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Khan Haoyu


Princess Psychie

  • 1725918584314.png Name: Khan Haoyu
    Type of Animal: Tiger Yokai
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    No matter what happens, no matter the odds or opposition, the Survivor always manages to pull through. Whether alone or with a group, the Survivor’s utter refusal to accept defeat often makes the difference between success and failure. Survivors are frustrated by others’ acceptance of “what fate has in store” or willingness to withstand less than what they can achieve. Outcasts, street folk, and idealists may well be Survivor Archetypes. A Kindred Survivor might be a renegade under a Prince’s edict of Blood Hunt, an erstwhile Bishop forced from power, or a lowly Nosferatu who finds himself kicked from hunting ground to hunting ground with no acknowledged claim of domain.
    — Regain one point of Willpower whenever you survive a threatening situation through tenacity, or when your counsel causes someone else to persist in spite of opposition.
    The Rebel is a malcontent, never satisfied with the status quo or the system as it is. He hates the very idea of authority and does everything in his power to challenge and undermine it. Perhaps the Rebel truly believes in his ideals, but it is just as likely that he bears authority figures some ill will over a “wrong” done to him in the past. A Rebel may hate institutions categorically, or she may be consumed with opposition toward a single particular authority. Teenagers, insurrectionists, and nonconformists all exemplify the Rebel Archetype. Rebel Kindred certainly include the Sabbat, Anarchs, and temperamental Brujah, but also have room for Tremere who chafe at the rigid Clan hierarchy or neonates who deplore their sires.
    — Regain a point of Willpower whenever your actions adversely affect your chosen opposition. Rebels may oppose the government, the Church, a vampire Prince, or any other holder of authority. The player should choose whom or what his character rebels against when he adopts this Archetype. Storytellers should take rebellion against “all authority” with a grain of salt, and apply the Willpower reward for such a broad concept to only greater and greater actions of insurgency.

    Iq: 10
    Me: 27 - +7 to Save vs Mental
    Ma: 11
    Ps: 30 - +15 SDC in HtH damage
    Pp: 24 - +5 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
    Pe: 17 - +1 to Save vs Poison
    Pb: 10
    Spd: 50 - Approx. 35mph

    Hit Points: 18
    SDC: 82
    Willpower: 9 / 9

    Size Level: 9
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Height: 5'11"
    Human Features: None
    Hands: Full
    Biped: Full
    Speech: Partial - Snarling Voice
    Looks: None
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes - Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu
    Natural Weapons (if any): Retractable Claws
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): Carnivore
    Level of Experience: 1

    Number of Attacks: 5
    Strike: +6
    Parry: +5
    Dodge: +5
    Roll with Punch: +5
    Initiative: +5
    Perception: 0
    Critical Strike on a Natural 20
    Critical Strike from Behind


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