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"Uh....I forgot...."
Stares at her until her shirt is on
"Eh someone is mad and someone is sick....or somthing....I'll just go tell them you're all busy"
Leaves back to Axel stunned
"I told them....but they were.....busy"
looks at him confused and worried
"what the hell did you see roxas? You look as if you seen someone naked"
"I did....just rather 3 instead of one..."
Shakes his head giving Axel a wtf look
"I never knew those 3 were dating like that, but how is Marluxia doing?"
Texts Saix
~what the hell were you guys doing? Roxas is freaked out~
"Marluxia is doing okay. Hes sleeping it off or trying to he got worse before I could get to his plants ."
"Oh right was supposed to ask Zexion to come down....sorry I got....distracted?"
Texts back
-Playing a game Axel, what did you need anyways?~
~strip poker?? Could you send Zexion down to my room? Roxas got "distracted" haha~
Laughs lightly
"Its alright Roxas I think you misunderstood"
"Nope I'm sure I didnt her chest was big"
-We figured that's what was needed, he's already left to head down. I'd personally call our game war against chores-
"they were playing strip poker not having sex...wait how much did you see?"
~I think roxas is traumatized. War against chores? Do I even want to get in on this?~
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~Larxene and Zexion lost thus they have to clean up their rooms, because their rooms are hazards....~
Enters the room half dressed rather than his first full outfit
"What did Marluxia need??"
~Ah the clean up games...damn I hate those.~
Stares at Roxas like wtf before Zexion comes in

"Uuh hey Zexion just wanna fill you in on Marluxia. Hes doing kind of okay besides having severe breathing problems. Most of his plants were destroyed before I could get to them. So hes also having some heart rhythm issues because of that. Vexen has monitors on him recording data"
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Looks away from him rolling his eyes at the two heading in to see Marluxia
"So dumbass you alright?"
Glances around for Vexen's presence
Looks to Zexion abit surprised
"I'm fine but Vexen wont take these damn monitors off."
"Don't see why..."
Grabs ahold of a cord looking at it in thought

Why the hell does he need this if he's so damn strong
Looks at the monitors as they start giving unstable readings as Zexion grabs the cord
" I think the damn thing is broken."
Stares it down thought swirling within
"It's not either..."
Tosses it away from himself before looking over Marluxia a deep frown forming on his lips a deep cold reflecting in his eyes
"Are you still on that damn powder?"
a confused expression comes over his face
"no and how do you know?"
glances at vexen as he walks in

"Zexion what are you doing here?"
unpleased by his presence
"Ways number 11"
Warps away from the two once Vexen appears in reality still listening in from outside the room the wind blowing his bangs about fingers digging into the bricks of the castle leaning his head against the wall

I'm always everywhere always in control even when you don't think I would be....
Sighs turning his attention towards Vexen
"why am I still on these damn things? It's not like I need to be right?"

Mind still on Zexion he looks at the cords again
"Did Zexion make you think this? Yes, you need to be monitored until you can breathe life back into those plants proving your health!"
Looks cross at the complaint
"Who do you think knows more, that child or I? Or must I remind you he poisoned others on purpose for "Science"....idiotic that boy I swear..."
"you obviously but...I know hes poisoned others and for no good reason. I'm not sure I would call him idiotic considering some of the things he can do Vexen."
continues to blather on about useless information about zexion
One eye starts getting twitchy
"ENOUGH!!! Would you ever shut up about that stupid imbicile?! You're practically invisible to him besides his hatred towards you! He doesn't and won't care unless it benefits him and you have seen this in him too!"
Finishes the check up in silence after his outburst
Is quiet after the outburst silently looking around not wanting to bother Vexen further
Finishes his check and walks out looking at Axel upset
"Keep an eye on him please, and don't let children into that room"
looks at Vexen confused but nods
"you got it Vexen"
walks into the room
"hey man how you feeling?"
"Not great...."
Looks distressed at hearing Vexen's harsh words
"Promise me somthing Axel? If Zexion wants in my room don't stop him like Vexen wants you to do."

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