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King and Subject

Fae Magic

I am made of memories
It has been three hundred years since the fae realm closed its gates to humans and sinse then anybody more than half human has been considered wierd. Few people are out right discriminative but it is rare to see a full human anymore because most humans have unsurprisigly married fae natives. Its a lot easier now than it used to be becaase the lack of exposure to the Aboveground has lengthened human lifespans to nearly immortal like fae.

All in all it is a nice existance.

The Fae Realm, unlike the Human Realm, was one Kingdom ruled over by the High King and High Queen, under whom sit the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. From Midsomer to Yule the Unseelie Court ruled with the Holly King and from Yule to Midsomer the Seelie Court ruled with the Oak King. They rule the magick while in power but it is the High King and Queen nthat make the laws and ultimately have the final say in the country. That all happens in the High Kingdom.

The Lower Kingdom is much smaller and although falls under the authority of the High Kingdom is a Principality in its own right like the Dragons Tribes and the Dwarven Land. It is ruled by the Prince, who is the second son of the High King, and is the home of all different races. Elves, Nymphs, Dwarves, and Humans alike all live in the Lower Kingdom in harmony - the same can be said for the High Kingdom but that is much smaller and only the very wealthy of any race live there.

This is where our story begins, in the Lower Kigdom, with Arabella Lovelace: the eighteen year old daughter of the baker. Arabella lives in the village of Castletown (so named because it was built around the Prince's castle) and like all Fae was breathtakingly gorgeous with thick, inkcoloured curly hair to her waist, ivory skin, and deep dark eyes. The catch? She was completely human without an ounce of Fae blood in her. In fact, she was the only remaining human born in the Fae Realm, but of course she had no idea about that detail and wouldn't have cared if she did. Being human meant some people despised her on sight and she didn't have the hopes of marrying royalty like most of the girls in her highschool had (there was no way Fae royalty would marry a human) but other than that she was the same as everybody else. Her magic was as strong because she was born in the Fae Realm but was more elemantal based and her face was rounder, more heart shaped and lacking the high cheekbones characteristic of the Fae.

Despite the fact she was human, and therefore had no chance when it came to marrying a royal, her stepmother (a lovely fae woman called Elise) still insisted she go to the Coming of Age ball. It had been held annually sinse the Prince turned eighteen and hadn't found a wife but most people saw it as an excuse to dress up prettily and dance until they dropped. Arabella was no different.

It had been months sinse her Coming of Age Ball, which was held on Beltane each year while the Seelie Court ruled, and Arabella had completely forgotten about the party. Like always it had been masked (she personally had worn a scarlet dress and a white mask with roses on the edge) so Arabella had no idea who she had danced with but it wouldn't have mattered anyway because she didn't know what the Prince looked like. He spent most of his time in the castle, prefering to send out his advisor to the village, so only people who had had an audience with him or were at the corrination had seen him.

Back in the present, Arabella straightened her simple blue dress with the flour handprints on it and walked to the counter from the kitchen.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked cheerfully, a smile on her pink lips even as her hand rested on the iron poker she kept behind the counter. It was there as a safety precoution because the fae were burnt by iron but Arabella wasn't human so if anybody tried anything funny she had protection.

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