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New Member
Hi hi!

Im looking for someone who wants to rp Kiri-baku! I'm open to long, really thought out plots, or short and sweet ones too :) I even have some ideas I could share that we could start out with and I'm totally open to others obviously! Here's some stuff about my style:

1. I'm big on detail! So my responses are typically a paragraph/more depending on context. It doesn't have to be a novel of course, but I think its more fun when it gets detailed to move things along!
2. I use " " for dialogue, and all punctuation the way its typically used
3. I tend to play Kirishima a lot more/am more comfortable playing him :bishiesparklesl:

Most other things we can talk out/chat about, so if your interested feel free to say hey!!
Hey! I know my reply is a little late, but I'm really craving Kiribaku right now, and it just so happens that I play Bakugou most of the time, and I tend to give paragraphs, and use " " for dialogue as well! So if you're still interested, maybe we can talk more about it?
Hey! I know my reply is a little late, but I'm really craving Kiribaku right now, and it just so happens that I play Bakugou most of the time, and I tend to give paragraphs, and use " " for dialogue as well! So if you're still interested, maybe we can talk more about it?I

I just saw this, so if you're still interested Im down! I sent a message your way :)
Hi hi!

Im looking for someone who wants to rp Kiri-baku! I'm open to long, really thought out plots, or short and sweet ones too :) I even have some ideas I could share that we could start out with and I'm totally open to others obviously! Here's some stuff about my style:

1. I'm big on detail! So my responses are typically a paragraph/more depending on context. It doesn't have to be a novel of course, but I think its more fun when it gets detailed to move things along!
2. I use " " for dialogue, and all punctuation the way its typically used
3. I tend to play Kirishima a lot more/am more comfortable playing him :bishiesparklesl:

Most other things we can talk out/chat about, so if your interested feel free to say hey!!
Hi this is veery late and all and I don't know if you're still interested in this, but I usually rp on discord and just came on here yk find someone! if you do have discord I'm _ka.boom_ on there, but if not just lmk!

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