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Fantasy King's War - The Character Sign-up




Retainer (Prince Leon)

On the surface, Matei displays an immature sort of personality. He is decidedly stubborn and strong-willed, frequently letting his pettiness and vindictiveness get the better of him.

- Alchemy
- High Intelligence


- Selfless
- Loyal

- Egotistical
- Hostile Towards Figures Of Authority​
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Retainer (Prince Leon)

On the surface, Matei displays an immature sort of personality. He is decidedly stubborn and strong-willed, frequently letting his pettiness and vindictiveness get the better of him.

- Alchemy
- High Intelligence


- Selfless
- Loyal

- Egotistical
- Hostile Towards Figures Of Authority​
Change that "Pro-King" to Anti-King if your Leon's retainer.

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"Demon Spawn"

376 years spent wandering this earth

Anti-King, maybe? He's part of the revolution, that has to count for something.

Cerryl is animated, with every motion he makes and every action he takes full of vigor. He tends to move on his passionate emotions without much thought further than if he'll get out of it alive, and if it passes that than he's likely to get involved immediately. He tends to switch opinions at the drop of a hat, and may be friendly with someone only to stab them in the back the next day. Contrary to this behavior of his though, he is rather calculating and methodical when anything involving money comes up, and his whimsy completely disappears. He's rather touchy about his background, and anything related to the fact that he is a vampire. His mannerisms are all over the place, modern and old-styled, respectful and rude. He's the questionable type of person you only accept help from because they might rip your throat out with a smile if you refuse.


Bloodsucking - Sucking blood is due to necessity, for without it he would die. It does not make him more powerful, though it can heal him. The classic belief that vampires suck blood from the neck with their fangs, while not without foundation, is incredibly untrue as there is no need for ingestion. Rather, vampires have a special magic that causes the blood being bled from open wounds they've inflicted to be automatically blown away as a red mist that slowly dissipates through the surroundings instead of coagulating on the wound as a scab. It's actually a rather terrifying sight, though it could be called a beautiful spectacle by those that don't understand that the victim's life force is slowly being drained by wounds that do not close. If he goes too far away or chooses to nullify the magic the wounds will heal as normal, though. Also, magical healing can cancel the bloodsucking.
Master of Blades - As someone who professes himself a mercenary, Cerryl has gone out of his way to learn swords, spears, axes, and generally anything else that would do the job. With over three hundred years of experience, he's had plenty of time to study different fighting styles and perfect his own.
Superhuman Abilities - Similar to Neska, Cerryl is stronger than your average human soldier without much effort.

- Though he can't be called a genius, Cerryl is not stupid.
- Talented at combat, with an abnormally good intuition.
- Near limitless stamina on the battlefield where there is so much blood to suck.
- Life experience.
- Unhesitating.

- Bipolar
- Uncontrollably runs away in fear from anything blessed or holy by nature.
- Confident
- Vampires, known as demon spawn, aren't exactly embraced by the public.
- Weakness for money
- Weakness for love
- Volatile
- Would probably die instantly if you stuck him through the heart with a wooden stake, burned him alive, or chopped off his head. Hasn't been tested for obvious reasons.
- Hates sunlight, says it's too bright for his sensitive eyes.
Robin Reyes

150 (Appears in 20s)

She's quite humble, shy and withdrawn not because of some past tragedy, it's just how she is. Rather than fighting she would like to work things out with some peaceful talking but not everyone is like this so she will fight if needed. She's easily embarrassed and is often seen as weak because of this. She's very accepting to the point of almost being naive.

-=Bio (Optional)=-
No. I have my reasons.

-=Skills/Powers (One or other not both.)=-
- Magic Arrows - She has an unlimited supply of arrows due to being able to conjure them.
- Extrasensory - Due to being part wolf, she has enhanced senses. (Smell, hearing, sight, etc.)


- Sharpshooter
- Smart
- Awareness

- Her senses may overload if there are too many people around and cause her to freak out.
- Lack of confidence in self.

Except without a string. The string forms itself when Robin enters combat.



"Cry me a fucking river, bitch"

|| Name ||
Lola Murray

|| Age||

|| Appearance||
She has silky, black hair and golden eyes. She has soft skin and glossy pink lips. She's a mesomorph build with a D Cup.

|| Personality ||
Lola is a cold hearted girl who doesn't care about anyone besides her own friends. She's incredibly loyal and extremely determined. She never gives up on a task. She's a clean freak, and has OCD. She can be rude at times, but really, she's a softy inside. She's reckless and extremely confident in whatever she does. She's sharp, sly, and cunning. She barely even shed tears. She does not have pity or sympathy.

|| Skills/Powers ||
Good with weapons and physical combat

|| Alignment ||

o Physical Combat
o Determined
o Intelligent

o Can't feel sympathy or pity
o Reckless
o Rude








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"Do you know how it feels to burn with hate?, Don't worry your about to expierence the burn part very shortly."

Varick Priscus


Varick has brown hair that he wears in a loose crew cut. He has brown eyes and a slight tan. He is muscular and stands at about 6'4. A diagnol scar runs across his right eye down the left left side of his cheek.

Varick can be described in one word, hateful. He is extremely driven and will do anything to get payback for past transgressions done to him or anyone he is allied with. Emotionaly he can be described as a rock, usually keeping a stoic face and attitude. He bottles it up inside and rarely let's other people see him get emotional. That being said, he is not emotionless and posses strong morals of right and wrong, but he will for go those morals ar certain junctures or when angered. When he is angry he flies into a rage and is extremely unstable, it's best just to stay out of his way. He does not accept failure and is very critical of himself when he does fail. He self hating and channels this hate on the battlefield. He is relatively relaxed outside of combat and knows when to loosen up during social interaction.

Varus had a normal life once. He grew in a rural village where his father ran the books of a local mill which let him live in relative comfort. Varus's had heard stories of knightly orders and dreamed of becoming one when he was older. His father disapproved of these dreams, thinking it a much safer and lucrative Career in keeping books for businesses in the kingdom. Despite this he asked to be a squire for a local knight, he was granted this request and found to his dismay, that the life of a knight in training was the complete opposite from glamorous and thrilling. It was when he was fifteen, three years after he was made a squire that he saw his first battle, it was close to being his last. It was the day the kings armies razed the surrounding towns and villages in the vicinity of the capital. The small garrison of his village was no match for the kings legions and they were all slaughtered. Varus managed to bring down a knight of the Kings army, kill him, and steal his horse and escape. While he was escaping he was sliced in the face by a woman who alone had killed more than fifty men. He was lucky he was only scarred. He fell off the horse and was considered dead, the kings legions marched on.

Varus awoke amongst a field of death and scorched earth. He wandered the wasteland that was to be named hell for another two weeks before he found a large manor stationed with guards and a formidable gate. The guards who challenged him asked where he came from and he told them he was the lone survivor from the battle of the village. He was allowed in and found young men just like him, apparently other survivors from battles of other towns. The owner of the manor revealed himself to the boys and told them that he was once a knight in the employ of the king but was banished after he refused to attack a village of innocent men, women, and children. He told them if they wanted revenge for the wrongs they had received at the hands of the mad king he would teach them the ways combat. He was the first grandmaster of the knights of hell. After a year of grueling, spartan-like training the boys were given access to a previously restricted area of the manor, there they found a lone forge that resonated with some kind of power. Each of them were let in one at a time to forge there own unique set of arms and armor. Unlike other orders, the knights of hell were not restrictive on what types of weapons they let their members use some forged the likes of light, scaled armor with bows and twin daggers, to the heaviest of plate armor and great weapons. Varus crafted a longsword and half plate armor. The boys would find out that the forge was a potent artifact, called a hate forge, that used the crafters anger to shape the weapons and armor made in it. It explained why the weapons and armor the boys crafted were of such high quality. They were now well trained, well equipped, knights and most of them weren't even twenty yet. Varus would fight with his brothers in battles against the kings forces for two years. The knights of hell would become instantly recognizable because of the appearance of their arms and armor. Commoners would come to recognize the knights as their unofficial guardians, and were often called the hounds of hell, and devil dogs. They would often win battles with the odds stacked against them. One of the calling cards of the knights of hell was to dismember the commanding nobles and arrange they're body parts in the shape of they're sigil. Varus heard rumors of a rebellion and informed his brothers that he would be going off on his own to lend his assistance to the leader of the rebellion.

Knights of hell sigil
View attachment 409125

Cursed sword: Can set his sword ablaze with extremely deadly hellfire
Dark strength: Immensely powerful which increases his effectiveness with weapons and un-armed attacks.
Terrifying presence: Most soldiers would run away if they encountered a knight of hell, the smart ones would anyway.


Sword master
Unaffected by heavy armor

Blinded by rage
Amoral at some times
Self hating


Yeah.. no, i'm sorry but that's way too powerful for the set limit of this RP. I set a magic OR swordskill limit to the power, your character displays both. Not only that but the magnitude of each.. too much.



Role (Leave out if you aren't a Prince/Princess/Retainer)

Generally, very cheerful and optimistic, she generally tries to avoid fighting if she can help it. Despite being a noble for King Hal at the moment, she is against his ideals.

Bio (What we know so far)
Elizabeth is a noble for King Hal but doesn't agree with his ideals, when confronted by Sirge about having Jacob leave, she was adamant about having Sirge help her. Sirge did by telling Jacob and herself to leave the capital, she is now in the process of deciding whether or not to follow Sirge's advice, Sirge being a person she trusts a lot.

Skills/Powers (One or other not both.)
- Good with a lance?


- Strong
- Confident in her abilities
- Under Sirge's protection

- Jacob

Jacob Gavelle (Close Friend, Love Interest)
Status: Alive

Prince Leon Garrock (Good Friend, Ally)
Status: Alive​
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"I hate remembering things I don't want to remember."

|| Name ||
Eve Shadow

|| Age ||

|| Personality ||
Eve is a very straight forward girl. She's very naive and kind to others. It's extremely easy for people to take advantage of her. She's very cunning and clever, and extremely intelligent. She's naturally concerned about people. However, she's also very gloomy. It's very hard for her to smile. She's extremely negative and thinks about gory things and situations. She's clumsy, and can't tell whether or not if she's feeling an emotion or not. She's socially awkward as well. She wants to fit in, but that's impossible for her.

|| Skills/Powers ||
Good with physical combat.

|| Alignment ||
Anti King

|| Boon(s) ||
o Intelligent
o Cunning
o Kind

|| Bane(s) ||
o Clumsy
o Can't Feel Emotions
o Her Mechanical arms

Eve has bionic/Mechanical arms. However, they aren't robotic arms that can like move around super fast and have strength. They act like normal hands. It's been two years, but she still hasn't gotten used to them.

She's an herbalist.



Anime 10 (2).png

:Twenty-three years old


  • She got the title of saintess for a reason (super good at holy magic - healing, barriers, and purifying)
  • Extremely advanced water mage (where her spells get offensive and devastating)
  • Under Sirge's protection
  • Has slight influence as an important saintess
  • Extremely competent mage
  • Familiar with war
  • Clutz
  • Humanitarian
  • Socially inept
  • Can't really do anything with her social status if the other party isn't a believer
Serena earned her title as Saintess while healing many severely injured people returning from war with a neighboring country. Her social status as a saintess brought her from her small kingdom to the church in the capital of Altreea, where she met a rather interesting boy followed by his beastkin servant and human friend. The four met several times on the occasions where she ran away from being forced to do healing at the church, but she never knew of Sirge's identity until she cured him of severe illness. Ever since she has been part of the small central group in Sirge's life, and is his public fiancee set to be his legal wife for the sake of taking some of the burden off of Neska.

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:Twenty-two years old

:She's still thinking on what faction her heart lies with, but she'll stay with Sirge no matter what

- Genovia is a trained knight, one of the few in Altreea who have mastered the sword and many other weapons. She may not be the strongest or the fastest, but in technique she has no rival.

- Baroness
- Well known knight
- Probably one of the five strongest warriors in the kingdom
- Under Sirge's protection

- Has difficulty showing emotion
- Can't wear plate, isn't compatible with her fighting style
- Low stamina, sickly constitution
- Unreasonable worrywart when it comes to Sirge
- Heavy dependence on Sirge

Genovia has known Sirge the longest, practically growing up together. They were both weak, 'talentless' children. Genovia used Sirge as an inspiration, desiring to become a knight that could protect him, and Genovia unknowingly sparked Sirge's current ideologies with her struggles. As someone who has known him the longest, Genovia is aware of every single quirk he has, every rule he obeys, everything that ticks him off. She's also fully aware of the methods he employs, and how he feels about everything he does. Unlike Neska, who doesn't know everything about Sirge because Sirge purposefully keeps some parts of him hidden from her, or Serena, who turns a blind eye to several of his more disagreeable actions, Genovia has spent many late nights cooperating with him and soothing him. She has bathed in the same blood he has, and they share the burden of everything that must be done.
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Name Alexander De Moral

Age 20


Personality: Alexander is a very 'out of the shadows' kind of man. He speaks little of his past and even less of himself. Some claim he's too emotional. Others say that he is secretly a demon that is planning the overthrowing of the king when all is at its weakest. In truth, nobody really know what he is. I don't blame them. People will take any information they can get these days. If only they knew the truth...

Bio (Optional)

Skills/Powers (One or other not both.)

Alignment: Lawful Good (My usual Choice btw)

Boon(s): Sword fighting, Defensive roles

Bane(s): Crossbows, less average endurance
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Boon(s): Beer, Wine, Fighting (for honor)

Bane(s): Dire wolves, Archers, Mages (He HATES these beyond belief)
I think you mix up what Boon and bane mean..
A boon is a strength
A bane is a weakness

These would be considered likes and dislikes, friend.
Name: Tsula
Age: 19
Role: Tribal Leader

Personality: Pros: Kind, Caring Cons: Troublesome, Lazy
Bio (Optional)
Skills/Power: Strength, Animal mimicry, Firebreathing
Alignment: Against the King, Lawful Good
Boon: Friendly towards others who are in danger, She have a good sense of humour.
Bane: Uncertain about Western Culture, Her Tribe is under attack by the King's soldiers.
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Name: Miguel Santiago
Alias: The Bandit King, Sir Sniper, The Warden of the Woods.
Age: 25yrs.
(With cloak and armor)
683903df1c5556e6119a0f5b7f8c3a2d.jpg(without cloak and armor.)

Personality:Miguel is a Charming and charismatic individual. He exudes confidence and wit always seeming several steps ahead of most people, though that is a face he wears. In reality the young man plans nothing, he flys by the seat of his pants and anyone who sees him work will quickly figure that out. Yet he is a quick thinker, who is quick on his feet and luckier than a rabbits foot. Another thing that other people will recognize quickly, is that this man is in it for himself.
Bio: coming soon
Skills/Powers: Master Marksman- With a bow Miguel is deadly at any range. He can hit targets most would deem impossible and even fire multiple arrows at once accurately. He is also trained in a form of martial arts that uses the arrow as a close range weapon and the bow as one would a staff, setting foes up for lethal point blank shots. He is also decently skilled with the short sword on his hip but is by no means a master of it.

Master survivalist- Miguel is as at home in the wilderness as the animals that live there. He can move quickly and silently in the terrain, build functional well hidden shelters, tell the difference between what is and isnt toxic, and even hide himself with a natural camouflage made from mud bark and leaves. Using these skills he has managed to outpace those who would pursue him while in his natural territory.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Boon(s): Silver tongue, balanced fighter, Tactical, Stealthy AF.

Bane(s): Selfish, can be outclassed in Direct Close combat, Can be a jerk at times, very Reclusive​
Name: Miguel Santiago
Alias: The Bandit King, Sir Sniper, The Warden of the Woods.
Age: 25yrs.
Appearance:View attachment 417031
(With cloak and armor)
View attachment 417032(without cloak and armor.)

Personality:Miguel is a Charming and charismatic individual. He exudes confidence and wit always seeming several steps ahead of most people, though that is a face he wears. In reality the young man plans nothing, he flys by the seat of his pants and anyone who sees him work will quickly figure that out. Yet he is a quick thinker, who is quick on his feet and luckier than a rabbits foot. Another thing that other people will recognize quickly, is that this man is in it for himself.
Bio: coming soon
Skills/Powers: Master Marksman- With a bow Miguel is deadly at any range. He can hit targets most would deem impossible and even fire multiple arrows at once accurately. He is also trained in a form of martial arts that uses the arrow as a close range weapon and the bow as one would a staff, setting foes up for lethal point blank shots. He is also decently skilled with the short sword on his hip but is by no means a master of it.

Master survivalist- Miguel is as at home in the wilderness as the animals that live there. He can move quickly and silently in the terrain, build functional well hidden shelters, tell the difference between what is and isnt toxic, and even hide himself with a natural camouflage made from mud bark and leaves. Using these skills he has managed to outpace those who would pursue him while in his natural territory.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Boon(s): Silver tongue, balanced fighter, Tactical, Stealthy AF.

Bane(s): Selfish, can be outclassed in Direct Close combat, Can be a jerk at times, very Reclusive​
Something about this is preventing me from accepting him. I just have a weird feeling about it..
Well what might it be? Would you prefer a heavily armored knight who works for the king and loves it?
It's not that. It's hard to put a finger on it, it's weird. it's like I'm conflicted, this has never happened before. Everything looks good.
It's not that. It's hard to put a finger on it, it's weird. it's like I'm conflicted, this has never happened before. Everything looks good.
Perhaps it would work better when i drop the bio. Its in the works at the moment.
It's an odd feeling, I tell you. Not knowing what to do with a CS lol
These things happen. Again i can make a new character no problem. Does the king have any kind of gladiator arena?

I could make a common pick pocket.

A Mage trying to help the people from the kings side.

You've given me a good template to work with i have no shortage of ideas.

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