Kingdom Hearts 4?


Hans Assman
So, with Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out soon, I'm wondering what will happen in Kingdom Hearts 4. Here are my predictions about the worlds in it:



Manhattan (MCU)

Star Killer Base




Worlds based off Disney afternoon

Anyone else got anything?
DaManofWar said:
Star Killer Base

I don't see them using three different locations from the same universe as different worlds... It'd be cool if we could travel between them, though. Either using the in-universe starships or the Gummi Ship itself.

I wonder if the headquarters in Inside Out might make an appearance, too?
LegoLad659 said:
I don't see them using three different locations from the same universe as different worlds... It'd be cool if we could travel between them, though. Either using the in-universe starships or the Gummi Ship itself.
I wonder if the headquarters in Inside Out might make an appearance, too?
The suggestion for star wars is awesome.

How would being inside the mind of a child work?!?
DaManofWar said:
How would being inside the mind of a child work?!?
The same way as for the characters in the movie. Sora would never interact with anything outside of Riley's body, and you would get to explore the world of her mind. Probably invaded by Heartless or something.
LegoLad659 said:
The same way as for the characters in the movie. Sora would never interact with anything outside of Riley's body, and you would get to explore the world of her mind. Probably invaded by Heartless or something.
But...why would he even be there?

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