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Fantasy Kokoro Academy


Kokoro Academy is a high school for non-humans and humans with magical abilities.
As the school day began, Joshua rang the bell to indicate that class has now started. After doing so, he kicked his feet up onto his desk and began reading a book.
With her leather jacket on, Avril was on Europa, walking around the corridors calmly as everyone else rushed to their classes. Stifling a little urge to make them walk, she approached her class, and she really meant 'her' class, sliding off the snow leopard. The teacher had "problems", as she placed it, requesting Avril to take over. Avril, who seemingly has no choice, agreed, assuring herself that the students this year would not be intimidated by her but there's only one way to find out as she entered the empty room, plopped down at the teacher's desk, waiting for her students to come in.
As everyone went to class, Fox remained on a chair in a corner of one of the hallways and as usual, he was silent. He refused to get noticed, he was extremely shy. A teacher walked by Fox and didn't even notice him. "That's how I like it." Fox muttered to himself, he sat relaxed in his chair as everyone was walking past him and not paying attention.
Kyon walked into Miss Avril's class, not necessarily sad, but had an expression on his face that would make him seem sad. He walked over to a random desk and sat there, waiting for class to start. He had a quiet conversation with himself. His brother Samus which he shared a body with wanted to know whether or not he had to do class work as well.
Dante woke up late and was now rushing to school. "Not again!" He shouted as he slid into the already started class. He looked around at everyone awkwardly and sat down in the back. 'Great' He though, 'Late again!' He slouched down in his desk and started playing around with a rock of some sort.
Fox finally got bored of sitting there so he decided to head to Miss Avril's class without making a fuss. As he entered he noticed a seat in the back corner so he made his way there and sat down. Upon getting comfortable, Fox slowly begins to fall asleep.
Lui made his way into Miss Avril's class about half way through the class "Sorry I'm late." He said and slide into the seat right next to fox, "Heyo fox." Then he kicks back and just sleeps for the rest of the class. (sorry for grammar errors, English is not my first language)
Kyon, not accustomed to this school yet, looked around the room looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. He saw a pair of scissors and a box opener and said to himself, "I guess there aren't many good chances of self defence." Kyon wondered what powers the other students possessed. He examined them carefully, looking for any clues, but found nothing.
Fox looked at Lui and asked "How do you know my name? You a stalker?" Fox shifts to the side to avoid Lui "Go away. ;-;" Fox managed to say while scooting away from Lui.
Lui looks at Fox and tilt his head to one side "What do you mean?" He asked "Is that not your name? I'm guessing your name is Fox because I know most of the people in here don't have the name Fox." After replying, Lui resumes going to sleep.
Fox ignored Lui. He didn't want to speak. He really likes it when he was ignored, he always just sat there, in the background, where nobody could see him, where he was ignored, where he liked it.
Arye ran through the halls, trying not to hit anyone with her bag that was swinging on her shoulder. "dammit! I'm late!!" She said angrily as she stopped in front of the classroom door. 'I hope this is the right class...' She inhales and opens the door. She avoids all eyes and sits down at a desk in the back, nervously rubbing the back of her neck and occasionally pulling her hood farther down to cover her ears.
Why are there so many people late for class. Bunch of irresponsible annoyances. Kyon thought to himself

He doubts whether he should've come to this school or not.
Arye looks up from the desk, her eyes shadowed by her hood. Strange, many of these people look so completely normal you wouldn't know they had powers. Others, however, you could tell. The ones with a strange sparkle in their eyes, or an odd skin tone.

She decided to try figure out what kinds of powers these people have instead of listening to the teacher.
Kyon was having trouble focusing on the teacher because Samus had been chatting up a storm in his head, and also because of all of the late classmates. Eventually, he just gave up and stared out the window, zoning out and not paying attention to anything around him.
Fox looks at the teacher and thinks to himself "Isn't she a little too young to be a teacher?" Fox continued looking at her wondering what happened to the other teacher.
Lui woke up about 15 min before the bell and look around at the classmates , "Doesn't looks like any own any power..... better stay cautious though, the less dangerous, the more misfortune...."
At least nobody has any Dark magic. If they did, we would both be able to sense it. Kyon sighs in disinterest. He ponders about what he will do after class.
Before the bell even rang, Lui jumped out of his chair and disappeared before he got to the doorway of the classroom.
After the bell rang, Kyon stood up from his seat and approached Arye, curious as to why she had been studying his classmates so hard, but he also wanted to know her power.
Fox stood up from his chair hoping he wouldn't get noticed and begins to walk out of the classroom.
Kyon's attention strays from Arye and onto Fox, intrigued by his odd tendencies to keep to himself. "Hey." Kyon says sternly to Fox.
Fox stops and cringes at they voice that was directed to him. Fox slowly turns around and manages to say a quiet "Hello." toward Kyon.
"God, these students have no sense of punctuality" Avril muttered, unhappy with the subject that the teacher have previously taught. 'History.... How boring' she thought, stifling a yawn as she looked at the group of students before her. As much as she hate history, she would have to teach them so all she had them to do was just complete exercise in their books which she was sure becoming a kind of torture. The bell rang and she walked away from her table, mounting her snow leopard, Europa outside and the went off to the class Avril was actually assigned to: Defense. Avril always had been a enthusiast to apply as the defense teacher and now she got her wish as another teacher, yet again, has requested her to substitute. She walked into class and just casually leaned on her table, waiting for her students in anticipation.

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