Princess Psychie
Name: Khan Haoyu
Type of Animal: Tiger Yokai
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Alignment: Scrupulous
No matter what happens, no matter the odds or opposition, the Survivor always manages to pull through. Whether alone or with a group, the Survivor’s utter refusal to accept defeat often makes the difference between success and failure. Survivors are frustrated by others’ acceptance of “what fate has in store” or willingness to withstand less than what they can achieve. Outcasts, street folk, and idealists may well be Survivor Archetypes. A Kindred Survivor might be a renegade under a Prince’s edict of Blood Hunt, an erstwhile Bishop forced from power, or a lowly Nosferatu who finds himself kicked from hunting ground to hunting ground with no acknowledged claim of domain.
— Regain one point of Willpower whenever you survive a threatening situation through tenacity, or when your counsel causes someone else to persist in spite of opposition.The Rebel is a malcontent, never satisfied with the status quo or the system as it is. He hates the very idea of authority and does everything in his power to challenge and undermine it. Perhaps the Rebel truly believes in his ideals, but it is just as likely that he bears authority figures some ill will over a “wrong” done to him in the past. A Rebel may hate institutions categorically, or she may be consumed with opposition toward a single particular authority. Teenagers, insurrectionists, and nonconformists all exemplify the Rebel Archetype. Rebel Kindred certainly include the Sabbat, Anarchs, and temperamental Brujah, but also have room for Tremere who chafe at the rigid Clan hierarchy or neonates who deplore their sires.
— Regain a point of Willpower whenever your actions adversely affect your chosen opposition. Rebels may oppose the government, the Church, a vampire Prince, or any other holder of authority. The player should choose whom or what his character rebels against when he adopts this Archetype. Storytellers should take rebellion against “all authority” with a grain of salt, and apply the Willpower reward for such a broad concept to only greater and greater actions of insurgency.
Iq: 10
Me: 27 - +7 to Save vs Mental
Ma: 11
Ps: 30 - +15 SDC in HtH damage
Pp: 24 - +5 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
Pe: 17 - +1 to Save vs Poison
Pb: 10
Spd: 50 - Approx. 35mph
Hit Points: 18
SDC: 82
Willpower: 9 / 9
Size Level: 9
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 5'11"
Human Features: None
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial - Snarling Voice
Looks: None
Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes
Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes - Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu
Natural Weapons (if any): Retractable Claws
Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): Carnivore
Level of Experience: 1
Number of Attacks: 5
Strike: +6
Parry: +5
Dodge: +5
Roll with Punch: +5
Initiative: +5
Perception: 0
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike from Behind
Skills provided by "Savior" for their children free of charge. =)
1. Native Language and Literacy: English: 98%
2. Lore - Martial Arts (+15% in Tiger Claw Kung Fu): 40% +5%
3. Basic Mathematics: 87% +4%
4. Detect Ambush: 35% +5%
5. Prowl: 43% +5%
6. First Aid: 50% +5%
7. WP Polearm
+2 to strike at level 1; +1 more at levels 5, 9 and 14. +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 to throw at levels 2, 5, 9 and 14. +2 to damage at levels 2, 8 and 15.
Operative Agent OCC
Martial Art Style: Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu
Weapon Construction Skill Program
Armorer: 75% +5%
Base Electronics: 45% +5%
Mechanical Engineer: 60% +5%
Weapon Systems: 50% +5%
WP Bow
Start with +1 to Strike and 2 shots per melee round. Add +1 to Strike at 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th levels. An extra shot per melee round is added at 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th levels.
Start with being able to fire off 3 per melee round. +1 to Throw at 4th, 7th, 10th and 13th levels. Extra shot per melee at 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th and 15th levels.
Start with +1 to Strike at level one. +1 to Strike at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 15th levels. +1 to Parry at 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, llth, and 14th levels. +1 to Throw at 5th, 10th and 14th levels.
Start with +1 to Throw at level one; +1 to Strike at 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 13th levels. + 1 to Parry at 3rd, 5th, 8th, 11th and 14th levels. +1 to Throw at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th levels.
1 shot per melee at first level. +1 to Strike at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th. An extra shot per melee round is added at 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, llth, 13th and 15th levels.
Bodyguard/Assassin Skill Program
Detect Ambush: 55% +5%
Detect Concealment: 45% +5%
Escape Artist: 35% +5%
Optic Systems: 50% +5%
Sniper +2 to Strike
Surveillance Systems: 40% +5%
Tracking: 35% +5%
WP Rifle/Shotgun
+1 to Strike and receive an additional +1 to Strike at 4th, 7th, 10th and 14th levels.
+1 to Strike and + 2 to Entangle. + 1 to Strike at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th and 15th levels. + 1 to Parry at 5th, 9th, and 13th levels. +1 to Throw at 3rd, 7th, 11th and 15th levels. +1 to Entangle at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th levels.
Start with + 1 to Strike and +1 to Entangle at level one. + 1 to Strike at 3rd, 5th, 8th, llth, and 14th levels. +1 to Parry at 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th levels. + 1 to Throw at 6th, and 12th levels. + 1 to Entangle at 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th levels.
Basic Military Skill Program
Climbing: 35% +5%
Demolitions: 70% +3%
Demolitions Disposal: 65% +3%
Read Sensory Instruments: 45% +5%
WP Assault Rifle
+1 to Strike and receive an additional +1 to Strike at 4th, 7th, 10th and 14th levels.
+1 to Strike and receive an additional +1 to Strike at 4th, 7th, 10th and 14th levels.
Physical Skill Program
Swimming: 50% +8%
Secondary Skills
Calligraphy: 35% +5%
Haiku: 50% +5%
Science - Astronomy: 30% +5%
Photography: 40% +5%
Cultural Skills from Martial Arts
Gardening: 50% +3%
Cooking: 50% +6%
Fasting: 54% +4%
Wilderness Survival: 40% +5%
Chinese Language: 40% +5%
Chinese Literacy: 30% +5%
WP Claws
Mutant Tiger Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +2 M.A., Brute Strength, +8 P.S., +2 P.P. and +6 Spd.
Size Class: 9 - +25 Bio-E
Biped: Full - 10
Hands: Full - 10
Speech: Partial - 5
Looks: None - 0
Positive Mutations
Extraordinary Speed: - 10
Retractable Claws - 2d6 (4d6+14) SDC
Rodent Leaping - 5
Advanced Sight - Free
Advanced Hearing - 5
Advanced Sense of Smell - 5
Carnivore +10 Bio-E
Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu
Entrance Requirements: No Attributes restrictions. Requires a Minimum M.A.: 8, minimum P.S.: 10 and minimum P.E.: 8.
Skill Cost: 8 Years (4 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Form)
Inspired by the strength and power of the tiger, the Fu-Chiao Pai form is dedicated to building the strength and endurance of its followers. This is very much an external form, stressing offensive attacks, and a linear form, utilizing all kinds of solid, maximum-damage strikes. A Master of the Tiger Claw Form will enter combat aggressively, leaping or charging the opponent as soon as possible. Once in combat the master will try to keep in combat range, striking out with as many kicks as possible and using claw-types strikes only when the enemy comes too close.
Fu-Chiao Pai can only be learned at monasteries in remote locations in China and Tibet. In addition to standard practice and instruction, the student must also take at least one survival trip each year. These trips involve living alone in the wilderness, fasting, hunting (with bare hands) and living off the land.
Costume: Silk Kung Fu outfit but often bare chested.
Stance: Low knee bends, feet more than shoulder-width apart. Hands out-stretched in claw position.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 3 to Spd.
Add 15 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance, Leap, Backflip
Attack Moves: Leap, Roll, Backflip
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defenses: Multiple Dodge, Power Block/Parry/Claw (Special! An attempt to simultaneously Parry and Claw attack. Roll once for the Parry, if successful then roll a second time to see if the strike is effective. Does 1D6 damage.)
Hand Attacks: Power Punch, Backhand, Claw Hand, Palm Strike, Duo-Claw Strike (Special! This is a special ripping attack that uses both hands. Using this attack means giving up the Automatic Parry for the entire melee round. Successful attack does 2D6 damage.)
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Tripping/Leg Hooks, Crescent Kick, Wheel Kick, Backward Sweep, Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick), DROP KICK (Combination Fall/Dodge/Kick)
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Combination Strike/Parry
Weapon Katas: W.P. Claws
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of two (2) Powers from Body Hardening Exercises and/or Special Katas. Note: Karumi-Jutsu Zenjoriki Power is received automatically. If desired, any Powers can be traded one-for-one for any Basic Skill Program (excluding the physical program).
Languages: Chinese
Cultural Skills: Gardening, Cooking
Survival: Fasting, Wilderness Survival, Tracking
Physical: Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, Swimming
Philosophical Training: Taoism
If this is your Primary Martial Art Form then the following other forms can be learned in a shorter time. T'ang-Su (3 Years), Bok Pai (5 Years), Pao Kung Fu (2 Years) or Shao-Lin (6 Years).
1st + 2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike, +1 to Leap (Add 6ft to Leap Distance), Critical Strike from Behind.
2nd +1 to Damage, +1 to Parry/Dodge
3rd +1 Attack per Melee, Critical Strike on Natural 18 or better.
4th +1 to Leap (Add 6ft to Leap Distance), Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Powers from Body Hardening or Special Katas.
5th +1 to Damage.
6th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge
7th + 1 Attack per Melee, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body hardening or Special Katas.
8th +1 to Damage, +1 to Strike
9th +1 to Leap (Add 6ft to Leap Distance).
10th Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Special Katas. Death Blow on roll of Natural 19 or 20.
11th +1 Attack per Melee.
12th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge.
13th +1 to Leap (Add 6ft to Leap Distance).
14th Add One (1) Zenjorike Power.
15th +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Damage.
Tiger Claw Kung Fu is simply the most powerful of all the martial arts. Channeling the body's strength into doing the maximum physical damage to the opponent is what it's all about. The only weakness of the form is against multiple attackers.
List 3 serious goals your character wishes to accomplish.
1. He wishes to be able to live out in public without having to hide what he is. His dream is that someday there will come a day where he can be accepted by the public at large.
2. Haoyu has a desire to publish a book of poems and haikus that he has written. It is when he is at his most serene that he writes and has collected a fairly sizable number of books of poetry that he reads.
5 Good Things Your Fellow Teammates Know About Your Character!
1. Haoyu is slow to trust, but once you have earned it, he is fiercely loyal to you and will expect the same from you. Break his trust and it will take a very long time to rebuild.
2. He finds great relaxation in creating haiku poems and writing them in his fancy calligraphy book.
3 Maybe-not-so-good Things Your Fellow Teammates Know About Your Character!
1. While not really a bad thing, Haoyu really hates music. Not just the modern pop, but all of it. For some reason, it just sets his hair crawling to have to listen to the (to him) senseless drivel of a song.
2. Haoyu is not a mindless killing machine, and resents people thinking that he is like that just because he is a tiger. He may not be a brilliant mind, but he isn’t a senseless robot.