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Realistic or Modern Kingsbrook Boarding School

Kawaii Ghost Demon

Sleep Deprived


Kingsbrook Boarding School

Welcome children, to Kingsbrook Boarding School. Originally, Delinquents were sent here to learn the error of their ways, but the school is now welcome to more than just delinquents. Here, you will be placed into a high security school, where you will learn many things such as:

?Defensive Training

? Chorus Classes

? Art Classes

? Health Classes

? Optional Veterinary Classes

? Optional Babysitting Classes

? College Courses

? Animal Training Classes

? Mathematical Classes

? Computer Classes

? Program Development Classes

? Photography Classes

? Nursing Classes

? Obedience Classes

? History Classes

? English Classes

? German Classes

? French Classes

? Spanish Classes

? Language Classes

? Fighting Classes

? And many, many more!​

There is also several clubs available for students to take part in, in their free time. Some of the clubs available are:

? Horse Clubs (Some are for purely riding lessons, some are a mixture of riding lessons and horse caring lessons, etc)

? Animal Clubs

? Community Service Clubs

? Theater Clubs

? Art Clubs

? Cooking Clubs

? And many more!

We ask that students do not partake in any fighting with other students unless used for defensive reason. Students will be asked to arrive at each class on time, unless given specific reason not to. Students are to wake up for breakfast in the Dining Hall at 6:30 A.M. Lunch, as usual, is at 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. and Dinner is at 5:00 to 6:30 P.M. Students should arrive to each meal at approximately the correct time. Students are to be in bed with lights off by 10:30 P.M. at the latest. Classes end at 3:00 P.M. as per usual. Students are to specifically listen to their authorities, detention is an immediate punishment. Girls are not to be in the boy's side of the dorm, and vice versa. Students are allowed a maximum of 2 pets. Students will be roomed with another student of the same gender, and are expected to be respectful to each other and are not allowed to fight physically. Students are not to leave school grounds without a proper authority figure with them.

It is asked that you respect all school rules while on school grounds, we also ask that you try to have a wonderful time.

~Mrs. Jackson (The Principal)​

Skylia Jayz Reptine




The small built young girl watched as the cars drove in and drove out, dropping off students at the prison-like school. She held a leash in one hand, the leash clipped onto the harness of a Pomsky puppy. A multicolored kitten slept in the females lap, its tiny stomach rising and falling with each breath. She sat on the grass in front of the school, watching each car arrive and leave. She sighed gently. She had been dropped off much earlier than the other students, and it sort of saddened her. Suddenly, Skylia felt a gentle and frail hand on her shoulder. She turned, facing the principal of the large boarding school. The principal was old and bony, but she was definitely not weak. "Sky, darling, it's a pleasure to see you once more. Would you mind showing some of the new students around? You know this place rather well, so..." The woman was the only one at the school, aside from a select amount of teachers, that Skylia actually respected. She smiled at the woman, nodding. "Sure, they're supposed to arrive at the auditorium after they've finished unpacking, right?" The principal nodded, then heading back inside the school. Skylia sighed, placing the kitten that lay in her lap inside a red cat carrier, zipping it up and standing. The pomsky puppy barked gently at her, waddling over to Skylia. Skylia smiled, waiting to show a student around.

Imagine the cat carrier like this, but red instead of pink.




Kara J. McKenzie

The car took a sharp right and, as it did, the boarding school came into view. It wasn't so breathtaking, not really. The sun did glimmer from the glass windows, giving it a strange sort of spark, yet nothing about the building was particularly beautiful. There was nothing for someone to feel amazed at, well Kara didn't feel so anyway. However, as her eyes fell upon the building, she couldn't help but to feel happy. Why wouldn't she? After all, it was her first day at school. Which as it sounds may not seem so appealing to many, but was very exciting to the young girl who always tried to see the glass as half full. A new school meant a fresh start, new friends and more opportunities, right?

Kara turned to face the building, it's structure stood as high as one's eye could see and was sort of intimadating to the girl. Yet, she knew that she would have to enter soon enough. She couldn't afford to be late on her first day, so giving a quick brush of her skirt the girl set off inside.

The hallway was grand, and quite spacious too. It was certainly not a dissapointment to the outside, and as the girl ventured along she couldn't help but admire the view. The sparkling clean, red carpet matched perfectly with the wall of mirrors, and the sign perched above read the school name. At the centre was a desk, and at which there was a clerk. She stood just as solemnly with a blunt expression which made her look unapproachable. Her bleached blond hair was scrapped into a low-back ponytail, held with a considerable amount of hair gel, and her ice blue eyes fell as a snarl at anyone who approached them. She fitted in perfectly with the intimidating atmosphere, Kara had to admit that much. Yet, something about her just made her feel unwelcome, or unnecessary even.

"Can I help you?" She questioned as her eyes caught Kara's own.

Clearing her throat, the young girl stated, "I'm Kara McKenzie, I'm the-"

Yet, before she could finish, the clerk spoke again, "Yes, The new girl, I thought as much. You're late".

Wiping her wet palms on her skirt, she mumbled her reply, "I wouldn't say late, it's-"

"You're in dorm 1" she interrupted, before piling the keys into Karas palm, "now excuse me I have some work to do"

Biting her lip anxiously, the new girl looked around and hoped for a friendly face. Where the hell was she meant to go now? Starting a new school was bad enough, but a boarding school where you don't know where to go was awful.
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Wynne gazed out the window, one hand cupping her chin, the other hanging loosely out the open window with a cigarette lazily tucked between her fingers. She let the smoke curl around her thumb and drift into her room, a thin tendril. The breeze, it seemed, was not in her favor today. Sighing heavily, Wynne reluctantly ground the lit end of her cigarette into a porcelain ashtray and rose.

She had had a single room as long as she had been attending Kingsbrook. The space was luxurious for a dormitory– all oak furniture and rich, crimson upholstery. The
official rules of Kingsbrook (and Wynne had read the manual cover to cover) didn't exactly allow students to bring in whole pieces of furniture, but time and a few well-placed bribes had granted her certain privileges. While her room itself was beautiful, most of its finer details were obscured by the piles of books that sat haphazardly on her dresser, the top of her wardrobe, on and under her bed, and essentially anywhere they could fit. With a bittersweet half-smile, Wynne hefted a thick, leather-bound copy of A History of Spartan Women in the Peloponnesian War by John Harrison in one arm. "I've got to find you a new home," she said to the book, patting its worn cover.

It was true. No amount of complaining to the headmaster or angrily-written letters home could prevent it. She was getting a roommate. Wynne looked reproachfully at the empty bed at the other corner of her room; the bareness of it all revolted her.
They had no right, she had decided weeks before, after a particularly heated discussion with her father that ended in neither party speaking to the other for days. She fumbled for a fresh pack. Old ones, used ones, were for everyday usage. When she was worked up, she needed to ruin something's beauty. There was a spare pack of Reds in her backpack. They would do. Wynne ripped open the packaging angrily and lit the first cigarette with fresh fury. The spark of the lighter seemed to calm her, and the first drag let her breath deeply into the nicotine.

No smoking in the rooms. She chuckled derisively. Took a deep drag and closed her eyes. Wynne drummed her fingers on her side, slowly pacing the length of her room. She let the ash flutter to the rug– they'd clean it later. She peered out the window again. At last, cars lines up one by one outside the main hall. Her classmates were arriving, back from summer holidays or otherwise forced to attend. She hoped it was the former. She was not in the mood for a troubled or loud roommate.

As long as they don't mind the books, Wynne said to herself, and she opened the door to her room, cigarette still between her fingers. Time to meet the meat.


.: Carmen Vehemente :.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13027623.jpg.c711c5651ebd90975d1bf97eeb3daead.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13027623.jpg.c711c5651ebd90975d1bf97eeb3daead.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The female was dropped off by a cab in front of the grand Kingsbrook boarding school. Her large brown suitcase was in her right hand as her left hand held her puppy's leash. her clothes hid her tattoo "I hope we don't have to wear uniform" she muttered then started to walk towards the beautiful building, praying that she didn't make a bad first impression. Her first choice was to go to her new dorm. She quickly ran up the stairs, her dog following her as her shoes make soft clapping noises as she ran until she got to her dorm. She didn't mind having a roommate but she asked not to have one. She open the door with her room key with the number six made out of copper on the big door. She slowly opened the door and saw her bed and desk "Oh boy..." she softly exclaimed as she chucked her suitcase on her bed her eyes looking out at the window next to her bed that showed the entire campus. She smiled softly "Welcome to Kingsbrook Carmen" she welcomed herself



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Violet Monette


Violet got out of the truck and starred at the building she took her headphones off and placed them on her shoulders. "Oh this is going to be something, but I don't know if fun is the word for it" she sighed and turned to the truck and grabbed her large black duffel bag out of the back then opened the front door and her grey pitbull was sitting there waiting. She placed a spiked collar around his neck and grabbed the leash. She walked towards the building and noticed a few students and some teachers she walked into the building. Her bag started to feel heavy so she decided to go right up to her room, she opened the door to her room and looked around. The dog jumped up on the bed and made himself comfortable, she looked around the room "Can I go home now" she turned back towards her bag and pulled out her violin case, she placed it on the bed and took out her new black violin her aunt had given her a few days before she left, she sat on the bed and leaned against the wall and started playing.

Connor Scott Vaile



Connor stared ahead as he pulled his car into the parking lot. He was definitely not excited. He was forced to come with an adult from his home, so they could take his car. He groaned as he thought of being without his car. "Do I really have to do this?" He asked, irritated. The adult sighed, "Connor. Just... Just get your stuff and get out. You had your chance. Multiple, actually." Connor made an irritated face, gently putting his foot on the brake pedal and slowly, the car came to a stop. Without saying anything, he climbed out, grumbling to himself as he headed to the trunk of the car. "Don't forget Ziika, Connor." His foster mother said softly, relief showing in her voice. Connor opened the trunk of the car, pulling out a dark blue luggage bag with wheels and a military duffle bag. He swung the duffle bag over his shoulder, slamming the trunk of the car shut. "Put the harness and leash on Ziika," Connor said rudely, sighing as he walked over to the passenger side. "Already done." His mother said, opening the door, and letting the small dog out of the car. The pup ran over to her owner, barking and whining at him to be picked up. Smiling, Connor picked the dog up and walked into the building. Approaching the desk, he gave the clerk a slightly rude look. "Keys to room three." Connor paused before adding, "Please." The clerk stared at him for a moment, before grabbing a key off the wall next to her and handing it to him. "Have a wonderful day," Connor said softly, heading down the hall for the male dorms, and hurrying to his room. Once arriving, he fumbled with the keys before finally unlocking the door and heading inside. He shut the door behind him, and walked over to one of the beds, setting his stuff down and putting Ziika on the floor. The puppy sniffed around the room, seeming to be very interested in the new place. Connor sighed. "I gotta head to the auditorium Ziika, I'll see you later. Don't you dare crap or piss on the floor." Connor already knew that the students were supposed to head to the auditorium after they settled in. Sighing, he exited the room, locking the door behind him. He slowly began to head to the auditorium.
Demitri PenaVega


Demitri sat in the passenger side of his fathers fancy car as the driver watched the road

"we're almost there sir" the old driver said to him

His father deemed him to hard to take care of anymore and sent him here hoping someone else would do it. He hated his father and no one seemed to know why.

"Thank you James" he replied getting out of they car as they had arrived at the giant school.

He grabbed tessy's leash and off they went to main office

"Room 3" the old lady behind the desk said not even looking up.

"Is my roommate here yet" Demitri replied

"He was he already headed to the auditorium go put your things away and head there" she stated

So he headed towards his room thinking to himself how lucky he was his roommate was not there yet. He hated roommates ever one he had either was a homophobic pig or like the last one did something he will never forget. He walked into the room set his stuff up let Tessy meet the other dog and headed to the auditorium
Atrio sighed a little as he stood there in front of the front gates with a back pack and a suitcase "i cant believe that stupid cab driver only drove me half way here." he said to him self before he set the suitcase down and reached his right hand to his left wrist where his cufflet was and messed with it to readjust it to if didn't press on his scars so much before picking his suit case back up and starting into the school a small wolf looking pup pranced in behind him and looked around as he did. he still couldn't believe his mother sent him here in a matter of hours she had already enrolled him after she found him doing what he usually did to re leave stress
Jessie X. Sparrow

Jess looked through the cab window. "Hey, you know I'm going to Kingsbrook, right?"

The driver gave Jess a dirty look, got out of the cab, and tossed her out. "Don't tell me how to do my job. Forget paying. Just get out of here."

Jess looked up at the gates, from the ground. "Wow...this is way better than home." She clambered up and raised the hood on her jacket over her head, tucking her hair behind it. She avoided eye contact until she reached the front desk, where she took off her hood. She started to smile until a set of keys were slammed on the table. "Jessie Sparrow? You're with Carmen Vehemente, dorm 6."

Jess took the keys and went to dorm 6, knocking on the door slowly. "Carmen?" (@Carmen Vehemente)
Luke was in the back of a pickup truck bed. He had hitch hiked the whole way to Kingsbrook. His so called parents offered to take him, but Lucas couldn't stand 7 straight hours in a car with them. He was too mad that he was even in that situation.

"Stupid field.."Luke cursed under his breathe.

Luke grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. With the other arm, he grabbed his duffel bag. These were the only luggage he brought with him.

"Thanks man" Luke said to the driver and gave him small wave.

He readjusted the backpack on his shoulder and began walking up Kingsbrook Boarding School's front steps.

Luke opened the front door and walked to the front desk.

"I'm here. Lucifer Marshall." Luke said annoyed, "Where do I go?" Luke rolled his eyes, tapping his foot impatiently.

Connor sighed as he walked to the auditorium. Before entering, he leaned against the wall next to the two doors, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and placing one gently between his lips. He returned the pack to his pocket and fumbled through his pockets before finally pulling out a lighter with a skull pattern, and lighting the cigarette. Taking a long drag, inhaling a bit, and blowing the smoke out, Connor gazed around the halls. He'd heard of the place before, but he had never seen it in person. Connor seemed unimpressed by the pearly white tile walls. In fact, he despised the look of the extremely bright looking area. It seemed strange that this was a popular place for delinquents. Sighing, Connor took another drag of his cigarette, and slowly blew the smoke out. Hearing footsteps nearby, Connor seemed more aware, and gazed down the hallway, waiting for someone to appear.


Skylia sighed gently. The blonde now wandered the halls of the female dorms, bored out of her mind. Finally, she went back to her dorm, and plopped down on her bed. Her puppy came to greet her, licking her face and barking. Skylia sighed, gently placing him back on the floor. Skylia turned on her side, and stared out the window by her bed, watching the clouds slowly roll by. Soon, she dozed off accidentally.​
"Room 4." The secretary finished explaining, she went into details about contracts, and his previous record but Lucas just simply zoned out.

"Okay, later." Luke finished and went walking down the halls. This placed had been designed for the parents, to draw them in by the light colors, but really if you looked hard enough the place was a hell hole. A prison. Lucas could already see him stuck in his room of months doing nothing but homework and following the rules. A party would definitely lighten his mood, he needed a secret spot, a hiding place. He had always had one, to get away if things get too crazy. Lucas sighed, letting all of his oxygen out, then inhaling deeply.

Lucas took his lip ring in his mouth and flicked his tongue over it, like he always did when he was nervous or thinking deeply. Suddenly, the air he was inhaling smelled of smoke. He had stopped in his tracks.Fire? No, Lucifer had been around to many fires to know what it smelled like, this smelled like tobacco, someone was smoking a cigarette, and that's exactly what Lucas needed to calm down, a long drag.

Lucifer looked down the hall to see a guy with white platinum hair smoking down the hall. Lucas finally began to relax when he strided down the hall setting his luggage by his feet.

"Pass me a light?" Lucas asked calmly, eager to talk to this guy who reminded him of himself. Lucas took out his box Marlboro cigarettes and took a single one out.

@Kawaii Ghost Demon
Connor gave the male a small nod, tossing his lighter gently to him. "Sup, I'm Connor," He said blankly, giving him a sort of friendly smirk. Connor wasn't very good at communicating, but he had to at least try if he wanted to have fun or anything at all, here. One hand held the cigarette loosely between his index finger and middle finger. Suddenly, he paused. "Shit.. I forgot the damn ashtray." He said quietly, appearing to be mumbling to himself. He then shrugged, "Oh well, I guess." Connor began to gaze around the hall once more, making a slight 'hmpf' sound. "This damn school reminds me of a prison. The stupid place looks nice and cozy, but the atmosphere... That just makes me want to leave. Ugh. Parents suck balls." It was obvious he was just sort of rambling, not expecting a response. He slowly raised the cigarette to his lips, taking a small drag, inhaling a bit, and letting the rest of the smoke out. Connor looked back to the male who had approached him, as if he had forgotten he was there. Connor soon realized the male was much taller than him, which drew a sigh from the boy. He was only 5 feet and 6 inches, and he hated it. He was always called a "runt" or "shorty." That was one thing that would almost instantly get someone a busted lip and possible broken nose. Connor ran his free hand through his hair, glancing around the area once more. He began to notice more details about the area. The doors on the auditorium looked like they had been scratched multiple times with a knife or even fingernails. This seemed rather strange to Connor, yet he shrugged it off. The white tiles were almost perfectly arranged in such a order that no one could say one was even slightly off. Though, some of the tiles had cracks, some more noticeable, and some less noticeable. The walls themselves were painted a gentle sky blue while the floor was neatly carpeted with a dark blue colored carpet. It was obvious that the carpets were vacuumed daily, possibly even twice daily, and the walls were scrubbed thoroughly daily as well. Something was odd about how clean the place was, something about it just sent shivers down Connor's spine. Connor wasn't too sure if he would actually like this place or not.

"Lucas." Luke responded, leaning his back up against the wall and putting his foot up against it. Luke listened to the rambling guy, while he took his time lighting his baby up. The smoke immediately hit his nose. Luke tossed back the lighter to Connor. Lucas took a small drag and held it, before releasing the smoky, gray substance. Lucas pulled off his hoodie and revealed his bright blonde messy hair. It was the one thing about himself that made people think he might be a good kid. When he was younger, he tried to dye his hair black. But his biological mom caught him and beat him, then tossed him into the basement closet for a week. Lucas took another drag.

Connor was shorter than him for sure but Luke's best friend in the whole world, Daniel was as tall as Connor. When Daniel got shot, Luke lost it and went to his secret spot, his hiding spot. The old high school, under the bleachers, and it was the first time he ever cried for anyone before. He had been smoking pot and taking low-key drugs when he tossed his cig. The cigarette burned down the the field and Luke fled back to his house. Where he was arrested and sent to court. His parents paid bail, and got Lucas out of the major charges of arsonry. They believed he could still be good, and when the judge said jail or Kingsbrook. They gave out the order for Lucifer to be sent away to this hell hole.


@Kawaii Ghost Demon
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Demitri walked to the auditorium sighing. He didn't want to be here he would rather be in the room with tessy at least she didn't abandon him to this hellhole. before he got to the auditorium he saw two good looking guys standing by the door he might as well say hi. "gulp" he hated meeting new people especially guys. "he..hey guys i was wondering im in dorm 3 do you know who my roomate is" why did he ask that why would they know ughhh
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Carmen turned around and stood in a attack pose "Who are you and what do you want?" She asked sternly. "She's your roommate idiot" she thought to herself then rolled her eyes "Sorry about that. I'm a bit overprotected long story" she explained, placing her slim hand in front of the girl "I guess you know my name but I don't know yours" she flashed a smile then sat on the top bunk "This bed is mine by the way" she smirked

Connor looked over to Demitri, tilting his head a bit. "So you're that guy I'm roomed with. Huh, you're better looking than I expected.. Well, I'm Connor. And yep, I do know who your roommate is, It's me." He chuckled lightly, taking another drag from his cigarette. Connor looked at him oddly, noticing he looked rather shy and uneasy. Connor slowly let out a cloud a musky smoke, then giving the male a small smile before adding, "Hey, calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you unless you piss me off. It's okay." Connor put the cigarette out in the palm of his hand, burning his hand a bit and leaving ash on his hand. He rubbed the ash off on his pants, and tossed the cigarette butt into a nearby trashcan.

Oh he thought. That's my roommate i hope he is better than the last. "Saw your dog....she's sweet." he felt so dumb eh might as well just make friends with the guy he looked over to the other guy "Hello"..."Guess i'm gonna go find a seat don't wanna be to late" he said as he walked to a seat something about Connor just made his hands sweaty. he could tell this year would be interesting especially with the creepy vibe in the air hmm

Jessie X. Sparrow (Never posted an image on the RP forum)

Jess laughed slightly at Carmen. "You remind me of a cat. I'm Jessie, by the way, and I don't sleep on beds." Jess dragged all the sheets from the lower bed and started tying them together in a very interesting fashion.

An announcement rang through the halls. "Please report to the auditorium."

Jess tossed the covers onto the bed and quickly put her jacket on. "I'm out." She opened the door and looked around the hallway for any staff. "Nope."

She smirked at the ground as she sprinted at top speed down to the auditorium, ducking past every locker door and student she could see. Unfortunately, she didn't see the garbage disposal door open and she slammed right into it, vaulting over and landing flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling.

@Carmen Vehemente
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Carmen smirked as she saw her roommate change her bed. As she heard the announcement ring through her ears she jumped down then left her room, peaking out of the door to see if there was any staff "Great..." she smirked again then started to run, she did front flips and cartwheels down the hall.

"Shit Jesse... You ok?" she asked, wincing at the sigh, she moved over to see face properly and saw the small dint in the disposal "God you must have hit that thing hard" she sighed and showed her hand to Jesse, offering her to help Jesse up
Jess smiled at Carmen. "Thanks, a lot. I've been distracted for the last few days." She awkwardly stared at the dent she made in the disposal. "Yeah, I did hit that hard. Too hard." She continued walking slightly slower than usual, breathing shakily. I did hit that thing harder than I thought.

@Carmen Vehemente
She smiled, holding in a slight chuckle "No biggie, anything for a roomie" she smiled, taking her hand and pulling her up. For a petite figure she had a lot of strength. She gave her hair a small hair toss and started to continue to run towards the auditorium, doing flips and tricks every now and then. How did she not see that bin?





The slog to the auditorium didn't feel as bad with the slight breeze on her face, Wynne had decided. She took a final drag on her cigarette, the cherry coming just close enough to her fingers that she could feel the biting heat– then dropped it and snuffed it out with her left shoe, a neat oxford.

She took her time walking, since it was so nice out. So many new students. They passed her easily, even the slowly trudging ones who looked like they'd give anything to turn right back around and expel themselves from Kingsbrook. A girl with cardinal-red hair raced past her, performing a series of leaps and flips as she ran towards the auditorium. She was pretty enough, but her ponytail bothered Wynne for some reason, as did the small girl's energy. If she's my roommate, Wynne thought, I'll jump out my window.

But her roommate hadn't arrived yet, Wynne realized. Or at least they hadn't bothered to seek her out or move into their dormitory. The corner of her mouth twitched in a halfhearted smile. Maybe they won't come at all. She could re-stack her books back into the organized chaos they were in before all this blather about "over-admission" and "student privileges," and she'd be able to enjoy a book and a smoke without anyone like Miss Firecracker over there bothering her.

Wynne reached the auditorium and noticed, with some interest, a silver-haired boy who smelled familiar. Parliaments. She smiled.

"You don't need to use a bin," she said, pointing to the trash can the boy had just tossed his cigarette into. "They actually prefer if you leave them out– that way, you don't get tossed out for arson." She stuck out a long-fingered hand. "Winnifred Pearson II–" and she pronounced the "II" with a mock flourish– "But call me Wynne if you're feeling friendly."

@Kawaii Ghost Demon
Carmen stopped in the auditorium "Great... Lots of new friends to make" she rolled her eyes at the thought of friends "Jesse is more than enough for me" she huffed, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. She turned around trying to find Jesse. She had a worried face on her, "Out of all the people who could have claustrophobia it's me' she sighed then left the auditorium in a rush. She raced out to the campus and leaned against a tree "Thank god I'm out of there!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms

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