Kingdoms of Twilight [Character Sheets and Signup]


Hit Me!
This is the character list for anyone who wants to join in on the RP Kingdoms of Twilight! Here's a link to the story and background, read up!:

But yeah, we need people to play as the Six Heroes, along with any other character you want, but here's the basic template for the characters:

~Character Bio~

Character Name:

Age: (High School age)

Allegiance: Hallavera or Terradwer (Depending on which Character you chose)

Desired Rune: (Trave, Twis, or Mel)


Personalty Traits:

Character History:

Appearance: (Picture or description, your choice!)

PM me with any questions or anything!
Character Name: Delani Cruiz

Age: 15


Desired Rune: Angelic

Weapon: None. (I'll have to PM you about my ideas for her abilities.)

Personalty Traits: She's quiet. Shy and keeps to herself. In school she'd always sit in the back, her hoodie always covering half her face. She writes in her little black notebook, whether it is a diary or a journal or just a regular notebook, no one knows. She trusts no one as is quite a loner, her past made her a damaged person, unwilling to talk unless she knows that this person will do nothing to harm her.

Character History: Delani was never really a people's person, even before the accident that left her an orphan. Her stepmother is a lawyer, getting paid with huge sums of money that she is given almost everyday to use. Though she never really uses it. Not like regular teens anyways. No one knows where she lives, because she'd always wait until it is well after dismissal to leave school, she'd always stay in the pool with her legs half in until she thinks it is ready to leave. Delani was never popular, always criticized for the way she dresses up in baggy clothes and dark hoodies. She'd always drown out the insults with her trusty iPod though, which, very like her notebook, keeps many of her secrets. The songs she plays are always the mood she is in. She never gets much sleep, people speculate that she has insomnia, though no one ever bothers to ask. All in all, she's very mysterious.

Appearance: I'll upload a picture for you later. Just know she has pitch black hair with unnaturally bright green eyes. And she's VERY short. Like 5"0 short.
Character Name: Cael

Age: 17

Allegiance: Hallavera

Desired Rune: Devil

Weapon: None, just his own body

Personality Traits: In school, he was fun and outgoing; hiding a deeper guilt, but the Devil rune has caused a shift in his personality. The constant pain it causes makes him irritable and constantly angry. He is not a quiet guy, and won’t back down from a challenge. Some may think of him as a cold person, but he is very close to the people he cares about, willing to die for any of his closest friends.

Character History: Cael was the starting pointguard on his high school’s basketball team and was a normal kid back in school. He was a hard worker, and everyone would say that he had a bright future ahead of him. He was quick to smile, and the other kids always had nothing but nice things to say about him. He worked hard to get to where he was, and he earned the respect of both his peers and his coaches. However, despite the successes he found in life, he was plagued by a darker side. An alcoholic father, who slowly drank himself deeper and deeper into despair, raised him and his younger brother Galen following the death of their mother during childbirth. Cael would try to avoid his father when he could, but his brother would always get the brunt of the abuse. A year ago, when Cael was 16, his father, passed out from drinking too much, was unable to notice Galen having a extremely severe asthma attack upstairs. Galen, unable to breath, passed away that night, with Cael being the one to return home to find his younger brother. A deeply traumatic event, Cael forever holds himself accountable, carrying a deep sense of guilt as well as smoldering anger. Following the scarring of the Devil rune, Cael found himself tortured by his inner demons, with the voices inside his head tormenting him about his deepest, darkest insecurities and fears, feeding his hatred

Appearance: View attachment 2132
I was thinking she chopped her hair short just recently because she was pissed off at it for being in the way when she was writing... So when she took the scissors to just snip it off, the teacher got mad and took her to the guidance counselor. And the students thinking she's more of a freak for doing that... What do you think?

Oh, and i wanted to ask where we're going to start.
Character Name: Jennel Shea

Age: 17

Allegiance: Terradwer

Desired Rune: Twis

Weapon: Bow and two daggers

Personalty Traits: Jennel is a tough, outspoken girl. She has a bit of an anger problem and can get in your face if you upset her. She rarely gets upset and would rather beat someone up then cry about them. She is also somewhat cocky and is more of action before thinking, which lands her into fights and trouble. She is average in her smarts and doesn't care too much about school, only that she needs to get through it. Jennel is althletic and is on the track team.

Character History: Jennel has a normal life at home She tends to think little of her parents at time, not caring that she gets into trouble at school. She is a rebellious teenager around then and cannot wait until she moves out. At school she is the same, getting into trouble and not really caring too much about how people view her. Jennel hasn't always been this way but over the years she had decided that action spoke louder than words most of the time and that most people don't actually care. This came as the result of people betraying her trust before, like when a consulor agreed to keep something secret, then told her parents or when her friends in middle school backstabbed her. Jennel is waiting for the day she graduates so that she can move far away from her home and town. She wants to start anew where people don't know her or her reputation.

Appearance: archer/phoenixtora/Anime/art03.jpg?o=65
Character Name: Zero

Age: 16

Allegiance: Terradwer

Desired Rune: Trave

Weapon: Uses a battle ax

Personalty Traits: Zero is very loud, tomboyish, and quirky, she loves to use sarcasm and has a morbid sense of humor. She is very mischievous and has made a talent out of getting into trouble.

Character History: Zero has grown up being taken care of by her three older brothers because her parents were always gone on business trips, therefore they were never home. Being raised by three guys she has come to act like one.

Character Name: Lite Rige

Allegiance: Hallavera

Desired Rune: Trave

Weapon: Preferred sword and shield but, can deal with any other weapon.

Personalty Traits: Military mastermind! In his own head... Lite is a well known weapon's master and is very cocky about it. Hes a jerk and an a-hole and he doesn't treat much anyone kindly. He, at times, well seem kind but will eventually try to use everyone as a tool to reach his goal. He usually find one person that he enjoys and begins to treat them with kindness. In battle he is relentless and almost reckless. He aims to wreck havoc on the faces of his enemies with both his blade and soul. He serves his country with great honor... to a point!

Character History: Born of a noble family he was instantly raised as a important person! He went into training in strategy and combat at the age of 8 and by 16 he became a beacon of power for his side.



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