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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Fade Into Light (OOC)



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This is the OOC thread for Kingdom Hearts: Fade Into Light! Feel free to use this thread to discuss characters/plot, plan things with other players, or talk about anything else related to the RP!
We're waiting on a few others still (and we just got a new reply on the interest check). I'm going to give it a little more time for people to send in sheets, but I'll also start getting the intro ready so we can get the ball rolling soon here.
You said it! I love the overseer idea for a character btw. And the fact she is from Earth/Marvel is awesome.
Yeah, I'm super excited to see our cast in action!

Also, kindredspirits kindredspirits your sheet looks awesome so far! Just let me know when it's all done and I'll give it the cookie of approval.
ReaperMelia ReaperMelia Thank you! I just have her personality to do really for her to be done.

The written version of her appearance and her keyblade imagery is more so for aesthetic and visuals. XD
You said it! I love the overseer idea for a character btw. And the fact she is from Earth/Marvel is awesome.
Thanks. I figured it'd be fun to have at least one non-keyblade wielding character and wanted a overseer type. Making her functionally a X-Men style mutant is a fun way to get there design wise. I loved your sheet btw, and the charaxter design. Do you do your own art?
Thanks. I figured it'd be fun to have at least one non-keyblade wielding character and wanted a overseer type. Making her functionally a X-Men style mutant is a fun way to get there design wise. I loved your sheet btw, and the charaxter design. Do you do your own art?

Oh definitely! Even with her not being a fighter, having her oversee things will be super helpful in the long run cause I can imagine she would be great for progressing battles or plot which will help Reaper. Plus she has so much potential for interactions and plot between characters since she is kinda there for everyone in a way. I can’t wait to see what you do with her. :3

And thank you! Making them a little colorful helps motivate me to finish character sheets, something about them just makes me struggle to get my ideas down right for some reason. Especially when it comes to the backstory/history section. I did this time because I saw someone else used a sketch for theirs. Otherwise I might not have, since I’m not super good at doing finished rendered pieces on the fly.
ReaperMelia ReaperMelia
I finished my character! The only things that might get updated is just a written description for her appearance being added to match the image and the keyblade image to include the keychain at a later date.
ReaperMelia ReaperMelia
I finished my character! The only things that might get updated is just a written description for her appearance being added to match the image and the keyblade image to include the keychain at a later date.
The sheet looks great! The appearance image is fine if you just want to use that, but you're welcome to also add a written description if you'd like!
The sheet looks great! The appearance image is fine if you just want to use that, but you're welcome to also add a written description if you'd like!
Thank you ❤️
And I know, I just like adding those little details about her stylistic choices. It makes the characters feel just that much more complete even if it’s not all that important. :3
Thank you ❤️
And I know, I just like adding those little details about her stylistic choices. It makes the characters feel just that much more complete even if it’s not all that important. :3
Ah, I didn't notice that you already added them in! Those details are all great!
We really got some crazy sheets, Shoya's is so creative! Honestly wish I had concidered playing a toy. I do have to wonder if when traveling at first due to lacking magic to "fit in" if she went everywhere toy sized.
I kinda want to know if she learned to not drop down when someone enters the same room she’s in since she doesn’t have to hide being a toy anymore. Or did she repurpose that reflex as a way to dodge during combat?
Yeah! I'd like to think that at first she had to break her habit of freezing. That's the major reason I gave her stop/gravity as her magic, to mimic the way toys would stop/drop in her world.
Yeah! I'd like to think that at first she had to break her habit of freezing. That's the major reason I gave her stop/gravity as her magic, to mimic the way toys would stop/drop in her world.
That’s so cool!
idk why it's taken me this long to ask but in the CS when it says drawn image does that mean we would literally have to draw our character, or does it mean it can't be a realistic fc? I noticed everyone else seemingly drew their faceclaims which is why I kept mine at just a written description. (I have no artistic talent lol)
idk why it's taken me this long to ask but in the CS when it says drawn image does that mean we would literally have to draw our character, or does it mean it can't be a realistic fc? I noticed everyone else seemingly drew their faceclaims which is why I kept mine at just a written description. (I have no artistic talent lol)
Its either or both, you really only need one but some people enjoy giving both. Don't worry. In the case of a fair few of these characters, either the art has existed for years commissioned or given, or in the case of Kindrid, drawn by themselves because they have the skills for it.
Thank you! Yours will fit in quite well I feel. The hatbox is a fun idea, really neat.
Aaa thanks, that's reassuring! I've not done an OC for a group RP in a while so I was kinda worried that she wouldn't- ^^
I kinda got that idea from the trope 'Hammerspace' and also from the whole magician's hat thing, plus it gives her more practicality cause she can store those items and the like-
Aaa thanks, that's reassuring! I've not done an OC for a group RP in a while so I was kinda worried that she wouldn't- ^^
I kinda got that idea from the trope 'Hammerspace' and also from the whole magician's hat thing, plus it gives her more practicality cause she can store those items and the like-
Reminds me of a lesser version of D&D's bag of holding. and you did great, character worthy of being proud of.
wowzers! I'm vibing with these sheets here. Everyone's creative output is looking sweet✌️

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