[Kingdoms of the Fae] Elegant Pavilion Beyond The Fourth Wall

ooh la la, Dis seems like it should provide hours of fun and amusement.. Now ot get the finishing touches of my group completed!! now out of curiosity, um do you plan to adjust all nation templates and the like, or are you just using that as a place holder untill we get around to it?
I had no huge plans to adjust any templates. I just find the formatting on this site a nuisance to wrestle with.

I may delete the existing character threads so you guys can re-post your own, the easier to make changes as needed.

Actually, yeah, you guys go ahead and post character threads in the Monsters & Other Childish Things subforum according the original template, and I'll delete the ones I posted, then post what I have to post for revisions in your own threads.
Oh gee. Playing with mortals is no joke.

Regarding the anatomy of a fairy, is committed Gossamer stored? Ex. Potential commits x Gossamer to making a vast realm, y to a court dais, z to creatures, and a to making gifts. So if x + y + z + a = 30, Potential can't convert any more Aether to Gossamer?
It'd be more accurate to say you have X Aether and 30 Gossamer. Spend any Gossamer at all, and you can then convert more Aether until you have 30 Gossamer again. If you try to revoke committed Gossamer while your pool is full, at 30, that Gossamer may be lost.
Grey said:
It'd be more accurate to say you have X Aether and 30 Gossamer. Spend any Gossamer at all, and you can then convert more Aether until you have 30 Gossamer again. If you try to revoke committed Gossamer while your pool is full, at 30, that Gossamer may be lost.
So about that revoked Gossamer. (Sorry for the deluge of questions.) X3 What happens to that lost Gossamer? Does it become 1 Aether for every 8 Gossamer?
You can make the conversion, yeah. Any odd amounts that can't be divided so cleanly are snapped up by nearby lesser Fae.

See, lesser Fae need Aether to develop new Aspects. You guys are at 10 Aspects, which is maxed, so you don't need Aether for that.
So tempted to visit the White Desert. Such creative things happening there. (But Potential might not get along with Addiction even though drugs were used to achieve higher states of consciousness oh man look at them those enthralled people are kinda huh do they have a mind left to mess with?) X3 Post moar I'm addicted.
Having a heckuva fun with Addiction. =D I'm busy thinking how to be horrible to this poor sod. will post when I'm home.
Ok, laptop died for good. Will have to wait until July 3rd to get a new one. Until then I'll have to post from my phone. Preemptive apology for no formatting and typos >_<
eszett said:
Ok, laptop died for good. Will have to wait until July 3rd to get a new one. Until then I'll have to post from my phone. Preemptive apology for no formatting and typos >_<
Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. Hope you can grab the data.
God, it's got three years' writing and game save data in it ;_; It has nothing that will kill me by losing it unlike the last time, but still... I want the data back.

Oh, wow, ouch. That happened to me just last year. It was awful.

It should be possible to save your data, though, if perhaps a little expensive.
You can take it to a repair place and get the hard drive ripped out, or at least the data, id specifically ask them if you could get the data off, not can you rip my hard drive out as i think now days Labtop hard drives are integrated but still.
@Cirno - I don't know the code for the OOC spoiler, so; You started with 30 Gossamer in addition to the Cycle's Aether, and I think you can get away with 2 Gossamer per chair. Maybe 3 for a really nice one.
Hrm. Let's go with a really nice one (usually reserved for Mystery) and two more. 7 Gossamer.

Oh, it's the spoiler tags and an extra = value.

[spoiler='Anything you want'][/spoiler]
Ah, cool, thanks. Remember that you can simple dissolve the chairs back into Gossamer if you should need to.
0burn - Would you mind playing out the Champion creation a wee bit differently? The mortal has to consent, and give you something, but once that is done you can gift them however you please. Turning him into a honey badger costs quite some Gossamer, incidentally.
Hm. Transitioning to Night's realm would be nice for my character, I think.

Are we synchronizing across threads?
Night, Addiction, and Slavery together? *fans self*

Regarding Champions, is it possible to be acting (or claiming to act) on behalf of another Fae Noble when giving them gifts? Or would that get headachey to keep track of?

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