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Fantasy Kokan Academy: A school for monsters[Character thread]

@Acethekidd I am looking to possibly join and if so please give my character sheet a look through to make sure its okay!


Name:Grey Gremory
Race: Devil
Grade: 11th grade

Personality: He is a very understanding and kind person with a sort of proud side to him. He doesnt hate humans and actually wants to be able to live among them as though he was any other human. He wishes to protect any human and any of his friends for that matter from any harm that could befall them and vows to use his power to do so.......only he has no control and must use a spell to both seal and release his power which embarrasses him. He tries to treat everyone with the same respect even if that gets him non in return.
Human appearance:

Monster appearance:

History: At a young age Grey used to hate humans and always saw them as trash that needed to be destroyed. One day while vacationing in the human world he was walking through an almost run-down park and spotted a human girl he though he could pick on. As he got closer to the girl he noticed that she had an aura about her that made it impossible for him to even feel any sort of hate for her. Grey decided talking to her would be the best option to figure out what she really was so he walked right up and said 'Hey so what are you supposed to be?' a horrible question yes but he didnt know how else to interact with humans. The girl looked over and replied with a stern face 'Human, duh, what did you think i was, some sort of monster?' her reply had taken grey by surprise and shocked him out of his wits 'I'm sorry I just thought that huma-- people dont glow like that, you know?' he felt like he was being picked on instead and he didnt like it but he still didnt get mad and couldn't figure out why. As the conversation went on he learned the girls name was Emelia Stoneshaft. During that conversation he found himself drawn to her and decided he would play with her and try to figure out more about her. They played all sorts of games and went on adventures by the river and through the forests all around them. On the night he had to leave he told Emelia that he would be back next year as his family always went there for their holidays. The next year after he went more full of joy rather than hatred and found himself being ever more drawn to the girl everytime. One year the two had actually started dating and spent most of their time together and even celebrated eachothers birthdays 'I promise to be with you till the end of time and even far after that!' he said to her looking her straight in her sapphire eyes 'What made you say that? I love you even more for saying it but where did that come from?' Grey sighed and looked down at her hand held in his. After thinking he decided he would show her who he was or rather what he was 'Watch this and please dont scream.....' he said before he started to glow brilliant red energy and then transformed into his full powered state. He looked over nervously at Emelia expecting her to be terrified but instead he found her staring at his form almost mystified 'I knew you were special.....but i just didn't realize that the creature i'd been watching at night after you drop me off was really just you. Your flying is beautiful and your light glows brighter and is warmer than any fire or light' Grey was taken a back by Emelias words and embraced her. The next night just a day before he was to leave he decided he would go and see Emelia one last time. When he arrived at their usual spot he found her body lying cold and dead on a blanket that was set out for a picnic. Horrified he looked around to find a clue to who did it and found a note. The note read "My dearest Grey, I will most likely not see you after tonight but wish you the best in life. I was thrilled when you spoke to me years ago and was happy to find out you loved me. My grandparents found out about who and what you are and have decided as to not taint their bloodline they need to execute the one responsible for carrying their heritage to the new generation.....who is me. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive them. I asked them to put my body here for you to find so that i could be with you one last time. I know that this will not make up for the rage welling up in your heart but i wish that you please keep moving forward and not hate humans. I hope you find love again and are not burdened by the loss of my life. I will always love you Grey and death can never stop that.". As Grey clutched the letter he cried over her body and hugged her lifeless corpse with desperation. A moment later an arrow whizzed by him causing him to look in the direction the arrow came. He spotted one person standing there, a human, and got up and began walking toward him. Grey, seething with hate, walked and transformed and sparked a bit of his own destructive power in his hand. Before he even got close the surrounding area become a bright blue, star covered place and in front of him he saw Emelia glowing brighter than he had ever seen her glow 'WHY DO YOU STOP ME!? THEY MUDERED YOU AND YOU PROTECT THEM?' he screamed his questions but she only smiled and drifted toward him. As she got closer he started feeling warmer and less angry than he was a moment ago 'I need you to stop before you do something you regret. I dont want the man I love and will continue to love in the next life to become the monster that everyone else will hate. I will seal your abilities and make sure you can only unleash your full power when you are protecting someone you care for. I hope you never forget me.' Grey stood there listening as she spoke and started crying once again. He awoke later that night in his bed with the note she left and the necklace she was always wearing, an angel wings pendant with a bright blue almost glowing sapphire placed in the center of the wings. After that he knew he had to make her proud and decided he would go on to try and love humans, all of them, even the ones who had killed his beloved.  

Powers/abilities: He has a large deposit of demonic energy and magic that he can use to make barriers and attack with as well as enhance his own physical attributes(He can only use 1/6th of his powers and can no longer transform due to Emelia sealing his abilities) 
Talents: He likes Martial arts and has trained in kung fu since he was 15 otherwise his only other talent is homework 
Classes: History, English, Cooking, Child care and development 
Club/sports: Track and field
Other: He likes Spicy foods and watching anime in his spare time and loves gazing up at the stars.


If this is okay please let me know. I can change things if need be. 
You guys are accepted!  Like it you read this so I can know

Omg it's lucy
@@Acethekidd They're classed as a monster from the Dark Souls video games which is the fandom Raiven originates from. Is there anything similar I could class  her as?
Name: Adrian Williams
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Ghost, Human (Formerly) 
Grade: 11th

Personality: Adrian is a quiet and gentle young man, who tries his best to get along with everyone he meets. He's known to very kind and rather humble. He has a very cold demeanour and is known to be very quiet and reserved. Though he tries so much, he is quick-tempered and struggles to control his anger management issues.


History:  Son of a wealthy business man, Adrian's early life was pampered and luxurious. First class treatment he treated everyone else, maids, friends, people as second-class citizens. He was given a higher education, his knowledge expanding he took courses in ballet, piano and cello. At age ten his father began losing hair due to stress, he was honestly worried and kept an eye on his fathers meetings. In one in particular, as he eavesdropped he neared shouting and yelling before running off. He was scared. About a week later his father told him that the deal with the other man was cancelled, giving him some relief. The next day his limousine was ambushed by the assasins that man hired, killling his father as well as kidnapping him. They tortured him for information but he refused, ultimately killing the now fifteen year old boy. His soul was reincarnated into a near human body, a ghostly body. Exacting his revenge on the assasins and the male hiring them he searched for peace upon finding the academy.


  • Ghost Physiology: Telekinesis, Levitation,  Flight, Intangibility, Invisibilty, Possesion, Fear Inducemen, Ectoplasm Manipulation.
  • Polymath: Adrian holds vast knowledge due to his extensive learning.


  • Multilingual: Adrian speaks Spanish, itialian, English, French and Swahili. 

Classes: English, History,  Cooking, Combat, Mathematics, Calculus. 
Club/sports: Chess.
Crush: Open/TBA
BF/GF: none atm
Other: nope
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@Acethekidd Uhm if someone could help with a good place to inject my charactyer into that would be great

Uhm if someone could help with a good place to inject my charactyer into that would be great
Name: Ashur Wolffe

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Nekomimi

Grade: 10th

    -Human Form: She isn't very social with people she isn't familiar with. She can easily be manipulated with things she likes. She can be very kind to those she is close with. Even though she sleeps a lot, she tries her best not to fall asleep in class.
    -Monster Form: Ashur can be extremely rude and have a very crude sense of humour(whether it be bad or good). 

Human appearance:


Monster appearance:

Ashur Monster.jpg

History: "I'd rather not speak of that."

Powers/abilities: Can run fast, Very good balance

Talents: Math and sleeping

Classes: Math, P.E., Visual arts, Apparel

Club/Sport: None

Crush: Not yet applicable

BF/GF: None (maybe)

Likes:                Dislikes:
-sweets                -swimming
-Meat (Lamb mostly)        -Bugs


Other: Keeps something hidden. A completely different person in her monster form. Unsure of her sexuality.
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Name: Marius Sebastian Argent

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Demon Werewolf

Grade: 9th

Personality: Having the blood of a demon and a vaewolf within him, has created an aggressive and dangerous individual.  Marius has a temper that doesn't take much to set off and is fiercely loyal to his parents and clan, though music seems to calm the teen down.   He is a studious person, likes keeping busy and it is rare that he goes without getting into a fight at least once a week.   Although he is respectful to his teachers, he can't really be controlled by anyone except his parents and the co-betas who he naturally respects for their wisdom.   Marius is rather's possessive of female friends, his werewolf side viewing them as potential mates and any other male around them as a threat to himself.   He likes watching adventure and marital arts movies at home, spending most of his free time training and studying.    He will die for his clan members and will fight to the death to ensure they aren't harmed, the same with his close friends.  Marius doesn't like dishonest people or people who play jokes on others to be bullies or harms others.  Marius can keep a secret and is a loyal friend though his first loyalty will always be to his parents and clan before others.

Human Appearance:

He is half Vietnamese and half Caucasian, having black hair, brown eyes and tan skin with a medium build, broad shoulders and is 5'3" tall.  He is well muscled in both his human and wolf forms.  He has a baritone voice with his mother's Romanian accent.



Monster Appearance:


As a werewolf, Marius has obsidian fur with red eyes and black nails.  In his wolf form, he is as big as a horse and is able to shift at will.


History:  He is the firstborn son of Indigo Soulton, a vaewolf (1/2 vampire & 1/2 werewolf) and Shane Orion Argent (demon).    He was born into the clan Wraith Crows, a clan begun by his mother before he was born and lived within that clan all his life.   The clan contains Felicity Prince, Varis Ivazov and Fang Sun (vampires); Akira Ivazvov and Reuben Black (werewolves); all five being turned by his mother. His parents rule together side-by-side while Varis and Akira are the co-betas of the clan as they are the first that his mother turned.  When the human world grew slightly better, Marius was allowed to go to Kokan Academy for high school education.







-Soccer, Cross Country


Powers/Abilities: Shape shift at will into his wolf form, inherited his father's Fire Manipulation

Talents: He is agile and capable of walking without making a sound, good with weapons and martial arts, musically talented

Crush: None

Girlfriend: Open
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Hello, I am currently new to this website, this roleplay seems interesting and i am interested in joining, so i made a character that could possibly fit in with this roleplay and if there are any corrections, i will make sure to change them.


Argent Arc






Shadow Demon




Argent is a silent type of person who reads books which are mostly about facts of other mythical creatures residing in different countries, he mostly talks to other people about their own species and compares them to his own. Though he may be viewed innocent in his normal self, he is actually a murderous entity who stalks people in their sleep and causes their victims to experience sleep paralysis and eventually kills them, his personality as an entity is murderous, ruthless and demonic which Argent is trying to control and hide from his fellow classmates.


(Human Form)


(Shadow Demon Form)



Not much is known about him aside that he was once a human in his past. He was viewed as a shadow from others and the people who he was with pretended that he didn't exist at all, his mother is a businesswoman who often gets yelled by her manager at work, his older brother is aspiring to become a violinist in the future and posseses a great talent that his family is proud of, as for Argent he mostly paints anything that he can think of and gets inspired through phenomenons such as shooting stars. Though his family viewed his talent as trash and mostly neglected him or ignored him. During a family gathering, his brother was playing his violin brilliantly, as others cheer and while the performance was on, some of his aunts and uncles told him to paint something for them at the stage, when his brother's performance would end and so he gained confidence and ran up the stage once the performance was done and on stage he picked up his brush and started painting. Through the strokes of his brush and use of astounding colors, it formed into a stunning painting of a woman staring at the ocean, as soon as he was done demonstrating his talent, the crowd went silent later on. A few moments later, his aunt stepped up then pointed at his painting and yelled "Is that woman a WH*RE", the crowd laughed rigorously, as his other uncle stepped up and yelled "That painting looks terrible, it looks like she wants to drown himself" and so the crowd laughs again and finally an old man who was a close friend to the family stepped up and yelled "The only way you can put use to your talent, is for you to die", the crowd laughs as twice as hard as the other two insults and as for Argent, he teared and ran away from the glorious and well decorated mansion where he spent all his life in. While he quickly ran, his mother and his brother ran after him, but couldn't keep up with his pace thus losing him. Argent now arrived in the forest where he found a decent looking cabin and through the window, he saw a man, a woman and a child to which he soon recognize the man to be his father, he tapped in the window as hard as he could, but his father couldn't hear him or so perhaps pretended not to hear him which made Argent felt despair on living and went to a nearby river and drowned himself in agony. A few months have passed and some of his family's relatives are currently experiencing days of insomnia and endless sleep paralysis which made them turn insane and later it kept on spreading among family members until none were left. Several years later, his normal self was soon fading and as for his personality, it is primarily fusing with the darkness that has lived with him for all those times thus making him insane, so he decides to go elsewhere to a place where he could accept who he is and a place where he could control himself.


(Physical Talents)

Painting - This was a talent that Argent was born with and even stayed after his transformation to a shadow demon, he is currently learning how to paint digitally.

(Inhuman Talents)

Phasing - He is able to phase through walls and objects, which is why some people confuse him for a ghost.

Fade - He is able to hide in walls and certain areas, though it is best to avoid light since he will be caught and discovered. Though this still makes a significant ability to eliminate opponents without them knowing it.

Target - He is able to target someone to be caught in a nightmare where it can cause sleep paralysis and insomnia for days, however this can be avoided by not sleeping.

Shape - He is able to shape anything that is made out of shadows, both weapons and living things, a shadow tiger can be an example however it cannot attack you, though weapons are something that can be lethal.

Telekinesis - He is also able to move objects with his mind as well, though again this can be confused for paranormal activity.




Literature Club


None (Open)


Links To Images:



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