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Fantasy King x Queen Rp (open)


New Member
I present to you an enemies to lovers plot, with themes of revenge. I am currently accepting new partners. I play the male seeking a female. Looking for either Novella or Adv Lit. Anyways dm me if your interested

Trigger Warning: Dark topics and usurpation

In a small fleeting kingdom, the current Sultan only had his most trusted advisors assisting him. Eventually only allowing one to have his ear. His strokes of genius in advising the sultan had him elevated to a seat of power in the court. Most importantly he had profited greatly from it. All that was left now was for him to move himself up to the top now the highest possible station he could achieve. “But how?” John would ask himself.The princess thought of John as nothing more than an ugly desolate roach that needed to be squashed out of court and her fathers life. John and the princess had met many times before this, they hated each other he was always at court. Any attempt to entrench himself with her father was ruined by the princess. Why must she always get in his way? She absolutely hated the man who didn't deserve all her fathers trust that he so blindly put in the man. The princess was the sole heir to her fathers throne she had rejected every single suitor, John and her father had arranged for her with her marriage to a foreign the Sultanate would prosper for it. John had planned to offer himself to marry her but now all options were off the table, not that the princess and her father would have been around much longer if he were to take power. Once he had made the offer to marry her to himself, her father, the current sultan in power, laughed the idea out of the room. “YOU, marry HER? What a jest that is.”

Wealth, Fame, Power. John sought these things like no other because of his station any lowly peasant would give any amount of lifetimes of servitude to be in his position, that never stopped John's ambition. He was the royal vizier and Duke of his own realm but ultimately he answered to his sultan. John had been Duke since he had inherited it from his father. Always serving on the council and ruling in lieu of the real Sultan thoughts had always entered his head he was every bit Sultan all but in name. The princess and her father always entertained her betrothed and her future husband; they were soon to be married. The princess and her father always looked down upon him.

On a day John was home at his estate away from the royal court he had come back to find a treasure offered to him by his soldiers as a large chest was confiscated inside he found a black genie lamp. When John was alone in his chambers he rubbed upon the lamp. With a blue mist spilling out

The Genie's lamp appearing was a rare occurrence millenia would pass without them ever appearing and there was only one in the world so whoever possessed it had the world at their mercy. Luckily for the world no one with a wretched evil mind had possessed it until now. John's father had told him stories of the power it possessed and the good deeds done by previous wielders of the lamps; none had yet to do evil with it yet.. Until now. The current sitting sultan and his daughter had left John seeSultanvengeance, one that would cost him his crown. It was why who you were friends with at court was so important, you never quite knew who could take power and who was ambitious enough to try. As the new Sultan John would have wealth, his never ending fame and absolute power. The last thing he would need now was a queen who absolutely adored him. John's gaze would turn to the princess as she was the most suitable in his plans.

The day of the princesses wedding mid vows everything she ever knew would change. The day that was supposed to fill the air with happiness turned sorrow. Her betrothed and her father ran once it was recognized what was happening with the swarm of guards entering with John the moment the doors burst open as did everyone else everyone would try and run but escape would not happen easily.The usurper seemed to be quietly subservient, they never suspected him of one interested in taking the throne for himself, but now it was more clear than ever that he's been waiting for the opportunity to arise and take the throne his rightful place where John always believed himself to belong
The princess had always been sought after by the usurper and now the princess was captured by the usurper Sultantaken as his prisoner.
The princess was completely unaware of the usurper's plans for her or his secret intent to marry her before he had taken the throne for himself; it was a well kept secret as the usurper had crafted his web of intriguing schemes carefully before this. The usurper would put her under a powerful unbreakable love spell, one stronger than the spell he had used to flip her life upside down , out of vengeance against the princess for being such a thorn in his side and her treatment of him previously.
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