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    superheroes n shit

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Full Name
— Soyeon Park || 박 소연
Nicknames — Soy
Age — 35
Gender — female
Pronouns — she/her/hers
Sexuality — straight, though after a recent divorce she isn't really looking for anything.

— 5'10"
Weight — 145-150 lbs — looks relatively unimposing.
Hair — short, black
Eyes — brown
Distinguishing Marks — none.

Soy can manipulate plants. With the touch of a finger she can grow a tiny little seedling into a beautiful flower, move/attack or even rise plants from the soil, and also revive withered or dead plants. Many of the plants she uses have healing properties that can be used to treat small wounds. However, the types of plants she uses against her enemies are highly poisonous.

— food food food! this girl is always eating something (note: if she says it isn't spicy, don't trust her), oatmilk latte's, the occasional cigarette,
Dislikes — when people complain about anything and everything, people that are constantly negative, when people would rather sit around and argue instead of working toward a solution,
Hobbies — martial arts (is a third degree black belt in taekwondo, also proficient in muay thai and brazillian jiu jitsu), gardening, going for long walks in the park, people watching, reading books, film photography, is the #1 user on iNaturalist in the local area,
Pet peeves
Strengths — generous, very humble and open-minded. despite her cold exterior, she is quite caring and compassionate. very protective of the team; though they are all vastly different and have had their issues in the past, she regards them as her family and will protect them at all costs.
Weaknesses — highly reserved, divulges next to nothing about her private life to the other members of the team, can be very direct and blunt and finds it odd (and at times, greatly annoying) that Americans can be so sensitive to things.

  • Her native language is Korean. She learned to speak English in school back home, but didn't fully master it until she moved to America as a teenager.
  • Her parents were killed in a car crash years ago. Afterward, she was taken in by her uncle. She now works as a CFO at his energy company.
  • Is quite wealthy. Lives in a high rise apartment in the lower east side. In the past, the team would often come together there for meetings.
  • Carries a fanny pack filled with all sorts of little seeds with her at all times.

*feel free to answer via description or in character.

How did your character join the group?

"It was a meeting of pure chance. I ran into this boy one night on my way home from work. It was late. Someone was trying to mug him, and I went to go help him, but all of a sudden he..." she pauses. "Anyway, it was the first time I ever met someone else like me. Anyway, that's how we started. And the group just grew from there."

How does your character feel about what happened in the past?

How does your character feel about the group coming back together to find their missing team mates?

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juliet joni kane

#fc: suki waterhouse

# ability: self replication

♡coded by uxie♡


Full Name. Juliet Joni Kane
Nicknames. JJ (she doesn’t love it but won’t correct anyone who calls her that)
Age. 30
Gender. Cis Female
Pronouns. She/Her
Sexuality. Bisexual


Height. 5’8
Weight. 140lbs
Hair. Blonde
Eyes. Brown
Distinguishing Marks. none of note


Self Replication- Juliet can create exact copies of herself. They are extensions of her, so they will act and think the same way she does. If she has one or two, they can complete more complex tasks, but the more she makes, the more simple the tasks need to be. Additionally, they may be less “solid” if she has many of them. While they appear corporeal, they can be passed through like a hologram. The more copies of herself that she makes, the more exhausting it is for her. While they are separate from her Juliet does not know what they are seeing or hearing, but once she becomes singular, she gains their memories as if they were her own. If one of her doubles is hurt or killed, Juliet does not receive the same injury, however, once she recalls her doubles, she will feel what they felt and it will often exhaust her.


Likes. Vinyl records, old movies, cigarettes, candles, tea, late nights, chocolate milkshakes, concerts, animals, exercising
Dislikes. Silence, bland food, waking up early, competitive games, mushrooms, coffee, nosy people, birds, socks in bed, rain
Hobbies. Kickboxing, hiking, yoga, collects cool rocks, thrifting, plays Candy Crush too much
Pet peeves. Cluttered spaces, when people chew with their mouth open, shitty tippers, slow walkers
Strengths. Adaptable, perceptive, loyal, though she is pretty independent due to her upbringing, she works well in a group.
Weaknesses. Impatient, she can be abrasive at times, holds a grudge like nobody's business, defensive, can be self-indulgent.


-Was the product of a one night stand, raised by a single mom who was always working so she is very self-sufficient
-Born and raised in Hell's Kitchen
-Currently lives in a tiny studio in the West Village
-Works as a bartender
-Only uses social media to lurk, never actually posts
-Always listening to music


How did your character join the group?

“I was stupid and got caught replicating. It was extremely lucky that I was spotted by someone like me, who convinced me I can help people with my gift. I had no hesitation in joining.”

How does your character feel about what happened in the past?

“It’s fucked up. We were trying to do something right— something to help people. Nobody was supposed to get hurt except for the bad guys. Sometimes I wish I never participated in the first place. I try not to think about it if I can.”

How does your character feel about the group coming back together to find their missing team mates?

“We used to be a team, but with what happened, I’d prefer to lay low and not cause any more destruction. However, we all played a part in what caused us to be targeted, so it’s our responsibility to stop whoever is hunting us down. And I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to deal with this before they end up coming after me.”
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