Kokoro Academy


Please use this format to describe your character








Name: Joshua Lancelot (Principal of the school)

Age: 45

Personality: Joshua is kind to everyone, he is one of those people who always tries to help when he thinks you need it.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/man.jpg.01010fd60be53badafcdda1a5702bb3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/man.jpg.01010fd60be53badafcdda1a5702bb3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Half human and half Angel

Power: Joshua uses light magic and is very powerful with it.

Weakness: Joshua's weakness is darkness and he has a phobia of sharks.

Past: Joshua grew up on a farm and was fortunate enough to school. In around 3rd grade, he found out that his mother was an Angel of Luck so therefor he was part Angel. Later, in grade 9, he decided to do research on how many people were species other than humans and or both human and another race. After he had gained enough information he was 32, Joshua went to give it to a school board so he can make his own school for "different" people. A few years after that, Kokoro Academy had opened.



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Name: Lui Shadowclaw

Age: 17

Sex orientation: Pansexual

Height: 5'2"

Weight: Varies depends on situation, normally around 110 or 120 pounds

appearance: http://imgur.com/0u4h02F

Personality: Nice, carefree, also a helper

Race: Half human, half cat, infected with Mercer Virus

Power: Shapeshift, matter bend traveling

Weakness: The loss of cookies, and seeing the one he cares for getting hurt

Past: Lui grew up as an orphan with only one possession from his parents, a bottle of liquid and a message saying "Use this when the time comes." Being both hated and loved by multiple people in the town he lives in, through out the years of growing up, Lui made a few friends who he grew super close. While at the age of 20, Lui lost everything while trying to make a deal with the devil, which ends up in an all out raid on his town. Desperately trying to save the town, Lui drank the bottle of liquid from his parents. The liquid was actually containing the Mercer Virus with a bit of magic, by drinking the virus potion, Lui became an immortal with the ability of shapeshift and matter bend traveling. Lui managed to save a few people in the town but lost the rest, who he considered the most important in his life. Now he is considered as the young father who adopt all.
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Name: Dante Spellreaper ( His nickname is DJ )

Age: Is actually 200 years old, But has been reborn several times, In his current for he is 18

Personality: His personality changes with the color of his eyes. Ex = Neon blue = Neutral , Red = Perverted, Black = Mad/Angry.

Appearance: http://prntscr.com/6nyckq

Race: Mostly human, Has dragon blood but never uses its powers.

Power: Uses Light magic, Wind magic, Earth magic, Fire magic, Water magic and was also trained as an exorcist when he was a child.

Weakness: Hugs, Kittens, Dark magic , and hates the color yellow.

Past: As a child, Dante's father beat him and his siblings. One night his father came home drunk with a gun and was about to shoot his mother when Dante took action, He grabbed a knife from the table and ran at his father, stabbing him in the chest multiple times. After wards his mother thought he would need help so, His mother, Brother, and sister and him all went on a trip to "A fun place" . His mother was bringing him to a mental hospital to treat him. On the ride there the car crashed, killing his mother and brother, Leaving his sister and him to survive on their own. Lucky enough their uncle took them in, and enrolled Dante into the exorcist academy with his sister. He graduated at the age of 14 and started out on a journey to become stronger. This Journey has led him to Kokoro Academy~
Name: Brandon Mccartney

Age: 19

Personality: Brandon is moody but he is always there when someone needs help. Brandon likes to keep a lot of things to himself and is pretty good with the ladies ;p

Race: Human/ angel

Power: Uses the earth , wind and water to control things ( kinda like the avatar )

Weakness: Video games , cute girls , demons and fire.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Alex_Wilder_(Earth-616)_001.jpg.5b75f18bbf93a410c7ac2190b50ead41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Alex_Wilder_(Earth-616)_001.jpg.5b75f18bbf93a410c7ac2190b50ead41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Past: When Brandon was young he always felt that he was different , before his father passed away he told Brandon he had a gift , that gift was that for decades his family was said to have angels in it.( im gonna reveal more about him later in the rp , im just to lazy to type right now xD )



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Ayoo23 said:
Name: Brandon Mccartney
Age: 19

Personality: Brandon is moody but he is always there when someone needs help. Brandon likes to keep a lot of things to himself and is pretty good with the ladies ;p

Race: Human/ angel

Power: Uses the earth , wind and water to control things ( kinda like the avatar )

Weakness: Video games , cute girls , demons and fire.

View attachment 111241

Past: When Brandon was young he always felt that he was different , before his father passed away he told Brandon he had a gift , that gift was that for decades his family was said to have angels in it.( im gonna reveal more about him later in the rp , im just to lazy to type right now xD )
good job for the past xD *thumbsup*
Ayoo23 said:
Name: Brandon Mccartney
Age: 19

Personality: Brandon is moody but he is always there when someone needs help. Brandon likes to keep a lot of things to himself and is pretty good with the ladies ;p

Race: Human/ angel

Power: Uses the earth , wind and water to control things ( kinda like the avatar )

Weakness: Video games , cute girls , demons and fire.

View attachment 111241

Past: When Brandon was young he always felt that he was different , before his father passed away he told Brandon he had a gift , that gift was that for decades his family was said to have angels in it.( im gonna reveal more about him later in the rp , im just to lazy to type right now xD )
ACCEPTED start whenever you want.
Ayoo23 said:
Name: Brandon Mccartney
Age: 19

Personality: Brandon is moody but he is always there when someone needs help. Brandon likes to keep a lot of things to himself and is pretty good with the ladies ;p

Race: Human/ angel

Power: Uses the earth , wind and water to control things ( kinda like the avatar )

Weakness: Video games , cute girls , demons and fire.

View attachment 111241

Past: When Brandon was young he always felt that he was different , before his father passed away he told Brandon he had a gift , that gift was that for decades his family was said to have angels in it.( im gonna reveal more about him later in the rp , im just to lazy to type right now xD )
wait.... isnt that .-. MASA??????
djFluffernugget said:
Name: Dante Spellreaper ( His nickname is DJ )
Age: Is actually 200 years old, But has been reborn several times, In his current for he is 18

Personality: His personality changes with the color of his eyes. Ex = Neon blue = Neutral , Red = Perverted, Black = Mad/Angry.

Appearance: http://prntscr.com/6nyckq

Race: Mostly human, Has dragon blood but never uses its powers.

Power: Uses Light magic, Wind magic, Earth magic, Fire magic, Water magic and was also trained as an exorcist when he was a child.

Weakness: Hugs, Kittens, Dark magic , and hates the color yellow.

Past: As a child, Dante's father beat him and his siblings. One night his father came home drunk with a gun and was about to shoot his mother when Dante took action, He grabbed a knife from the table and ran at his father, stabbing him in the chest multiple times. After wards his mother thought he would need help so, His mother, Brother, and sister and him all went on a trip to "A fun place" . His mother was bringing him to a mental hospital to treat him. On the ride there the car crashed, killing his mother and brother, Leaving his sister and him to survive on their own. Lucky enough their uncle took them in, and enrolled Dante into the exorcist academy with his sister. He graduated at the age of 14 and started out on a journey to become stronger. This Journey has led him to Kokoro Academy~
blankthename123 said:
Name: Lui Shadowclaw
Age: 17

appearance: http://imgur.com/0u4h02F

Personality: Nice, carefree, also a helper

Race: Half human, half cat, infected with Mercer Virus

Power: Shapeshift, matter bend traveling

Weakness: The loss of cookies, and seeing the one he cares for getting hurt

Past: Lui grew up as an orphan with only one possession from his parents, a bottle of liquid and a message saying "Use this when the time comes." Being both hated and loved by multiple people in the town he lives in, through out the years of growing up, Lui made a few friends who he grew super close. While at the age of 20, Lui lost everything while trying to make a deal with the devil, which ends up in an all out raid on his town. Desperately trying to save the town, Lui drank the bottle of liquid from his parents. The liquid was actually containing the Mercer Virus with a bit of magic, by drinking the virus potion, Lui became an immortal with the ability of shapeshift and matter bend traveling. Lui managed to save a few people in the town but lost the rest, who he considered the most important in his life. Now he is considered as the young father who adopt all.
ACCEPTED start when ever you like.
Name: Avril Raven Darquesse Morte

"My mother gave me this beautiful name, it's complicated. I love it anyway"

Age: 19

"I'm here because I have no home to return to..."

Nickname: April or Avril or Ven or Death

"Call me by my last name and you're dead yourself"

Official Title: White Eyes, Evil's Duchess and Death's Daughter.

"I hate my titles but I earned them for a reason"


"You really wouldn't want to look into my eyes"


When she's focused and determined

"This doesn't mean we're friends"


Having fun and challenged


"I'm not evil, only mistaken."

She's always mistaken as an evil person due to her abilities. Avril have met partially because most people would think they'd work together to kill but Avril would only kill when necessary. Despite her negative treatment, the girl actually has some friends. Unsurprising. If you impress her, she'll show her more fun side she's been hiding under the mask of shadows. But remember, Death is not evil. He is merely the person who gives your soul to the underworld.

Race: A Noir Witch of sorts and theoretically half Death

Powers: Dark Arts, Shadows, Symbol Magic, Some Fire Manipulation and Necromancy

Weakness: Speed Attacks, Europa and seeing her theoretical Father.


"I deeply regret this"

Avril was born in France, thus the French name. Her mother, Blanche, believes that Avril was a mistake made by her that she should get rid of. A child that shouldn't be born. Blanche attempted so much to kill her child but failed many until one night. Blanche snuck into her room and Avril woke up by instinct, dodging the rain of bullets. Avril managed to take away her mother's gun as Blanche run at her with a knife, Avril shot her and claimed a birthright through purposely killing someone and is gifted the Dark Arts. Avril had never met with her father but she has suspicions it would be Thanatos, Death, Grim Reaper himself. She came across this school four years ago and the director pity on her, allowing her to live and study here for the rest of her life.

Extra Info: She speaks with a minor french accent and would say "bloody" if currently mad or sarcastic. Has become an expert swordswoman. Sometimes become a substitute for class. Also has a pet snow leopard, Europa that she sometimes ride on.


GiannaCoco said:
Name: Avril Raven Darquesse Morte
"My mother gave me this beautiful name, it's complicated. I love it anyway"

Age: 19

"I'm here because I have no home to return to..."

Nickname: April or Avril or Ven or Death

"Call me by my last name and you're dead yourself"

Official Title: White Eyes, Evil's Duchess and Death's Daughter.

"I hate my titles but I earned them for a reason"


"You really wouldn't want to look into my eyes"


When she's focused and determined

"This doesn't mean we're friends"


Having fun and challenged


"I'm not evil, only mistaken."

She's always mistaken as an evil person due to her abilities. Avril have met partially because most people would think they'd work together to kill but Avril would only kill when necessary. Despite her negative treatment, the girl actually has some friends. Unsurprising. If you impress her, she'll show her more fun side she's been hiding under the mask of shadows. But remember, Death is not evil. He is merely the person who gives your soul to the underworld.

Race: A Noir Witch of sorts and theoretically half Death

Powers: Dark Arts, Shadows, Symbol Magic, Some Fire Manipulation and Necromancy

Weakness: Speed Attacks, Europa and seeing her theoretical Father.


"I deeply regret this"

Avril was born in France, thus the French name. Her mother, Blanche, believes that Avril was a mistake made by her that she should get rid of. A child that shouldn't be born. Blanche attempted so much to kill her child but failed many until one night. Blanche snuck into her room and Avril woke up by instinct, dodging the rain of bullets. Avril managed to take away her mother's gun as Blanche run at her with a knife, Avril shot her and claimed a birthright through purposely killing someone and is gifted the Dark Arts. Avril had never met with her father but she has suspicions it would be Thanatos, Death, Grim Reaper himself. She came across this school four years ago and the director pity on her, allowing her to live and study here for the rest of her life.

Extra Info: She speaks with a minor french accent and would say "bloody" if currently mad or sarcastic. Has become an expert swordswoman. Sometimes become a substitute for class. Also has a pet snow leopard, Europa that she sometimes ride on.

you officially became my favorite rp character
GiannaCoco said:
Name: Avril Raven Darquesse Morte
"My mother gave me this beautiful name, it's complicated. I love it anyway"

Age: 19

"I'm here because I have no home to return to..."

Nickname: April or Avril or Ven or Death

"Call me by my last name and you're dead yourself"

Official Title: White Eyes, Evil's Duchess and Death's Daughter.

"I hate my titles but I earned them for a reason"


"You really wouldn't want to look into my eyes"


When she's focused and determined

"This doesn't mean we're friends"


Having fun and challenged


"I'm not evil, only mistaken."

She's always mistaken as an evil person due to her abilities. Avril have met partially because most people would think they'd work together to kill but Avril would only kill when necessary. Despite her negative treatment, the girl actually has some friends. Unsurprising. If you impress her, she'll show her more fun side she's been hiding under the mask of shadows. But remember, Death is not evil. He is merely the person who gives your soul to the underworld.

Race: A Noir Witch of sorts and theoretically half Death

Powers: Dark Arts, Shadows, Symbol Magic, Some Fire Manipulation and Necromancy

Weakness: Speed Attacks, Europa and seeing her theoretical Father.


"I deeply regret this"

Avril was born in France, thus the French name. Her mother, Blanche, believes that Avril was a mistake made by her that she should get rid of. A child that shouldn't be born. Blanche attempted so much to kill her child but failed many until one night. Blanche snuck into her room and Avril woke up by instinct, dodging the rain of bullets. Avril managed to take away her mother's gun as Blanche run at her with a knife, Avril shot her and claimed a birthright through purposely killing someone and is gifted the Dark Arts. Avril had never met with her father but she has suspicions it would be Thanatos, Death, Grim Reaper himself. She came across this school four years ago and the director pity on her, allowing her to live and study here for the rest of her life.

Extra Info: She speaks with a minor french accent and would say "bloody" if currently mad or sarcastic. Has become an expert swordswoman. Sometimes become a substitute for class. Also has a pet snow leopard, Europa that she sometimes ride on.

ACCEPTED I love the hidden aspect of the character! You can start whenever you'd like to.
Fox said:
ACCEPTED I love the hidden aspect of the character! You can start whenever you'd like to.

blankthename123 said:
you officially became my favorite rp character
Oh I'm flattered

Can you make a starting post that I can work with?
Name: Fox Mortigue

Age: 17

Personality: Very kind and serious but is very shy around everyone. Fox spends his time alone and in isolated places when ever he can.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kitsune.jpg.b4509e9693c845cea83fd1a67582bfdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kitsune.jpg.b4509e9693c845cea83fd1a67582bfdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Fox Spirit

Power: Fox can manipulate sound so it's pitch is at a deadly level and uses a flame called Fox Fire which is a soothing purple flame that is calming at a distance but very dangerous up close. He can also use gate magic but he's still getting used to it. All Fox can do with it is make him run faster. He also uses gate magic to make beautiful art.

Weakness: Fox's weakness light and lightning and he has a phobia of spiders

Past: Fox grew up as a little fox without any parents. He was lucky that a nice Kitsune found him and took care of him (The kitsune in the picture above). Fox was always a "difficult" child, he would occasionally go to the village and steal food for fun and go out at night just to scare his Kitsune. He grew up a violent teen after a group of wolves attacked his house. He tried protecting his Kitsune but all of his effort failed him. While he was fighting the wolves, he noticed that when ever he yelled it threw the wolves off balance but like I said before, all of his efforts failed. He survived because the wolves had gotten all the food they needed and a life of someone special to Fox. For the next 8 years, Fox was alone. Until one day, he was wondering through the village and ran into Joshua Lancelot. Fox briefly told Joshua his story and Joshua let him go to the school.



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Name: Kyon/Samus

Age: 15

Personality: Very serious. Rarely ever laughs nor smiles.

Appearance: In his human form, Kyon has white hair, black eyes, a large black and purple amulet, black jacket with a white hood. Has a black pistol always holstered.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.3e5a47a26c983b5cdecac7f9a90eae59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.3e5a47a26c983b5cdecac7f9a90eae59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

However, in his dark, corrupted form, his entire body becomes black with dark magic.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.0eaabbedb527b28a58bf08a5568a9f54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.0eaabbedb527b28a58bf08a5568a9f54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Half Human. Half Nasod (Dark Alien race created by the Data Integration Thought Entity)

Power: In his human form, he can concentrate his energy into a bullet for his pistol.

In his Nasod form, he can control his dark magic to take any form or shape. He can also burrow into the ground. While burrowed underground, he can summon a dark force that can act like quicksand and slowly suck his enemies into it.

In both forms, he has incredible speed and strength

Weakness: Light energy or light magic.

Past: As a child, Kyon and his brother Samus grew up in Austrailia with a crazy mother and father. To help Kyon and Samus gain power and endurance, their father threw them into a rattlesnake pit. This caused a venom to course through their blood.

One day, Samus was taken by the Data Integration Thought Entity (DITE for short) and experimented on. They injected nano bugs into him, changin his genetics. Before they could control his mind, Kyon hacked into the Data Overmind (database for all things in existence) and merged the Kyon files and the Samus files, causing them to become two minds and powers in one body. Together, using Samus' newly acquired powers, they broke out and ran to this Academy. Over time, Kyon was able to harness a very small amount of power at a time. About a magizine of magic bullets worth.



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Kyon said:
Name: Kyon/Samus
Age: 15

Personality: Very serious. Rarely ever laughs nor smiles.

Appearance: In his human form, Kyon has white hair, black eyes, a large black and purple amulet, black jacket with a white hood. Has a black pistol always holstered.

View attachment 111306

However, in his dark, corrupted form, his entire body becomes black with dark magic.

View attachment 111307

Race: Half Human. Half Nasod (Dark Alien race created by the Data Integration Thought Entity)

Power: In his human form, he can concentrate his energy into a bullet for his pistol.

In his Nasod form, he can control his dark magic to take any form or shape. He can also burrow into the ground. While burrowed underground, he can summon a dark force that can act like quicksand and slowly suck his enemies into it.

In both forms, he has incredible speed and strength

Weakness: Light energy or light magic.

Past: As a child, Kyon and his brother Samus grew up in Austrailia with a crazy mother and father. To help Kyon and Samus gain power and endurance, their father threw them into a rattlesnake pit. This caused a venom to course through their blood.

One day, Samus was taken by the Data Integration Thought Entity (DITE for short) and experimented on. They injected nano bugs into him, changin his genetics. Before they could control his mind, Kyon hacked into the Data Overmind (database for all things in existence) and merged the Kyon files and the Samus files, causing them to become two minds and powers in one body. Together, using Samus' newly acquired powers, they broke out and ran to this Academy. Over time, Kyon was able to harness a very small amount of power at a time. About a magizine of magic bullets worth.
ACCEPTED start whenever you'd like to.
Name: Arye Silvertongue

"I gave it to myself, not tellin' my real name!"

Age: 14

"I may be young, but I'll still beat you!!"

Nickname: Ari-runs-away, Ry-ry

"Call me by either and you're just looking for a good beating."

Personality: acts Energetic and friendly, but is usually just trying to steal something from you.

"Finders keepers!!"



She also has slightly pointed ears and teeth, along with a long black tail she keeps hidden.

"Are my big blue eyes distracting? Tee hee~"

Race: Half human half demon

Power: aside from her superhuman speed, she has a excellent sense of smell and along her left shoulder is a large swirling pitch black tattoo, and when she uses her blue fire powers it turns blue. Can understand and speak to animals.

"I love all animals, even the ones they call 'monsters'!"

Weakness: she's a sucker for animals, including the ones other people may be frightened of.

Dislikes moving vehicles,

"I would rather walk."

And deep water.

"Water puts out my fire! Plus you never know what's down in the deep...."


"Oh I hate this story..."

Arye was born to a woman who fell in love with a demon. The woman didn't know he was a demon, because he took s human appearance. After she was born, her mother saw her tail and already forming fangs. Frightened, she left the baby in the woods, hoping some animal might take it. Fortunately, "Or unfortunately?" A wolf shifter happened to find her. He was older, and was abandoned by his pack because he lost a paw in a fight. He took in the baby, and raised her secretly in the woods. He was a good father, and they were happy for a time.

Then, the nearby villages were being raided by a powerful group of bandits, and they heard of the strange man in the woods who was said to be a strong fighter with a secret stash of wealth. Overtaken by greed, they searched the entire woods. Before they found the house her father sent Arye away, and told to never come back there. She was too late, and was captured. She wore a long cloak, so no one noticed her differences. She was sold as a slave later on, and still bores the burn mark of the ones who sold her. She escaped, but that's a longer story. After that she lived as a traveler, forcing herself to become stronger and find out what happened to her father.
BlueFox3411 said:
Name: Arye Silvertongue
"I gave it to myself, not tellin' my real name!"

Age: 14

"I may be young, but I'll still beat you!!"

Nickname: Ari-runs-away, Ry-ry

"Call me by either and you're just looking for a good beating."

Personality: acts Energetic and friendly, but is usually just trying to steal something from you.

"Finders keepers!!"



She also has slightly pointed ears and teeth, along with a long black tail she keeps hidden.

"Are my big blue eyes distracting? Tee hee~"

Race: Half human half demon

Power: aside from her superhuman speed, she has a excellent sense of smell and along her left shoulder is a large swirling pitch black tattoo, and when she uses her blue fire powers it turns blue. Can understand and speak to animals.

"I love all animals, even the ones they call 'monsters'!"

Weakness: she's a sucker for animals, including the ones other people may be frightened of.

Dislikes moving vehicles,

"I would rather walk."

And deep water.

"Water puts out my fire! Plus you never know what's down in the deep...."


"Oh I hate this story..."

Arye was born to a woman who fell in love with a demon. The woman didn't know he was a demon, because he took s human appearance. After she was born, her mother saw her tail and already forming fangs. Frightened, she left the baby in the woods, hoping some animal might take it. Fortunately, "Or unfortunately?" A wolf shifter happened to find her. He was older, and was abandoned by his pack because he lost a paw in a fight. He took in the baby, and raised her secretly in the woods. He was a good father, and they were happy for a time.

Then, the nearby villages were being raided by a powerful group of bandits, and they heard of the strange man in the woods who was said to be a strong fighter with a secret stash of wealth. Overtaken by greed, they searched the entire woods. Before they found the house her father sent Arye away, and told to never come back there. She was too late, and was captured. She wore a long cloak, so no one noticed her differences. She was sold as a slave later on, and still bores the burn mark of the ones who sold her. She escaped, but that's a longer story. After that she lived as a traveler, forcing herself to become stronger and find out what happened to her father.
ACCEPTED start whenever you like.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.6cc70a1c489663a865365ca41fbf89f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.6cc70a1c489663a865365ca41fbf89f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Eshne "Ash" Brand




About as fiery and hot-blooded as the fire she wields, Ash isn't one to like boring conversation. She enjoys energy, and being on an adrenaline rush like a kid loves candy. Her personality often comes off as aggressively positive and nice, despite her hidden sullen madness.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.205c1535d658511bfd9bbd3a9158d97d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.205c1535d658511bfd9bbd3a9158d97d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.9c352dca0f9113c3c56c5ac9a466fbce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.9c352dca0f9113c3c56c5ac9a466fbce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Ash can manipulate and create fire without damage to herself. She can also use cosmic fire, and channels it through the gauntlets on her wrists. These gauntlets are also custom-made shot guns.



Healing factor.



Large bodies of water



To be revealed.​



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"As Above So Below"

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    Name: Zanna "Little Red"

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Year: 1st


    5'2/ 90 IB


    Will be chunked out in RP


    Supernatural Human

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Burned said:

View attachment 111344


Eshne "Ash" Brand




About as fiery and hot-blooded as the fire she wields, Ash isn't one to like boring conversation. She enjoys energy, and being on an adrenaline rush like a kid loves candy. Her personality often comes off as aggressively positive and nice, despite her hidden sullen madness.

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View attachment 111348







Ash can manipulate and create fire without damage to herself. She can also use cosmic fire, and channels it through the gauntlets on her wrists. These gauntlets are also custom-made shot guns.



Healing factor.



Large bodies of water



To be revealed.​
ACCEPTED start whenever you'd like to.


Odin4Life4Life said:
"As Above So Below"

  • Anime-girl-cute-red-riding-hood-Favim.com-348332.jpg

    Name: Zanna "Little Red"

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Year: 1st


    5'2/ 90 IB


    Will be chunked out in RP


    Supernatural Human


ACCEPTED I love what you've done to describe your character! Start when ever you like!
Name:Lynx (nick:lie or ly)



PastLynx is a human who had always been a mischvious kid so you can imagine when he got older he got even more mischvious but sometimes which is rare he will get mad and when he gets mad he will turn into a....Lynx (OH MY GOD WHO KNEW xD ) the reason for this is when he was a kid he went into a witches den and threatened to kill her... What happens next he keeps to him self.
Odin4Life4Life said:
"As Above So Below"

  • Anime-girl-cute-red-riding-hood-Favim.com-348332.jpg

    Name: Zanna "Little Red"

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Year: 1st


    5'2/ 90 IB


    Will be chunked out in RP


    Supernatural Human


..... *in a dramatic voice* dat short is shorter than the school dress code!!!!! >~<

jk jk jk <3
Lynx said:
Name:Lynx (nick:lie or ly)


PastLynx is a human who had always been a mischvious kid so you can imagine when he got older he got even more mischvious but sometimes which is rare he will get mad and when he gets mad he will turn into a....Lynx (OH MY GOD WHO KNEW xD ) the reason for this is when he was a kid he went into a witches den and threatened to kill her... What happens next he keeps to him self.
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