Kingdom Hearts SU

Rex That Betrays

Junior Member
It came quietly, crawling out from behind the curtains hanging out in the fringes of creation. It came quietly, unobtrusively, slipping in, a little bit at a time, moving from world to world, never finishing the job; that was why it won.

“Oh it isn’t so bad, just a little bit here and there is entirely natural, light and darkness must coexist, that is the way of things”.

That’s what we told ourselves, until the horde came and the great sea of black washed over the stars and took them back behind the curtains shadowing the fringe of creation.

There are no stars, the worlds are too few and far between to see each other, veiled off by the mighty hand of the new God King Ansem the Wise; seeker of truth in darkness. His armies of heartless have taken the kingdoms of the worlds hostage and has nurtured out of it’s a people their darkest spirit, he has made all men bitter and wicked and he has raised out of them a heartless army whose sword points to the heart of all hearts, to Kingdom Hearts where Ansem believes he will tear free the deepest blackness, the truest darkness.

But there is hope, fragile and weak, ready to be snuffed out forever, but it exists, in space far removed from Ansem’s black crown, on a world so inconsequential, so naturally devoid of hope on it’s own endeavor that it could not catch his hungry eye. On this cold world, a fire will burn, and a warmth with resonate out into the starless void.


On a cold world, an overcast windswept plain of tall grey-blue grass and a few withering trees a stranger walks, halfway hidden by the morose and lifeless wheat. The bright red of his robe is the only vibrancy on the forsaken, lightless rock. He walks with a purpose, never stopping, never changing where he let himself look, he moved toward one purpose, toward the village nestled in the lifeless bleak.

It could have passed for a city of sorts, it was large, its streets wound around in almost nonsensical serpentine turns and curves, choked on both sides by never ending rows of buildings, residential and business, there had been no districting, only where they could find space to build. The stranger in red found his way into the center of the settlement, one of them, as he could see from a map hung on a wall near him, the grey city had a northern square and a southern square, he was in the south.

At this squares center there appeared to be a large fountain, water pouring weakly out of the mouths of some exotic fish into the basin below, atop it knelt an angel, hands cupping her face, crying. The stranger looked around, taking in the hopelessness of the men, women and even children that went about their daily rituals. He couldn’t help but laugh, he had to, he was the only one who could, looking at the map once more he saw the name of the settlement, he had ventured into Hopes Heights.


This is an AU Kingdom Hearts roleplay. The premise is this The events of the first game almost happened. However Ansem and his heartless were successful in stopping Sora, Donald, Goofy and every other warrior of the light that had attempted to go up against him. We play the role of the children of Hopes Heights chosen to be given the sword of the light, the keyblade, to slay the dragon of darkness, Ansem, and his horde of heartless.

You don’t have to be all that familiar with the Kingdom Hearts series but a basic knowledge of the general setting would be helpful, you can go to to learn everything you need and more.

For the purposes of having a smooth start to the roleplay your character is one of a group of friends from Hopes Heights and you are human. Keep in mind you will not have access to your keyblade or magic at the start of the roleplay.

Character Sheet


Age: (14-16)





Character Sheet

Name: Alice Lindale

Age: 15


Keyblade: Two Become One

Magic: A mix of Light and Dark

Personality: Pessimistic, a bit of a 'darker' person, protective, a dreamer.

History: Growing up in hopes height Alice did a lot of wandering outside of her apartment, meeting more kids her age, as well as forming more and more questions about the sky and other places, if they were even places like that but every time she spoke of it to someone older she was told she was foolish and that stuff like that wasn't real, and to just grow up and get on in life like everyone else.
Name: Johnathan Morgaine (John for short)

Age: Sixteen

Sex: Male

Keyblade: Fatal Crest

Magic: Gravity (offense) and Wind (defense)

Personality: Agressive,blunt,down-to-earth,but strangely curious,and fiercely protective of his friends. Consider it a "Papa Wolf" complex.

History: Growing up in Hope's Height,John always pondered if there were other places beyond there. He found Hope's Height to be infuriatingly small,and could never find a way out,always finding an impassible obstacle blocking his way. When he brought his views to others,they always scolded him for being childish,and that his thoughts were absurd flights of fancy. He met others quite like him,and instantly formed a bond with them. He still ponders what lies beyond,but now,he has others to bounce theories off of,and ultimately,try and discover a way to confirm their beliefs.

(OOC: Mind if my character [if accepted] finds a small amount of Gummi somewhere in Hope's Height?)
Name: Loki

Age: 15 (Turning 16 soon, figured a birthday soon would be a fun plot element)

Sex: Male

Keyblade: Fenrir --->

Magic: Strength and Speed

Personality: Relatively hard to read, a quieter person who exudes confidence, but isn't cocky. Thinks before he acts, to the point where he's always trying to be one step ahead. Quite ruthless, and realistic.

History: The kind of person who always got what he wanted in the end, Loki was quite happy living in Hope Heights, knowing there was danger in the worlds around. He never truly cared for adventure, the calm lifestyle suiting him better. Sometimes he craved action, but only followed through until he got bored. Along the way, he managed to meet people who seemed to not be idiots, and decided that they were alright.
Name: John

Age: 14

Sex: Male


Magic: Stone (def) and darkness

Personality: Easy going and calm person, he never lessens

History: Living in hope heights for John was boring life. He was always in trouble for doing something someone did. So he chose to not care. He always want to explore the unexlporable. He would do anything, and I mean anything to go into the unknown.
Character Sheet

October Blake

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Keyblade: Lost Memory -


Personality: October is very impatient. Her curiosity level is extremely high, she acts on quick thinking and random impulses, and the glass seems to always be half full in her world. Sometimes, she has the tendency to act childish and stubborn.

History: Growing up in Hopes Heights was an interesting life for October. She spent most of her time in the library, reading numerous books and listening to music of any kind. On more than one occasion, she would go exploring after curfew, just because staying in one place for too long irritated her. The books started her interest in the knowledge about other worlds and places.

Appearance (just because I feel the need to put it here):

Name: Ren Karmanu

Age: 15 soon to be 16 (just to match my own birthday)

Sex: Male


Magic: Offense: Light, Defense: Thunder, Darkness(lies within)

Personality: Loves to talk, but only as a way to fake confidence. He would much rather sit alone with his music and maybe one other person he trusts. He avoids confrontation, but has strong feeling for what he believes is right. However, he wont always do something unless he

or his friends are involved. He has a curiosity for things he does not know.

History: Growing up in Hopes Height, Ren was always there, but never really THERE. His mind always seemed to be on other things. He liked being around people but never really grew close to them until he met other people. People like him who shared his curiosity for the unknown.

The Following Characters are approved

Ren Karmanu

October Blake

Johnathan Morgaine

Alice Lindale


Riddle; you said you were going to edit out your character being fluent in latin, since its only a small detail I wont deny your sheet, just remember to take care of that at some point.

Coro; you said you were eventually going to redo your sheet, so I'll refrain from judging it until then.

Saturday; based on what I've seen of your roleplaying and writing as well as based on some comments you have made regarding spelling and grammar I will not be accepting you for this roleplay, I'm sorry.

The Rp will begin after I have posted my character, at that time sign ups will be generally closed (not to say you can't join afterwards but don't expect to be able to just waltz into mordor, so to speak). So you have until then if you're on the fence.
Dude that almost like being ******* racist, you can join because you cant spell or use proper grammar, thats like slapping me in the face.
First and foremost it is nothing like being racist. Believing one subset of humans are superior than another subset of humans based on certain genetic traits they may or may not possess by virtue of their heritage does not equal making an administrative decision to exclude someone from a group based on their actions and the way they have chosen to present themselves.

Secondly even if it were at all similar to racism, so what? I retain the right to accept and deny people into an RP I’m organizing based on whatever controversial or even frivolous criteria I so desire. If I wanted to ban people of Asiatic or Hispanic or Russian descent from my RP, I will do just that, if I wanted to deny somebody based on religion, race, behavior or state of physical health I will do just that.

Let me explain exactly on what grounds I am making your spelling and grammar an issue. I am not excluding you because you can’t do it, but because you’ve made it clear that you refuse to do it.

In your blog post titled “Quiting” you said

“ I could care less how I type if you can read it and get what it means then don't say anything.”

In the thread Homefront (Canada idition) you also said

“Note to grammer nazis, I don't givce a rats ass about spelling”

You’ve made it clear that it isn’t a matter of whether you have the capacity to spell correctly its that you choose to ignore the convention of spelling all together and by extension you don’t care at all about grammar (using “ever” rather than “every” can radically alter the grammar of a sentence and does radically alter its meaning).

And if you don’t care how you present your ideas or how well they are received how can I trust you to care at all about participating and contributing to the roleplay in any meaningful fashion?

And if I can’t expect you to respect my authority in the acceptance process how can I expect you to respect my authority in game?
Alright, Rexxy.

I'm just fixing the sign-up, here's my new one.

Name: Snow Villiers

Age: 15, soon to be 16

Gender: Male

Keyblade: Diamond Dust --->

Magic: Ice/Water and Illusions

Personality: A regular hero-type, Snow never misses an opportunity to help out, look cool, save the day, or brag about it later. He's sorta rough around the edges, but is really a nice guy. He's just got a massive hero complex. With this hero complex also comes a very astute sense of responsibility, and a good sense of right and wrong. He's also a bit of

a blockhead.

History: The kind of kid who loved being the center of attention, Snow could probably have gotten along with everyone. But, also being the kid he is, often made himself the target of jeers and insults for his good nature attitude. Never passing up the opportunity to do the right thing, Snow eventually made good friends, and enjoyed his time in Hope Heights.
OK what happens if I really really tried to not make a spelling mistake? Then would I be able to join? One reason is because I finally have a spell checker, and a back up is because I was in locally developed English so I am not good at spelling and grammar.

How would I contribute to the RP? One because this is the only RP I will be in, so that is the way I will contribute an participate in it.
I do agree with Rexxy about wanting good grammar and such, but just throwing my opinion out there, I'd give you a shot. BUT....if, and only if, I retain the right to (if you did not comply with my, or in this case Rexxy's rules) kill you off in a hilarious and/or dramatic fashion. ^.^
Name: Tristan Lore

Age: 16



Magic: Shadow

Personality: Tristan tends to appear happy around people he knows, and even more so around those he likes. He has a rather blank emotionless expression if he is around only people he doesn't know. However in truth he is actually quite lonely and distrustful of strangers and even some he calls 'friend'. He does however go out of his way to help people in need, but will fall back out when the situation starts to be controlled again. He often finds himself wandering in the worlds his mind creates, zoning out as it happens.

History:Tristan had a rather decent life when he was young, but things changed quickly, though over a long period of time, and he soon found himself without parents. Where they disappeared to he didn't know, but they never returned from their trip to where ever. Nothing really changed after that, he would continuously wander the streets at night and find himself nearing the fountain... always the fountain "why..." he thought to himself every time. More often than not he found himself zoning out into his little worlds of creation and mystery, where life were more exciting than the pathetic city of Hopes Heights. Nothing ever changed around the city, so Tristan continued to bar himself off from the world he knew and couldn't care less for. Only one thing... or rather person was of interest to him... But he ignored it, knowing all was to end in failure. He continued wandering the streets, as always, during the night... and going home during the day.

Appearance: (Later one day)

(Yes I know the history repeats itself a lot.)
I thought it would be cool to do this but i have a few problems. First being i dont know much about KH in general besides the fact its a mix of disney, squareenix and multiple other game company titles/movies. Another being i dont know much about blades or where to even find a list of them. Personally id prefer not to use one, so could you possibly give me some more info on this Rex
Well,linked with every keyblade on this page is a link to the Kingdom Hearts wiki,which is the source for all Kingdom Hearts info,without playing the games.

At the bottom of every keyblade page is a little menu box (probably colapsed) whe you click on [show] that's displayed at the top right corner of this box,labled Keyblades,you'll be presented with a full list of Keyblades that appeared in every game.

The magic used in Kingdom Hearts is almost identical to Final Fantasy's magic. If you search the wiki for magic,you'll be presented with a list of all magics used.

Everything else that comes up can be answered by us,or the wiki.
Alright I am setting this as the cut of point for profiles, You can still submit but as I said previously getting accepted will be much more difficult, now you have to contend with what the plot allows for. We have 7 total Keybearers, the highest number that appear in any game is 8 and even having more than 4 is really stretching continuity.

Spoiler of Birth by Sleep; on the issue of having too many keybearers

All but 2 of those 8 are effectively dead/inconsequential. Thee world where the keybearers were trained to receive and use the keyblade (why there were so many at the time) was destroyed, with one master turning evil, one master being killed and the other not participating in the fun. Having 7 after Sora who is effectively killed off in this RP is a little weird considering the history of the universe so far.
The RP begins now (or when the thread is posted.)


Name: Welle [vɨl-lə] (or vela, roughly)

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Keyblade: Stormfall (no keychain)

Magic: Anti-Magic

Personality: Welle is a disinterred and dispassionate girl. Given to sigh and far off glance more often than not it would appear that she is almost entirely undesiring to be alive. She is not known to talk though you may catch what might be her whispering to the stranger in red. She has no sense of loyalty and an even less developed sense of friendship. Her interaction with the stranger in red is the only hint that she is capable of anything remotely akin to affection.

History: She is the only known consistent companion to the stranger in red and the past and plots of both of them are veiled under the same cloth of mystery.

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