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Kiotaro x Abana

Shea couldn't help it and outright laughed, leaning against bar counter to keep from falling, "I don't think I could walk up to boss and say 'I quit'. He might.." She trailed off as the thought seeped into her mind making her instantly afraid. "I don't know, Dante...he might come looking for me.. He's that sick."
She blinked, "You're joking right?" Shea tilted her head, becoming curious and actually liking that idea, No! Murder is wrong! Don't give in to those ways, Shea! "No, don't even joke about that. It's alright, I'll just leave a note or something."
Dante laughed. "I was joking dont worry. If you want we could do it right now. I could leave the note. Or we could call the police or something." He smiled and summoned a stack of post it notes with a snap. He didn't care if people saw. Everyone was drunk anyways. He slid the post it notes to Shea and smiled.
Without thinking, Shea grabbed a post-it and wrote down 'I quit, never yours Shea', grinning, "I should stick this to his forehead,"
Dante laughed. "I could do it if you want me to." He said ready to snap his fingers. He had a very mischievous smile.
Nodding, Shea hands him the post-it, "Oh, would you like another rum and coke? On the house? Might as well take a drink free and quit in style!"
Dante smiled. "Hell ill take seven." With a Snap of his fingers, the post it note teleported to her boss' forehead. "We might want to run." He snickered.

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