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Fantasy Kingdom Hearts: A Family of Nobodies

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
Xion sighed as she sat at the picnic table. In her hands a dull pink drink in a plastic container, that she had been told was a Banana and Strawberry smoothie. She had just gotten done doing some shopping, a black beret on her head from the spelunking through stores. It was still almost like a dream.

A couple months ago she had been pulled back from the abyss of non-existence and given a body of her own. Then she was freed from her evil captures and was living a normal life. It was a bit of a adjustment of course, going from practically a murder machine to a normal teenage girl. But the girl finally seemed to have adjusted to her life.

"Thanks, Axel." The girl said, taking a sip of her smoothie. It had been the red headed man's idea to go out thay day... though it was just for the smoothies. But she convinced him to buy her the new hat on her head. Another thing that the girl needed to get use to... having a caregiver figure and learning to listen as not military orders but as someone trying to take care of her. But things seemed to be going well... even if she was probably hurting the man's wallet.
Axel said, "It is sure good that things are now this way. After everything! You look very good that way now. But you must still be thinking of Roxas, and why he is not with us just now, though I do think you understand. I know there are a lot of adjustments for us, but after everything we have done, we can do that too. Don't you think so?" He then drank some more from his banana and strawberry smoothie.

Axel sounded very confident (of course). But through that thin layer it was clear that Axel still had the perspective of one bearing the world on his shoulders. That would be one thing much harder to adjust from. Would he manage to adjust all on his own? At least they now had a peaceful and pleasant environment.
"Yeah you can say that again." Xion sighed glad to be done with the whole Organization and plunging all the worlds into darkness deal. Having existed once, to vanish, to come back just to be ordered to murder her friends. It was nice to just be able to kick back and relax, an almost Foriegn concept to her. She felt like she was out or place not having to worry about getting a certain amount of hearts or making sure that everyone was dead. As for Roxas... it was a shame he wasn't with them. But he did have a life in Twilight Town that he needed to reestablish now that he qas back and with his own body. The two could go visit him whenever they felt like it. The Gummi Ships were very much a thing, or getting a rude with Aqua, Ven, or Terra was also an option.

"I think we'll be able to handle any new adjustments that need to happen." Xion said with a head nod before going back to her drink. In her opinion things seemed to be going pretty smoothly. Though
Axel said, "I still want to hear from you what you think of the new school. That might be the biggest adjustment you would think of. Staying with me in my home might not be a piece of cake, but life with me there can't be as big an adjustment for you. There you can see others do not give a damn about any heroes saving their world, and such others are sure that no one is better than themselves. And we just bite the bullet and don't spout out about ourselves all along. It is better than any big scene with them, which there would be, with many taking sides. It's just what we don't want to have. If you have anything happen which you need help with, still come to me, I really will want to be help for any of it."
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"Schools interesting." Xion said with a head nod as she tried to find a way to explain it. But it was so different for anything she had experience before. A place where she was safe while learning amd not being thrusted into battle. "Its nice. Though my peers might be a bit dramatic. They complain about homework but I don't know I think it's fun to do." She explained with a shoulder shrug. "I might have made a friend though! Her names Rydia. She uh... interesting as well! She got green hair which I haven't seen before. Her parents have a farm and take care of creatures called  Chocobos." She said, tapping her foot trying to remember if she remembered the name of the bird right. The teen hadn't seen any Chocobos for herself. But in one of her text books there was a section on the giant birds. "Apparently people ride them around like horses!" She said. "Maybe we could go and try riding them sometime?" She suggested. Of course she wouldn't be the one paying for renting Chocobos. That would fall back on Lea.
"Well," Axel began, as he gave thoughtful consideration, "Maybe I can communicate with her parents about arranging a time, so we might go there. I have more immediate plans, and if you would go with me this day, I would be glad to have you with me for this." Axel was then quiet a bit as he finished off the banana and strawberry smoothie he had. When Xion was ready he stood, and in answer to her inquisitiveness showing, he said, "To the sports and gear store now."
"Ok sounds good." She said sliding off her seat and landing on the ground. She did keep a hold of her smoothie, needing both hands for it, and continued to suck on it as she nodded her head as Axel suggested the sports store. Not that the girl was in any sports at the moment but that could change, she did have plenty of free time now.
Axel said then, "I do not want to alarm you, Xion, but you seem to be significantly younger in your manifestation now than you have so far. I don't really believe that will continue this noticeably still. But do you feel that in any way? What does it seem like to you?" He looked along the street they were near to, and seeing the destination he wanted to reach, he pointed it out. "We can reach the sports and gear store that way. Think you can finish your smoothie by the time we are there? They might not want anyone going in while drinking anything." When Xion was ready he went off to go along the side of the street with her.
They came to the sports and gear store and just a bit of walking along by the store fronts, which all seemed interesting, with bright colors. As Axel entered with Xion, he looked around a bit at the many various equipment placed in sight along aisles. An attendant came forward, and he asked, "Do you have something in mind you are looking for?"

Axel responded, "I want to see safety gear that can be worn, in my size and in her size. And I want to see your parachute selection."

The attendant said, "Come, this way."
Axel looked at Xion, now looking younger then when he met with her for food and drink just a little while ago, to see that she would still walk with him where the attendant was leading. The attendant then led them to one aisle in view and pointed to items along it. There were padding and vests and protective face masks and helmets. And there at one end there were parachutes tightly packed up to stay that way until release.

Axel asked, "Are there parachutes among these designed so that they glide?".

The attendant said, "Well... do you want to pay more?"
Axel said, "I think I could, if there is a real difference in safety."

"Over there is a parachute glider. It can be directed. It more than twice the cost of these others."

"I need to see the safety ranking. Then I will worry about the cost."

"It speaks to that. In all the small print. It should be safer as it can be directed."

Axel went over to look at it, momentarily leaving Xion where she still was.

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