Kingdom of Azriel




Race: Immortal

Class: Huntress General

Personality:Loyal, intelligent, and cunning. Xeroa has been Fayde's second in command since he began allowing beings other than angels serve him. She is very skilled with a bow, and has talents that help secure her place as Fayde's general.


Other: Along with the other Huntresses Xeroa has an enchanted dagger, and an animus a spiritual beast that is their companion. She serves due out of respect and love for Fayde, hoping to soften his heart.

Name:Vraiyei (V-rai-yay)


Gender: Female

Race: angel

Class: Huntress

Personality: the most experienced of the Huntresses Vraiyei has had the most the vest training the angelic armies could offer even learning to curve her shots. She is loyal, brave, and sometimes ruthless, maiming those that she feels offend Fayde or "Aren't worthy"


Other: Like Xeroa and the others Vraiyei loves Fayde and feeling that since she is an angel she is more capable of softening his heart. She has a close bond with the others their rivalry being more playful than anything.

Name: Celeste

Age: 1,532

Gender: female

Race: Angel

Class: Huntress

Personality: Celeste is the second angel to follow Fayde, having a close friendship with Vraiyei and falling for Fayde herself. She is like a mother to the group caring for the others and becoming very hostile to anyone who can actually harm a huntress. Often using her decorated and bladed bow to finish an opponent quickly


Other: Celeste's animus is yet to be discovered.

Name: Armelia

Age: 996


Race: Vampire


Personality: Armelia is the bloodthirsty one of the Huntresses, usually called fangs due to her race. She is the most violent and likely to tear her opponents apart


Other: joined, the Huntresses after her coven was destroyed by them, respecting their power and wanting to gain strength.

Name: Mia

age: 1,364

Gender: female

Race: Dragoness

Class: Huntress

Personality:Wise, level-headed, and strategic Mia is the one that assists with plans in general whether it is for combat, or political occasions.


Other: her bows specialty is freezing enemies, while givng her wolf animi a target to lock onto, along with her dagger that induces lethargy when it cuts an enemy. She loves Fayde but is the best at concealing it.

Name: Sage

Age: even Fayde doesnt know


Race assumed immortal but evidence points to a more spectral nature


Personality: Silent and thoughtful her words are sparse but important. She prefers letting her actions speak for her. She is very attached to Fayde staying with him constantly and being his stealthiest huntress, she is usually doing recon and spying.


Other: Sage's bow and dagger both come from an odd pendant on her wrist that is made of dark and light energy that is very dangerous when in use, she is very careful when using it making sure to get rid of the violent energy the arrows and blade contain. Her arrows are very long and easily converted to swords or spears. Sage's weapon set being to most flexible.
Name: Hydra

Age: Looks 19 but real age is unknown

Gender: Female but sometimes questioned.

Species: Dragon Demon; Dragon Demoness


Personality: Hydra tends to keep to herself in the mountains. She only gets along with her dragons. King Axoret doesn't trust her but keeps her around for his own purposes. She can be cold and ruthless but can also pretend to actually care about people and pull it off rather well. She lies to a lot of people so most people don't know what her real personality is like.

Abilities: She can control dragons, speak to them, and resurrect them but when she resurrects them, they aren't full dragons. Their skeletons of dragons. Only downside of that. When a dragon dies, she feels the pain. course through her body. Its like a part of her dies as well.


Other: She is one of the last of her race.
Name: Rei Al

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Doll

Class: Servant

Personality: Uncannily Quiet. It always seems like she is looking at you, probably because she is. She is always watching, everyone, everywhere, and never seems to say much, but she is just that creepy doll that does whatever is asked of her by anyone. Most people assume it is because she is scared and afraid but in truth she is obsessed with information of any kind, her goal is to know everything, and she will do anything to obtain it, Unfortunately she needs to be around and alive to do that. She can actually talk and read and write but no one asks and they just assume. No one has ever seen her smile (accept her master on the day she was born... not that he remembers when that was...). Around her master is a different story, she is sarcastic and always arguing with him.

Abilities: Teleportation, (unbreakable if you let me)

Appearance: (this doll except wearing a simple dress or a dress to match other dolls around her)


Other: She is out in the world by herself because her Master is never around so she has to find some way to amuse herself. She was built by her master and when he imbued her with her powers he also made her so that he could always find her... not that he ever does, that is only an excuse to leave her behind. (If i can for fun I want her to "work" for everyone)


Name: Shadow Man

Age: OLD (by Rei's definition) Actually- over 200,000 years old Looks- in his forties

Gender: Male

Race: Shadow Demon

Class: none

Personality: LAZY (Rei's definition) To say the least Rei got her thirst for knowledge from him but he only watches never intervenes. Appears to be quirky and fun but actually measures every action he takes beforehand. If he is around Rei they are always arguing.

Abilities: teleportation, controls shadows, (is mostly a shadow).



Other:If people know of him it is only as a legend.

Is Rei's master and will hardly every show up. He and Rei spent the past thousand years in a different country so they have no idea what is going on and are quite interested in all the drama. He actually got carried away with his excitement and left Rei behind the moment they got here.

(are these characters ok? i sorta just made ones I thought would be interesting and different to play and it's my first time doing this:confused:)
Name: Beast of the Abyss - Prefers either Profundum, or Abyss

Age: Old as the oceans.

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown -has never encountered another of the same origins/race (doesn't mean they don't exist!!)

Class: Although he isn't ruled by any society I suppose he would be treated as a commoner.

Personality: Abyss relies on his instincts to survive, however he has a rather unique way of thinking that often goes unseen by the outside world.

He knows little about the races that inhabit land- but his memory is extraordinary (Although it may take a while to locate what he's looking for) he spends most of his time in the twilight zone -rarely surfacing to brighter waters where he might enjoy a moment of basking in the sun.

He is passive towards intelligent beings but won't hesitate to make a meal out of the rest.

Strange discoveries fascinate him, and he is attracted to all manor of art (as well as luminescent lights.)

Abilities: Abyss is a water dweller with the ability to change his body to adjust to the different pressure levels of water (as well as regain the ability to thrive on land) the change is unintentional, and cannot be controlled-it happens at random triggered by unknown causes.

All of his forms are decorated with luminescent lights, that serve to communicate/display emotions underwater as his vision is already superbly adapted.

Because Abyss lacks an outer ear in some of his forms he has developed a lateral line along the sides, and head area of his body.


Most common forms:

Primary form: Mainly twilight zone.(can also survive short periods on land.)


Abyss form.


Shallow waters/coral reefs (short periods of time on land).

Land/air form (blue).


Bio: The Beast Of The Abyss formed along with the first ocean, but it's discovery was well after any of the now dominant races appeared on land.

The small tribes of a race long gone from their islands along the ocean's edges worshipped the great being "Profundum" ( Latin for Abyss) that would rise from the depths of the ocean on the year's "Darkest Night" chasing the "Lapsis Lumen" (Fallen Stars) into reach of The Tribe's fishermen.

However soon The Tribes grew to large, and when the Darkest Night arrived there were fewer Lumen to go around each year. The Tribes blamed Profundum as each year the great creature grew in size- thus it must have been the great beast who caused the rest to starve.

It occurred to one Tribe that should they slay the creature then their problems would be solved, and so on the next Darkest Night The Tribe gathered their strongest warriors- having them hide along the creature's path they would wait for their chance to strike.

With the preparations complete the Tribe was soon rewarded with the first sighting of Lumen- and following the Lumen came Profundum.

Many fled upon seeing the size to which the being they once worshipped had grown... still some stayed- only to drown in the currents caused in the wake of it's movement.

Enraged the rest of the Tribe went after the creature, and for years Profundum- now deemed "Bellua ex Abyssus" ( or Bellua ex Profundum depending on their point of view)- was pursued until finally it sunk to the depths of the ocean. Neither it -or the hunters were to be seen by The Tribes again.

After the disapearence of Bellua ex Profundum no fallen stars would ever find their way back to the coast, and soon the Remainder of The Tribes headed inland- The legend of Profundum now nothing but a legend told around the fire...

* Although both translate to- Beast Of The Abyss:

Profundum is described as: deep, depth, abyss, abysm, chasm, deepness.

Where as Abyssus is: Deep, abyss, hell, sea, infernal pit, primal chaos.


It's up to you if your character can understand him- he may appear to communicate through song, or telepathically, or perhaps not at all.

Sent from my iPod (I will edit it when I get the chance)

Also would this character be all right? Or do you need additional information?
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Name: Abandoned her old name and now goes by Cinder

Age: Looks 23 but real age is unknown

Gender: Female

Species: half fallen angel, half human; reason why she never went to Hell.

Class: Ex Royal; Now commoner

Personality: She used to be so cute and innocent and was weak. Now she has made a come back. She joined a gang and learned how to fire a gun. She's quick and stealthy. People fear her from all over the world. She is a true hunter. She doesn't care what people think of her.

Abilities: She doesn't use any of her powers any more which has weakened her immensely but her mind is stronger in the long run. She has perfect accuracy when it comes to firing a gun. She prefers snipers but loves any gun she can get her hand on. She's a true assassin.


Related to Michael, Fayde, and Lucifer and fell way before Lucifer did but her mother wanted nothing to do with her because she chose to live with the humans instead of with the demons like Lucifer did. 
Accepted. :)
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Name: Lilith

Age: Unknown looks 25

Gender: female

Species: Succubus


Personality: She is like Lucifer but she care nothing for love and wants only death, sadness, and destruction where ever she walks.

Abilities: Possession and then using the powers that they possessed body has.



She wishes to see Lucifer and Michael in misery, reasons still not know, she could just enjoy seeing them suffer.
Name: Vivian

Gender: Female

Age: Appears to be around 17 though real age is over 100

Species: Fairy

Rank: More of a wanderer, but if she ever decided to permanently live in the kingdom she'd probably be a commoner. (She lives in the forest mainly)

Powers: Minor healing (Such as healing scratches, closing cuts, etc); Shifting her own size; Sprouting nature (Such as growing vines from anywhere possible like a tree or the dirt).

She normally is around the height of 4-5 inches tall. Though can also be about the height of 5'3 feet, about the size of a small girl. (Human sized anyway)

Personality: Timid, quiet, joyful, occasionally harsh or hostile, etc...depending on the situation

Appearance: (See picture) Simple light green dress to knees. Silver flats (They aren't actually silver though). Silvery white sash around waist. Occasionally wears a dark gray/brown hooded cloak. Long platinum hair in a braid. Ruby necklace(Stolen)

Wings: (See picture)

Extra: Vivian is the type of person who will flee from any sign of danger though loves a good get-together with fun people. Before she came around Azriel she would pull occasional pranks and steal from people who passed through her home-forest...It was always more of a sport to her, even if the victims didn't think too great of it. 
Name: Annika

Gender: Female

Age: 14-16 (Uncertain of true age)

Species: Elf (Regular)

Class: Commoner

Abilities: (These were lab experiments from when she was kidnapped as a kid by humans/scientists) Acid shoots from her fingertips when certain emotions overwhelm her (Such as fear,anger, stress, etc). She is also able to hold her breath for a few minutes underwater.

Personality: Extremely timid and shy. Protective. Loyal. Loving. Occasionally hostile or sassy. Sarcastic. More in RP

Appearance:(See pic) She also has rather long elf ears (They aren't in the picture unfortunately). Occasionally she wears sunglasses(In pic).

And her tights are torn slightly.

Pets: A Turkish Van kitten named Ester Lee(See pic).(Annika loves that cat more than anything.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Fairy_Wing.jpg.e8fbc56f6a0864f7aa2be8567e7ef7d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Fairy_Wing.jpg.e8fbc56f6a0864f7aa2be8567e7ef7d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0f07c50_Rubynecklace.jpg.90dce14a638b77bb7209afc1751cf681.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0f07c50_Rubynecklace.jpg.90dce14a638b77bb7209afc1751cf681.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Vivian.PNG.7c014dbf17c7d48c059b87183f97c126.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Vivian.PNG.7c014dbf17c7d48c059b87183f97c126.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0feac12_Annikatheelfsnewoutfit2.PNG.2053ae5b188efdb136b163ccc3f4bdbd.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0feac12_Annikatheelfsnewoutfit2.PNG.2053ae5b188efdb136b163ccc3f4bdbd.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0fefce4_EsterLeeimage.jpg.6b721ae0a58826b5c512c4290d8306dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0fefce4_EsterLeeimage.jpg.6b721ae0a58826b5c512c4290d8306dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm bored so I'll be making a series of characters. :)

Name: Amarisa

Age: Looks 19

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Class: Noble

Personality: Being Michael's ex fiancee, she takes pride in her purity. S




Name: Thorne

Age: Looks 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Class: Knight

Personality: Thorne tends to keep to himself. He is very religious but to him, being a knight is more important. He doesn’t deal with relationships. He finds them pointless. He is soft spoken. Despite being human, he is one of Axoret’s knights.

Abilities: Doesn’t have any because he’s human.


I'm bored so I'll be making a series of characters. :)

Name: Amarisa

Age: Looks 19

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Class: Noble

Personality: Being Michael's ex fiancee, she takes pride in her purity. S




Name: Thorne

Age: Looks 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Class: Knight

Personality: Thorne tends to keep to himself. He is very religious but to him, being a knight is more important. He doesn’t deal with relationships. He finds them pointless. He is soft spoken. Despite being human, he is one of Axoret’s knights.

Abilities: Doesn’t have any because he’s human.


Name: Sabrina, Venus, and Melody

Age: Look 18ish but real age is unknown

Gender: All female

Species: mermaids

Class: Nobles

Abilities: Unknown except for Melody's ability to lure men in with her singing.

Personality: Venus is the big sister of the mermaid triplets. She is very responsible of her sisters and is very strict about meeting those from land. She hates anyone that has feet and makes ure her sisters are the same.

Sabrina is the middle child and usually keeps to herself. She doesn't get along with the other mermaids but hates humans and anyone that walks on two legs. She doesn't get her sister Melody's fascination with them.

Melody is the youngest. She is energetic and loves to sing. Men are attracted to her singing and will fall in lve with her as soon as she sings. She hates that ability. She loves the two legs and hopes to be one of them.

Name: Aeron

Age: 17 (probably gonna do 17 years since he looks that age)

Gender: Male

Species: Half angel, half fallen; nephilim

Class: Born poor but worked his way up to the top and now prince of his and his father's new kingdom

Abilities: He can heal almost anything on either human, demon, or angel. Even in between races. He can also force angels to fall against their will, strip the wings of an angel without consent and send a creature back to where their from, making sure they can never break free of their chains.

Personality: Aeron is very kind and loving towards the people around him. He hates when people suffer so therefore, he uses his healing abilities to cure them. He is incredibly strong but since his body rejected his demon side, its made him weaker in the long run. He still is incredibly fast and agile. He's sometimes compared to a cat because of his perfect balance and his agility. He even stalks his prey like a cat. He has been taught to hate his twin sister. Despite this, he loves his father. He doesn't care for women. He still has needs and will sleep with women but none of his relationships last long. He just thinks women are a nuisance sometimes. He has never felt what it feels like to truly be in love. He doesn't stick around long enough to fall for the girls anyways. His father is currently trying to find a suitable bride for his son.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_mi3t9cT0sd1s59fkuo1_500.jpg.5d0d9b2a64a898183b72cdd0a98ec488.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_mi3t9cT0sd1s59fkuo1_500.jpg.5d0d9b2a64a898183b72cdd0a98ec488.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Delaney

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Half angel, half fallen; nephilim

Class: Royalty

Abilities: Pure darkness but tries to use her abilities to help.

Personality: She tries her hardest to be kind but she normally ends up hurt people anyways, even though her energy seems to be pure darkness living in Heaven doesn't seem to bother her. She knows of her brother and wishes she could meet him but their mother worries about what might happen if she goes off alone. Her older sister Leta watches after her and trains her, she seems to be the only person beside their mother that she hasn't hurt.



(the girl with blonde hair is Delaney and her name means dark rival, the girl behind her is a robot and personal servant aka babysitter)
Name: Rex Algethi

Age: looks 25 but he is actually 201

Gender: Male

Species:Half Elf/Dragon


Personality:He is an out-going, kind hearted person who is always fair and follows the rules.

Abilities:Solar Powers/Power of the Sun


(Elf Form)

(Dragon Form)

Other:He was once rebel but he surrendered.
Name: Leo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Angel

Abilities: Unknown

Personality: He is calm, cool collected. He is very determined when it comes to doing things. He doesn't speak very often. He doesn't get involved with women either. He loves fighting but doesn't shoe it. When he gets into fights, he easily fights them with no emotinAppearance: find it soon
Name: Killian

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Abilities: Shadow jump

Personality: Timid, not much of a fighter. He keeps to himself unless summoned by his mother or father.



He use to shadow jump the a princess, human girl's room. She was blind and weak, her loves how frail she looked and loved her for her human flaw. To him she was perfect, he had become more outgoing and happy in those times but the last time he went to visit her there was a doctor in her room and she looked so pale, it was the last time that he saw her, it was a few days later that he found out she had died. He locked himself in his room for a few weeks and didn't even come out to eat, he was nearly dead when anyone finally came into his room. Demonia is overprotective of him because he was born premature, she blames herself for him being so weak. Killian hates that he is weak and timid, he feels like he is a let down to his mother and father with how powerful they are. He never speaks unless spoken to, he is weak to the point that when no one is around the servant are mean to him and laugh when he falls on the ground for the pranks that play on him.
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Name: Luna (Hell)

Age: 25 (As old as the world itself)

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown since her rebirth

Noble or royal

Personality: Currently very shy, she doesn't know about her past and has pretty much gone back to the was she was before her fossilized slumber.

Abilities: They were once dark but since her rebirth her powers now have the ability to grow and heal things.



She has a deep love for human and will do anything to help them, in her first life it was her love for the people that caused her to fall and lose her status as an elder.
Name: Vincent

Nickname: Vince or Vinny

Age: 23 (Unknown)

Gender: Male

Species: Hybrid

Class: Royal

Personality: Vincent is very kind hearted to kid's and animal's, he used to be outgoing and cheerful but until 2 years ago he has become very quite and is rare seen talking or smiling.

Abilities: Unknown


(without the chain's of course)

Other: Vincent used to be a very outgoing and cheerful person, he feel in love with a human girl named Sarah who he met out in the woods one day, after a few years of getting to know each other more, Vincent decided to marry the human girl he loved so much, but 2 years ago an accident happened and his beloved Sarah was killed, he tried everything he could to save her but didn't succeed in doing so, ever since the death of Sarah, Vincent has rarely spoken a word and now spends is day's either training or looking up at the sky and watching the clouds.

Family: Zafon (Father), Diva (Mother), Demonia (Half-Sister)
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Name: Sarah

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Demon was human before her death


Personality: Kind and cheerful.

Abilities: She is just now learning what she can do.



Was the wife of Vincent before she died.
Name: Xerxes

Age: Looks 20 but real age unknown

Gender: Male but sometimes questioned

Species: Angel

Class: Noble/Viktos second in command

Personality: Xerxes is cold, brutal and feared among the land. He is a sado-masochist. Despite this, he is loyal to his Queen. He would never cause any harm to her. He finds Viktor's crush for her cute and adorable. However, he uses Viktor's love to his advantage most of the time.

Abilities: Unknown


~Name~ Lethia Gore

~Gender~ Female

~Age~ 16

~Species~ Human (one courter demoness)

~Class~ Slave

~Master~ Open

~Personality~ Lethia is brave, intimidating and strong willed. It almost impossible to get her to back down from a fight. She doesn't like talking to others, she finds peace in her silence, but she will if she has to. She is rude and spiteful, but carefree and brutally honest to the point where it can be a bad thing.

Lethia is good at getting what she wants, but she is reserved when she can be. She is good at talking to people and convincing them that she is right, but dislikes talking to people and tends to avoid bad situations. She prefers to be alone and distrusts people, especially at night. Their are few people that can gain her trust and she is generally disliked by others. She is never shy and she has confidence in everything she does, but she is lonely and finds comfort in her loneliness. She can by sly and sneaking or quiet and reserved, but she always likes to get what she wants. Her curiosity can sometimes cause problems for herself and her hostility towards people she doesn't trust can cause issues for herself. She is normally very hostile towards others, but can loosen up if she feels that she won't hurt anyone. She always finds that she can carry on and ignore her pain (slightly past a human extent beacuse of her demoness blood) as long as she has something to hold onto. She holds her personal items close to her heart beacuse they are the only thing she has. You will often find her singing songs to herself at the end of the day to remind herself to be stronger than the rest. Her is very openly hostile to the people how try to contain her, but will eventually break if she has to. She tries her best to be fearless, but it wears down on her after a while.

All right reserved to there origanal artists

~Other~ Lethia has been a slave since she was six and has long scars down her body from old masters. She doesn't remember much about her parents, hardly anything really. As well as Im probably going to have to figure out whos her current master before I start posting.

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