Kim - A Presentation


One Time Luck
Hi, everyone!

I was led her from the Exalted 3Ed. Kickstarter (to vote in a poll), and I hav edecided to give it a chance. It looks like a noce enough place, and I would really like to find somewhere to discuss different ideas, concepts, experimentation and otherwise generally theorize about Role Playing, one of my favorite hobbies. Gamewise I've been playing mostly White Wolf stuff and I'm a huge fan of Vampire The Masquerade, Mage the Ascension, Promethean: The Created and Exalted. (Plus some of the old classic swedish games; Trudvang, Eon, Mutant)

Roleplaying Status right now; I'm in the early stages of storytelling an Exalted Campaign. All my players are new to the game, so that's pretty great/fun. And there is a new edition on the horizon which I am looking forward to. So... Good Times.

Hope to see you gals/guys/others out in the threads :)

Hope I will like it here
kim said:
Hi, everyone!
I was led her from the Exalted 3Ed. Kickstarter (to vote in a poll), and I hav edecided to give it a chance. It looks like a noce enough place, and I would really like to find somewhere to discuss different ideas, concepts, experimentation and otherwise generally theorize about Role Playing, one of my favorite hobbies. Gamewise I've been playing mostly White Wolf stuff and I'm a huge fan of Vampire The Masquerade, Mage the Ascension, Promethean: The Created and Exalted. (Plus some of the old classic swedish games; Trudvang, Eon, Mutant)

Roleplaying Status right now; I'm in the early stages of storytelling an Exalted Campaign. All my players are new to the game, so that's pretty great/fun. And there is a new edition on the horizon which I am looking forward to. So... Good Times.

Hope to see you gals/guys/others out in the threads :)

Hope I will like it here
Welcome to the site!

If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to ask.

We have many different areas for discussing and many people who would be willing to help and answer any questions you have.

I look forward to seeing anything you create and hope you enjoy the site :) ! oWoD fan...would you happen to have any experience with the lesser known lines; like anything to to with Kindred of the East?
Sorry, Alexandra. I'm afraid I have no experience at all with Kindred of the East. Would you care to enlighten me? Is it worth checking out?

The only thing I know about the Kue'jin (Spelling?) is from playing V:tm: Bloodlines.

But your question did remind me that there is another smallish oWoD game I really like; Demon: The Fallen. I really like how that game capture the human side of the old world of darkness.
Wolf's sorry to interrupt, but I've just dropped by to give a welcome to the new guy.

Welcome Kim :) * bark*

I'm not at all into Exalted so I'll quietly slip out now...
kim said:
Sorry, Alexandra. I'm afraid I have no experience at all with Kindred of the East. Would you care to enlighten me? Is it worth checking out?
The only thing I know about the Kue'jin (Spelling?) is from playing V:tm: Bloodlines.

But your question did remind me that there is another smallish oWoD game I really like; Demon: The Fallen. I really like how that game capture the human side of the old world of darkness.
Eee...Demon is great. Such a pity the line never really got to be as well-rounded as all the others...I still don't think it was explored to its full potential.

I am also eagerly awaiting the nWoD Demon, which has been looking promising so far from the sources of inspiration and little bits of mechanics they keep feeding us.

Yes; the Kindred of the East are indeed the Kuei jin.

The Year of the Lotus book series was all about the Middle Kingdom, and provided eastern setting material for all the main lines. They had their own vampires, werewolves, magi and changelings, all with changes to how their western counterparts functioned; both in ethos, powers and mechanics.

For example; the Kuei jin are not sired in the western tradition, being unrelated to the myth of Caine. They are created when someone dies in a violent fashion, and claws their way back out of one of the many Yomi hells to re-inhabit their body. They are then scooped up by the local vampires, have a bit of sense knocked back into their incoherent, raging heads, and told to set about becoming a functioning member of their society.

They subsist on chi; which is exuded by all living things. The early years are quite messy as the only way to absorb chi is to literally eat people; blood-rich organs are a favourite. As the vampire refines their methods, blood drinking will suffice. Further along the path, the Kuei jin can siphon chi from breath, and the eldest know how to drink it in from the air around them.

There are no clans. Instead there are schools of enlightenment, known as Dharmas, and each Kuei jin has a Dharma rating from zero to ten. Zero is an unplayable animalistic creature, ten is a state of ultimate enlightenment (known as the Hundred Clouds) where the Kuei jin are no longer undead, and become something else entirely, vanishing from this plane of existence.

As you can see, this is a game of enlightenment.

When it comes to the power stats, and other mechanics, KotE is kinda full on; almost in a daunting fashion. And I'm not even going to go into the complex setting rules and formalities of the Dharma paths, laws of balance, and Kuei jin society as a whole....

Instead of nature, demeanour and humanity, there are the Four Virtues; yin, yang, hun, and p'o, all of which have different associations such as death, life, intellect, violence, heat, cold, action, passivity, negativity and passion. Which virtue is followed the closest depends on one's Dharma. Yin and Yang are balanced together; indicating whether the Kuei jin favours life energies or death energies. Likewise, Hun and P'o offset each other, with the Hum being higher intellect and honour, and P'o being the bestial lower soul, prone to violence.

It's tricky to get into initially, but if you don't mind a bit of reading it's quite a beautifully constructed setting. Of course, it suffers from some of the standard oWoD basic system hiccups, but apart from that I have always had a soft spot for it.
Alexandra: The KotE actually sound kind of interesting... I've always ignored them since I didn't want to read alot of new stuff.

But... I'll admit that you have peaked my interest, and just from reading your description I have gotten an idea of how to present it as something my gaming-friends would enjoy... I'll definetly look into it when I get the time!

If nothing else, it sounds like a game I would want to have in my repertoire :)

I haven't looked into the coming nWoD-Demonhints yet, but I Have bought the God-Machine Chronicles and plan on reading it through when I get time.

I'm guessing new Demon seems to be alot different from the old one?

@Wolfy Rawrh: Thanks. Hi :)

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