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Fantasy Duality


Boink Bean
Alexander stood overlooking the house where the pack stayed for most of their hours, chatting, eating, and going on patrols in turns. He exhaled deeply, he was left for quite sometime without warning. He had fled to northern Canada after his younger sister died. The pack has been hunted by the mortals for quite sometime now, and now they have killed his younger sister. The man claimed to the police that he swore it was a wolf, one of the largest he has ever seen.. He shot her.. and when he approached the carcass, it wasn't a wolf, yet a young girl. He was arrested for murder, and Alexander watched from the back of the court room as he was found guilty. Then he simply left, without a word to his pack.

The massive black wolf made his way towards the house, it was early morning, and the dew clung it his thick fur. He sighed as he shifted into his human form, only wearing black cargo shorts, his abdomen exposed in all its glory as he entered the home. He glanced around before slowly walking up the stairs towards his room.
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Cari had taken over, sorta, with the other Beta's. She kept the Pack calm after her Alpha left. Alex, his own voice in her head, the day he had introduced himself to her when she wound up at the Pack's doorstep. A deep longing to see him filled her, as she had more than just admired him as her Alpha. But he never imprinted on her, so...she had to be his friend at least. Still, her feeling lingered on. What Cari didn't understand is why he left. Why wouldn't he say something to the Pack? To her? She thought they were best friends. Her huge Wolf head swung back and forth as if to shake the thought off. He didn't run away from you. He has no feelings for you. He must have his own reason, Cari, give him some time. But he didn't have a lot. No matter how many times she pleaded his case, the Beta's searched among them for a new Alpha. One to take their MIA Alpha who had left them for dead.
The house was rather quite, almost abandoned. He growled softly before walking back down the steps. He ran outside slightly and shifted into his form. He glanced around, before tipping his massive head back, letting out a loud calling howl. The beautiful sound echoed through the forest, his howls were always the loudest throughout the forest, and had a particular hint to them that one could not explain.

Zach was laying near Cari when a howl reached his ears, he lifted his head. It was Alex, it had to be! He was the first to bound off towards the calling sound of his alpha, his brother. Quite of few of the other pack members followed after Zack, running through the forest like a stampede. Zach halted at the tree line, a massive black wolf stood in front of the pack's house. It was Alex. Zach whimpered and ran towards his larger sibling happily. "
You're back!" He barked happily, before rubbing his head against Alex's. The alpha greeted his sibling with a gentle nuzzle, before more of the pack came forward, sniffing and wagging their tails happily, happy their alpha was alive, and back.
Cari pushed forward, knowing by the howl it was Alex. She groaned in relief and raced towards the sound of his voice. Alex! He's back! Thank god, I wouldn't have been able to stand it if one of these other male's got in as Alpha! She caught scent of him finally, running after the long lost leader. She came upon him, Zach beating her. She wanted to be the first one, but knew his brother should be there. Family before Pack. She stood behind the crowd of Pack, wagging her tail. But she soon realized she was in line and just let out a brief cry of pain and sat, watching him. Cari wasn't going to wait. Besides, he was probably sick of seeing her day and night...
Alex's ears twitched at the familiar sounded whimper, he looked towards Cari and wagged his tail gently. He nuzzled a few more pack mates before approaching her. "Good to see you again." Zach ignored that it was Cari's turn to visit him after the long month he had been away. Zach looked up at his brother, wagging his tail happily. "Why did you leave? And where is Ellie?" Zach questioned, He tilted his head slightly, one of his ears drooping slightly. He was the youngest wolf in the pack, and by far the most clueless at times. Ellie was their younger sister, who died a few months ago without Zach,and the rest of the pack knowing. "I needed to think." Alex responded calmly, Zach twitched his ears slightly. "Well then what about Ellie." Alex's ears flicked back slightly in grief. "Zach... Ellie was killed by hunters last month.." Zach's eyes widened slightly, "What?" Alex sighed deeply, "I left because-" Zach bared his teeth suddenly. "You left because she died?!" He barked, the fur along his back bristled slightly. "Did you think that only effects you?" Zach snapped aggressively. Yet the young wolf didn't wait for his brother's response before running off into the forest. He sprinted full speed, thought raining through his mind. Ellie was dead... His best friend... He ran for quite a bit before finding himself deep in the forest, alone. He shifted into his human form, cargo shorts and a black shirt. He sat on a tree stump and sighed deeply, holding his head in his hands as he stared down at the dirt.
Cari opened her mouth to say hello, tail wagging and ears back, pleased he had come to her. But Zach...oh poor Zach, he must be devastated. She never really knew Ellie, it not expected of her but she knew how hard it was to lose a family member. Especially a sibling. But this wasn't about her. "Come on," she spoke softly, nodded in the direction of his runaway brother. Her fur brushed his and his scent washed over her, a warm, clean scent mingled with cedarwood. She sighed happily that he was back and got about running. Cari was fast but not as fast as the young male and kept behind, waiting for Alex to come along. She wished that they would've had time to sit and talk, missing that face of his among other things but she couldn't be selfish now.
James had been resting on a rock near a creek, sitting with his black jeans rolled up to just below his knees. His light eyes trailed along the ripples his swinging legs left in the misty green of the water. His head lifted at the sound of leafs rustling and branches snapping, he turned and his gaze focused on a dark wolf stumbling into his unofficial territory. The nineteen year old stood from his perch on the rock and shifted into the large white wolf he was familiar with, his steely blue eyes landed on the teen wolf, a low snarl crawling its way out of James's chest. The dark dusting of black on his coat gleamed in the light that squeezed its way through the canopy. He took slow steps towards the teen, ears flicking and upper lip curled to reveal his ivory teeth. He shifted back into his human form, clad in black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. "Who are you, and why are you here?" His deep voice was a low rumble, blue eyes sharp and locked onto the blue eyed teen. ( @Cyber Wolf )

Guinivere was wandering through the forest, awaiting to feed on some of the animals that roamed the parts, her lightly tanned arms covered in a tight leather jacket. Her blue gaze roamed around the forest, tense at the knowledge that werewolves roamed these plains. The half-blood knelt onto the ground and pinched some damp soil from a print between her fingers, rubbing them together before taking a small sniff. A doe, recently in the area, and alone. A slow grin came over Guinivere's face, her eyes flashing red as she took off through the trees.
Zach heard the unfamiliar growl, and looked up as an unfamiliar wolf shifted into an older teen. Zach recoiled slightly, before getting to his feet and a growl formed in his chest, then Zach's light blue eyes met James's and everything shifted. The teen's eyes widened, and a whine forced itself free from between his gritted teeth as everything seemed to become clear.. Why he was so different, and everything that set him apart from the rest of the pack. He could feel warmth fill him inside, and he blushed brightly, his blue eyes glazed over as he was lost in thought. The sun became brighter, and everything just seemed.. better. His heart was beating a thousand miles per hour, and he blinked a few times. He exhaled heavily and dropped to his knees weakly, His hands trembling in shock... Then suddenly.. its like gravity shifts... The only thing that matters.. His him..He forced out another breath.. This was impossible... But Zach felt so much better all of the sudden. The throbbing feeling of the warmth inside him began to dull.. Zach was forever imprinted...

Alex nodded, Before following the she-wolf into the forest. Something felt odd.. Different all of the sudden. "
Hurry, Id like to find him before one of those blood suckers does." He growled under his breath as they followed Zach's scent.

Cari nodded and pressed faster, legs speeding. It felt as if she could run forever, so long as she was beside him. She wanted to howl but knew this was a rescue mission, not her getting ready to roll in the daisies with her crush. Besides, he didn't like her. He was waiting to Imprint or be imprinted on, making the two of them an impossible mate.
James's eyes widened as his met the unnamed teen. His pupils dilated and a low breath left his lips. He felt like he was high, mind clouded in a blissful daze of mate. James stumbled towards the younger wolf on weak knees. The nineteen year old reached the younger teen with his heart pounding in his chest. His lips parted and his eyes roamed over his imprinted mate. He stepped forward so that he was hardly a few inches from the tan boy. One of his calloused hands rose to lightly cup the brutes cheek, thumb brushing gently over his cheekbone. It all made sense, the unreasonable attraction towards men, the constant loneliness. It was unheard of for two male werewolves to imprint on each other, they simply couldn't reproduce the way a man and a women could. James let out a small laugh, his warm breath brushing over his mates tan cheeks. He didn't even know the teens name, but he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life by his side.

James mumbled out a soft "
Its you." His eyes danced from the boy's lips back to his eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip, thumb still tracing along his imprints cheek. "What's your name?" He asked gently, mind clouded over in a sharp haze of bliss.

(@Cyber Wolf )
Zach stared into James's eyes, his cheeks hot in a blush. He forced out another breath, "Zach.." He murmured.. He swallowed hard, and stared into James's eyes. The cold wind made his hair ruffle slightly, and he smiled. His heart was still racing, but his mind was clear. The only person Zach truly cared for in this moment was his Mate. Zach felt compelled, and without a second though he pressed his lips against James's. Feeling his lips against his made his heart pick up, and he his face grew hot in an intense blush.

Alex ran through the forest, he slowed as Zach's scent grew stronger, yet an unfamiliar scent made the fur along his back prickle. He came to the clearing, he spotted Zach, and sudden anger washed over him. His ears pricked forward in rage, as he watched his brother kiss an unknown male. A male?! Alex growled loudly, his brother would not be acting this way. The massive black wolf charged forward without a second thought and sunk his teeth into the unknown male's shoulder, before he flung his massive head back and throws the rouge away from his younger sibling. He bared his fangs and growled loudly.
Cari came upon the same scene as Alex only a second later, frowning. No, there had to be a reason...Cari had spent most of her time around the boy and he never came home smelling of this man. No, there must be..."Alex! Stop! He's Imprinted!" she cried, leaping atop her Alpha and pulling him off. Oh god! Wolves aren't suppost to hurt another Imprinted Wolf! Oh God, oh no! What's going to happen?! her mind raced as she gently pulled the giant animal off the strange yet attractive man.
James let out a small chuckle at the flush on Zach's face, his breath hitching when suddenly Zach's lips were on his. His other hand rose and rested on the small of Zach's back, the other still warm against his mates cheek. The slow slide of their lips made James flush to his ears, his thumb brushing against the soft skin of Zach's face in a gentle caress. The cloud of bliss and connection to his mate was broken by the sound of a loud growl, James broke their kiss just in time to see a massive black wolf, not unlike his mates charging at him. He grunted at the impact of the unknown Alpha's fangs digging into his shoulder and let out a small yelp as he was thrown.

James shifted before he hit the ground and turned around with a small limp in his step, blue eyes flashing and long fangs exposed. He snarled at the intruder, his massive paws exposing his claws. He swiftly made his way back over to his Zach, his hackles risen and tail swishing in defense. The blood from his shoulder was staining the white in his fur, steely eyes locked onto the Alpha who a she-wolf was now holding back. He regarded her with a gentle flick of his eyes before returning his harsh gaze back onto the black alpha.
James let out a small chuckle at the flush on Zach's face, his breath hitching when suddenly Zach's lips were on his. His other hand rose and rested on the small of Zach's back, the other still warm against his mates cheek. The slow slide of their lips made James flush to his ears, his thumb brushing against the soft skin of Zach's face in a gentle caress. The cloud of bliss and connection to his mate was broken by the sound of a loud growl, James broke their kiss just in time to see a massive black wolf, not unlike his mates charging at him. He grunted at the impact of the unknown Alpha's fangs digging into his shoulder and let out a small yelp as he was thrown.

James shifted before he hit the ground and turned around with a small limp in his step, blue eyes flashing and long fangs exposed. He snarled at the intruder, his massive paws exposing his claws. He swiftly made his way back over to his Zach, his hackles risen and tail swishing in defense. The blood from his shoulder was staining the white in his fur, steely eyes locked onto the Alpha who a she-wolf was now holding back. He regarded her with a gentle flick of his eyes before returning his harsh gaze back onto the black alpha.

(oops awkward double post.)
Zach shifted into his form and bared his teeth at his brother, his eyes were cold an unforgiving. He sniffed James's wound gently and twitched his ears. Alex bared his fangs back at the male, and growled loudly. "Impossible!" He barked, His digressive gaze flicked onto Zach's. Who stepped between James and Alex, he bared his fangs at his own brother, his tail raised in aggression. He growled loudly, Alex growled back and flicked his ears forward. "We are imprinted." Zach spoke in a deep, angry tone. Alex took a paw step back, his ears twitched and he growled one last time before turning away, and running back into the forest. He huffed loudly, and growled deep within his chest.

Zach snorted loudly, he looked towards Cari and flicked his ears. He bowed his large head briskly. "
Thank you Cari." He looked back at James, and his tail wagged lightly.
James stood next to his mate, a low growl rumbling in his chest until the threat, the black alpha in this case disappeared. He let out a small snort and sat down once the wolf ran away. He lifted his head and nuzzled his head into the tuff of his mates neck, his tail swaying gently on the ground. He licked a long stripe up his mates cheek with a content rumble before turning his head to nod at the she-wolf, who he now registered as Cari. He cleared his throat and his ears flicked slightly. "Yes, thank you Cari. I'm James." He bowed his head in greeting before shifting back into his human form, cringing slightly at the pain in his shoulder.

He stood and pulled his bloodstained shirt off, exposing the lean defined muscles on his torso, and also the deep teeth marks that were slowly, but surely beginning to heal. James tore his shirt at the seams and used the scraps to wrap around his shoulder. He wasn't a stranger to wounds. He gave his mate a fond look and sat down next to him, tangling his fingers in the dark pelt of the wolf he was imprinted to.
Cari growled softly but more of a greeting. She pressed her forehead to Zach's thigh. "Get home," she growled, nodding to the unknown male. She followed after Alex, his scent clear in her mind. "Alex, you can't run. You're the Alpha and you just broke a pretty big law! I mean, they might make an exception, you know, since your brother's the first to have a male mate but come on, we have to talk about it!" she shouted, fearing he'd run away once more.
Alex huffed in brute anger, the fur along his spine bristled in anger. 'If one wolf causes pain to another's imprintee, the imprinter is known to never forgive.' He thought, his paws carried him swiftly through the forest, leaving large prints and kicking up dirt as he ran. He huffed heavily, inhaling deeply the scent of a vampire made his muzzle twitch and curl back in a snarl. He growled loudly, picking up speed as he sprinted through the forest, following the scent of the blood-sucker that was trespassing on his territory.

Zach nodded towards Cari, before she ran off into the forest. He looked to James, his large deep blue eyes on his. He shifted into his human form and sighed, "
Come on, I'll show you to my family." He smiled lightly, but his eyes held something other then happiness. The blend of anger, and doubt.
"Alex! Stop! We need...to talk!" she was starting to lose breath, her paws tangling and sending her run into more of a limp. She knew he had a bit of a line to overreact when he was mad. She needed to calm him down, to have her talk to his brother so that way maybe they'd be okay. It hurt to see the two mad at each other but it usually lasted a day. This one, though, she knew was different. "Please," she panted, slowing and as she breathed deeper, she smelt a Vampire.
Guinivere's head snapped up from where she had been snacking on a lean doe. Her eyes, still crimson narrowed at the sight of a black wolf stampeding towards her. She huffed out a breath "Freaking werewolves, always getting territorial." She rolled her eyes and turned, sprinting off into the woods. Guinivere glanced nervously around the woods. She didn't know her way around them at all. Her best bet was to go high, but with a massive wolf, an Alpha the half-blood guessed speeding after her she just didn't have the time. The blonde cursed under her breath and ran around a small patch of trees, zigzagging her way through the forest and hoping to lose the wolf.

James gave his mate a small smile, even though his shoulder was healing the sensitive flesh throbbed under the frayed white fabric of what used to be his shirt. "Sounds good, Zach." His voice was sturdy, but laced with underlying nerves. He stood, pushing off the ground with his good arm, then proceeding to wrap it around Zach's shoulders. James pressed his lips to the top of Zach's head, whispering a soft "Whats wrong?" His dark blue eyes landed on Zach's face, concern written over his features.
Alex bared his teeth as the vampire came into his view, he watched her dart back in forth in an attempt to lose him, yet Alex was far to deep into a predatory mood to allow this blood-sucker to slip from his jaws this time. He watched her turn and follow a small path. The massive black wolf growled before cutting through the dense trees, the branches whipped at his muzzle, and his ears. He leaped out of the trees and collided with the smaller blonde vampire. He growled loudly, pinning her under his massive weight, he bared his massive fangs, then his eyes met hers.

A cry forced itself from the massive black wolf's throat, his deep brown eyes softened as he stared into her eyes. He felt himself become drawn into his mind, as the warmth he only dreamed about filled his body, and his heart begin to beat quicker. 'Suddenly.. Its not the world holding you here.. And you'd do anything to be with her...' He forced out a heavy breath. He blinked a few times, his eyes staring into hers, Oh man did she looked pissed. He twitched his ears, just staring at the half-blood.

Zach shrugged lightly, before resting his hand on James's, intertwining their fingers. "
I'm only thinking.. We're different.." He sighs as the two begin their walk towards the camp. "I just don't want them to treat us any different because of how we are.." He glanced from James, to the ground.
Zane sprinted through the forests as bolt of lightning was pushing him forward. Zane was jumping tree to tree and keeping a watchful eye on everything he passed. He caught his eyes to a wolf to his left, not paying attention he tripped and fell,"Son of a dirty who-," he paused half way through the word and looked to his left to see the wolf looking down at something. Zane stood and put his leg as if he were pitching a baseball and sprint at the wolf. Before impact he threw himself into a ball that ensure a non lethal blunt hit. Hitting the wolf sending it someways away he looked to see the halfbreed,"Well well I wonder why he didn't kill you." Zane looked up and stared at the wolf he tilted his head smiling but his mask showed no change.

@Cyber Wolf @Sock
Guin let out a yelp as she was pinned down by the massive beast. She let out a grunt, furrowing her eyebrows up at the werewolf. "Get off me dog!" she snapped, struggling against the wolf, despite the fact that the two both had super-strength he overall won by size and she couldn't quite get by. Her eyes widened as the wolf's met hers and softened. This did not just happen. She listened to the roaring of his heart beat and she cursed under her breath. "You did not just freaking imprint on me." She clenched her jaw, glaring up at the wolf, startled out of it by the sound of a male voice.

She watched as a ridiculous masked looking figure dropped from the trees, she watched his ridiculous sprint and roll, fixing him with a really kind of look. "
That was the stupidest attack I've ever seen." She stated bluntly as she stood, glancing over at the Alpha for a moment, before fixing her eyes back on the masked vampire. "Do you know nothing about werewolves? The dog imprinted on me, idiot." She shoved by the masked figure with a knock to his shoulder, walking silently past the wolf with a simple look at his face before rolling her eyes and continuing off into the woods at a slow pace.
Alex bared his massive ivory fangs at Zane and growled deep in his throat, he glanced to Guin, every step she took away from him was physically painful. He growled and stared at Zane, he twitched his large ears before following Guin slowly, but surely. His ears flicked back, if he could have helped it he wouldn't have imprinted, he would have lied ripping her head off much better, but that wasn't the case any longer. He sighed heavily, following her like a lost puppy made him frustrated, as he was never one who would chase after a female in general, let alone a female half-blood.
Zane watched the entirety of the actions and skipped over to the large wolf,"You sir have great self resillience, and Ms Lady woman that wasn't a stupid attack! It is great, it is effective and isn't lethal," he said with a laugh. Zane examined the wolf and the girl,"I will admit my ignorance, I didn't know they could imprint on your kind. Sorry if I am intruding but wolf boy you are very, hmm peculiar. You are the second largest wolf I have seen, and that guy was ccccccrazy," Zane said happily. "I show respect for self restrain wolf man, so are you alone out here playing with yourself all day or are you part of some pack, lil guy," Zane asked and he began to hum.

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