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"Has the thought ever crossed your mind that I just genuinely don't like you despite anything? I don't want YOU as a friend I want others as a friends"
looks down biting his lip
"fine. I'll stop trying. I'll stop talking to you. I'll just act like I dont exist when ur around. Will that make you happier?"
"Ha no way you will be forever a damn test tube subject! Meaning you will do what I say and you know what Axel will never help you out of it!"
Looks like a ruffled bird
Shakes his head hiding that digging his nails into his arm
"nothing...everything's fine"
Looks to Marluxia skeptical
"Demyx you're lying to your friends, come on tell me or I will find out myself; ya know I will to"
"I'm just a damn test subject that will never be anything more"
mumbles under his breath so that it's nearly inaudible
"I'll never get out of it...he controls me"
Looks confused
"Repeat that Dem I couldn't hear you"

Clears his throat
"Demyx, wanna tell us somthing?"
Stares him down kinda ticked off having heard clearly
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Pulls Axel aside whispering to him what Demyx said
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Flicks out a blade his eyes showing his anger
Grits his teeth upon hearing what was said and nods
"We need to stop this Zexion is going to far. Now if Vexen knows about this someone is going to regret it."
Holds out a 20
"Bet ya hes in on it too"
Smirks abit before pretending to get a phone call
"Oh shit really that's not good Axel and I are on the way don't freak out!"

Looks at Demyx
"So sorry we will be back just got a call for help"
Drags Axel out with him his face looking very serious
As they get into the hall his face contorts to anger as flames start to surround his fingers
"if hes in on it...someones ass is getting burned"
Fingers clench into a fist heading torwards Vexen's room slamming the door open his voice dripping with venomous
"You...we have afew questions for you Vexen...."
"Are you just using Demyx as a tool for your own research?"
Gets in his face jabbing a finger to between his eyes
"He says he has no way out of it!"
Pushes a blade to his neck
"Lie to me and I will personally make you into a stuffed table!"
a shocked expression comes over his features
"what are you talking about? He has no way out? I'm just keeping track of his Anti form nothing more!"
Looks to Axel nodding then pulling back smiling a very fake smile at Vexen
"Alrighty sorry for the confusion number 4"
Storms out pocketing his knive
"Axel where would we find the brat in the middle of the night?"
"Either in his room or-.."
gets cut off by a yell

angrily yelling in a diffrent part of his room
"Zexion what the hell!?!? What did you tell Dem!!? What the fuck have you been doing to the boy!??!! Answer me or I swear you wont live to see morning!!!"
Looks unamused at Vexen leaning on his hand sighing
"Tattletale....I just told him some bullshit so he'd get my damn point for once...."
Looks away flipping through a book looking for a ingredient for the potion in front of him
"None of the shit was true....beside one part being I don't want to be his friend"
"hmph I'll find out what the hell you did."
goes to the back lab room and calls Demyx while texting Marluxia
~what did Zexion say to Demyx?~
Looks at his phone before re opening the door calling out
"Uh Vexen? We didn't leave the area yet...."
Sighs and facepalms looking at him while waiting for Dem to answer
"what happened between them? Zexion has been doing things behind my back lately."
Explains what he heard Dem say
"He's really upset but I don't totally know what was said as they stepped out"

Answers the phone
"What do you want...."

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