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Fantasy Knights of the Zodiac CS Thread

Name: Ezekiel (Zeki) Staiger
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sign: Sagittarius
Weapon Specialty: Bow
Magical Ability: Warping. The further the destination, the more taxing it is. He’s particularly good at using it during combat, but he still has to be mindful of how often he does it.

Backstory: A man from humble beginnings, the Sagittarius knight is driven by a hunger for knowledge. He has a kind heart and has used his power for the benefit of others, but he isn’t shy to using it for his own gain either.

When he was young, Ezekiel was known for setting off on his own adventures and coming back with a new skill or personal treasure in hand. Seeing as he grew up in the wilderness with his parents, there was never any shortage of things to explore. The boy would often take what he found and polish them up for trade or keep a collection of his own. His father was a trapper and hunter as well as a skilled survivalist and would teach his skills to Ezekiel. He would teach his son how to shoot a bow and Ezekiel would eventually master the flibbertigibit. He’s also skilled with a hunting knife or dagger, but he prefers ranged combat.

As he grew older and learned to read and write, the young man would begin to record everything from everyday interactions to big events in life. He finds the time to record his thoughts even if it’s the dead of night. Should someone need to learn the basics of trapping, he’s probably filled a few journals on the subject and is more than willing to share his knowledge.

Eventually, he would join the military to set out a new challenging adventure. His tracking and observation skills would be his greatest assets as he worked for his country. While his time in the military brought about many new experiences, it was hard for him to work under others in such a strict environment. There were certainly some moments when he’d lash out. In time, he would manifest his warping skills which would draw the attention of many in higher places. Ezekiel would eventually be called upon by the king to become the Sagittarius Knight.

Where do you think your character will go?
It wouldn’t be surprising to see Ezekiel set off and travel around. It’s something he’s extremely passionate about and there are so many things the world has left to teach him. It wouldn’t be unlike him to write a book, or a few, about what he’s learned or come across in travels. He has a strong desire to go where the wind takes him and do his own thing, so to have the freedom to do that would be a dream to him.
Name: Auden Dudley
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Weapon Specialty: Bow and sword
Magical Power (optional): Air manipulation, in a certain range around Auden he can move the air however he wants. He can at best make a wind that makes someone stumble.
Sign: Gemini
Backstory: Auden was always a happy and talkative boy. He grew up in a household with his parents and older sister. They lived a relatively comfortable life though they did not have so much money that they were in luxury. As he grew up near the woods he took to hunting to help bring in some food. Soon Auden found out about his powers, though at first he thought he was just a natural with the bow. Using the initial pull of the bow Auden can then use the air around the arrow to make it hit it's target within a certain range. He can also use the wind to push the arrow more as it goes outside of this range. He was ecstatic when he found this out and being a bit mischievous he sometimes used the magic to pull harmless pranks on others. As he learned how to use the bow and his magic through hunting or pranks, he often tried to make friends with anyone. He was always the friendly guy. He wanted to know how someones day was, he didn't know what personal space was most of the time, and he likes to chat until the sun set. This often lead him to be trusting of people who can actually stand him. Thinking that the people were his friends and wouldn't do anything bad. He can be easily persuaded that someone likes or loves him because of how often he jumps onto any possibility for companionship. However this can also lead to him believe in lies from those who give him attention.

Even with some people turning out to not be the best, Auden still believes in the good of people until proven otherwise. Once he hit his adult years he still held onto the belief. However another trait of his quickly become noticeable once he wasn't a kid anymore. He sometimes had a hard time on making decisions. Did he want to try and be a hunter or see what being a merchant was like? What was a flibbertigibit? He thought he could make it work. The next day he may forget entirely about it. His family was relieved when one day Auden seemed keen on becoming a Zodiac knight. As he said goodbye to his family he went to the castle his mind was filled with ideas to try and win a spot. In that time he often set up shows to show off how much of a sharp shooter he was, or how he could throw other objects like knifes to hit the target. After a few days it worked. He was offered a spot and he was saying yes over and over. After that he had a happy dance for the occasion.

Where do you see your character going in this story?
I see Auden as being someone who can be too trusting and because he hasn't felt too many hardships or seen how bad people can really be, that he can be used to do bad things. However if Auden notices that he is doing anything wrong then he will try to correct it. Whether this helps or not is to be seen as Auden can jump from one extreme to another if he is freaking out. I see him as getting into trouble by accident and always trying to fix the problem before going to others as he doesn't want people to view him badly, which is something he needs to work on when you've vowed to be a knight.


Name: Reus
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sign: Virgo
Weapon Specialty: Axes
Magical Ability: Geomancer (Earth Manipulation) Reus is able to manipulate most things you would consider earth if he is touching it, this includes dirt, rocks, sand, natural clay, etc.

Backstory: The first and only son of a rather unknown family, Reus was born directly into bloodshed. His family were at war with another when he was born, and none of them survived, except for Reus of course. Being thrust into the street to survive at such an early put him into a difficult position where he was forced to fight for his life daily, whether it be fighting to eat for the day or fighting actual people. He cast away his family name on the streets, scared that he might be targeted in case anyone would hear about him.

Reus grew up hardened and independent from his rough experiences, and soon started looking to the future. On the inside he always wanted to be a knight, someone that could protect others while also being able to defend his family's name, or whats left of it, and that's exactly what he set out to flibbertigibit. It didn't take too long before word got out of a knight who was out and about clearing jobs under no name whatsoever. The King took interest in the knight and summoned him, soon after Reus was as one of the Knights of the Zodiac.

Where do you think your character will go?
Believing he is too weak to wear his family name with pride, and still worried about the past, he hopes to get strong enough to protect those around him and his name. Reus is also all work and no play, growing up on the streets he didn't really talk to people that much, so maybe he won't get along the best with others.


Name: Ezekiel (Zeki) Staiger
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sign: Sagittarius
Weapon Specialty: Bow
Magical Ability: Warping. The further the destination, the more taxing it is. He’s particularly good at using it during combat, but he still has to be mindful of how often he does it.

Backstory: A man from humble beginnings, the Sagittarius knight is driven by a hunger for knowledge. He has a kind heart and has used his power for the benefit of others, but he isn’t shy to using it for his own gain either.

When he was young, Ezekiel was known for setting off on his own adventures and coming back with a new skill or personal treasure in hand. Seeing as he grew up in the wilderness with his parents, there was never any shortage of things to explore. The boy would often take what he found and polish them up for trade or keep a collection of his own. His father was a trapper and hunter as well as a skilled survivalist and would teach his skills to Ezekiel. He would teach his son how to shoot a bow and Ezekiel would eventually master the flibbertigibit. He’s also skilled with a hunting knife or dagger, but he prefers ranged combat.

As he grew older and learned to read and write, the young man would begin to record everything from everyday interactions to big events in life. He finds the time to record his thoughts even if it’s the dead of night. Should someone need to learn the basics of trapping, he’s probably filled a few journals on the subject and is more than willing to share his knowledge.

Eventually, he would join the military to set out a new challenging adventure. His tracking and observation skills would be his greatest assets as he worked for his country. While his time in the military brought about many new experiences, it was hard for him to work under others in such a strict environment. There were certainly some moments when he’d lash out. In time, he would manifest his warping skills which would draw the attention of many in higher places. Ezekiel would eventually be called upon by the king to become the Sagittarius Knight.

Where do you think your character will go?
It wouldn’t be surprising to see Ezekiel set off and travel around. It’s something he’s extremely passionate about and there are so many things the world has left to teach him. It wouldn’t be unlike him to write a book, or a few, about what he’s learned or come across in travels. He has a strong desire to go where the wind takes him and do his own thing, so to have the freedom to do that would be a dream to him.

Name: Baal Catami
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sign: Aquarius
Weapon Specialty: Dagger and Urumi
Magical Ability: Clairvoyance and Divination (reading minds, locating people and objects magically, and minor future prediction.)

Backstory: Baal grew up in a middle-class household with his two parents and his older sister. His early life was for the most part normal, both his parents and his sister worked as medics, so he grew up around medicine, patience, sickness and death.

Baal always hated being around his parent’s workplace, The aura of the entire building felt grim, and sometimes he could almost feel as if he could hear and sense the pain and the hopelessness of the patients. Over time, these senses and feeling grew stronger and stronger, until Baal finally tested his theory, asking patients questions and guessing their answers by listening to their thoughts. He began to find small gifts or do small deeds based on what patients desired. He found happiness in helping the patients, nearly clearing the building’s grim atmosphere.

Everything has been going swell, Baal has been helping the patients for some time now, for the most part, all was at peace. One day, while sitting next to a patient after bringing them a small piece of bread, he felt something different. He felt as if the patient he had just helped has died, yet they laid there thankfully, bread in hand, breathing, conscious. He was confused and needed some time to breathe, so he left the room and traveled outside for only a few minutes. Upon returning to the room from his short break, Baal accidentally kicked something, looking down to see the piece of bread roll across the room. Immediately he looked up to see the patient dormant, arms hanging down, eyes shut, and chest un-moving. He yelled for his father, but nothing could be done, the patient had died, and Baal knew it was going to happen.

It wasn’t long before this incident when Baal decided to go out on his own, this new gift, or curse rather, would no longer enable him to work in the building. He made his way around by telling people their desires and vague futures. While passing through a town, something he had done many times, he came upon a traveling circus, a large group of eccentrically dressed performers, a center of people with the collective goal to entertain people, encourage peace, and spread an aura of wonder and happiness. Baal applied immediately.

For the next 3 years, Baal traveled with the group as a performer and central fortuneteller, gaining a slight sense of fame, some of the circus members wanted him to go by the name Madame Flibbertigibit, but he decided not to, and increasing the power and accuracy of his abilities through regular practice.

Where do you think your character will go: Recently, the circus had a large performance for the kingdom, with an added specialized performance for the king and his family. The king took great notice in Baal’s ability and his accuracy of information. When the circus left the city, they left with one less fortuneteller, and the kingdom had gained one new knight.
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Name: Baal Catami
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sign: Aquarius
Weapon Specialty: Dagger and Urumi
Magical Ability: Clairvoyance and Divination (reading minds, locating people and objects magically, and minor future prediction.)

Backstory: Baal grew up in a middle-class household with his two parents and his older sister. His early life was for the most part normal, both his parents and his sister worked as medics, so he grew up around medicine, patience, sickness and death.

Baal always hated being around his parent’s workplace, The aura of the entire building felt grim, and sometimes he could almost feel as if he could hear and sense the pain and the hopelessness of the patients. Over time, these senses and feeling grew stronger and stronger, until Baal finally tested his theory, asking patients questions and guessing their answers by listening to their thoughts. He began to find small gifts or do small deeds based on what patients desired. He found happiness in helping the patients, nearly clearing the building’s grim atmosphere.

Everything has been going swell, Baal has been helping the patients for some time now, for the most part, all was at peace. One day, while sitting next to a patient after bringing them a small piece of bread, he felt something different. He felt as if the patient he had just helped has died, yet they laid there thankfully, bread in hand, breathing, conscious. He was confused and needed some time to breathe, so he left the room and traveled outside for only a few minutes. Upon returning to the room from his short break, Baal accidentally kicked something, looking down to see the piece of bread roll across the room. Immediately he looked up to see the patient dormant, arms hanging down, eyes shut, and chest un-moving. He yelled for his father, but nothing could be done, the patient had died, and Baal knew it was going to happen.

It wasn’t long before this incident when Baal decided to go out on his own, this new gift, or curse rather, would no longer enable him to work in the building. He made his way around by telling people their desires and vague futures. While passing through a town, something he had done many times, he came upon a traveling circus, a large group of eccentrically dressed performers, a center of people with the collective goal to entertain people, encourage peace, and spread an aura of wonder and happiness. Baal applied immediately.

For the next 3 years, Baal traveled with the group as a performer and central fortuneteller, gaining a slight sense of fame, and increasing the power and accuracy of his abilities through regular practice.

Where do you think your character will go: Recently, the circus had a large performance for the kingdom, with an added specialized performance for the king and his family. The king took great notice in Baal’s ability and his accuracy of information. When the circus left the city, they left with one less fortuneteller, and the kingdom had gained one new knight.
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