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Fantasy Knights of the Zodiac CS Thread


Improbability is a bad reason to disbelieve
The CS format is as follows

Magical Ability:
Where do you think your character will go?
Name: Lady Gwynyffer of Cresthaven
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sign: Cancer
weapon specialty: sword and shield
Magical Ability: Empathy
Backstory: The nobles of Cresthaven have always given one of their children up to the king to be a knight, but this time twins were born to the lady of the house. One of the twins, the boy, was quite sickly. As they grew older, the male proved to continue having a weak constitution compared to his identical twin though he excelled in scholastic endeavors. The young girl was stronger of heart and body, a protector of her brother from both words and physical wounds. When the time came for the heir to be given to the king in service, Gwyn offered herself up rather than Gawayne being placed in harm's way. She was stronger, and she had the drive to protect the home she loved as well as her family. By being a knight, she could bring honor to that family.

Her personality lended her toward being a defensive knight when it came to combat and choosing what trials she faced. Of course, her worst trials were those of the heart. She was easily swayed by sweet words and gentle pleas for mercy.
Where do you think your character will go: I think that Gwyn will find her weakness being used by the villain of this tale, the girl easily manipulated if the story sounds both plausible and tragic enough. She is also a completely hopeless romantic, so she could easily get caught up in a love affair. With men, she is cordial and lighthearted but unaffected. The ladies of the court on the other hand.. flibbertigibit... she's a puppy pining for those she usually can't have, mostly because she hides her feelings and doesn't speak when she is hurt. Then she lashes out and gets angry that no one understands her.
Name: Lady Gwynyffer of Cresthaven
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sign: Cancer
weapon specialty: sword and shield
Magical Ability: Empathy
Backstory: The nobles of Cresthaven have always given one of their children up to the king to be a knight, but this time twins were born to the lady of the house. One of the twins, the boy, was quite sickly. As they grew older, the male proved to continue having a weak constitution compared to his identical twin though he excelled in scholastic endeavors. The young girl was stronger of heart and body, a protector of her brother from both words and physical wounds. When the time came for the heir to be given to the king in service, Gwyn offered herself up rather than Gawayne being placed in harm's way. She was stronger, and she had the drive to protect the home she loved as well as her family. By being a knight, she could bring honor to that family.

Her personality lended her toward being a defensive knight when it came to combat and choosing what trials she faced. Of course, her worst trials were those of the heart. She was easily swayed by sweet words and gentle pleas for mercy.
Where do you think your character will go: I think that Gwyn will find her weakness being used by the villain of this tale, the girl easily manipulated if the story sounds both plausible and tragic enough. She is also a completely hopeless romantic, so she could easily get caught up in a love affair. With men, she is cordial and lighthearted but unaffected. The ladies of the court on the other hand.. flibbertigibit... she's a puppy pining for those she usually can't have, mostly because she hides her feelings and doesn't speak when she is hurt. Then she lashes out and gets angry that no one understands her.
Do you mean to say that she's attracted to women? There's nothing wrong with that, I just want to make sure I read it properly.
Name: Alice Ire
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sign: Libra
Weapon Speciality: Potions and spells

Magical Ability: Emporium (Alice has access to a shop, held in a pocket dimension. You can find most anything you want in this shop, with exceptions for items in which there are only one, ex. excalibur, or the Mona Lisa, or any of that other flibbertigibbet. She can pull any item out of the shop at an instant speed, but she has to either pay the item's worth in cash, or trade something of equal value. If the traded item is greater than the value of the item, she'll get like an extra pack of gum or something.)

Backstory: Alice Ire wasn't born into the poorest place in the kingdom, but that didn't make it very homely. Her parents were good people and taught her basic principle, but they also taught you that the only way to go up, is through money. Instead of turning to thievery, Alice became a merchant. She sold everything by the books, specializing in potions and little charms and trinkets, but that alone didn't make enough money. Eventually, Ire opened up a store in the blackmarket, where she sold magical items that the government put heavy regulation on. Still running her lawful little storefront, the revenue from both the stores is letting her slowly move up in the kingdom. She eventually got to a spot where everyday sales were boring her, so Alice enlisted to study magic under the King's court. Her intentions were party to learn how to make better potions, but she also had a small interest in finding better ways to get around the kingdom's security. The King wound up with the idea that if she were to join the knights, she would be able to provide provisions, weapons, and supplies during the journey, given she was amply paid.

Where do you think your character will go?
I would like to see Alice acknowledge that there are other things in life that are more valuable than money, and for her to take risks that revolve around that principle
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Yes, that's what I meant.

Name: Alice Ire
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sign: Libra
Weapon Speciality: Potions and spells

Magical Ability: Alice has access to a shop, held in a pocket dimension. You can find most anything you want in this shop, with exceptions for items in which there are only one, ex. excalibur, or the Mona Lisa, or any of that other flibbertigibbet. She can pull any item out of the shop at an instant speed, but she has to either pay the item's worth in cash, or trade something of equal value. If the traded item is greater than the value of the item, she'll get like an extra pack of gum or something.

Backstory: Alice Ire wasn't born into the poorest place in the kingdom, but that didn't make it very homely. Her parents were good people and taught her basic principle, but they also taught you that the only way to go up, is through money. Instead of turning to thievery, Alice became a merchant. She sold everything by the books, specializing in potions and little charms and trinkets, but that alone didn't make enough money. Eventually, Ire opened up a store in the blackmarket, where she sold magical items that the government put heavy regulation on. Still running her lawful little storefront, the revenue from both the stores is letting her slowly move up in the kingdom.

Where do you think your character will go?
I would like to see Alice acknowledge that there are other things in life that are more valuable than money, and for her to take risks that revolve around that principle

How did your character become a knight? Why did the King choose her
Name: Alice Ire
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sign: Libra
Weapon Speciality: Potions and spells

Magical Ability: Alice has access to a shop, held in a pocket dimension. You can find most anything you want in this shop, with exceptions for items in which there are only one, ex. excalibur, or the Mona Lisa, or any of that other flibbertigibbet. She can pull any item out of the shop at an instant speed, but she has to either pay the item's worth in cash, or trade something of equal value. If the traded item is greater than the value of the item, she'll get like an extra pack of gum or something.

Backstory: Alice Ire wasn't born into the poorest place in the kingdom, but that didn't make it very homely. Her parents were good people and taught her basic principle, but they also taught you that the only way to go up, is through money. Instead of turning to thievery, Alice became a merchant. She sold everything by the books, specializing in potions and little charms and trinkets, but that alone didn't make enough money. Eventually, Ire opened up a store in the blackmarket, where she sold magical items that the government put heavy regulation on. Still running her lawful little storefront, the revenue from both the stores is letting her slowly move up in the kingdom. She eventually got to a spot where everyday sales were boring her, so Alice enlisted to study magic under the King's court. Her intentions were party to learn how to make better potions, but she also had a small interest in finding better ways to get around the kingdom's security. The King wound up with the idea that if she were to join the knights, she would be able to provide provisions, weapons, and supplies during the journey, given she was amply paid.

Where do you think your character will go?
I would like to see Alice acknowledge that there are other things in life that are more valuable than money, and for her to take risks that revolve around that principle
Name: Kama Unboko
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sign: Aries
Weapon Specialty: Swords
Magical Ability: Strength Enhancement
Backstory: As a younger son of a well known knight and hero, Kama wanted to be a knight since childhood. Around the age of twelve, when his father went on a long campaign, he was sent to his cousin's flibbertigibbit. There he began his training as a knight. Upon reaching adulthood, Kama was reunited with his father, who knighted him after being defeated by him.
Where do you think your character will go: I think Kama will venture all across the lands.
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Name: Maria Torelli
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weapon Specialty: Sword and Magic
Magical Power: Water Manipulation
Sign: Pisces
Backstory: You would think that, because Maria was born poor that she would be sad and gloomy all the time. But that isn’t the case, for she is using her family’s problem to make it fun. Maria works as an entertainer, so her job is to inspire people by using her water manipulation to do fancy new tricks. Heck, she even surprised herself when she ended up turning the water into ice or vapor in some of her shows.
This went on for a while, since she got a good pay by doing that but it didn’t last forever. People ended up getting bored with her shows, and slowly they stop coming to watch them. This upset Maria, because all she wanted to do was to make people happy. Her parents even want her to give up on her job, once they had found out that she wasn’t getting any money from what she was doing. Maria refused to give up on her job as an entertainer, and she run out of her house crying.

Now you may be wondering of how Maria ended up becoming a knight of the zodiac. Well, you see after Maria had run away from her home. She tried to find another way to entertain people with her magic. However, her attempts were futile, as she didn’t know where she should begin. Eventually, it started to look hopeless for Maria until she ended up hearing rumors that the king was picking people to be the knights of the zodiac.
Once Maria had heard that, the weird goofball of a girl end up running towards the castle’s gates. She wouldn’t stop annoying the guards, and would keep saying pick me towards them. The guards were extremely annoyed by Maria, and kept threatening her to go away or they will throw her into the dungeon. She didn’t stop, and the guards did as they warned her. They threw her into the dungeon, and she stayed there for a few days until the king went to visit her. The king had heard that there was a weird girl, who was annoying the guards. So he went to the dungeon to see her out of pure curiosity. At first, both of them were just staring at each other, because neither of them knew what to say. But the king eventually said something interesting towards her. He asked her why she came to the castle, and if she wanted to become a knight of the zodiac. Maria said that she heard rumors about the king picking people to become the knights of the zodiac. So she thought if she became a knight of the zodiac, not only would she be able to help people. But Maria could entertain them as well.
After Maria had said that to the king, she then looked at him with her eyes wide open. She squealed in excitement, and kept saying yes to him a bunch of times. The king asked her if she knew how to use magic, and Maria showed the king her water manipulation. Once he had seen that, the king let her out of the dungeon, and enlisted Maria to study magic under his court. And so that happened, and everybody in the king’s court was surprised by how creative Maria was with her magic. Heck, this girl even managed to get a sword from the training area, and was swinging it around for fun. They sighed, and decided to train her with the sword as well.

Note: Maria got the sword from the training area, since she was extremely quiet on that day. So quiet, that she was like a ghost. Nobody noticed that she was there until she started to play with the sword like an idiot.

Where do you see your character going in this story?: To be honest here, I don’t know where Maria will go in the story. She just does her own little weird things, and ends up being a crybaby when it doesn’t go her way. I guess that Maria will end up finding out that being a knight of the zodiac isn’t a game, and that she would have to be more serious.

Extra: A flibbertigibit to you, a flibbertigibit to you, a flibbertigibit to everybody. Flibbertigibit, Flibbertigibit, Flibbertigibit.
Name: Kama Unboko
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sign: Aries
Magical Ability: Strength Enhancement
Backstory: As a younger son of a well known knight and hero, Kama wanted to be a knight since childhood. Around the age of twelve, when his father went on a long campaign, he was sent to his cousin's flibbertigibbit. There he began his training as a knight. Upon reaching adulthood, Kama was reunited with his father, who knighted him after being defeated by him.
Where do you think your character will go: I think Kama will venture all across the lands.
Name: Maria Torelli
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weapon Specialty: Sword and Magic
Magical Power: Water Manipulation
Sign: Pisces
Backstory: You would think that, because Maria was born poor that she would be sad and gloomy all the time. But that isn’t the case, for she is using her family’s problem to make it fun. Maria works as an entertainer, so her job is to inspire people by using her water manipulation to do fancy new tricks. Heck, she even surprised herself when she ended up turning the water into ice or vapor in some of her shows.
This went on for a while, since she got a good pay by doing that but it didn’t last forever. People ended up getting bored with her shows, and slowly they stop coming to watch them. This upset Maria, because all she wanted to do was to make people happy. Her parents even want her to give up on her job, once they had found out that she wasn’t getting any money from what she was doing. Maria refused to give up on her job as an entertainer, and she run out of her house crying.

Now you may be wondering of how Maria ended up becoming a knight of the zodiac. Well, you see after Maria had run away from her home. She tried to find another way to entertain people with her magic. However, her attempts were futile, as she didn’t know where she should begin. Eventually, it started to look hopeless for Maria until she ended up hearing rumors that the king was picking people to be the knights of the zodiac.
Once Maria had heard that, the weird goofball of a girl end up running towards the castle’s gates. She wouldn’t stop annoying the guards, and would keep saying pick me towards them. The guards were extremely annoyed by Maria, and kept threatening her to go away or they will throw her into the dungeon. She didn’t stop, and the guards did as they warned her. They threw her into the dungeon, and she stayed there for a few days until the king went to visit her. The king had heard that there was a weird girl, who was annoying the guards. So he went to the dungeon to see her out of pure curiosity. At first, both of them were just staring at each other, because neither of them knew what to say. But the king eventually said something interesting towards her. He asked her why she came to the castle, and if she wanted to become a knight of the zodiac. Maria said that she heard rumors about the king picking people to become the knights of the zodiac. So she thought if she became a knight of the zodiac, not only would she be able to help people. But Maria could entertain them as well.
After Maria had said that to the king, she then looked at him with her eyes wide open. She squealed in excitement, and kept saying yes to him a bunch of times. The king asked her if she knew how to use magic, and Maria showed the king her water manipulation. Once he had seen that, the king let her out of the dungeon, and enlisted Maria to study magic under his court. And so that happened, and everybody in the king’s court was surprised by how creative Maria was with her magic. Heck, this girl even managed to get a sword from the training area, and was swinging it around for fun. They sighed, and decided to train her with the sword as well.

Note: Maria got the sword from the training area, since she was extremely quiet on that day. So quiet, that she was like a ghost. Nobody noticed that she was there until she started to play with the sword like an idiot.

Where do you see your character going in this story?: To be honest here, I don’t know where Maria will go in the story. She just does her own little weird things, and ends up being a crybaby when it doesn’t go her way. I guess that Maria will end up finding out that being a knight of the zodiac isn’t a game, and that she would have to be more serious.

Extra: A flibbertigibit to you, a flibbertigibit to you, a flibbertigibit to everybody. Flibbertigibit, Flibbertigibit, Flibbertigibit.

For both of you though, I'd like you to put work towards improving your writing ability in this roleplay. For Japanime Japanime I'd like you to improve the length of your writing. Not too much, because I value quality over quantity. Try adding details, though. For Blackrose7 Blackrose7 I'd like you to improve your quality, specifically in your tenses. Your character's backstory is really good, but some roleplayers would find it hard to read because you change between past and present tense a lot. Basically, this story is going to be third person, past tense, so use the past tense more often than not, unless your character themselves is talking in present tense, alright?


For both of you though, I'd like you to put work towards improving your writing ability in this roleplay. For Japanime Japanime I'd like you to improve the length of your writing. Not too much, because I value quality over quantity. Try adding details, though. For Blackrose7 Blackrose7 I'd like you to improve your quality, specifically in your tenses. Your character's backstory is really good, but some roleplayers would find it hard to read because you change between past and present tense a lot. Basically, this story is going to be third person, past tense, so use the past tense more often than not, unless your character themselves is talking in present tense, alright?
Understood. Also would it be ok if Kama didn't necessarily have a weapon specialty but instead was skilled in multiple weapons or must he have a specialty? I understand if he has to have one.
Understood. Also would it be ok if Kama didn't necessarily have a weapon specialty but instead was skilled in multiple weapons or must he have a specialty? I understand if he has to have one.
A specialty is probably good, but if you want them to be good with weapons in general, it'll have to be a "Jack of all trades, master of none" situation.


For both of you though, I'd like you to put work towards improving your writing ability in this roleplay. For Japanime Japanime I'd like you to improve the length of your writing. Not too much, because I value quality over quantity. Try adding details, though. For Blackrose7 Blackrose7 I'd like you to improve your quality, specifically in your tenses. Your character's backstory is really good, but some roleplayers would find it hard to read because you change between past and present tense a lot. Basically, this story is going to be third person, past tense, so use the past tense more often than not, unless your character themselves is talking in present tense, alright?
I tried to talk in past tense in the bio. But I will do a better job in the rp.
Name: Lady Arta Castille
Age: 31
Gender: Female.
Sign: Leo
Magical Ability: Pluvia!
Weapon Specialty: Sword and Dagger.

Backstory: The Castille's of Aranthia have long kept their promises to the King so when they were called upon to offer up a knight, they gladly gave away their only daughter Arta. Being an only child meant a very large weight was going to be placed on Arta's shoulders. From a very young age the girl had to manage not only appeasing her mother but her father as well so the girl was taught to fight with sword and shield, lance and mace! She was trained as any knight might have in their early life, but being an only child with so much pull in her family was also something that would only fuel Arta's giant ego. The girl was no doubt cunning and deceitful, driven mostly by self interest. In becoming a knight, she not only saw an opportunity to fulfill her family duty but also tame her wild sense of adventure.

Where do you think your character will go? Arta has always had a hard time with the line between right and wrong and it certainly doesn't help that her massive ego gets in the way of trying to do the right thing. I'd like to see Arta struggle through this role play, to see her overcome her own self interests and flibbertigibits in order to do what is right rather than what she wants. But with so much room for this story to build, I'm entirely open to Arta falling victim to her desires and possibly taking on more of a villain role if necessary!
Name: Lady Arta Castille
Age: 31
Gender: Female.
Sign: Leo
Magical Ability: Pluvia!
Weapon Specialty: Sword and Dagger.

Backstory: The Castille's of Aranthia have long kept their promises to the King so when they were called upon to offer up a knight, they gladly gave away their only daughter Arta. Being an only child meant a very large weight was going to be placed on Arta's shoulders. From a very young age the girl had to manage not only appeasing her mother but her father as well so the girl was taught to fight with sword and shield, lance and mace! She was trained as any knight might have in their early life, but being an only child with so much pull in her family was also something that would only fuel Arta's giant ego. The girl was no doubt cunning and deceitful, driven mostly by self interest. In becoming a knight, she not only saw an opportunity to fulfill her family duty but also tame her wild sense of adventure.

Where do you think your character will go? Arta has always had a hard time with the line between right and wrong and it certainly doesn't help that her massive ego gets in the way of trying to do the right thing. I'd like to see Arta struggle through this role play, to see her overcome her own self interests and flibbertigibits in order to do what is right rather than what she wants. But with so much room for this story to build, I'm entirely open to Arta falling victim to her desires and possibly taking on more of a villain role if necessary!

We will be taking no more female characters until the males are balanced out though!
Name: Charles "The Cunning Savage" Maxwell
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sign: Taurus
Magical Ability: Self Healing

Born to a relatively noble family, Charles never quite fit in with them. His first word had been flibbertigibbit and his mother never let it go. He was always seen as a disappointment to his family growing up and although they strove to make him into a gentleman, his battle-born personality shined through. While he holds the demeanor of a noble, his true self is fully apparent on the battlefield. Charles thirsts for battle. He won't actively seek it, but when it arrives he is the first one into the fray. Charles's style of battle is a mixture of true skill with the blade and near complete lack of fear when it comes to death. If he does die, his only fear is that he dies without honor.

Charles's family always wished to have a knight in the family, but none of them proved apt. Not even Charles's older brother, Boris, who arrogantly proclaimed that he could best any man who came to face. Charles, not caring to hear more of his brother's boasting, challenged him openly and they fought in a public space. The fight was over in short order, Charles completely dismantling his brother's swordplay in moments. Begrudgingly, his father sent him before the King to prove his worth (though he had been sure his son would fail). Charles stayed with the King's Court for a while and earned the right to be knighted. Now with newfound station, he seeks out more chances to prove himself. And the image of Charles with blood dripping down his face and his greatsword clutched in his hand led to the nickname "the Cunning Savage." The only thing that truly overrides his current desire to seek greater challenge, is his respect for the King.

Where do you think your character will go?
Charles will continue to strive to become a stronger and stronger knight. He will overcome many challenges and bring more honor to the king. A loyal knight with a destructive sword arm, this savage will a blade to cut through the kingdom's enemies.
Name: Charles "The Cunning Savage" Maxwell
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sign: Taurus
Magical Ability: Self Healing

Born to a relatively noble family, Charles never quite fit in with them. His first word had been flibbertigibbit and his mother never let it go. He was always seen as a disappointment to his family growing up and although they strove to make him into a gentleman, his battle-born personality shined through. While he holds the demeanor of a noble, his true self is fully apparent on the battlefield. Charles thirsts for battle. He won't actively seek it, but when it arrives he is the first one into the fray. Charles's style of battle is a mixture of true skill with the blade and near complete lack of fear when it comes to death. If he does die, his only fear is that he dies without honor.

Charles's family always wished to have a knight in the family, but none of them proved apt. Not even Charles's older brother, Boris, who arrogantly proclaimed that he could best any man who came to face. Charles, not caring to hear more of his brother's boasting, challenged him openly and they fought in a public space. The fight was over in short order, Charles completely dismantling his brother's swordplay in moments. Begrudgingly, his father sent him before the King to prove his worth (though he had been sure his son would fail). Charles stayed with the King's Court for a while and earned the right to be knighted. Now with newfound station, he seeks out more chances to prove himself. And the image of Charles with blood dripping down his face and his greatsword clutched in his hand led to the nickname "the Cunning Savage." The only thing that truly overrides his current desire to seek greater challenge, is his respect for the King.

Where do you think your character will go?
Charles will continue to strive to become a stronger and stronger knight. He will overcome many challenges and bring more honor to the king. A loyal knight with a destructive sword arm, this savage will a blade to cut through the kingdom's enemies.
Name: Frederick Lux
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sign: Capricorn
Weapon Specialty: Two handed Maul
Magical Ability: Fissure

Backstory: The second son of a second son to a noble house Fredrick had little choice in life as to what he could choose as his vocation. It was either service to the church or to take up arms in the military. Both would bring has family honor but the thought of reading scripture and partaking in the dogoodery of the church sounded more like damnation than a privilege. So of course he chose the latter.

Fredrick took to the art of Warcraft like a fish to water. He was bigger and stronger than the majority of his peers. Sacrificing finesse for overwhelming strength he would not only wear heavy plate armor but could swing a two handed maul with relative ease to produce devastating results. It wasn’t long before his superiors took notice and utilized his skill set on the field of battle. With this combat experience Frederick was able to advance in station while simultaneously making a name for himself as a ferocious warrior.

Frederick cared not for station but did have a strong proclivity towards alcohol, women, and a good fight. His general hedonism was something he was known for. He was rarely serious aside from the one thing could light a fire in his eyes like nothing else. The thrill of fighting a worthy opponent. In a particular tournament hosted by the king, Frederick was able to compete. His results so impressed the king that he was granted a position within the knights of the zodiac under the sign of Capricorn. Due to his evident desire to climb to the top. Frederick accepted to the post in hopes he could find a worthy opponent with the ranks of the kingdoms best.

Where do you think your character will go?
He cares not for Royalty or the games played in court. The bonds he makes are as unbreakable as his will. To whom he gives his loyalty would be on his own terms so he could easily side with a protagonist or antagonist depending on where his interests lie.

(I left it a little vague and will flesh it out more when we get more lore for the world and everything)
Name: Auden Dudley
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Weapon Specialty: Bow and sword
Magical Power (optional): Air manipulation, in a certain range around Auden he can move the air however he wants. He can at best make a wind that makes someone stumble.
Sign: Gemini
Backstory: Auden was always a happy and talkative boy. He grew up in a household with his parents and older sister. They lived a relatively comfortable life though they did not have so much money that they were in luxury. As he grew up near the woods he took to hunting to help bring in some food. Soon Auden found out about his powers, though at first he thought he was just a natural with the bow. Using the initial pull of the bow Auden can then use the air around the arrow to make it hit it's target within a certain range. He can also use the wind to push the arrow more as it goes outside of this range. He was ecstatic when he found this out and being a bit mischievous he sometimes used the magic to pull harmless pranks on others. As he learned how to use the bow and his magic through hunting or pranks, he often tried to make friends with anyone. He was always the friendly guy. He wanted to know how someones day was, he didn't know what personal space was most of the time, and he likes to chat until the sun set. This often lead him to be trusting of people who can actually stand him. Thinking that the people were his friends and wouldn't do anything bad. He can be easily persuaded that someone likes or loves him because of how often he jumps onto any possibility for companionship. However this can also lead to him believe in lies from those who give him attention.

Even with some people turning out to not be the best, Auden still believes in the good of people until proven otherwise. Once he hit his adult years he still held onto the belief. However another trait of his quickly become noticeable once he wasn't a kid anymore. He sometimes had a hard time on making decisions. Did he want to try and be a hunter or see what being a merchant was like? What was a flibbertigibit? He thought he could make it work. The next day he may forget entirely about it. His family was relieved when one day Auden seemed keen on becoming a Zodiac knight. As he said goodbye to his family he went to the castle his mind was filled with ideas to try and win a spot. In that time he often set up shows to show off how much of a sharp shooter he was, or how he could throw other objects like knifes to hit the target. After a few days it worked. He was offered a spot and he was saying yes over and over. After that he had a happy dance for the occasion.

Where do you see your character going in this story?
I see Auden as being someone who can be too trusting and because he hasn't felt too many hardships or seen how bad people can really be, that he can be used to do bad things. However if Auden notices that he is doing anything wrong then he will try to correct it. Whether this helps or not is to be seen as Auden can jump from one extreme to another if he is freaking out. I see him as getting into trouble by accident and always trying to fix the problem before going to others as he doesn't want people to view him badly, which is something he needs to work on when you've vowed to be a knight.
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Name: Reus
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sign: Virgo
Weapon Specialty: Axes
Magical Ability: Geomancer (Earth Manipulation) Reus is able to manipulate most things you would consider earth if he is touching it, this includes dirt, rocks, sand, natural clay, etc.

Backstory: The first and only son of a rather unknown family, Reus was born directly into bloodshed. His family were at war with another when he was born, and none of them survived, except for Reus of course. Being thrust into the street to survive at such an early put him into a difficult position where he was forced to fight for his life daily, whether it be fighting to eat for the day or fighting actual people. He cast away his family name on the streets, scared that he might be targeted in case anyone would hear about him.

Reus grew up hardened and independent from his rough experiences, and soon started looking to the future. On the inside he always wanted to be a knight, someone that could protect others while also being able to defend his family's name, or whats left of it, and that's exactly what he set out to flibbertigibit. It didn't take too long before word got out of a knight who was out and about clearing jobs under no name whatsoever. The King took interest in the knight and summoned him, soon after Reus was as one of the Knights of the Zodiac.

Where do you think your character will go?
Believing he is too weak to wear his family name with pride, and still worried about the past, he hopes to get strong enough to protect those around him and his name. Reus is also all work and no play, growing up on the streets he didn't really talk to people that much, so maybe he won't get along the best with others.

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