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Graded [Kruhrin Village][Ciu'nan]Orson's Feast II



The contest of strength had been as exciting as Hathaway had hoped for. Not only that, but it had given him some inspiration. He was always someone that admired physical strength but always lacked it. However, seeing the contestants giving their all made him think that perhaps he could get even slightly close to their level with enough effort.

After thinking about his potential training regimen, Hathaway focused his attention on the incident that was once again being told. He hoped that this was merely an accident as initially reported. Still, there was the concerning matter of a rope being cut to initiate this accident. If it was only a mistake, that was one thing, but if there were ill intentions, then something had to be done.

Seeing the fallen stone statue with crimson stains left a bad taste in Hathaway's mouth. The priest was surprised it wasn't cleaned up considering that they wanted to keep this incident under wraps. Hearing the others in his party list their questions, Hathaway presented his own, "Is this always the path Jia and his assistant always took? Oh and this probably isn't important, but Is there any particular meaning behind this statue?"
Misha shrugged at Crymaria's question concerning a knife.
"Jia had a blade on him, yes. As for those of us who got here first, I believe we all just happened to be in the vicinity. Jia and the animals were all making quite a racket, you see."

Misha folded his arms as a stern expression came over his face.
"Not that I like entertaining the idea of someone in Kruhrin holding a grudge against the councilmembers, but in Jia's case...there is one person that comes to mind: Karsh. He's an artist from Houisil that's been butting heads with Jia for years now. Seems like there's some sort of dispute they have concerning their respective art styles. While they aren't on the best of terms, I wouldn't think Karsh would go this far. He didn't arrive in Kruhrin til after the accident anyway."


Misha shook his head.
"Jia travels all over for materials to make his entry in the Contest of Cunning. Sometimes it's a forest. Other times, it's a rock deposit out here in the meadow. He happened to find a deposit of stone that suited his needs this year. Carved the statue out of a natural pillar he found." Misha takes a look at the statue as though seeing it for the first time. "Ah...I hadn't taken the time to really look at it with all the excitement. I see. This is something very important to Jia--a belief he holds--concerning mankin and beastkin. It's hard for me to put into words. You'll have to ask Jia about it sometime."

| Fae | Merry |
Merry - character is frequently overcome with fae like merriment. While more respectable individuals may try to hide their amusement at improper times, character freely displays their amusement. It is often contagious.
Ciu'nan fell silent after Misha shared his revelation about the rope. The others were able to ask their questions and receive input from Misha. Ciu'nan just looked absently at everyone. Her wandering gaze turned away from the cart to stare off into the distance at a rock formation some ways away. Then her gaze found its way to the direction of the amphitheatre. Finally, her attention turned back to the wagon and those currently inspecting it.

"Misha...why can't non-bearkin become part of the council?" Ciu'nan asked finally.

Beni looked at the fae as her ears stood up straight and her head cocked to the side, seemingly confused as well as taken aback by the question. Misha was going through some bags left in the cart that had been stacked around the foot of the sculpture. He paused for a moment to stare at Ciu'nan, his eyes gauging her.

"Did Anasi tell you to ask me that?" He finally asked before continuing to rummage through the bags.

"No, nothing like that." Ciu'nan said shaking her head. "We did run into her on the way to the contest today though. She's very...outspoken about her thoughts on the matter."

Misha acted like he was engrossed with examining the contents of the bags, but soon gave up and leaned heavily on the cart. He didn't look up.

"We bearkin respect tradition, and our tradition is that non-bearkin do not fill seats on the council. That said, it is an old belief held by old bearkin like those of us currently on the council." Misha exhaled heavily before raising his head to look at Ciu'nan at last. "I've kept it to myself--even though I have a suspicion Bao and Jia feel it as well--but I feel that the bearkin of Kruhrin are going to...change. And soon. It's not something I can fully explain, but that is what I feel is about to happen."

Character Grade - E

Titles: Human, Martial Artist, West Empire Adventurer, Do-Gooder, Loyal

mentions: Clyvelle Clyvelle Faynorae Faynorae Kenju Law Kenju Law Rev IX Rev IX


Crymaria looked to the old bear as she cocked one of her eyebrows. "Alright then Comrade but who was the first to come across Comrade Jai and his assistant? Who was the first person that managed to get here first? They might have noticed something strange or maybe saw something before the others got here." Crymaria stated as she turned to face Misha though the whole thing still left more questions unanswered than answered. With it being this remote out here that could pose a whole other set of problems that rose to her mind. As Karsh was mentioned it caught Crymaria's attentions.

Maybe an old grudge finally got out of hand perhaps? Maybe there is something else someone that hasn't been considered. She thought to herself bringing her hand up to her chin as she looked over to see where Comrade Boris was at. "I suppose talking to this Karsh is a good start though everything is going to have to be taken with a grain of salt. We don't see to have much of anything to go on as of right now," she stated looking at the others in the group.

"Out here along a path that no one would really know where Jai was until they spotted him......Comrade Misha, did anyone ask about Jai whereabouts prior to finding the incident here? Did anyone need to speak with Jai?" Crymaria inquired as she waited for Misha to explain the council's position.
No grains, give me a whole salt rock.
  • "I see..." Ophenia would say as if sighing in relief, the sylph's shoulders untensed. Even if it did make sense for someone who held a grudge against Jia to attempt to end his life, the chanteuse was constant in her naïveté, she held onto it like a dried alba rose. She couldn't hold it in her heart that someone would kill over something so... Secular. Ophenia was bemused by her own thoughts, to think she of all people would think of secularity—despite being someone who promotes the importance of everything and everyone.

    Hathaway's second question had grabbed Ophenia's flight of thoughts. Although it was unimportant to the current task, the meaning behind the shattered piece held importance in fully appreciating it. Ophenia, as a songstress and lyricist; understood the importance of symbolism. Although, in her case, it wasn't necessarily important to understand the lyrics to enjoy the music and song. Musing in thought, Ophenia would make sure to ask Jia in case Hathaway forgets... If she remembers in the first place.

    Once Misha was finished answering Ciu'nan's question, the sylph couldn't help but feel a bit giddy. "Do you foresee that it will be a change for the better?" Ophenia smiled with her question. The resonator shifted into an orange hue as it fluttered beside the sylph.

    The sylph tilted her head at Crymaria's words, she zoned out for a moment. "Pardon my question, Miss Cryomania, but what do you mean by 'taken with a grain of salt'?" The sylph questioned. "Are we supposed to... Place salt on something? Should we head back to the tavern and ask to borrow some salt?" Ophenia asked, a nervous smile jittering on her face. Ophenia's resonator was blue.



Hathaway stroked his chin while processing the information given to the others and himself. When it came to symbolism, it was a crucial matter to those that spoke on the field of religion. Depending on how one used it, it could cause a swell of pride or a great offense. This also depended great on the type of people involved in this. The priest knew well that artists were of a similar nature when in came to.

"I agree with Crymaria, I think we should hear from Karsh on the matter. Specifically on his views. I think that will shed some light." Hathaway added. He was no detective, but if ever a priest could be useful on an investigation, he was hoping this was it. Whatever mediocre insight he had into the case only led him to look into whoever this Karsh fellow was.

While the matter of the bearkin and their council was being spoken of, Hathaway lowered his head slightly. Deep in contemplation, he considered what he had heard early today. "The bearkin's council has their reasons I'm sure. Hearing of Lady Boa's history, there's no surprise that they would be very inclusive with matters regarding their leadership. I think it's best to let time heal these wounds and surely enough at some point, there'll be a time where they will open their ears to the words of non-bearkin once again."
Misha stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"The small crowd that gathered at the accident was a mix of Jia's hunters, some bearkin training for the Contest of Strength, and a couple of Bao's healers. Of those, it was the hunters and some cubs training for the contest that were already here when I arrived. I recognized them as friends of Daichi's. The accident must've had them rattled as they were pretty quiet the whole time." The councilbear pauses as he ponders some more on Crymaria's follow-up question. He leans in the direction of Beni as he asks, "I don't recall anything specific. What about you Beni? Was anyone asking about Jia's whereabouts that day?"

Beni's ears stood up at Misha suddenly addressing her. A paw went up to fiddle with the bangle on her ear as she stuttered an answer, "N-No, Misha. I...I didn't hear anything. I was making rounds for Lady Bao."

Misha nodded his head.
"As a parent I wish only good things on my cubs--and by extension our kin. Whatever change may come, whatever form it might take, it will be on the next generation of bearkin to determine whether it is for better or for worse. In the meantime, I'll continue to guide them on the path I believe is best for us."


Misha pointed in the direction of Kruhrin.
"I'm pretty sure I saw Karsh's cart parked by the caves behind Kruhrin. Haven't seen much of him since he got here though."

| Fae | Merry |
Merry - character is frequently overcome with fae like merriment. While more respectable individuals may try to hide their amusement at improper times, character freely displays their amusement. It is often contagious.
The winds gusted causing Ciu'nan to rest the hand of her good arm on the skull atop her head. When the breeze died down, she turned to look to its direction of origin. Off in the distance, dark clouds could be seen collecting around a peak. She turned back to everyone.

"Looks like a storm will be here in a day or two. Misha you should have this cart hauled back to town now that we've had a look at it." she said.

Misha grabbed up some bags and slung them over his shoulder. He looked to everyone as he maneuvered around to the front of the cart. Beni went to his side.

"Sounds like you're off to question Karsh then. I know you're just trying to help, but I implore you not to make this a witch hunt. Proceed cautiously." He waved to them as he left.



Hathaway's attention was stolen by Beni's nervous reaction. He turned towards her, mouth half-ooened to ask her what the problem was. However, upon remembering their initial interaction, he stopped himself. Instead he smiled warmly at Beni and said casually, "If you are ever in need, know that I am here. Your well-being is in my prayers." He sent her off with a nod of his head.

Returning to the topic at hand, Hathaway fiddles with his staff, "Looks like we have a multitude of angles to take this from. We're no investigators but I like to think our efforts have some merit." As he was making his statement, he returned a reassuring face Misha's way. "Worry not, we only want to inquire about the matter to make sure things go smoothly. Even if something does come up, we'll make sure to enlist the proper authorities!" He truly meant what he said. Having them cause a stir would be the opposite of what they wanted.

Well that was how Hathaway saw it. The very point was to make sure this festival went smoothly as possible for all to enjoy. The likelihood of coming across any criminal was incredibly low. If he did, what would Hathaway even do? The thought once again brought to mind his desire to grow physically stronger, just as he'd seen if the contestants that wow'd him earlier.

With that determination saved in the back of his mind for later, Hathaway spoke up towards the group. "The way I see it, our chances will be better if we split up in our investigations to try to make sense of this situation. If anything comes up, we should try to get in contact with each other, maybe the tavern from earlier will work as a base. Still I hope this is all just us worrying too much. Anyways it was fun getting the chance to walk and meet you all."
Fluttering far beyond the winds
  • Ophenia clapped lightly, the resonator hovering beside her sparkled in a warm yellow shifting to orange. "I see~" The sylph smiled, "I am sure that your kin and this town will soar into the future radiantly!" Ophenia smiled, optimism whistling in her tone.

    However, the resonator would flash azure as her shoulders tensed. Her eyes followed the direction of the sudden gust which had pulled through her, she looked yonder as Ciu'nan pointed out the storm to everyone. The resonator calmed, waning into a turquoise shade as her brows knitted a frown on the sylph's face. Ophenia clasped her hands together and pressed them unto her chest, "How aweful..." She spoke aloud quite plainly.

    As they were walking, Ophenia looked up to the sky. What cause was there for a storm to begin approaching? It unsettled the sylph. The skies were stirring along with the winds. A sigh left her breath, perhaps this was not the place either. She hoped for revelry, yet, it seemed like something other began approaching and lay still beneath undisturbed waters...

    She stretched her arms forward, the sylph glanced as Hathaway spoke. A smile nervously curled onto Ophenia's face, "Well, you all have a few leads, after all, this K... Kash? They mayhaps be aware of a suspect if it is not themself... Aside from that, it had to be someone who carries or did carry a cutting tool on their person..." Said thon, " Misfortunately, it would be best if I depart before sunfall." Ophenia's resonator glowed plum.

    She then clapped, a gentle brushing of the wind rung in the breeze briefly. "My, if not for the darkening clouds and 'shrewish circumstances we could surely have deepened our friendships. A las, sylphid are always upon diverging breezes~☆" Ophenia comically sighed with the way she slumped forward. The resonator stayed plum, "Right—" She bounced back up, "we still have to question our first suspect, yes?" The sylph smiled, "This is exuberating! If we meet another artist, I am sure it will be pleasant~♫ Meeting two in a single day? Ah♡" She squealed in her excitement. This was sure to be pleasant, she believed.

Misha and Beni would part ways with the group in order to make preparations for the trip to Houisil the next day. Ciu'nan tagged along with the would-be investigators, though she seemed distracted. When the group got back to Kruhrin, they stopped off at the caves where Karsh was said to be staying. Unfortunately, the artist was nowhere to be found despite his cart being positively identified on sight.

Many of the bearkin were likewise making ready for tomorrow as another group would be departing for Houisil. In the chaos of their preparation and the continuing festival, few were willing to drop everything to look for some lost artist. Upon Misha catching wind of the disappearance, he would send a few guards to look, but not even the councilbear was all too worried about Karsh.

To be continued....


With the festival underway, many of the local populace has been focused on watching the events thus far. However, there is still yet a larger mystery that has come forth in Kruhrin, with the injury of one of the elders much has been left uncertain. Though the local populace is keen to push through while the matters are being looked into by a group of outsiders aided by Lady Bao to a degree.


Ciu'nan- 90 points

Crymaria - 38 Points

Hathaway - 54 Points

Ophenia - 60 Points

Special mentions
Arkham - 5 Points

mentions: Clyvelle Clyvelle Faynorae Faynorae Kenju Law Kenju Law Rev IX Rev IX
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