KoC Character Elimination Contest 1.0!


Junior Member
I borrowed this idea from sundry other forums.


- Each character will start off with 15 points

- Give one point to a character you would like to keep in the game, and take two points from a character you would like to boot out.

- Please post only once every three hours, and don't double post.

- You must remember to alter the characters' numbers that you subtracted or added to.

- The only combination is: +1 -2

- Make sure you copy and paste the entire game.

- Feel free to give a brief explanation as to why you are voting for or against a character.

- When a character reaches 0, add them to the Eliminated section.

I've always been annoyed by Ben, and any DB that can face off against an elder Sidereal and walk away is pretty darn impressive.

Ten +1

Ben -2

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 15

Ten 16

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

Steel 15

Ben 13

Flame 15

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 15

The Sheriff 15

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


Well, to play your game, I'd go with +1 to Blossom. Her signs were some of the funniest jokes in the comics run, IMHO. -2 points to Flame. He's Ben's straight man, but has few enjoyable personality traits otherwise.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 15

Ten 16

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

Steel 15

Ben 13

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 15

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


Well, I'm a Secret fanboy, so +1 to her. As for the minus... I've never been a big fan of the Sheriff. I mean, he just kind of gets on my nerves. Don't know why.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 16

Ten 16

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

Steel 15

Ben 13

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 13

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


Ten Winds +1 for awesome.

Sherrif -2 even though I don't really want to see anyone gone.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 16

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

Steel 15

Ben 13

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 11

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


Mew Cai +1 for being Mew Cai.

Fuck the Sherrif.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 16

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 16

Steel 15

Ben 13

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 9

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: None, yet.
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 17

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 16

Steel 15

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 9

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: None, yet.

+ to secret because she is secret.

- to Ben because he is Ben
+ to Secret because omfg... she's so moe and kawaii...

- to Mew Cai 'cuz I hate all life. Just kidding. Mew Cai's the only character that I didn't really mind not seeing anymore.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 18

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 14

Steel 15

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 9

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: None, yet.
Who is this Sheriff person and why is he still here? -2

The King shall rule them all. +1

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 18

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 14

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 7

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: None, yet.

And Strawberryleaves:

Are you on The Rosular Kingdom CyberNations guild?
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 18

+1 Mew Cai because Mew Cai, bitches!

-2 Sherrif. Seriously, fuck 'em.

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 15

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 5

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 6

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

EDIT: WAIT A SECOND! Isn't the Sheriff the Dino Autobot? In the off chance, I will prolong his life. I love Troper Fae, but Ninja Fae just wasn't as Fae.
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 19

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 4

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

+ to Secret for obvious reason

- to sheriff because I need to give - to someone.
+ for Secret because omg... Secret is awesome...

- for the Sheriff because I want to see someone get eliminated.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 20

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 15

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 16

The Sheriff 2

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 20

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 2

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 21

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 15

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

Truly, someone needs to find a way to distill whatever it is that makes Secret so adorable. They'd make millions.

And the Sheriff, well... someone needed to go, I guess.
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 22

Ten 17

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 13

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 13

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

+ secret

- Mew Cai because I don't like virtual dragon thing.
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 22

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 13

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 11

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

+ Ten Winds

- Ninja Fae
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 23

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 13

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 9

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

+ Secret-Cwaaan

- Ben
+ for Secret because what you gonna do when Secretamania runs wild on you?

- for Mew Cai because my car's at the shop today.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 24

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 9

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 17

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
+ for Blossom, just because.

- for Secret, because someone has to keep the Secretmania in check before it destroys the world.

Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 22

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 9

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 18

The Sheriff 0

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
Misho 15

Marena 15

Secret 23

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 7

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


+1 Marena, the power of boobs compels you

-2 Ben, sorry, dude, but you're annoying

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 23

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 5

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 11

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15
I gathered that you could vote once every 3 hours, if you wanted to, long as you didn't double post.

Oh, and

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 24

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 5

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 9

Troper Fae 15

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

Eliminated: The Sheriff

+Secret, because... Secret. Seriously, millions to be made.

-Ninja Fae, sorry, but someone has to go to make room for the Secret fanboy-and-girling.
+ for Secret because, sorry, Secretamania is just unstoppable.

- for Troper Fae, so he'd make an another appearance in comic in order for him not to not exist in this competition.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 25

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 11

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 5

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 9

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15

The Sheriff

And: If people could vote only once, we'd need at least 270 posters. :P
Time to jump on the bandwagon.

Misho 15

Marena 16

Secret 25

Ten 18

Cluivnarihe 13

Mew Cai 12

King of U. Steel 16

Ben 4

Flame 13

Ninja Fae 9

Troper Fae 13

Blossom 18

Nova 15

Karen 15

Message Sid 15

Nemen Yi 15

Racer 15

Aria 15


- Ben.

...Yeah, I'm predictable.

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