Koibito Surajji


New Member
Name: Koibito Surajji

Hero Name: N/A; Koibito often rolls ideas around in her head, but none ever seem to stick past a few days.

Junior High Attended: Sabe Junior High

Appearance: Koibito stands at a fairly average five foot 4 with a fairly lanky build. Her obscenely bright green hair is a strange side effect from her quirks affinity with chemicals, though her eyes are simply the result of contact lenses that she feels "completes the look". They're a simple burgundy under them. Her lip piercings are also an elaboration; they're simple clip-ons that she can't wait to make the real deal. Her facial tattoos were originally fakes, but a slight conflict between the ink and her quirk lead to them becoming permanent, much to her joy.


Biography: Koibito's life has been a fairly easy one. Two fairly supportive parents in the hero business who're willing to put up with her exaggerated personality, an older brother who's etched a solid career busting crooks, and a little sister who idolises her entire family; Koibito excluded. Compared to her family (And due to some unlucky quirk genetics making her somewhat of a black sheep of the family), Koibito felt middle child syndrome hard but turned those feelings into a determined drive to prove herself. Having idolised her parents and brother herself from a young age, she turned her drive and her long-ingrained sense of justice given to her by her family towards the goal of being a hero worthy of being recognised, loved and respected; a newfound drive that her family were very much appreciative and supportive of.

Declaring at the end of junior high that she would get into U.A High and show everyone just how great a hero she'll be (A choice she made entirely on its reputation as the best of the best), her parents and brother were supportive, though they did believe she was reaching a little too far with her aspirations. 

Personality: Koibito may seem overly casual on first appearance, but behind her outwards appearance is a swirling ball of determination to be more than just "The girl who can turn into goo". A lifetime of parental and brotherly guidance has instilled a strong sense of justice and a passion for heroism, slightly warped by her own feelings of inadequacy (Her family all have quirks related to shooting some form of chemical, but she only had the power to turn into an inert sludge) and a desire to be appreciated. To people, she's mostly friendly if a bit boisterous, but her bragging is mostly well meaning. Academically, she's not gifted in any field (A fact that causes her no end of frustration), but has a well honed sense of quick thinking earned through various practice sessions with her brother.

Quirk: Goo Transformation- Koibito can, on command, selectively turn parts of her body (Or the entire thing) into a sludge-like liquid state and back again. The material is mostly chemically inert, loses is viscosity quickly in water, and on prolonged skin contact can cause very mild numbness. The process requires conscious effort to transform, and on "un-gooping" herself, the transformed part and any stray globs of sludge are pulled back to the centre mass with a very punchy amount of force. When in the sludge state, Koibito can move about and perceive her surroundings, allowing her a surprising range of movement.

Other: Koibito keeps changing the names of her "special moves" and hero names, but she's always been dead set on what her theme song should be. Definitely something with a saxophone. Or maybe a drum solo? Maybe it should just be a vocal track with a synth piano...
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It would slam back together if the goop was separated, but if you kept two parts that big from reconnecting she'd be stuck as a half as big puddle of angry sludge.

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