Junior Member
"That Kid has no idea what he was about to bit into" Rie though to herself as she picks up the bag and closes the door, she then walks over to Shizu who is laying on the ground "If you are gonna lie down at least use the other bed, its far softer than the ground" Rie says in a much more calmer tone as she tosses the bag on the bed. Shizu slowly gets up and sits on the edge of the bed "You...Don't sound that angry anymore.." Shizu says who seems to be a bit more clam as well "I was holding that back for awhile now...Now its out of my system" Rie said as she lays back down and returns to her state of comfort "I understand but..did you have to do it in front of them though...?" "Well i could had done far worse if i did not do that when i did..." Shizu then gulps as she knows exactly what could had happened instead of getting slapped