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Realistic or Modern Kings and Queens -Gang Rp-


//I love you, don’t you mind?//
In the dark streets of Harlem,New York,a gun firing echos off the buildings. No one panics,no one even flinches. They know that at night,the streets are ruled by the gangs.


•You can make your own gang

•Limit of 3 characters per person

•Fade to black if necessary 

•Control your characters,no one else's 

Character Sheet















Name: Alaska Jane Collins

Age: 21 

Gender: Female 

Personality: Alaska is a very laid back,chill person. She never really was one for fighting. She is an incredibly nice girl when you first meet her and is helpful to anyone,just not rivals. If you made her mad,she will hold that grudge for a while but if you make her angry,expect to be punched or experience some sort of pain.

History(optional): Alaska is originally from Puerto Rico,making her have a slight accent when she speaks. When she was 17,her parents,her,and her younger brother moved to Harlem,New York. Something about a better life? It was at the start,but after Alaska met Nathan everything went downhill. She started getting into drugs and gang violence. Even though,she loves him,a lot actually,and he loves her too since they only got each other. Now,she's always by his side when he's with his gang.





+Quiet,violentless nights

+The rain




-Loud noises

-Being alone

Gang: Her boyfriend,Nathan,is the leader of the Blue Dogg gang. 

Family: Her mother Serena,her father Carlos,and little brother Sam

Appearance: View attachment 218725

View attachment 218726

Weapons?: She has her own pink handgun,but she never wants to use it.

Other: Anyone can play Nathan 
Name: Danny
Gender: Boy
Personality:You won't like me. But I don't give a f.
Likes: Happiness.
Dislikes: Suffering.
Gang: Just himself for now.
Family: He doesn't talk to them. Doesn't like them. They don't like him.
Weapons?: For now just his own bare hands.
Relationships?: none yet

Name: Yui

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy and cold blooded 

History(optional): From when she was youn she was taught how to kill and you us emotions known as "the princess" there is always eyes on her all she has to do is snap her fingers and someone will be taken out. She finds it very hard to make friends and most people dont like her because in some way she more then likely killed a member of there family. 

She is alsow the only daughter/ child to the leadernof the yakuza

Likes: Sweet and spicy food and The idea of having friends 

Dislikes: Being called the princess and rude people

Gang: the Yakuza (kinda like a mafia)

Family: Father (AKA Boss man)

Mother (She Tourchers people)


Her Shadow (Her personal protecter no one has ever seen or heard him)


Weapons?: 2 small revolvers and 3 small knifes and plenty of goons and her shadow

Relationships?: (none but im open to one)

Other: She trys to be nice.... But she is quite quick to kill she also gets straight As.

Name: Jackson

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Innocent and funny

History(optional): Jackson owns his own music store in Harlem not much is known about him but in a town of murder and betrayal he's on of the only friendly faces.

Likes: Good music and films, chatting to his staff and customers

Dislikes: Violence

Gang: Not in a gang

Family: Has a twin sister called Katie


Weapons?: Keeps his dad's old army revolver under the cash register but only because of where he works

Relationships?: None but he is a hopeless romantic

Other: Although he is nice and innocent and doesn't get involved with any gang related activity he is loyal to a fault and will defend anyone he cares about.
Christopher Leclerc











154 Pounds


Christopher is described as a brilliant individual who does whatever it takes to get things his way. Either by killing or bribing his way to the higher steps of power. While this may seem unsettling, Christopher is quite a calm and humble citizen of the big apple. His intentions are followed with rationality. In rare instances, he has done something against his own laws out of his own anger or guilt. Regardless, Christopher is direct with people. He does not see himself beating around the bush to get to his point.

As leader of The Golden Tiger's he has an immense responsibility to uphold his reputation as the leader and will sacrifice much to protect it. Being resourceful, efficient, and surprising confident, Christopher makes quick work of the problems surrounding him and his gang. With the talk of diplomacy, Christopher is more than happy to become cooperative with anyone he meets. Of course, with a price.

Like all men sin of greed, Christopher expects that the deal benefits him with or without the benefit of the associate. Christopher is also designated as a cultured gentleman. He takes all forms of art and integrates them into his lifestyle. He has a high appreciation of sharing his love for them for others to observe their unique marvel. Suggested to his appearance, Christopher addresses himself as elegant and polished. This can be seen with his choice of wording and movement. Civilized as he is, do not take him lightly. A man with coin is considerably powerful.


Christopher comes from a rather medium sized family. This includes his Father, Arthur Leclerc, and his Mother, Sylvaine Leclerc. He is also related to his older Brother and Sister, Léon and Claude. Although his relationship with them is detached, he has taken a liking to his brother due to their closeness.


To aid him in self-defense, he holds onto his trusty 1911 Colt for when he needs to put some distance between himself and the target. For close quarter combat, he pulls out his Dual Push Knives or if cannot, resorts to his bare hands.


♤ Culture (Art, Music, etc.)

♤ Drinking

♤ Socializing

♤ Money

♤ Peaceful environments


♢ Resorting to violence with other options open, however, will have no issues using it

♢ Those who betray him

♢ Harm to his gang

♢ [Maybe will add more]

Personal Backstory

What can be said about a man born into a life of luxury? Some say he is ignorant, careless, spoiled, has a lack of skills, and above everyone else. Not in the case of Christopher. Born into the Leclerc family, Bordeaux France, Christopher was raised in that said life of luxury. But not in the way you expect. Their wealth was built by his late father's company. Pinnacle Arts, a military development company. The company is known by the international community for its reliable products to several governments and private contractors. However, rumors surfaced of the corporation selling its weapons to terrorist organizations and other groups threatening the global security.

Yes, Christopher cared little of his family's wealth and success. It was not his, to begin with. During his early life, he competed against his two older siblings. His brother, Léon, and sister, Claude. The two were about three years older than Christopher. This was a great disadvantage for him. His parents often turned their attention to them rather than him because he was youngest in the group. It forced him to depend on only himself and no one else. On the other hand, his brother had shined a dash of kindness above him despite their vast differences. They shared a bond in which Christopher considered him his best friend. Although, the two still fought one another. Entering his teenage years, Christopher took the chance to enroll boarding school in the middle east. There, he quickly surpassed his studies of mathematics and science. Upon his initial successes, he learned his true love of art and culture. Fascinated with the stories behind each tale, Christopher set out the desert landscape in search of more treasures. Unfortunately, he was met only with the horror and cruelty of human nature. Civil wars, terrorist groups, and other atrocities. There was nothing here for him but death and despair.

Frustrated, he would find another way to secure his precious treasures. He continued his schooling until he reached the age of maturity of adulthood. At Oxford, he decided to set his path. After many late nights, he achieved his bachelor's degree in economics and fled to New York to start his new life. From there, he met a man called Kenneth. The two got along well enough. So well that Kenneth asked Christopher if he wanted to join his gang, The Golden Tigers. Without hesitation, he accepted. Years pass on. Christopher quickly rose through the ranks due to his skill in finance. As the group's accountant, he was valuable beyond any measure. On the day of Kenneth's death, a new leader had to be chosen. Seizing the opportunity, Christopher swiftly took command of the fractured organization. With large amounts of funds and power at his disposable, the group expanded their sphere of influence controlling parts of Manhatten and the cities ports. Securing trade routes and operating in several questionable industries, the gang rose to become a powerhouse within the city.

It was soon after that Christopher turned his eyes towards the streets of Harlem.


The Golden Tigers


At the mere moment, Christopher is not in any relationships.
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over all Adelina is the independed and bad ass girl. She's strong willed and can handle her self in every situations. But she's also a die hard romantic and often pursues any one she finds handsome or beautiful because she longs for love. Being bisexual she normally flirts with guys and girls but only ones she wouldn't mind dating. She's clingy to her lover and is very protective especially if they are younger than her. She gets very jealous very easily when it comes to her relationships. Other than that she's like the extremely sexy Tom boy that also is girlie XD




her tattoos


making her father proud

having money


disapointing her father 

being alone

fighting with her spouse 

current occupation: 

eir to the mafia/ stripper


Italian mafia


her father who is head of the Italian mafia and a younger sister who is more like her daughter because she raises her.










(Some of her favorite tattoos among her many many tattoos that cover most of her body)




None but is really looking for that some one


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A'marion McCoy






A'marion is a cynical character among nearly everyone, often seen selling some sort of drug. If you get to know him, he's in ill angered and mannered person and will lash out you for even the smallest things. He loves to fight and is not afraid to use his guns or jump you with his gang. Though that's the bad side of A'marion. He will protect you until his dying breath, whether you're  just rookie in the gang or his kingpin.




+ Guns

+ Girls

+ Gang Banging

+ Weed

+ Lean (a drug that's a mixture of Codeine Syrup, Soda and Jolly Rancher . . . This drug can really fuck you up if you abuse it. Just look like at Lil Wayne . . .) 


+ Police

+ Authority

+ Crips


Elm Street Piru


His dad got arrested for multiple gang related crimes and will spend life in jail. His mother works at a diner in Harlem.


+ Glock 40 (30 Rounds)

+ AK-47 (Called a Draco in street terminology)


N/A yet. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.


Has a Pitbull named Bailey

Theme Song:
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Niki and Jeremiah 


22 and 27


female and male


Niki- Very Promiscuous, Confident, Merciless, Cold Hearted, Manipulative, Very organized, sometimes quiet

Jeremiah- Organized, Mean, Careless, Outgoing, Loyal, Trustworthy, Protective, Outspoken, Blunt


Niki- Guys, Drinking, Partying, Working, Money, Using drugs, Dancing, Jeremiah (FAMILY WISE)

Jeremiah-Girls, Making money, Weed, Pitbulls, Football, Food(I mean who hates food?)


Niki- Annoying people, not having her full hit, being bored, not making money, guys who throw themselves at her

Jeremiah- Lashing out, Not getting what he deserves, Uncooperative people, cops


right now they are both on there own.


They are brother and sister. Thats pretty much all they have


Niki- Few knives, a gun, 

Jeremiah-his hands, a gun, few knives


None for either of them.


Name: Luna Ara

Nicknames: Bubbles, Rainbow, Giggles (mostly her drug dealing names)

Age: 21

Gender: female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'6

Personality: Luna is very enthusiastic and seems to be always smiling. Don't be fooled though because she can turn into a  monster in an instant. Guess most people would call her bipolar, but she tries to hide it. Luna isn't afraid of a fight but she normally tries to avoid them, her main goal being to make her life a giant party and to be high as hell while doing it. Sometimes she can't help being a major flirt but hey, it's part of the fun in life. Luna also loves dying her hair, she does it constantly and almost has a new color every day. This crazy rainbow also loves to be loved.

History: Lunas parents were druggie deadbeats who hit each other and her for kicks. Finally around the age of 16 she got thrown into the system and discovered that drugs could actually be kinda fun. Then she fell in love with a never ending party, oh and hair dye, lots and lots of hair dye. All the crap she's taken and her entire childhood pretty much screwed with her head, so now she's forever giggling and smiling. Now the party never ends for her as she's always on the run from the real world. 

Likes: Drugs, partying, dancing, flirting, fast cars, thrills, whiskey, any kind of music, physical contact, being pampered, and color.

Dislikes: People disrespecting cause she's a chick, law, cops, small spaces, people who break promises, liars, reality, boredom, being ignored.

Gang: She's kind of a drug dealer for higher, so she just skips around gangs, making friends and enemies, causing trouble.... all that good jazz.


Appearance: Luna is always dying her hair a new color. She has a couple tattoos on her hands and Luna also has light eyes.

Weapons: She's pretty damn good with a knife, so Luna has a couple hidden around her body, from switch blades to throwing knives. She has one handgun that she keeps.

Relationships:(message me)

Other: Luna has a female pet snake named Gemini.

Her theme song would be "Don't threaten me with a good time" by Panic! At the Disco







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Hey @Taylor152 hon long time, no see! I was just wondering when you were going to let this RP kick off?









Typically tight lipped, witty, Highly intelligent, Highly stylish, stand offish, can seem stern or mature, possessive, perceptive, Responsible, honorable, respectable, can be charming and persuasive, quite logical. caring, humble


Not much is known about Shah's history or even how she came to be.

She's been in this game for a long time and has built merit with a lot of different gangs

as such most steer clear of offending her as she is in the hierarchy or crime society.


Her business


meeting new people

Sebastiani red wine

White Zinfandel wine

Grey and purple








Unintelligent people





Unrespectful people

Underestimating her

Snakes (figure of speech)

When others mess with things(or people) that are under her protection


She has no gang nor wants one. She is simply a business woman able to get many things from many places and information on anyone.


She is estranged from her family due to various reasons she would rather not think on as it is rather upsetting for her. She is the oldest born child.



(unknown whereabouts)

6 Brothers

3 Sisters


5'8 145lbs

Her physique is primarily muscular and tough

Flexibility is a bit over average but barely recognizable. 

She has grace and charisma


1 swiss army knife

1 switch blade

1 9mm beretta pistol polished silver

2 50 cal semi auto desert eagles colored a burnt bronze


Friends and business associates with:

Yui of the Yakuza

Christopher Leclerc of the Golden Tigers

Luna Ara the drug dealer

The Italian Mafia and Adelina

(Message me for anyone else)


Has a middle eastern accent that comes and goes by itself.

Currently training to become a 1st degree expert in mma/ so far is up to a brown belt

twirls a lock of her curly hair when in deep thought or has strong emotions

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Oziyah Sellers






Oziyah is very loyal to his gang. He will kill, assault or even torture anyone who messes with him or his gang. He is ruthless and relentless when he's in a fight and will never stop hitting you, whether he's about to get knocked out or the fight just started. He lives by two oaths, "fuck the police" and "money over hoes". He isn't afraid to get arrested mainly because he has a lot of connections in jail. 


+ Money

+ Weed

+ Sex

+ Strip clubs

+ Basketball

+ Rap

+ Guns

+ His gang


- Police

- Authority

- Rules

- Feeling helpless

- Jail


Black P Stone


His dad is the kingpin in his set and his mother was shot dead to be shown as an example by rival gang members. He has a brother who's paralyzed after he got shot three times in a drive-by shooting because he was also involved in the same gang Oziyah's in.


Sig Saur (9mm)

Pocket Knife


PM me



Theme Song:
bobby I'm uncultured.jpg


Nathan Jackson






Nathan loves Alaska very much, but often uses her during things like drug deals. Even though he does abuse her indirectly, he is willing to give up his gang life and his own  life for her and has gone to jail for her multiple times. He's often kind to fellow gang members but treats most civilians with disdain. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty but often tells his goons to do most the dirty work. 


Nathan grew up in the slums of east side Harlem where gangs, crime and drugs were a common sight. He is the youngest of one other brother and two sisters. His father whose name is DeShawn Jackson was apart of the Crips gang before, but has now moved to a nicer area all the way to California with Nathan's mother. Growing up, Nathan had earned a reputation as a curious child, often trying to figure out how objects worked.

Nathan went to school nearly everyday, only to get in trouble about forty times a year for fighting and once got arrested for drug possession. Once Nathan became a teenager, he got heavily involved in street life, now skipping school to sell drugs to earn some money and to hang out with friends.

The next year, Nathan got arrested for drug trafficking and was released at the age of seventeen. Him and his friends had already formed the gang they called "Blue Doggs" but they didn't think of themselves as a gang, just a group of friends that wanted to have a little bit of fun.

One night, at a party, Nathan met a girl named Alaska. They were both a little drunk and high and weren't thinking straight and ended up making love. They decided that they wanted to be together. At first, Nathan didn't tell her anything, but as the years past, his secret was revealed to Alaska.

Alaska ended up joining his gang and they have been together for about five years.   


+ Alaska

+ His gang

+ Weed

+ Selling drugs

+ Being a bad boy


+ Authority

+ Rival gangs/gang members

+ Jail

+ Heavy metal music


Blue Dogg


His father was a Crip along with his mother. They left their children to live a better life in California. He has three other siblings, his brother is dead and one of his sisters in jail. He has no idea where is other sister is.


Nathan has an arsenal of weapons, ranging from pistols to shotguns. His favorite weapons is his AR-15 and his Glock 18. 


Alaska Jane Collins



Theme Song:
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Name: Erik McDanard

Age: 23

Gender: Male


-Erik's a distrusting person, which isn't a bad thing in his line of work. He's also a sarcastic dick that lies, cheats, and steals whenever he can, but he's pretty good at all of those things. Often double-crossing people, he has to juggle several lies at the same time to keep it up. However, he's adapted to being a decietful shit, so it doesn't get him down in the slightest. In fact, he's actually pretty perky most of the time.


-Involved in drugs since he was a teenager, Erik's always been good at getting people to see his points and charming them. He's the middle man or courier for most of the gangs in the city, running drugs most often, and the occasional firearms. Not usually selling them to individual people himself, he does keep a portion of the delivery to himself sometimes, and tried to make a little on the side.


-A good deal

-Money, money money

-Chillin' around


-Aggressive people

-Things going wrong

-Being cheated

Gang: None

Family: None


View attachment 169947


-A Glock 19

-A handful of knives


-TBD ((pm me i guess))
Name: Jack Stevenson

Age: 23

Gender: male

Personality: Jack is a quiet individual and tends to sneak around rather than being loud and seen. He is rather calculating when he needs to be. He is a huge smart ass and lacks respect for most people in general.

History(optional): Jack grew up with just a mother, He has a history of addiction and has only recently kicked it. He has been selling on street corners since 18 and hasnt faced any jail time. 

Likes: Individuals that think similarly, Breaking stuff, Grunge/ punk style music, Playing guitars and smoking weed

Dislikes: Disrespectful individuals, People pushing on his turf, Early mornings and cop's.

Gang: Currently on his own dealing and no affiliation yet. Has had run ins with gangs before.

Family: Just his mother, His father was absent when he was a child and no one was there to be a father figure.

Appearance:View attachment 223792

Weapons?: View attachment 223795

CZ 75 Full Auto Machine Pistol

View attachment 223796

357. Magnum

And a few knives


None to date



Theme Song: 

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