conversed back and fourth with each other and finally settled down when their favorite show came on.

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