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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Where the Apple Falls Character Sheet

It was all in your imagination. XD

Made an image so I can keep track of the gang so far.

Made an image so I can keep track of the gang so far.


Awww that’s so cute. Thanks!

Aqua7KH Aqua7KH

Here we go. The final parent is LightningXPooh bear!!!

Can you please change that? You know it’s against the rules to have crack pairings so why would you actually put that in the character sheet? XD
Name: Leilani

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Parent(s): Mulan and Luxford

-Use The Fool and Temperance
- - The Fool: Deck of cards that she has learned to enlarge and float to act as a shield. She is trying to figure out how to make the cards move once enlarged. She can only enlarge one card at a time.
- - Temperance: A card that gives the user the ability to persevere and keep fighting while in pain. Once used will appear to the user again within two hours.

-Warpinator: Ability to eliminate nearby enemies by condensing time around them. To work successfully, must roll 3 dice and come up with the same exact number.
. Can summon one Gambler Nobody.

- - Gambler has its own The Fool; however, the gambler is able to use the cards as suspension to float and opts for stretching and attacking face to face upon command.
Personality: Leilana is a girl who tries her best to keep a smile on. Not exactly genuine, though she believes in trying to have the utmost manners for people. She does have a tendency to sling to the first person she meets in a new place and people often worry that she can become parasitic, socially. She often as a need for attention and can blow casket on some pent-up anger if she isn't receiving any. Entertaining people is her calling, is her own proclamation. She does like to try to break down situations before acting, in her calm state.

Bio: She was born is a somewhat strange circumstance. In an affair that neither of the parents could uphold, Luxford promised to take care of the child. He tried to bring her into the organization; however, he quickly figured out this wasn't going to be the best environment for her. He took her to a paradise of world that had been constantly passed by all important figures. He left her there with a Nobody and a few weapons.

She was cared by the nobody but soon her playing would get her to find a loving family that housed a blue critter. She lived a bit with Lilo, but she found her self enamored with playing the tourist of Hawaii and gawking at all their goodies from home. She also challenged them to card games as well.

The past week has taken a bit of a dip on the status quo, she had been questioning Gambler for awhile, the creature had always shaken its head questions like:
"Can we go somewhere?"
"Who did you have a kid with to make me"
"Are you my parent ?"
"Or are you my pet?"
"...Am I your pet?"
The Gambler finally gave in and showed something hiding in a cave. A beautiful black portal.

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