Knights of the Tarots! [Sign-Ups]

~Knights of the Tarots~

Tonight would be a fantastic night. All across Chicago; people young and old would be sitting outside to see one of the largest meteor showers ever predicted to light up the night sky. It would arrive at early evening and would last for who knew how long. It was both exciting and annoying for the high schooler attending. For their teachers had gained majority permission for their students to come out late and witness the event in person. Unfortunately they’d also have to write a several page paper about their experience during the night.

Little did anyone know that this night would be one to remember, for everyone who was involved.

  • This RP is based off the Magical Girl series. This means that this RP is about people who receive magical abilities that allow them to transform with a flourish into a secret identity and fight evil to save the world.
  • ​Generally for these RP’s it’s a coming of age story about young girls. But I’ve decided that both boys and girls will be allowed to participate.
  • ​While in their secret identity they’ll be known as ‘Knight of the–insert card name here-“ (Example: Knight of the Empress) But that’s just the full version. To shorten it they can just call themselves by their card names.
  • ​The outfits are up to you to design, I won’t be doing that. But they do have to have a ‘Knight’-esque theme. Also keep in mind that your outfit will be influenced by the card design that you choose!
  • ​The powers are also up to you to figure out. Remember to make sure that it makes sense with the card you’re portraying. Don’t just come up with something random. Do some research if you’re not sure! Also do not go overboard with the powers… Remember that in Magical Girl, the characters start off with average powers and as they go through more and more difficult battles they get stronger. So don’t be afraid to start out weak.
  • Average age of the characters will be 15-18 (Some exceptions, depending on the circumstances)
  • This RP is going to be a mix of amusing as well as more mature content. It’s not going to be the typical Magical Girl where everything is cutesy and fluffy. It will have a serious feel to it… As much as I possibly can.


  1. Please be kind and respectful to everyone. If you have a problem and do not think it can be solved peacefully, please PM me about it. Don’t bring it up in chatbox.
  2. Please use proper speech, grammar and spelling. If speaking in a foreign language, please translate at the bottom of your post in italics and (parenthesis).
  3. Post at least a paragraph preferably more. Do NOT post less than this or I will give you a warning. Continue to persist and I will have to ask you to leave the RP.
  4. Do not post in RED. I will be using this color to make event posts. These will be posts that affect the plot but aren’t necessarily connected to my own personal characters. Everyone will need to pay close attention to these posts so you don’t miss anything!
  5. Please do not immediately try and go for an Evil card. I am going to be extremely picky on who gets them and it’s not first come, first serve. Whoever I feel will be able to RP the Evil cards the best will get the position.
  6. Do not post in the RP unless you’ve been approved.
  7. I am allowing you to create your own powers for your Character Cards. This is a great responsibility; do not go overboard with your powers. I will not approve your character if I’m iffy on your powers.
  8. Remember to have fun and enjoy yourselves!

~Things you’ll need to know about the RP~

  • First of all, you’ll need to be familiar with tarot cards as well as their meanings. While I will be giving the cards their powers, the powers are going to be based off of that cards meaning and name. So it may be helpful if you know more about it. Doing research never hurt!
  • Character Cards; (I’ve mentioned these before and here is what I’m talking about) are tarot cards that specifically transform a person upon usage. So instead of a pendant like Sailor Moon, your character transforms using these cards.
  • These Character Cards are split into three categories; Good, Evil, Neutral. This is just a way for me to keep track of how your character is related to the plot as well as letting you know which cards are available to be used by a hero… This doesn’t mean that if you choose a card from the ‘Good’ section that your character has to be a goody-two shoes. It means that your character is going to be one of the main heroes and fighting against evil.
  • Object Cards; are cards that have magical powers to them but do not cause a Character Transformation. Instead these cards are used almost like weapons instead. In a way you can almost think of them as power boosts. This does mean there is a level of strategy in knowing what card to use depending on the different power you’re wanting, but it’s not going to be on the level of an actual card game. Also we’ll be using Minor Arcana as well as the left over Major Arcana cards that aren’t being used for Character Cards. Which means there are going to be quite a number of them.
  • Your outfit will be based off of the Knight theme so it should already have elements of that theme. But you’ll also be able to inspire the outfit off of various different Tarot card designs, which ever fits your character the best. Here is a website that you can use to find out more about the different Tarot designs ( If you want to use a design that isn’t on this website, make sure you provide a link so I can see!

~Available Character Cards~

  • Good

    Emperor (TAKEN)
  • Empress
  • Hierophant
  • Lovers
  • Strength (​TAKEN)
  • Temperance (TAKEN​)


  • Fool (TAKEN)
  • High Priestess
  • Justice (TAKEN)
  • Magician (TAKEN)


  • Hanged Man (TAKEN)
  • Hermit
  • Death (TAKEN)
  • Devil (TAKEN)

~Character Template~




What Kind of Person Are They?: (As in, are they one of the Card Wielders? Or just a normal student? Since I am allowing for regular human beings to be made~)

Character Card: (Choose a card from the available ones above! If you choose an Evil card, please just make a post stating which Card you're applying for and then send me the character template in PM. Since we want the bad guys to remain hidden~)



Basic Background: (You don’t have to be extremely detailed about this, but I would like to know more about your character~)

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names: (This is more optional… In a Magical Girl, usually the heroes shout out a phrase when transforming or to activate their transformation and they also yell out the name of their attacks. So… If you’d like to be more authentic then totally do so~ But I won’t make you.)

Uniform: (This is optional as well. But only somewhat. When in your secret identity you will always be in your uniform… But you don’t have to describe it if you don’t want to. I’m well aware it’s difficult to try and describe something like that unless you really know what you want.)

Powers: (Remember, I’m allowing you to create the powers for your individual Character Cards, but try to be creative and unique with the abilities and do some research! I will be examining the powers closely and will be a little picky in what I allow since I don’t want you to go crazy with the power.)

Other: (Anything that you didn’t feel fit into the other selections~)


Few last things:

One is that I will be creating a Card Guide, so if anyone forgets or gets lost about certain information about the cards. Then just look up the Guide and the information will be there at your fingertips! You won't get all the information right away though. This is an RP and you'll have to figure things out along the way with your character, as information becomes known I'll constantly update the Guide!

For those of you who know about Magical Girls, there is a running gag... It's known as the 'Masked Hero'. Since Magical Girls are usually all about young girls, when writing them a writer will sometimes put in a male character who rescues the girl and encourages her when she's feeling down. (Example: Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon)... In this RP, I will TOTALLY allow for a Masked Hero to be created. Only
one though, since I don't want a huge amount (Unless someone can come up with a valet reason why I should~)

Well that's all! Please enjoy the RP and if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll answer them to the best of my ability!

Name: Thomas Wester

Age: 18

Gender: Male

What Kind of Person Are They?: Wielder

Character Card: Magus

Appearance: View attachment 7116


Manipulative, creative, witty, inventive, persuasive, wise, cunning, secretive

Basic Background:

Thomas spent the years between 8 and 14 in juvenile detention for theft. He tried to pick the wrong pocket and got caught. He hasn't gotten in trouble with the police since. Of course, the problem was that he learned a lot of lessons, and now dabbles in various of the criminal arts. Never anything big, mostly to just keep his skills. He usually returns things he pickpockets with an "Excuse me, I think you dropped this." He has also turned more to a little light grifting and gambling.

He is usually a loner, sitting by himself devouring a book, or drawing some strange artwork. His grasp of things is uncanny because of his mind. He never has to have things explained twice. He's quiet, never answering questions voluntarily but always answers perfectly when called upon, and is a considerate student.

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names: None, and he's never sure what card he'll draw for the next attack.

Uniform: Even though he is a quiet and conservative person, his uniform is almost the polar opposite of that. His uniform is a tunic, made of material of many colours that shimmer and are never the same colours between transformations. His pants are however always black. There is, however, always a wand that appears tucked into the top of his pants, and a black headband with the lemniscate embroidered with gold thread and a folded cloth pack tucked into the opposite side of his belt from the wand.

Powers: Illusions. All cards attune themselves to him at a much more rapid pace. He can empower a shadow tarot deck that he has created with a fraction of the power of the real cards.

Other: Eidetic memory.

  • Alda Vito

  • 17

  • Female
What Kind of Person Are They?

  • Normal
Character Card:

  • N/A

View attachment 7121


  • From what people have been able to gleam from small pieces of conversation that they've had with Alda... She is cold, distant... She appears to have no interest in talking to anyone, making friends or even getting good grades. Of course, no one knows what sort of grades she's making but she never speaks up in class or answers questions unless the teachers prod her a couple of times. She just seems to exist in the back of your mind, never trying to attract attention... Never seeking people out. However, there have been occasions where people have attempted to bully or belittle her. None of those ended well and she got a major detention for nearly breaking a boy's arm. The only reason why she wasn't expelled was because there were witnesses supporting her claim of self defense.
Transformation Phrase/Attack Names:

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • She has a secret fondness for chocolate and anything made out of chocolate. It's a secret though!
Just wanted to say I have two character sheet's PM'ed to Michi about this rp. NO not both are villains. I'm placing this knowledge here so that others may realize there is more interest in this RP than it first seems. xD
Name: Diana Driscoll

Age: 14

Gender: Female

What Kind of Person Are They?: Card Wielder

Character Card: Strength


Personality: Diana is a very friendly type of girl. She is always ready to go and help others and is a good listener as well. She hates to see people upset or angry and tries her best to bring people out of moods when she sees them like this. Diana is very passionate and her desire to help people and make a difference drives her. She tends to act risky as well and tends to view everyone as someone who can be helped. Diana has a very strong will as well and does not back down from things easily, but she is never aggressive in her actions.

Basic Background: Diana was born into a rather simple middle class family. She had an older sister of a 5 year age gap that she got along with okay. Diana rarely saw her older sister actually as she tended to be out more than home and after some time Diana accepted the fact that she'd never be close to her sister. Diana did feel a lot of pressure inside her family as well as her sister Tanya was a straight A student and Diana tended to drag a little behind in that regard, although she did manage to skip over second grade, but almost got sent back. Diana turned to her friends in order to deal with this, but once she reached middle school, her parents backed off. Diana tended to run in large group of people as well and had never had a really close friend, but rather close friends. Diana had also been considered a teacher's pet as well and got teased often for this, but she managed to either brush it off or even make friends with a few bullies. She is excited to be in her first year of high school and is trying harder to make grades her parents can approve of.

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names: ~ My inner strength; Come forth and guide me!~ / ~ Grace's Touch ~


Powers: As a magical girl she is able to fend off mind control/attacks. She also has a move called Grace's Touch where she taps something and then sends it flying away as if it had been hit hard.


[MENTION=2424]ErisianDialects[/MENTION], [MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION], [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION]

All are approved!

Though one thing for Legendless, the age limit I'd like for the RP is 15. Unless she's skipped a grade or so. If you could either edit or enter into her background that she's jumped a grade =P
Name: Mercy C. Shaw

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What Kind of Person Are They?: Card Wielder

Character Card: Temperance

(Colors come at Costume)


Is often a voice of reason, thinking things over more and offering insight as well as compromise. Is rather reasonable, which makes her thoughts realistic rather than wishful. Graceful in her movements, and believes in order and balance. Mercy can often be seen as a spoilsport in that sense, as she rains on the ‘parade’ when it gets out of hand.

Basic Background:

Mercy was a rather quiet girl both at home and at the private school she attends at the moment. The girl did as she was told, got straight A’s and even handled the little and big brothers she had at home. It was the moving that was the problem. The girl was constantly uprooted every time she made friends in a new school, and eventually and caused her to stop.

The only social interaction she had was with her family, and she became a nurturing figure both in and out of school. Eventually her brother had grown old enough to take care of them, so they moved one final time. Their parents are both busy and most of the time out of the house, the family lives under her older brother.

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names:


Powers: Alchemy. As of right now she can only work with the natural elements of the world around her, combining them into attacks

Other: The Alchemy will develop throughout the rp~
Name: Tressa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What Kind of Person Are They?: Card Wielder

Character Card: Lovers


View attachment 7370

Personality: Essa has a good heart and tries to believe the best in people but has built in skepticism from previous experiences. All in all she can appear fickle to an outsider, going back and forth from listening to either her heart or mind, never able to make the two come to terms. She has a way of pushing people away and keeping them at a distance so that they can't hurt/abandon her.

Basic Background: Youngest sibling of three and black sheep of the family for her offbeat way of thinking and acting, Essa grew up feeling detached and alone. Now her older brother and sister are out of the house (married and college bound) and she's stuck at home with a drunken father and absent mother.

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names: Lovers Scorn(feel the inferno of a lover scorned), Vengeful Lover(shiny sword), Enchanted(stun opponent into inaction), Revealing Touch(empathetic touch akin to emotions and minor mind-work), Love Haze(make opponent think they are in love with you so that they defend/protect you. love manipulation/inducement).

Starting point: Revealing Touch, Love Haze, Lover's Scorn (weak versions of full abilities).

Uniform: (General concept, in red with hearts)

View attachment 7371

Powers: Love manipulation, Empathy, Charm

Her powers base is emotions and emotional manulipulation. Most her abilities are defensive/protective, induce feelings of love to have an enemy protect you, overwhelm someones emotions so that they can not attack, a touch that reveals emotions and reasonings for the sake of understanding/protection. her offensive abilities feed off of emotions of betrayal and pain and can only be used on one that has done wrong by you or ones you wish to protect. the stronger the emotions shes using the better the chance, but it depends on if she can get the otehr one to or not. if someone doesnt have emotions to manulipulate its near impossiable




Your character looks fine, I'd just like a description of how your character will use the powers you've listed. So I know you're not going to go overboard or anything. Also I'd like to know what powers your character is starting out with, because remember they will get upgrades later.

Sorry, but I need a bit more detail than that. When I created the template, the section "Transformation Phrase/Attack names" was simply that, just a place where you could put whatever phrase you wanted for when you transform and the names of your attacks if you wanted to list them.

The power section is where you're supposed to go into detail about your characters abilities. What I need to know, is what her base power is... You put down, 'Love Manipulation, Empathy and Charm' but you gave no description as to how these powers connect together and how she uses them. You don't need to go into extreme detail, but I'd like to know what her overarching powers are and what her limits are.
[MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] approved!

And the RP has been put up~ Though for those who are still wanting to join, don't worry I'm still accepting sheets and there are positions still open~!
Name: Hannah Matos

Age: 17

Gender: Female

What Kind of Person Are They?: Wielder

Character Card: High Priestess


View attachment 7885

Personality: A soft-spoken and observant girl by nature, she is a big believer in ‘better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.’ Despite a somewhat compliant attitude, when she puts her foot down nothing in the world is going to move it.

Basic Background: The older of two children, her half-brother Kyle is only 10; she adores him more than anything or anyone in the world, but doesn’t really show it. Sometimes this makes Kyle act spoiled and bratty which causes tension in the house. Their mother isn’t really honest about how Hannah’s father died and she hasn’t really asked; her cool exterior has prevented her from becoming close to her step father or her classmates. Her mother is an events planner, her step father is an anesthetist.

Transformation Phrase: “Before the Curtain.”

Attack Name: “Gaze Upon the Eye.”


View attachment 7886

Powers: Time manipulation of a sort; an almost passive ability and initially Hannah is only able to use it one at a time. It begins as a near paralysis of the target’s body, not a sudden freeze, but rapid stilling until the target stops. From the physical it seeps into the mind and creates a sense of calm, locking the target in a state of reflection on a present conflict they’ve been enduring, either internal or external. By making a decision they can lift the trap; the more the target fights the internal influence, the longer it takes for them to reach the point they can escape.

Other: Hannah has practiced horseback riding since she was eight and began training in kick boxing when she was fourteen; reading and embroidery are her preferred quiet time activities.

[MENTION=3493]Seven of Swords[/MENTION]

You're approved! ^^ I like her~ And the power is pretty interesting. You may go ahead and start posting! At the moment everything is going like normal and your character should be carrying out their average weekday~
Name: Clara Devoux

Age: 15

Gender: Female

What Kind of Person Are They?: Wielder

Character Card: The Emperor


View attachment 8050

Personality: She can be spoilt, precious and bossy if not a little timid/suspicious os those she does not know.

Basic Background:

The only child of a wealthy businessman her real mother she barely remembers having died when she was three. Her hero and idol, striving to make him proud, her father received her achievements with pride, warmth and joy, inspiring her to do better. Home schooled until recently, this will be her second year in a public school having transferred in the middle of the previous year to ease the strain between she and her step mother, her father remarrying the previous year.

Transformation Phrase/Attack Names: "Find the eyes to see" (Transformation)

Her attacks are usually accompanied by rallying words/'war shouts', for example; 'Stand!", "Rise to your potential!", "You will respect my authori-...!" ... Ah wait, scratch that literal quote.


View attachment 8051

Powers: Courage Embodiment, Indomitable Will, Willpower Based Constructs, Inspiring Aura.

The embodiment of courage her strength is born from unrivaled bravery, becoming stronger when standing in the face of danger and that she fears, she possesses an unnaturally strong willpower, capable of resisting temptation and withstanding great physical pain and psychological trauma through sheer force of will (pain suppression/psychic shield). Her presence also increases her allies morale and courage, inspiring them to give it their all. As a magical girl she also wields an oversized hammer (willpower based construct) conjured from thin air (or hammer space) which she calls 'Big Daddy', it's solidity is dependent on her willpower (which causes it to range between translucent to pure solid white). Those struck by it become weaker and more submissive/inclined toward her.

Other: She becomes more aggressive in her Tarot Knight state, more alert, more assertive and in command.

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