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Fantasy Kingdom hearts RP!

Name Lyra

Mortal Age 16

Actual Age 280

Species Succubus

Gender Female

FAMILY None they were all killed

ABILITIES Shapeshifting: Can appear like a normal human

HAVEN Her new home is as comfy as a camp site can be. The fire-pit and tent are both set up perfectly, and in good repair, and she even managed to carve some artwork into the rocks around the camp’s perimeter. A thorny tree has sprouted near the center of the camp, growing a protective canopy of spiky vines around the portal and her camp. The portal shimmers in the background as it always does

FEEDING Like most demons, Succubi gain power from corrupting others, and require a steady supply of sexual fluids to survive. In rare cases, if a Succubus has been deprived of 'food' for too long, she may find herself too weak to seduce a partner, and enter into an less than advantageous agreement in order to get her food. Amazingly, most succubi will hold themselves to such an agreement after 'eating' their fill.

LOOKS Lyra is 5 foot 4 inch tall demon-morph, with an average frame and soft, untoned flesh with a tendency for jiggle. She is currently wearing her comfortable underclothes and using her wizard’s staff as a weapon. Her face is human in shape and structure, with purple skin. It has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with full, pouting lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between her lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when she let the whole thing slide out, though she can retract it to appear normal. A large number of thick demonic horns sprout through her skin, each pair sprouting behind the ones before. The front jut forwards nearly ten inches while the rest curve back over her head, some of the points ending just below her ears. total of 2 horns.

She have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind her shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, she can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. She has girly thighs that draw the attention of those around her, and your slappable, thick ass wobbles enticingly with every step. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from her soft, plump backside, wrapping around her leg sensually at every opportunity. Her perfect lissome legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces her to walk with a sexy, swaying gait.

NATURE Lyra can be very sweet and kind, even though she is cursed as a demon she tries to keep her personally and try to help people

DEMEANOR If Lyra is tempted or provoked she can get very harmful she uses her magic to defend herself while also if things seem dire she will kill, so be sure not to provoke her







Thorns: If someone attacks, cuts, or burns the thorns around her camp it will hurt her also since the thorns are magic which is bound to her no manner where she is she will always feel the pain of someone messing with the thorns surrounding her camp

HISTORY Lyra was once a human, a young girl living in a village, yet one night demons attacked and killed everyone and everything she cares about, watching everyone being slaughtered she thought she was next, but she was spared and instead of dying one of the demons put a curse on her making her a demon also
Name: Lady D

Weapon: Aura Blade (a special sword)

Keyblade: None

Age: Unknown

Pet: Draco the Dragon
Name: Xandel


Appearance: Organization 13 outfit,blue short spiky hair,5.6f,107pounds,Green eyes

Age: 16

Personality: Laid back care free

Background: Like most members of Organization 13 Xandel cant remember his Memories from when he was whole.

He wondered the darkness for a long time until Xigbar found him and told him he was a nobody a person not meant to exist.

Xandel is abit of a rough element in Organization 13 Ignoring most orders to always try and search for anyone who might know about his original persona he only knows one thing about the person he once was....they had a keyblade

Weapon: Keyblade


(looks like this with a Organization 13 jacket and green eyes)


(has a keyblade like this)

@IkutoForever2222 has a character named Jace who is kinda dating MY character. If dat mofo don't show up eventually imma be in the market for a new boyfriend. *CoughcoughGruntGivesIkutoAnAngryLook* No pressure though. Just putting it out there in case your interested cuz your character is cute. *triestomakeIkutojelous*
xpstitch said:
@IkutoForever2222 has a character named Jace who is kinda dating MY character. If dat mofo don't show up eventually imma be in the market for a new boyfriend. *CoughcoughGruntGivesIkutoAnAngryLook* No pressure though. Just putting it out there in case your interested cuz your character is cute. *triestomakeIkutojelous*
hahahaha I see xD well who knows anything can happen
xpstitch said:
@IkutoForever2222 has a character named Jace who is kinda dating MY character. If dat mofo don't show up eventually imma be in the market for a new boyfriend. *CoughcoughGruntGivesIkutoAnAngryLook* No pressure though. Just putting it out there in case your interested cuz your character is cute. *triestomakeIkutojelous*
Who are you charcters in all this,and where do they stand? could also please tell where the story is if you dont mind xD like what time is this based in the kingdom hearts world
Cheesemick said:
Who are you charcters in all this,and where do they stand? could also please tell where the story is if you dont mind xD like what time is this based in the kingdom hearts world
@Animegirl21 is Roxxane. Roxxane has been kidnapped by the organization.

I ( @xpstitch )

Am playing "Masu". Masu is the a laboratory experiment gone wrong. Masu is a being created from copies of countless people's memories/personalities.

Maximus is the deceased baby brother of Roxxane. Maximus's heart was salvaged by the organization after he died at the hands of a heartless. After salvaged, his heart was put into Masu's being upon his creation. Maximus is a part of Masu. So basically in essence Masu is a reincarnated Maximus.

Masu and Roxxanne are siblings basically. Masu was at Castle Oblivion as a ghost, trying to help free Roxxanne from the organization after he died. He was only going to stay til the shards of his being were ready to form another body for him. His time ran out and he just left the organization hq to go to his new body.

Roxxane is getting ready to escape and take a party of Canon Kingdom Hearts characters to leave the organization behind forever. Masu is waiting for them in some other world we have not specified or decided upon yet.

Masu is dating Jace. Jace is one of the two characters @IkutoForever2222 controls. The other being Kai.


Controls her character who's name is very long so all I can remember of it is Reis Espanida.

@Diran the Thief Controls the character Pesu. Pesu was on his way to come and rescue Roxxanne from the organization. Pesu and Roxxanne kinda have a budding romance crush thing going on but it's not official. They like eachother in a crush sort of way at least.

Reis, Jace, Kai, & Pesu were last seen in Neverland on their way to fight the heartless boss. Masu had been with them up until that time. Then Masu kind of died.

I ( @xpstitch ) and @Animegirl21 have been the only recently active members of the rp. @Animegirl21 had her character kidnapped and went MIA. Around the time of when Masu died was when all the other rp players went MIA and @Animegirl21 actually RETURNED to the rp. On the bright side the disapearance of the other rp people has given Masu and Roxxanne a chance to bond and Roxxanne some more time to shine as a character. Much character development happened due to this.

Due to the disappearance of the other rp players, we had to keep ourselves occupied til hopefully they will soon become active again. At some point we accidentally turned this rp into fangirls paradise. We filled the rp with tons of Kingdom Hearts doujinshi Yaoi fantasies, Kingdom Hearts easter egg material, KH puns, jokes of kh, canon character teasing and general canon character mayhem.

Roxas and Axel are now dating in this rp. Roxas is secretly Jesse McCartney because Ventus & Roxas are voiceacted by him. Zexion and Demyx are dating. Demyx is a musician too. Larxene is still a bi+©h. Namine is an artist (particularly Yaoi doujinshi comics). Luxord loves gambling and playing card games.

Roxxane, Namine, Kairi, Roxas, Axel, Saix are all confimed to be trying escape the organization together. I have asked @Animegirl21 if Zexion and Demyx will be leaving with us, I am awaiting her reply.
xpstitch said:
@Animegirl21 is Roxxane. Roxxane has been kidnapped by the organization.
I ( @xpstitch )

Am playing "Masu". Masu is the a laboratory experiment gone wrong. Masu is a being created from copies of countless people's memories/personalities.

Maximus is the deceased baby brother of Roxxane. Maximus's heart was salvaged by the organization after he died at the hands of a heartless. After salvaged, his heart was put into Masu's being upon his creation. Maximus is a part of Masu. So basically in essence Masu is a reincarnated Maximus.

Masu and Roxxanne are siblings basically. Masu was at Castle Oblivion as a ghost, trying to help free Roxxanne from the organization after he died. He was only going to stay til the shards of his being were ready to form another body for him. His time ran out and he just left the organization hq to go to his new body.

Roxxane is getting ready to escape and take a party of Canon Kingdom Hearts characters to leave the organization behind forever. Masu is waiting for them in some other world we have not specified or decided upon yet.

Masu is dating Jace. Jace is one of the two characters @IkutoForever2222 controls. The other being Kai.


Controls her character who's name is very long so all I can remember of it is Reis Espanida.

@Diran the Thief Controls the character Pesu. Pesu was on his way to come and rescue Roxxanne from the organization. Pesu and Roxxanne kinda have a budding romance crush thing going on but it's not official. They like eachother in a crush sort of way at least.

Reis, Jace, Kai, & Pesu were last seen in Neverland on their way to fight the heartless boss. Masu had been with them up until that time. Then Masu kind of died.

I ( @xpstitch ) and @Animegirl21 have been the only recently active members of the rp. @Animegirl21 had her character kidnapped and went MIA. Around the time of when Masu died was when all the other rp players went MIA and @Animegirl21 actually RETURNED to the rp. On the bright side the disapearance of the other rp people has given Masu and Roxxanne a chance to bond and Roxxanne some more time to shine as a character. Much character development happened due to this.

Due to the disappearance of the other rp players, we had to keep ourselves occupied til hopefully they will soon become active again. At some point we accidentally turned this rp into fangirls paradise. We filled the rp with tons of Kingdom Hearts doujinshi Yaoi fantasies, Kingdom Hearts easter egg material, KH puns, jokes of kh, canon character teasing and general canon character mayhem.

Roxas and Axel are now dating in this rp. Roxas is secretly Jesse McCartney because Ventus & Roxas are voiceacted by him. Zexion and Demyx are dating. Demyx is a musician too. Larxene is still a bi+©h. Namine is an artist (particularly Yaoi doujinshi comics). Luxord loves gambling and playing card games.

Roxxane, Namine, Kairi, Roxas, Axel, Saix are all confimed to be trying escape the organization together. I have asked @Animegirl21 if Zexion and Demyx will be leaving with us, I am awaiting her reply.
hahahaha omg this sounds like ultimate chaos I love it xD well I not really loyal to the organization but if they told me to come after you I probably would
Cheesemick said:
hahahaha omg this sounds like ultimate chaos I love it xD well I not really loyal to the organization but if they told me to come after you I probably would
How do you think Masu met Jace lol
Cheesemick said:
no way is that how they met? xD
Yep! The organization had sent Jace to stalk Pesu and Jace to spy/track them. Jace turned out to be a poor spy and was kinda fired from the organization. Then Jace decided to join us on our journey. He almost drowned but Masu saved him and somehow they ended up kissing afterwards during all the heightened emotions of his near drowning.
xpstitch said:
Yep! The organization had sent Jace to stalk Pesu and Jace to spy/track them. Jace turned out to be a poor spy and was kinda fired from the organization. Then Jace decided to join us on our journey. He almost drowned but Masu saved him and somehow they ended up kissing afterwards during all the heightened emotions of his near drowning.
Oh damn thats pretty intense

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