Other Kitchen failures


Devil woman
So tell me, what are your biggest failures and mistakes in the kitchen. Dropped a hot pot with boiling soup on the floor, set things on fire, created a food monstrosity, burnt something so bad it won't come off? I've done it all and I, as a refined gentleman wolf but a poor cook, wanna hear all about it. :) :) :)
Just the other day I went to make nachos. I got everything prepared and placed it on the pan - I even cooked it. Once it was done, I took it out, and began to munch - the first thing I tasted was mold! It was weird, so I took another bite.

As it turns out, the cheese I used (which was actually a non-dairy substitute) that I had just opened literally 20 minutes prior, was just covered in bunches of mold. I was so sad - I had to dump all of those beautiful Nacho's in the trash :( .
Trust me, I'm sure. I've purchased that cheese a bunch. The thing is that it's already grated and mixed together, so I never actually looked at the cheese, I just added it ontop. After closer inspection I saw the mold, but it was scattered throughout the bag.
Uhh, that's nasty. You from the US? Cause there's something seriously wrong going on in your stores, or so I've heard. Never been there.
Haha nope, I'm from Canada. That was the first time though I just bought something and it was moldy. Canadian grocery stores are still pretty close to American grocery stores, so screw ups do happen every once in a bit, but still, it wasn't expired or anything (it was kinda gross).
I pulled the baking soda out of the freezer upside down. It was horizontal, for some strange reason. While I was cleaning up, I knocked over a container of grape tomatoes which landed on the ground right in the middle of the baking soda. At least the tomatoes didn't burst... That would've been hell.
Good question. I think it's because we have no real good place to put it otherwise.

Have you ever dropped a pan full of cooking eggs on your feet?
No, but I've boiled Easter eggs with vinegar instead of salt. Dunno why I thought it's a good idea. Their shells were so soft that some of them broke in our hands while we were painting them. :D

But I have almost dropped a hot pan of spaghetti once. I was taking them off the stove to pour the hot water out in the sink, lose my grip on one end of it cause it's hot and spill all the water on the floor and myself.

But yours must have hurt more... Ouch
I once witnessed my mother accidentally set a wet sponge on fire while cleaning the kitchen.

I also once nearly set the kitchen on fire while trying to use the microwave half-asleep. Microwave popcorn does NOT go in for four minutes.
Wow, such a... flammable household... And for some reason my microwave doesn't even pop popcorn. Is probably broken.
Nope, tried it with 3 types of popcorn, brought it to the neighbors - pop just fine. Also - the plate inside doesn't spin. At least it heats up food.
We had a microwave catch on fire not too long ago. I don't even know why it did but that's part of the reason I'm the only one in my family allowed to cook in the kitchen.
I donated a gently used microwave to the Visual Arts department of my after-school program once. We had one that we cooked ramen in, because a lot of us skipped lunch, but our building was next to a Dollar Tree. The original microwave, the door broke because some teenage boys underestimate their strength. Oh, the celebration when my dad walked up to the door with that thing...

Anyways. Kitchen failures. I think it was Illya, who tried to cure polymer clay figurines in there. They had exposed wire and foil.

That was after I graduated. I don't think they got a new microwave after that.

Update: I just ruined rice.

I used way too much water. Never try to do mental arithmetic when dizzy.
xD I wasn't high, I've just been feeling out-of-sorts all day.

It was about a cup and a third of brown rice. Instead of using 2 and 2/3 cups of water, I used 3 and 2/3 cups. My mom saved it though. She poured out the extra water and cooked the rice a bit longer so the rest would evaporate. It was softer than normal, but still perfectly edible.
Can't say I've ever had a disaster but I've had lots of recipes not turn out. Mostly pinterest recipes... mine never look like the picture and a lot of times taste really bad. I'm actually a pretty good cook though so I'm not sure why I am pinterest incapable haha.
Oh my gosh, I don't really poke around in these threads much but now that I know the "Food" category exists... :o

Kitchen fails~ wow, you guys have some fun stories, the nachos one made me laugh although it's awful they got ruined Dx

I never really had many kitchen fail stories until I started college...funny how that works. In my dorm, the oven was broken and it took me 5 hours to bake brownies at 500 degrees. And they were still undercooked. On the bright side, everyone thought they were amazing >.<

And then I moved to an apartment, and one of my roommates moved out and left her blender. But it had no lid. So my other roommate/best friend and I used the lid from a pot sometimes, and sometimes we stuck a plate on top of the opening and hoped it would work. One time, we were making peach smoothies according to a healthy recipe she found online. We were supposed to add this Glucamanin (I don't think that's the actual name)/protein powder thing. She wasn't reading the recipe carefully and told me to add a half cup. The recipe called for a half teaspoon. We had to eat our smoothies, not drink them- and they were this weird, gross texture (we couldn't finish).

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