Kingdom Under Attack [Inactive]


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
MarshmallowKitten submitted a new role play:

Kingdom Under Attack - There are two kingdoms; yours and the jerks next door.

There are two kingdoms; yours and the jerks next door. One day the jerks next door decided that they wanted more for crops because why not. So they called on a war. Although bloody the war didn't last long. Your kingdom was the loser by the way. The jerks(who insist that their kingdom is called Callanur(cal-en-ur)) took over, forced their religion, destroyed your family's farm lands and just acted like meanies. The King has slaves and isn't against killing. Everyone was depressed and there was...
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It had been a hot sunny day. You, along with everyone else, were enjoying a nice cool beverage in the tavern. You politely said hello to a few people and continued minding your own business. The evening light creeped through the broken glass of the windows and a slight warm breeze made its way in. The floor creaked as people walked on it and there was a consistent buzz of words from all the conversations. The bartender poured beer into glasses for the barmaids to bring to tables. It was a normal night, until suddenly the front doors burst inwards. They slammed into the walls and cracked from the force. In the dark of night you could make out a humanoid figure, a silhouette in the blackness. It moved closer into sight, reveling a pale man with hair the colour of night itself. His red eyes seemed to glow against his white cheeks. Everyone stopped what they were doing and the tavern went completely silent. The stranger continued towards the bar, and sat on one of the stools.

"A beer." He said in a deep smooth voice, a sound that sent chills down your spine and you couldn't quite tell why. The bartender nodded nervously and fiddled around for a glass.
Zac carefully and silently loosened his sheath, people like this could only mean trouble. But hopefully, he wouldn't have to use his blade. At least, that was only as long as the inevitable fight didn't turn bad. Zac sighed slightly and took another sip of his drink, while his eyes swept over the room and marking the positions of the usual troublemakers.
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Ellis jumped when to doors flew open, throwing the glass she'd been cleaning up in the air. Barely catching it by a finger, she straightened, leaning against the wall to continue drying the glass and watching the newcomer. The bartender called her over to help, it was the evening alcohol rush, and motioned for her to serve the newcomer. "You're just making me do it 'cause you're scared of him..." She muttered, but the bartender was already busy with other people. Yawning quickly, she grabbed a glass, filled it with beer, and set it down in front of the newcomer, looking completely normal.
Kalian smirked as he stared into Ellis's eyes. His eyes stayed put as his hand reached out to the drink, curling his fingers around the handle. Slowly, he lifted the glass from the table and brought it to hims lips. His eyes remained focused on Ellis's. After taking a long sip of the liquid he scorned. Swallowing, he finally looked away, the displeasure was clear on his face.

"For the most popular place in down, the beer isn't to great. But I should have expected it. After all your town is so small I don't know how you afford air to breath." Kalian glanced around the tavern in a bored fashion.
As soon as he opened his mouth, Ellis lost all respect for him. "You sir, are a ray of sunshine. What are you doing here anyway? Outsiders don't exist it this town, because as you said, we can barely afford air to breathe. Why would anyone come here, even if people we're allowed to?"

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Kalian mumbled. "Because I don't like your government and feel that it is way out of balance. And the reason I came to your town would be..." His eyes lazily found their way back to the girl "That the people working out in the fields are the strongest. The people who have nothing have nothing to lose but everything to fight for are here. Those up top have the power to do something, yes, but everything to lose. So basically your people are the best chance that this kingdom has." He took another big gulp. "Also if you brewed this for a shorter time it would probably improve the taste. If you are willing to except a tip, that is."
Zac watched the exchange in interest, this newcomer was definitely different from others who had come in before. He couldn't hear much of the conversation due to the noise of some of the drunkards arguing, so Zac wandered a bit closer, leaving his post in the corner.

[Can I control some of the Drunk people to start a fight?]
Ancelcius stared quietly in the dark corner of the Tavern, waiting for something to happen.

he said quietly to himself: "Crazy little outsider coming into town eh? Looks suspicious"
Ellis nodded to the newcomer. "That's true. I know from experience, considering i work in the fields. And uh, thanks for the tip... Not sure if the owner will appreciate it though..." She trailed off, noticing some odd looks from the usual drunkards, hoping they wouldn't get uppity. "Fair warning, there may or may not be a fight soon. It's around that time anyway. Hope you got more than words to save your butt." Ellis said, casually cleaning another glass.
"Darlin', don't insult me. If I was just words how would I have gotten in here? Not to mention that I ain't taken no sh*t from a drunkard. If he's dumb enough to pick a fight with me than his broken bloody nose will be his problem, not mine." Kalian took another drink of his beer as his eyes wandered the room, just looking for trouble to start.
Sure enough, the arguing increased, and turned to a fist fight. Another drunk, more clever than the two who were now slinging it out, took the opportunity to approach the stranger. He wasn't a big fellow, but he was hardened, with a scar running across one eye. "Your kind aren't welcome here." He spoke in a gruff voice, probably mistaking Kalian for one of the soldiers that went rampaging through town every once in a while, harassing any women they got their eye on and starting fights with anyone who opposed them.
Ancelcius stood up, flipped his table and threw his mug directly at the stranger

he got hit directly at the head, making him unconscious.

"All right that's enough, everybody step aside"

Ancelcius picks up and carries the unconscious stranger

"I'll deal with this guy and take him to the kingdom hall for his rude behavior, you can resume whatever it is you're doing"
Kalian's eyes flash open as Ancelcius started carrying him. After a few seconds of dizziness his pupils turned to slits, his arms shot up and he gripped Ancelcius's neck. His inhuman strength gave him a split second to slip out. Turning around in a flash Kalian did a roundhouse kick to Ancelcius's chest. Leaping on a table, he grabbed a half drank bottle and throw it at Ancelcius. "Don't you ever f*cking touch me again you slimy worthless worm." Kalian spat at the man. "For I will not hesitate to kick your backside from here to China." And with that Kalian jumped out of a window into the night.

((Also I would appreciate it if you didn't decide thing for other characters, like how you said Kalian got knocked unconscious. Because when you write like this is doesn't give the other role players time to react.))
"What the- how did he-.."

Ancelcius glared at the window where Kalian jumped from

"He isn't human.. nobody a gripped me by my neck before.."

(Everyone in the Tavern was staring at him)

"What are you looking at!? Get back to drinking!"

Not feeling well, Ancelcius decided to go to his room at the Tavern and rest.
Ellis rolled her eyes. Every guy thought they were super macho, and anyone who could match them or beat them, if only once, were suddenly inhuman.

Looking out the window the stranger had jumped through, Ellis chuckled at his colourful language.

"Pff, men." She said, rolling her eyes again. Not like she didn't have a bad mouth. At least the night's events were more interesting than having to break up the usual fist-fights.

Finally her shift was over, and she went home, home being upstairs in an empty room of the tavern. The owner had been kind, trading her a room and at least one regular meal a day for her work around the tavern.

Collapsing into her bed, Ellis fell asleep almost instantly, not bothering to take of her shoes or clothes. "G'night squishy." She said, the rat that practically lived in her room hobbling by. She had grown attached to him, and really hoped he wouldn't get eaten or killed.

She fell asleep, dreaming of bar-fights and rats.
Morning arrived, as it always does. Kalian rubbed his eyes, groaning he rolled over. "Really Kalian? The greatest place that you could find to sleep was a small patch of grass?" He got up and suddenly had an idea. Smirking, he wandered his way back to the tavern. He looked up towards a window. Climbing a tree near it, he made his way up to it. Giggling he peeked in and saw Ellis. After taking a second to remember who she was, he was hungover, he smirked yet again. Leaning towards the window while still keeping his balance he knocked on the window, still peering in.
Ancelcius just woke up, doing the usual things he does every morning, take a bath, suit up, eat and go outside. And so he did, until he noticed a figure leaning at the branches of a nearby tree.

"What the? You again! What are you doing there!? Get down here!" he shouted at the man at the tree, without knowing it's Kalian.
Ellis bolted awake and looked at her window, seeing a face, and promptly fell sideways out of her bed. "What the f-" She sputtered, looking down at herself to make sure she wasn't naked or in her undergarments. Thankfully, she wasn't, not having taken off even her work clothes before collapsing into bed. "Aw sh*t i have to go!" She said, noticing the sun was already up. "Could you please get off the tree and away from my window so i can change?" She said, reaching towards the stranger from last night to push him out of the tree.
Strolling through the town, Zac yawned. It'd been a late night, and he hadn't slept well. It also didn't abide well with the newcomer. He'd handled his own fairly well, but it was worrying in the arrogant way he acted. Why was he here? Zac hadn't been able to listen or participate in the rest of the conversation that had occurred the previous night, having been occupied with a different fight. It was a rather bawdy night. Maybe because of the presence of the newcomer, or maybe just coincidence, but one could never be truly sure. Deep in his thoughts and gloom, Zac failed to notice the small argument brewing near the tavern. Until he walked straight into Ancelcius. Jolted from his thoughts, Zac had only a moment to wonder briefly how he'd failed to notice him. "Er....sorry, I-" He noticed the newcomer, obviously still feeling the after affects of the drink, hanging outside of the window. From his own experience of the town, Zac knew it was a bedroom window. "What in the world are ye doing?! It's not polite to spy on a lady like that!"

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