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Realistic or Modern šŸ„Ø Kidnapper Van šŸ„Ø


New Member

  • (n). an immense ache for nothing and everything all at once. a sick yearning.





    130lbs (59kg)

    hair c.

    Strawb. Blonde

    eye c.



    Rose tinted blonde that falls into loose curls and waves. The pattern by which they fall being inconsistent, in some spots you will find loose ringlets, in others large curls, and in some simple beach waves. Persuaded by the throws of high school politics, natural curls are pressed under the height of an iron until hair splays straight across broad shoulders down to his upper-mid back. Strawberry hair framing his face in many layers throughout, a way to add shape to his curls and texture for when he straightens it for school.


    From afar, jade is mistaken for cool grays, like distant storms brewing on a tranquil horizon. Shrouded in an ethereal haze where the light seems to never reach, leaving them perpetually in twilight. Up close, however, they reveal their true nature, a hidden forest of jade hues with a singular brown speckle settled into his right eye.


    A short stature with a lithe frame to match. Graceful, flexible, and thin, a deceiving appearance of fragility at first glance. Yet broad shoulders and muscles layered under soft skin stray from the illusion of delicacy, showing signs of a passion he has since retired. A small waist paring with long legs and short torso.


    His body is littered with countless, albeit small, scars from his youth. The most prominent is a faded bite mark on his left forearm just bellow his inner elbow. Beyond that, he also has faded scars on his knees, in various shapes and sizes, most appearing like a carpet burn that faded but never went away. If you look closely at his hands, you will see dozens of small scars across his skin.


    Earrings, pierced since he was three. Now, long forgotten unless it is a special occasion or necessary for an outfit. It is most common to find ruby wrapped in gold wire when he does remember to wear them.


    Strawberry blonde curls framing pale skin littered with subtle freckles where the sun has kissed his skin. Striking green eyes that never blink as much as they should. Prominent cheekbones and chin to match, along with downturned lips that falsely appear as a frown to many. As soon as his face rests from a smiling mask, he is flooded with comments and concern. An air of elegancy and poise that quickly falters when upset or excited. Features that are androgynous, yet are often overlooked as feminine due to his long hair and height.


    Adriana TarƔbkovƔ


ā™”coded by uxieā™”

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if there's any duplicates of habits/headcanons no there is not be quiet look away






    185lbs (84kg)

    hair c.

    Dark Brown

    eye c.

    Dark brown


    Splayed loose like a cat oā€™ nine tails, leather black and insidious as they come; Renā€™s hair heeds not convenience nor efficiency. Garnished androgyny coats shoulders to fringe ribcage, and those with an appeal to touch will be met with a snobby slap on the wrist to warn, Paws off.


    Molten amber beneath the sun, irises don a shade of Cimmerian ink. Almost impenetrable by light, there is a quality of ravine-deep opia to his stare: invasive and impassive. Oil pools emulate that which glitters in his grasp, but the lack of any complex thought behind those lashes is a short-lived secret.


    A consort of the sun with warm beige skin and soot-black eyes, Ren cuts a broad-shouldered and lean figure at 5ā€™10ā€. Sturdier than height may first suggest and unyielding in both personality and stature, characteristics encapsulate that height is mindset and not a limitation to the volume of one's voice.


    Consequences of childhood delight and trying to pat something he shouldnā€™t: Grandmother's cruel Bichon Frise located an ankle and delivered the shallow blow.

    A bottle of liquor as brutal collateral for a mouthy remark. Blood tasting lager, vertical lip scar stands testament to combative habits. [X]


    Cutting a silhouette of scrappy ink, his disavowing gaze is as icy as northern wind. A natural expression that strips warmth and emits short-tempered disinterest, strangers are prone to assuming Ren must have a bad attitude. A threatening appearance with intentions that are usually harmless.


    It's babygirl it's 90's Atsushi Sakurai

ā™”coded by uxieā™”

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Holding it together so well



Detention :(




Ren. Gao Gao




shadows you see right above me
violently biting off the flesh
of your own, of your own body



A horrid after school program for trouble-makers, vandals, and unbehaved. Three things he is not. Three things the slimy weasel across the room was.

Vasariah sat neatly tucked away in the corner of the room. Plastic chair grinding uncomfortable into his back. Harsh fluorescent lights cast a relentless glare that sliced through fragile cornea, nursing a painful sensitivity that left jade irises searching peeling vinyl oak for some semblance of relief. Yet bright LEDs leave little mercy on susceptible eyes unless they are closed, but to be shut is to be considered sleeping. Sleeping during a punishment is forbidden.

A headache pulsed through Vasariah's temples, the pain exacerbated by the silent room. The only sounds were the persistent yet quiet ticking of a clock, and the quiet whisperings of who he could only presume were the usual troublemakers. He recognized few, and considered himself lucky not to share any classes with them, save for one. It was this one individual who had unjustly dragged him into this treacherous room. He'd been caught up in this mess through no fault of his own, and yet here he was, stuck in this sterile, monotonous environment. Torturous.

A reasonable pile of unfinished homework in front of him, untouched. Incomplete for a reason. The sense of injustice gnawed at Vasariah, a relentless itch he couldnā€™t scratch. It wasnā€™t just the detentionā€”it was the sheer unfairness of being punished for someone elseā€™s mistakes. Each tick of the clock seemed to mock him, echoing his irritation with every passing second.

He fought against his thoughts, attempting to prevent his mind from wandering back to the events that led him here. It would only serve to stoke the embers of his frustration. It was best not to dwell. Do not dwell. Do not dwell. Do not dwell.

The silence in the room was thick, pressing in on Vasariah from all sides. Despite his best efforts to remain calm and detached, his thoughts kept drifting back to the other student. Renā€”he remembered it was officially his last name. He was observant, having paid attention during roll call in the first few weeks of school. Those early days, before the teacher had learned the students' preferred names and nicknames, had etched the delightful name in his mind.

Vasariah denies any and all allegations stating that he only remembers due to the other studentā€™s beauty. He was above aesthetics and attractive features. The fact he had immortalized every feature on paper with meticulous detail was entirely unrelated to the topic at him.

Thin velvet wine lips, perpetually tinged with a scar of mischief. A wide, inviting smile that brought life to his face through charming smile lines that accentuated the prominence of high, sculpted cheekbones. His face, slim and chiseled, was framed by silky pools of ink-black hair that flowed with a graceful fluidity, each strand personally bathed in a beauty he had never seen before. Darling eyes which mirrored the precious obsidian nestled in his backpack, shimmering with stars even under cruel pale lighting. His favourite feature of course, his nose with its delicate bump and elegant curve, a slope he could trace over and over.

Vasariah hadnā€™t noticed his eyes staring in circles around sun-kissed beige skin. Warm. Cruelly inviting. Look away. Look away now. Pale skin littered with beauty marks and freckles grew peach in color, a dusting of blush across fragile skin. He was not some fair maiden who flushed and giggled upon seeing any attractive person. No, rather, he was embarrassed from his own habit of staring. Inappropriate. Invasive. He should know better.

Vasariah's attention drifted to the pile of notebooks on his desk, each one an echo of his meticulous nature. The pages were filled with notes, incomplete in a way that only he could decipher. His handwriting, normally so precise and fluid, had started to deteriorate into shaky, barely legible scrawls. It was as if his hands were turning to crumbling stone, stiff, fragile, and falling apart.

Jade gaze traced over a page, studying the lines at a superficial level. The words were still there, but they felt distant, disconnected from the clarity he usually prided himself on. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was upset. Overwhelmed. Maybe he felt like crying, but there was nowhere safe here. Suck it up, hold it in, leave it be.

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. The air was stale, and the fluorescent lights buzzed softlyā€”not softly, now that he had paid attention to it. He could hear the faint rustling of papers from the other students, the occasional stifled laugh, the malicious whispers, and the shuffling of feet under desks. The room felt both too quiet and too noisy.

Vasariah hated this feeling. It was a feeling he couldnā€™t name, only compare and hope it felt the same. It was something like his thoughts constantly slipping away from him, yet everything blended together at the same time. But no, that wasnā€™t good enough. It wasnā€™t right. He just feltā€¦something awful.

He opened his eyes, focusing on the notebook in front of him. The words blurred slightly, the lines wavering, but he forced himself to concentrate. He picked up his pen, trying to steady his hand. The graphite flowed, but the lines were still shaky, the letters uneven. He gritted his teeth, frustration boiling over as he scribbled the eraser over the words, the page becoming a mess of smudge marks and frustration.

Overstimulated and overwhelmed, Vasariah felt the room closing in on him. His vision blurred, the pressure in his temples throbbing painfully as he struggled to focus on the page before him. The overwhelming brightness made it difficult to concentrate, his thoughts scattering like leaves in the fall, and he had not the energy nor the rake to begin collecting them in piles. He felt the pencil slip from his fingers, tumbling to the ground with a clatter that seemed to echo through the room.

That was the final straw. Vasariah buried his face in his hands, the coolness of his palms offering little comfort against the heat of his cheeks. His breath hitched, and he fought to keep the tears at bay, his chest tightening with the effort. He sat there, eyes closed, trying desperately to regain control, to suppress the tears that threatened to spill over.

As Vasariah sat with his face buried in his hands, his thoughts began to spiral out of control. The thought of his parents finding out about the detention sent a cold shiver down his spine. They had always been strict, even if they were never there. He could already imagine their disappointment, the stern lectures, and the inevitable grounding.

Nights spent doing homework and working himself down to the bone, meals skipped because school was more important than basic needs, all of it would be for nothing with a setback like this. Perfect grades and attendance they barely batted an eye at, it was expected, the minimum. Detention? No. I canā€™t. I canā€™t. Maybe he could just lie his way out of it somehow after the fact. But no, would they have contacted his parents? On his first offense? Would it be on his record already?

Oh, God. My record. His mind raced to the implications this incident could have on his college applications. He had worked so hard to maintain a spotless academic record, and now this single blot could tarnish everything. He imagined the admissions officers, scrutinizing his record and finding this ugly black mark. Would they question his character, his commitment to his studies? The thought of his future being jeopardized by something out of his controlā€¦

Then there was the matter of his current reputation. Vasariah had always been known as a quiet, diligent student, someone who kept to himself and stayed out of trouble. But now, being seen in detention could change that. Would the teachers who once respected him now see him differently? Would they think he was just another troublemaker? Would Mrs. MacDonald still bring him breakfast in the morning so she knows heā€™ll have eaten something for the day?

Even more distressing was the impact this could have on his few social interactions. Vasariah had never been particularly popular, but he had at least been someone you try to be in good graces with in hopes he will help you with your homework or work with you on a group project where he does all the work. But now, he feared that even those tenuous bonds would fray. If his peers saw him as someone who got into trouble, would they still want to work with him? Would they think he was less intelligent, less capable? He feared being ostracized more than he already was, not even getting a "pity pairing" in group projects because his reputation as a reliable and smart student would be tainted.

Vasariah felt a strange detachment, as if he were floating outside his own body. The room seemed to expand and contract around him, the edges of his vision fading into an indistinct haze. He could see himself sitting there, hunched over, face buried in his hands, but it felt distant, unreal. He was stuck watching himself from a distance, a silent observer to his own distress as he often was.

In this dissociated state, the room around him seemed to vanish, leaving him alone in a void. The other students, the desks, the wallsā€”all faded into nothingness. There was only Vasariah, isolated and adrift. He saw himself sitting there, small and fragile, struggling against the weight of his thoughts and emotions. And yet, it didnā€™t feel like himself. No. He felt no connection to that thing, he only rationally knew that it was his. His burden. His shell.

Get it together, he whispered to himself, though the words never came out, and the thought itself felt like it was coming from somewhere else, someone else. Let yourself in.

The plea echoed in the emptiness, a desperate call to reconnect, to ground himself back in reality. He wanted to reach out, to comfort himself, to pull himself back from the brink of this dissociative abyss. He wanted to help himself. You can. You can. I know you can.

But the disconnection felt too strong, the divide between his conscious mind and his body too wide. He watched, helpless, as his own form remained motionless, the weight of himself too heavy to lift. The void around him pressing in, suffocating in its silence.

Come on, he urged, voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. You can do this. Just breathe. Just... go back.

He tried to ground himself, to reconnect with the present moment and push back against the fog that constantly swallowed him. The lights continued to blaze, the room remained harsh and unyielding, and he just wanted to go home, even if home didnā€™t exist.

Then, suddenly, darling brown eyes were in front of his, and everything felt more real. And ohā€¦they were impossibly beautiful up close. The patterns within the irises were something out of his dreams, resembling a warm summerā€™s night skyā€”swirls of deep brown and flecks of gold, shifting and catching the cold light in mesmerizing ways.

The sudden proximity of those eyes made his breath catch. There was a magnetic pull to their gaze, and he was helpless to its siren song, drawing him in until he felt it was only the two of them in that room. The eyes were so close that Vasariah could see the fine details of the lashes, the subtle variations in the color of the iris, the gentle curve of the brow above them.

And then, as quickly as the eyes had appeared, Vasariah's mind registered the intrusion. Eyes should not be this close to him.

ā€œRen,ā€ he hissed. Vasariahā€™s face fell on something between annoyed and confused, but he was never good at such expressions. ā€œWhat are yā€”ā€

Before he could finish his question, his gaze darted around the room, searching for the teacher who was supposed to be supervising. To his surprise, the teacher was nowhere to be seen. To his dismay, the other students had begun to take advantage of the newfound freedom. The room was now buzzing with the loud chatter of other students, and briefly, he was shocked they hadnā€™t found more chaotic activities to participate in.

Vasariah turned to the brunette in front of him, his thumb subconsciously scratching away at the dried, dead skin along his index finger in a poor attempt to curb his anxiety. ā€œWhat happened?ā€ he asked, his voice barely more than a whisperā€”a rule follower even if there was no one to enforce it.

ā™”coded by uxieā™”



čˆ¹äŗ• č“®













luscious as dark velvet it blooms in you,
a poppy made of ink,
you think of nothing else.



Renā€™s second home.

The morse of the clock is a lullaby wrapping him in the temptation of a forbidden sleep. Once chorded with enough muscle to sit upright, now unwound into sheaves of limb and spools of melancholic hair. Arms folded and chin perched on top, half-lidded eyes watch the student diagonally tangent carve unsavoury words into the desk.

Many are not born equal in the womb, and Ren knows most in this room are just societal wounds left to fester without salve. Those not given time or patience to cater their unmet needs; not that this can be justification for all problem children exiled into the afterschool purgatory.

The same collection that descends into this clockwork habit of earning themselves a detention, Ren is familiar with. The violent and the truant and just plain unmedicated, he affiliates best with those that have given up with school. Gutter grades and skimming by on the luck of his teeth, he currently has no intention of altering what he presently doesnā€™t feel has a need to be fixed.

So it occurs as it often does, him and his company with trouble. He does not think he actively seeks or causes it, and yetā€” seems to always be present when it happens.

In the cesspool is the magnet of oddity, someone who has no belonging in an informal environment like this: Renā€™s unfortunate collateral. Not entirely proud of involving the diligent pupil into this situationā€” not that it had been intentionalā€” not that he intends to broker an apology either. But the longer Ren lingers on that scintilla of guilt, he rationalises this might be an enriching experience for Vasariah. The teacherā€™s pet deserves a glimpse of the teacherā€™s beloathed.

A clatter surfaces Ren from the drowsy current, room rapidly widening to include the recollection of quiet susurrus in his orbit. Tries to fend the sobering away as he turns his head to the side, ear laid to arm to find himself staring vacantly to the perpetrator. Call it privilege or call it pride, the poor thing is etched with defeat. Face bundled into the barren walls of their own hands, thereā€™s an intolerable level of pity to affix his vision on someone like thatā€” not benefited by being the very source of their presence here.

Ren is also not ignorant enough to not notice pretty people.

Their skin is kneaded with rosewater and the radiance of their curls would bring rivalry to that of Apollo. How easy to forget verging close will sentence an Icarus fate, how easy to forget he does it all the same; does what he does best and defies what he always should do. Finds the habitat over by Vasariah much more pleasant and sits himself in the vacant space in front of them. Leaned forward with both elbows on the blondeā€™s desk, head in his hands and staring.

The unravelling begins the moment the blonde takes notice, all the melting wax and serrated feathers.

ā€œRen.ā€ Spoken with the violence of a comet with sea spray hiss, but akin to that of a cozy sparrow, Ren seems to fluff at the sound of his name. Sharp corners of his mouth upturned and eyes crinkled with a smile, there is something smug to see the blonde use it.

ā€œYes.ā€ Nonchalant as if affirming that it is indeed his name. Hierarchy is determined by an absent teacher, and with students beginning to roam and chat, Ren is not immune to that loosened leash of freedom. The blonde asks what happened as if some urgent treachery is afoot, and the brunette casts a lazy survey over what he can see without turning his head.

ā€œI came over here. It was very far.ā€ He thought it would be obvious, but fair-headed ones arenā€™t known for their wisdom. ā€œYou crying?ā€ Not spoken as a tease, only a curious observation to what was once a pinched form and hidden face.

ā€œOh,ā€ there is a harrowing pause towards what Ren has noticed. ā€œYou know what, I get it. Iā€™d be sad too if my handwriting looked like that.ā€

ā™”coded by uxieā™”







Suspicion cured me



Ren's eyes I fear




Ren. Gao Gao




shadows you see right above me
violently biting off the flesh
of your own, of your own body


A smile. It is just a smile.

Yet itā€™s a light that spills into the shadows of his soul, filling the hollow spaces with a warmth he didnā€™t know he was missing. That smile is a gentle sunrise, spreading across the canvas of his heart, painting everything in red hues of dangerous affection. Vas finds himself captivated by the way the boyā€™s eyes crinkle at the edges, and he swears he can see every joy Ren has ever known is echoed in that singular expression. And in that instant, all worries melt away, leaving a worrying truth that this boy has become the center of his universe. Even if only for a moment.

Vasariah should not be domesticated this easily.

Renā€™s voice slips into Vasariahā€™s ears, a comforting balm against the tension that knots his thoughts. Itā€™s softer than heā€™d expect from someone like Ren, whose vibrant personality so often fills the room with lively energy. Yet here, in this moment, his voice is a warm murmur, like the gentle strum of a guitar at twilight, laced with that unmistakable Brooklyn accent. The cadence of it flows over Vasariah like a familiar melody, each word steeped in the rhythms of a life lived in the East.

Vasariah finds himself caught in the current of it, drifting in the undertones of that cityā€™s distant hum, wondering how deeply one must be rooted in a place for its voice to become their own. He muses on how the accent clings to Ren's tongue, if it is as stubborn as the brunette is, and wonders if Ren ever longs for the streets he left behind, for the skyline that once framed his view. Will his voice lose any remnants of his home the longer he is here?

ā€œYou crying?ā€

He is no longer domesticated. He is no longer wistfully replaying that voice in his mind.

The delinquent is quicker to speak than he is, and only rubs salt in the wound.

ā€œWhatā€¦?ā€ Vasariahā€™s voice wavers, his gaze shifting to Ren, caught somewhere between hurt and confusion. He glances down at the scattered papers on his desk, the evidence of Renā€™s jab sprawled before him. The neat, orderly handwriting that unraveled into chaotic scratches. Ironically it documented perfectly the spiral his mind was taking being locked in this room.

Admittedly, it was bad. And he would have to take precious time out of his day to rewrite the notes. And that thought was enough to make Vasariahā€™s head hurt once more.

ā€œIā€™m not cryingā€¦ā€ Vasariah murmurs, the words barely more than a whisper, as if saying them too loudly might betray him. Technically, itā€™s trueā€”no tears spill down his cheeks. His gaze drifts back up, drawn irresistibly to those warm, inky eyes that hold him captive. Theyā€™re too close, far too close, and he feels the pull of them like a tide he knows he is going to drown in. His parents had warned him about the dangers of getting too close to boys, but they never prepared him for thisā€”the danger of getting lost in the depths of this boyā€™s eyes. Itā€™s terrifying.

ā€œAre youā€¦aware that saying things like that is generally seen as rude?ā€ Vasariah tilts his head, leaning forward slightly as his arms cross in front of him. ā€œIā€™m not upset because of myā€”well okay. Now I am a little upset that I have to rewrite my notes. But that was not the original problem.ā€ The admission slips out before he can catch it, and already he feels like heā€™s sharing too much, exposing cracks in the carefully constructed walls he keeps around himself. Thereā€™s a vulnerability in revealing even this small frustration

Vasariah stills, his breath catching as his eyes trace the contours of Renā€™s face, searching for somethingā€”anythingā€”that might reveal the story behind those familiar features. He lingers on every crease and pore, as if they might whisper secrets to him, unravel the mystery of the man to make the playing field even again. But the answers he seeks remain out of his reach, and all heā€™s left with is the undeniable truth that heā€™s standing too close to the most beautiful man heā€™s ever had the unfortunate pleasure of laying his eyes on.

He knows he should be doing anything else, focusing on tasks that donā€™t involve engaging with Ren, yet he canā€™t tear himself away. Thereā€™s a pull between them, something unspoken and dangerous, and for a moment, Vasariah wonders if Ren feels it too. But he quickly pushes the thought aside, forcing himself to look away, and tells himself he is experiencing an acute psychosis.

ā€œRen, why are you here?ā€ Vasariahā€™s voice is calm, but thereā€™s a hint of something unsteady in the tone. He lets the question hang in the air for a moment before clarifying, his gaze narrowing slightly. ā€œWhy are you here at my deskā€¦talking to meā€¦?ā€ The words come out more pointed than he intended, attempting to grasp the logic behind Renā€™s presence. Heā€™s not used to this, to having his space invaded, to being asked if he is crying or poking at his handwriting. Ren must want something. People only talked to him if they wanted something.

ā™”coded by uxieā™”
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