KoC Character Elimination Contest 1.0!

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 25

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 4

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 7

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

+ Karen

- Ninja Fae

*Wishes for more Karen+Ten action!*
+ for Karen for a chang--who am I kidding? I must sacrifice all of my dreams for Secret.

- for Ben to get the game going.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 26

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 2

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 7

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

The Sheriff
+ It is a Secret

- for Ben bye bye Ben.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 0

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 7

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
+ Ten Winds; this Secret anathema-worhsip must stop

- Ninja Fae; the Fair Folk must be destroyed

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 19

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 19

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 11

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben

+ Long-live Secret

- Troper Fae: How could you kiss Secret without permission
Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 11

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben

+ Ten, winds because he is awesome

- king, i find him a little anoying
+ Mew Cai, Toaster Heaven forever

- Flame, fall on your own chain katars

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 13

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 11

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
+Mew Cai because MEW CAI!

-Secret. Too much is an overdose.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 26

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 11

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Gone: The Sherrif, Ben
Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 5

Troper Fae 9

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Gone: The Sherrif, Ben

+ Secret, noone can stop it

- Troper Fae for I like ninja's
+ for Secret because--any more is just a waste of words.

- for Ninja Fae, 'cuz he failed to show proper reverence towards Secret.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 3

Troper Fae 9

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

The Sheriff, Ben
+ Secret. Seriously, millions.

- Troper Fae, because I find myself wondering what their reaction to all this would be if and when they show up in the comic again.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 29

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 14

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 3

Troper Fae 7

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
+1 to the King because he's, well, THE KING OF UNCLOAKED STEEL.

-2 to Secret.

Why, you ask?

Because THIS IS WAR!

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 15

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 3

Troper Fae 7

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
+1 King. Hail to the King baby.

-2 Ninja Fea

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 1

Troper Fae 7

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
+1 Secret

-2 troper Fae just remembered that he kissed Secret.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 1

Troper Fae 5

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 16

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben

-Troper Fae

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 1

Troper Fae 3

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben
Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 29

Ten 20

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Ninja Fae 0

Troper Fae 2

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff, Ben, Ninja Fae

+ Secret, we must top 30!

- Ninja Fae, good bye Ninja Fae!

Edit: OK, -1 to Troper Fae, then.
The original rule was supposed to be no splitting of the -2; if it got used on a character with 1 point left, then the extra -1 is wasted.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 29

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae
-2 to Secret. She's got more than enough votes to take a hit.

+1 to Blossom

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 27

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae

You know, the way this is going, its going to be Secret who wins in the end.
+ for Secret, because you can go drown in a toilet for insulting her like that I mean omg. >:(

- for Misho, 'cuz, um. Yeah.

Misho 13

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae

And yes, it's Secret who's going to win this competition, as should be.
+1 Mew Cai.

-2 Aria. Because she's an evil manipulative whore, as opposed to an open-minded, spiritual whore.

Misho 13

Marena 16

Secret 28

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 11

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 13


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae
Misho 13

Marena 16

Secret 29

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 9

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 17

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 13


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae

+ do I need to tell after all of this?

- to Flame, we need only one abyssal.
Misho 13

Marena 16

Secret 29

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 9

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 18

Message Sid 13

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 13


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae


-Message Sid
Misho 13

Marena 16

Secret 30

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 7

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 18

Message Sid 13

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 13


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae

+ most lovely day caste

- other inferior abyssal
Misho 14

Marena 16

Secret 30

Ten 21

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Flame 5

Blossom 19

Nova 15

Karen 18

Message Sid 13

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 13


The Sheriff


Ninja Fae

Troper Fae

+ Misho, he is not appreciated enough

- Flame, because there are too many abyssals

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